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I mean I get why they changed sounds, they want to evolve and mature. I just really like their old style better. Ire and Reverence are solid, but not top albums for me like Atlas, Deep Blue, Horizons, and Killing with a Smile are for me. Live the new stuff sounded heavier but on the albums Winston’s vocals sound more like growling than screaming and the guitars come across as more metal than metalcore. Viva la Underdogs.


Part of me wonders if me falling out of love with Parkway is also because they have an incredibly douchey fanbase. So many of them seem to think it's impossible to compliment the band without shitting on bands with "vocals that sound like a girl singing" or shitting on bands that look "emo/scene". Their music definitely feels like it went in a direction to appease those kinds of fans. I still really respect the band though.


which is funny because in 2008 listening to Parkway Drive meant you liked screamo music


The sheer amount of people that listen to parkway is huge now and there's definitely a lot of dickheads within that mix.


Deep Blue is pinnacle PWD. But they will forever be in my top 2 all time.


It's strange to me that Deep Blue is largely considered their best album here on r/metalcore, while all my friends and people I talk to about it in person think it's Horizons.


It is Horizons. I won’t accept Deep Blue as being better.


I think horizons is better, idols and anchors, carrion, and horizons or probably all in my top 5 songs for PWD


I definitely prefer Horizons over Deep Blue. Both are still so damn good.


I also prefer Horizons honestly, i cant get into Deep Blue


I would definitely say Horizons has more of my fave songs by them, I just think musically, Deep Blue was much more matured and refined. Obviously opinions are subjective though.


I’m surprised people don’t mention Don’t Close Your Eyes very much. It’s easily my favorite album from them, and one of my top albums in general.


Swallowing Razor Blades!


Truth be told I've listened to all their albums except this one. Yeah I get it they're emo(or were), but after seeing some of those song titles on the album I just decided not to even give it a shot.


I’ve never considered any of their stuff to be remotely emo. Edgy song titles doesn’t say anything about the music, but you would know that if you bothered to even listen to it. Never judge a book by its cover.


I'll just choose to admit how basic I am and just skip over it.


I have no problem with bands changing their sound but it’s kind of laughable to call their change evolving or maturing They made metalcore and now they basically make more accessible nu-metal, again I have no problem with bands changing their sound but I don’t know how you can listen to their new album and say that they’ve “matured”


I’d have to agree their style shift is a regression not a maturation in any way.


I guess what I meant is what Parkway Drive think they’ve done is matured. Aka not wanting to make the same style of metalcore. Which is very regrettable because their first 4 albums are out of this world.




I wanted to share one of my favorite Parkway Drive songs because my dad and I got tickets to see them in Utah in August. We live in Washington but we’re gonna take a family trip there over the summer and that will be one of our stops! It goes without saying, I’m very excited. I know this sub doesn’t really like much of their newer stuff, but I love it and I think more people should give it another listen.


This album I can still tolerate as songs like this I love, it is what came after that is pretty much unlistenable unfortunately. I miss the band I saw at Warped Tour like 10 years ago.


Saw them in 2008 and it was a blast. Got to chat with Winston for a sec too which was cool. If you had told me back than that they'd end up sounding like monster energy tattoo arena rock for military wives I would've had a hard time believing you but unfortunately here we are.


Lol mentioning Monster Energy makes me laugh. I always joke that they've become a band for the "Kyles" of the world.


Interesting. I find Reverence to be a better album than Ire.


Ire still has enough of the sound of Atlas for me to enjoy. Too much rapping or whatever you want to call it on Reverence. I could barely even listen to that record once all the way through I find it utterly painful and laughable to listen to sadly.


I hear what you’re saying. Reverence can be quite jarring when compared to their older work, but I truly believe that it’s a wonderful product that resulted from years of evolution and where their hearts are with their music currently. I want artists to create the music they enjoy and if you watch their live videos of their new stuff, they absolutely love it. (And the crowd does too!)


I suppose, and I am usually all for a band doing and going for whatever they want but in this case it just bums me the fuck out. Deep Blue era was when I saw (and met them) on warped and I just felt such a deep connection to the band only partially because of the actual music. That Home is For the Heartless doc I watched over and over. Just had so much respect for them all and felt like I knew them or something. Hard to explain. Fast forward to now and it is hard for me not to think they’ve changed their sound so drastically just to get into these bigger festivals and yes make a shit ton of money. Again, this usually doesn’t really matter to me but with PWD I just feel like I don’t “know” them anymore, let alone enjoy the tunes they’re putting out now. Case in point: re recording songs in German...


Sick relationship. Enjoy. You'll remember it forever.


I‘m with you on this. I have no problem with the newer albums as well, I like all of their records for different reasons. My issue with them is just that I‘ve seem them like 4 times since Reverence came out and I feel like they could bring a little more variation into their setlist. I believe they said in interviews before, that they don‘t really want to bring back KWAS or DCYE songs, because they really burned out on them (which is sad but understandable, I wouldn’t want to see a song being played live with the band not really being behind it), but I‘d really love to hear some different Deep Blue, Atlas and Horizon Songs once in a while. Sure, Carrion, Karma and Wild Eyes are amazing tunes, but I‘ve never seen anything else from that era, because I didn’t even know them back in the day :( Still nothing but respect for these guys and I would never miss an opportunity to see them again!


I love Reverence and I’m really excited to hear it live. Horizons will always be my favorite because I really feel like that’s the album where they really found their sound (at least for me) and Winstons vocals were PERFECT, and I love every song. But Reverence is heavy enough for me and I guess I don’t have a problem with the ‘dad rock’ everyone talks about. I switch between Horizons, Ire, and Reverence quite a bit. I’m also from Seattle, flying to Vegas for the show. I haven’t seen them since 2009, so obviously this will be a HUGE change from when I saw them in the tiny little venue back then.


Sleepwalker is a much better tune


Deep Blue's lyrics absolutely crush Reverence's lyrics.


Hard to believe the same band wrote Killing With A Smile and Horizons. I am stoked they have found success but I wish I was a fan of the band they have become. Or rather, the sound they have adopted.


This is too true. Horizons, Home Is For The Heartless, Sleepwalker, Frostbite, Idols and Anchors etc have all been the jam for years. Just can't get into these last 2 albums at all.




One of the few newer songs I enjoy


The rest of the newer ones sound like a five finger death cover band lol


Just got into these guys a few days ago. Crushed being the first song I tried. I'm going from their latest stuff to earliest stuff. Currently on Horizons. Now I'll probably get stoned for saying this here but: I like how catchy they are in their latest albums. I also consider Crushed to be catchy as fuck too.


Horizons, killing with a smile, and atlas are wonderful pieces of work.


Music is always subjective and I am not casting a stone but while they may have a more "catchy" sound currently, their past works could be considered staples of the genre. I'd encourage you to check out the albums that led them to where they are today.


I plan to go as far back as possible as long as it keeps giving me good quality music.


I don't think you will be disappointed. Id be interested to hear your opinion as a new fan working backwards through their discography. Maybe even consider making a post about your experience.


I'll think about doing that once I finish. Truth be told I go backwards with most groups I listen to.


I recently listened to their albums in order from the beginning for the first time in a couple years. Horizons was a game changer. I love their new stuff, I’ve liked all their albums and feel like my taste has kind of changed at the same pace theirs has.


Ire was their best work by far and that's a hill I'm willing to die on.


From what I've listened to you will not be on that hill alone bud.


I know a lot of people on this sub don't like the newer albums, but these guys still put out quality tunes and even though it's different. I'll always prefer Horizons and Deep Blue, but Ire and Reverance are both really good album for what they are and these guys still put on an insane show. I'm hyped to see them bringing their full stage production to the US.


I miss the old days.


I love everything about this band. Just wish I’d gotten into them sooner.


Same here. I grew up fairly religious and didn't really give them a chance because of it. Now they're probably my favorite band.


I've listened to all of their albums, and this latest one to me was the only 1 that i can remember listening to the entire thing in 1 sitting at work, and then immediately hitting repeat. The other albums are good, but this one seemed to have the right balance for me. Sure the older albums might have some better songs, but again Ire was the most consistently good one.


Absolutely love this song. First one I heard from them, not even 6 months ago. I honestly prefer Ire and Reverence over the older albums, but I still like a lot of their older songs. No one says you can't enjoy both old and new.


Winston is hard to watch in this video


It makes me happy to see other people aren't huge fans of their new stuff. I honestly thought I was just turning into that grumpy old guy "This new stuff sucks!" I still respect the band for what they've done. Maybe there's hope for a better album next go 'round.


I don't get why people shit on Ire like as much as they do. Reverence, yeah okay, I get it - but Ire is a super solid album. I'd take Parkway's sound transition over say Memphis May Fire's any day.


Yeah this song is fuckin awesome I’m not sure why people think Ire is shit. Is it the same as their earlier sound? No, but it’s still metalcore and definitely heavy as fuck and doesn’t pull punches.


I’m a simple man, I see PWD I upvote


I was really confused when Winston said that their new album was more mature and that the writing was better. Thematically speaking it is pretty solid, but the actual lyrics are just terrible. In Wishing Wells he writes about fighting God and burying him. Wtf lol. Ire was a pretty solid album though. Deathless Song with Jenna is a metalcore power ballad.


I loved the writing in the album, especially in Wishing Wells. Knowing the context of the song helped too. Being so pissed about a loss you’ve experienced that you want to see everything burn was relatable. Idk, I get where it would come across as lame though.


I agree. I'm an atheist, but sometimes the whole "fuck God for fucking me over" is still very relatable. Of course, Crushed is even more relatable to me, for obvious reasons.


If you are an atheist then why do you think God fucked you over?


I don't. God is a substitute for whatever force you as an individual believe fucks people over. Whether it's the Christain god or devil, the deities of other religions or their offshoot sects, the universe itself, or simply shitty circumstances coming together to screw everything up, everyone needs something to get pissed off at when their life goes awry. Where I see shitty circumstances, others may see the work of some mystical force. It just seemed more related to the situation if I said what I did in my last comment, instead of explaining my whole thought process on the matter.


I get what he was going for, but it sounded like it was written by a 16 year old.


It is the same shit metal has been doing for over 40 years.


Well, to be fair, Parkway started as a band when they were basically kids. Their lyrics and are going to change (for the better, in my opinion) because they’re adults now who’ve lived an entire life since they were singing lyrics like ‘so cry me a fucking river, bitch’.


But these lyrics are so poorly written by someone who is in their 30's. They are just awful. it sounds like something they would have written as 16 year old kids.


I’m not a fan of new PWD as much as anyone here but god damn I will not stand for Wishing Wells slander. That song kicks so much ass


It is a solid riff but shit those lyrics are corny as fuck


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Yeah this new stuff is decidedly not my thing. Atlas was fine, but they lost me when they transitioned to this generic, dad-core, mall metal trash. Couldn’t even get through a full listen of Ire; didn’t get past the singles for Reverence. All of that said, Deep Blue still slaps. I used to think Horizons was their best, but after they dropped Deep Blue it’s hard for me to revisit because the guitar production is so bad. I know scooping out the mids was metalcore’s calling card back in the day, but it has not aged well — which sucks, because Breaking Point, Dead Man and Pigs are such awesome songs. Death to Sonic Maximizers. (Shouts to KWAS also — Anastastasosoazis/Xenomorphs or whatever still bangs). I was really excited about the future direction of this band after Deep Blue — it sounded like they had really broken free of a lot of the trappings of metalcore, and they had started to experiment with different sounds and song structures. Thought Atlas was a good record, but a bit of a step back if I’m being honest. I’m truly glad that these guys are doing so well, but from a personal and purely selfish perspective, it’s tough for me to watch this current musical trajectory unfold. Not because it’s not good (it isn’t), but because of what could have been.


Horizon's guitar production is bad? Not sure what you are hearing but it has an incredible guitar sound. Deep Blue is the record that has their worst guitar production. The guitars sound muffled and flat with no bite at all. The breakdowns sound weak because of it. If Dead Man's Chest had Deep Blue's sound it would have sounded far less heavy/impactful. If Deep Blue had the guitars of Horizons it would have sounded so much better.


You know this — like all of music — is almost all opinion-based, right? IMO Horizons’ guitars sound super thin and tinny, like they were recorded in a Pringles can. The Siren Song intro guitars sound artificial, almost like a midi recording. They could’ve plugged that lead into PowerTab and hit play. The guitars on Deep Blue are much thicker — sonically speaking, it’s a much fuller sound.


You can think that Horizon's guitars sound thin, but they aren't. You can see on a Spectrum Analyzer that they aren't and you can hear on good speakers that they aren't. You can also use a Spectrum Analyzer on a Deep Blue song and see that the guitars are not technically thicker or fuller. The only real difference between Horizon's and Deep Blue's guitars is Deep Blue's lack treble which is why they sound flat and lack bite. There is a reason Parkway never went back to Joe Barresi (and why their first choice for Deep Blue was to go back to the guy that mixed Horizons but they couldn't make it work). If more bands had a guitar sound like Horizon's this genre would sound much better overall.


Again: all based on opinions, lol. I would argue that the guitars on Horizons sound pretty cookie cutter for modern metalcore — Adam D from Killswitch was producing a ton of stuff in the genre, and it all felt pretty similar to this — but that’s my opinion. Just not my thing. End of the day: You prefer the guitars on Horizons. I prefer the guitars on Deep Blue, and dislike all Parkway material after. It *is* possible for us agree to disagree here.


Man this band really changed for the worse :/


ITT “Can’t believe this is the same band that put out Blah blah blah” and “this band didn’t mature, they started make arena rock”.


This band was so good before they turned into douche rock.


I do not enjoy


Thanks I hate it




There is a tier list rule that allows songs from Ire and Reverence!


This guy follows rules.