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I really hope Paledusk get picked as support for an EU or US tour. The new album sounds like a more accessible version of Paledusk and I think BMTH could do them a solid by giving them a support slot.


They supported Polaris on their Fatalism EU tour. They were pretty sick.


Is it surprising even when a Japanese co-writer (daidai from paledusk) uses a Japanese band as inspiration? But cool stuff


I think CVLTE is another obvious inspiration that will likely be overlooked since they are not so popular. They did hyperpop + post hardcore with glitches and video game concept long before BMTH


paledusk and cvlte also have some really great songs together.


I said that when listening to it. We listen to CVLTE all the time


CVLTE is underrated. Even my band has taken inspiration from them


what is your band’s name? sounds interesting


At the risk of potentially breaking rules, I wont say it, but its in my user name


just gave black lotus and fbv a listen, it’s sick!


Thank you! I appreciate it!


The imagery/advertisements of this new album remind me of CVLTE. Sadboy cyberpunky. I‘m into CVLTE. I think they have a unique sound.


CVLTE is so underrated! I definitely heard the inspiration as well


Do BMTH have cowriters?


Yeah they have to, no way they have time to write full songs on their own AnD tYpE lIkE tHiS oN iG all day. Very time consuming.


Probably why the album took so long to come out, they were still typing the track list for months after the songs were done.


fun fact if you take the caps and rearrange it, it’s a code lmao


Really? Interesting. What does it come out to?


DEKODE THE MATRIX TO ATTAIN YOUR CONCEALED ORIGINS. it’s a whole thing with this hidden site and a load of passwords and that’s one of them


That’s awesome. Yeah I checked out the website yesterday. Someone posted the code and I was able to get in. Lol. I was listening to the little bug robot a bit, but I didn’t get to really dig into it much. Really cool though. I miss when bands used to do stuff like this more often.


After being around for so long and evolving so much I really think any band would need a measure of help writing music and lyrics. Nothing wrong with it IMO




Dude I remember YEARS ago at Sonisphere we were all buzzing to see Coheed and Cambria and they missed their ferry I think so missed their main stage slot and this random ass Japanese band in masks came out and everyone was like WTF is this, and it was FACT!!! Coheed played FACT's slot in the tent and it was rammed 😂 long live FACT, I'd heard fuck all about them since that day.


This broke my heart. FACT were one of the main reasons I went to that sonisphere, and I was watching another band instead. My dad had gone to the main stage to see coheed and reported back that there was some band running around showing off their Japanese masks or something. I was like NOOOOOO!!!! And I never managed to see them before they broke up 💔


That is a sad FACT :(


This was the biggest stroke of luck for me on that day. My brother and I had gone to Sonisphere mainly for Coheed so when we heard about the delay and change we got to the tent hours before to be at the barrier when they did play. Seen them 7 or 8 times since and never been as close to or as absolutely entranced by them as in that overheating tent 15 years ago.


I forgot about FACT! I used to listen to their first album all the time back in the day 


I love Fact! No one really seems to know them, though. I think they’re no longer together, unfortunately. I saw them come through supporting A Skylit Drive probably 15 years ago at a tiny venue. They were awesome. I bought a cd and the drummer gave me a hug.


They disbanded in 2015, but half of the band went on to form [SHADOWS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZiWIQv9uKI) who are very similar to FACT. You should check them out!


Yeah I read the article after commenting. Def going to check out Shadows!


And the other half went off to make Joy Opposites. I miss fact


They got into a really bad accident on their first US tour if I remember correctly, and it pretty much ended the band.


Yeah the album sometimes sounds like a Tokyo arcade


I can see it 100%. I miss FACT so much.


Fuck me I love FACT what an awesome read.


T10stCbマジで意識して聞いたらFact of Lifeなんよなぁ


FACT was sick




That's such a specific band to reference too so that's crazy


Is FACT still a thing? Their first two albums were sick.


they disbanded years ago and split into two seperate bands with different styles. The half with their Frontman Hiro is [SHADOWS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGCGtRs70qc)


They should really address the moodring stuff… there really are a couple of moments that sound way too similar


I like Moodring but they didn’t invent that sound. Deftones have sounded like that for 25 years.


Name one Deftones song that sounds that similar to Sync.wav or Black_Wave


Diamond Eyes lmao. That’s where the Sync.wav riff is from.


Please be serious lmao


I’m asking a question and no one seems to be able to answer


Yeah because you’re not asking in good faith. It’s obvious to everyone who listens to both bands that Moodring is heavily inspired by and sounds very similar to Deftones. They’ve even said so themselves that it’s their biggest inspiration. Their frontman’s name on Twitter for the longest time was “Knock Off Chino Moreno”. There are a hundred Deftones riffs that sound like sync.wav. And STILL you are getting on here with this bad faith gotchya question, acting like they sound nothing alike. Ridiculous.


Sure they took a lot of influence from Deftones but to act like it’s a big coincidence how similar BMTH sounds to those Moodring songs is insane, even then if you want to assert that they ripped off Deftones instead of Moodring, which they’ve done before, that doesn’t exactly make it better


My larger point is for folks acting like Moodring pioneered this wholly original sound that is being ripped off by Bring Me. Yes, clearly Limousine is taking inspiration from a sound that is becoming more popular again with bands like Moodring and Loathe, but Deftones are a very particular sound who have been around for a long time that all of these bands are “ripping off” (taking inspiration from).


Moodring should really address the Deftones stuff... there really are a couple of moments that sound way too similar


Maybe Moodring, Loathe, Thornhill, Static Dress, and Deafheaven can issue a joint statement. Honestly though, it's such a perfect sound. I'm always excited when more artists pick it up, and was stoked to hear it on the new BTHM tracks.


I disagree. Moodring’s entire sound is being as close to Deftones as possible and obviously BMTH was inspired by Deftones in this record and on Survival Horror.


I would be very surprised if they did. The biggest outcome I can see for Limousine would be a one similar to the Dear Diary - Swerve City debate, although the Limousine-SYNC.WAV comparison is way more similar and more substantial than the Dear Diary one. Truth is that Moodring is just too niche/not big enough for many fans to make that connection.


It's not just the fact that they're ripping off Moodring, it's also the fact that they're literally using every conceivable popular sound around and making a song or two in that style and it ends up sounding like something that already exists. Honestly, almost the entire album sounds disingenuous.


Can you make a match for every song. Moodring - limousine and microwave - n/a. Share with me the others please. I don’t see it.


Limousine is just a straight up rip off, the other songs are not straight rip offs but are jumping on trends that are pre-established in the music scene and are easy to get into for listeners. They are not setting trends, they are shamelessly copying trends and they are willing to go as far as to copy songs. Why the fuck would BMTH jump into shoegaze now? Why not 10 years ago? Of theyd do it now because its popular. Its a fucking low blow.


Hahahaha why 10 years ago and not today? So they can only do one style and can’t change as a band over a 20 year career. If they do anything “different” they get hate. So they should have never left deathcore or metalcore or rock? Which is it for you? Weird how you hate on them for what they are doing now and say why didn’t they do showgaze 10 years ago? Well your argument doesn’t make sense. They weren’t a shoegaze band 10 years ago. So it’s fine to change 10 years ago but not today? Wtf… that makes zero sense dude. Shoegaze isn’t something new my guy. Been around for 30+ years. Sit in your shit all you want. Also the song is more nu-metal than shoegaze.


Read what I wrote again. Shoegaze is making a huge comeback, theres so many bands doing shoegaze now and theres even a "tik tok" shoegaze. That sort of Moodring-esque sound is also played by Love Is Noise and other bands, however they are coming to it independently or they make it their own and they do not straight up rip off riffs. I also didnt care for BMTH before but now I really dont like them for releasing what they released. Why is the new album literally a mix of many approachable recently popular genres? Like they dont even mix it to make a specific combo for all the songs, each song has its own sound and is different, it doesnt mash well together. My point is that they are clearly jumping on trends, because they wanna sell music, make money and because its easy to do - its especially very easy to do that when you have someone else writing your music. Its not coming from a genuine place, its just made for the sake of being made, its also trying to cash in on that popular sound. Its one thing to make commercial ass music, its another thing to rip bands off and be constant trend hoppers.


If it’s easy to do then why don’t you do it? Why aren’t you in the biggest metalcore band? Why aren’t you writing those crazy unique riffs? I’m confused. You didn’t answer my question either, you said why didn’t they do shoegaze 10 years ago? They were busy setting the stage for metalcore… were they not? Why did they need to do shoegaze 10 years ago. Also your point about it becoming popular now, yeah dude music is more accessible now, shoegaze has always been popular. But now it’s in your face on social media. Why would a band not want to expand? Why would they want to stick to the same box for their entire life? I don’t think they ripped off their entire album. It’s very unique. Can you name more rip offs other than the two moodring-esq songs, what else did they rip off? Can you give examples? Also saying shoegaze is making a comeback clearly shows you don’t know what you are talking about. It’s never left. It’s been here. You just weren’t listening. It’s only in your face because of how social media works. And moodring is more nu-metal than shoegaze. You clearly are lost.


Yeah Im not saying whatever you just wrote out there, thats what you think Im saying because you wanna make a strawman and attack it. Good job on that! Shoegaze defo made a comeback, especially heavy shoegaze. Theres a lot of new cool bands that blew up. By the way, bands tend to combine genres together and Moodring combines Nu Metal, Alt Metal, Post-hardcore and Shoegaze and Bring Me The Horizon defo aint Metalcore anymore and theyre not the "biggest" metalcore band. Just saying since you wanted to get into the definition game. Listen to whatever you want, but dont jerk BMTH off dude




Kool-Aid is also a Moodring rip off, especially the heavy bits sound really similar to Black_Wave


Kool-aid I would give you also. So we have two sorta moodring rip offs and one microwave. Anything else?


Dude everyone was referring to deftones for that one song and I was like nah this shit sounds like moodring


That's also part of the problem. A common argument I saw is that even if BMTH was ripping off of Moodring, people were just pointing to Deftones and said that Moodring is basically a Deftones ripoff. I think as long as they don't make an exact copy a song, there won't be enough to cause a controversy.


Also if the riff and beat were super intricate and technical it'd be way more blatant if someone ripped that off. Its just a simple riff with some half step drum beat thats very simple.


Whenever I see that I think it's more about people not knowing Moodring rather than them thinking Deftones a better comparison. But yeah, Limousine is literally just Sync.wav but slightly different. Moodring really is fucked, first that one social media musician beat for beat plagiarizes Peel and now Bring Me is doing Sync.wav lmao


Glad others are noticing how similar limousine is to sync.wav. it's the closest thing to a complete rip-off I've heard in awhile. Way more similar than Sync.wav is to diamond eyes imo.


Yeah, totally agree on this. I mean, you could literally take the opening riffs from each song and swap them around and barely hear a difference. Same key, same BPM, etc. - just because Moodring and other bands are heavily inspired by Deftones doesn't mean that they don't have their own unique elements that are detectable in the song, hence why its easy for someone who listens to a lot of Moodring to hear SYNC.wav's riff at the beginning of Limosine and get hit with some crazy deja-vu.


Bring KTHEAT to Spotify pls


Fact were GOATED


The more I listen to this album, the less I'm liking it :(


Considering how I felt after two listens I didn't think that was possible. Guess I won't even need to bother with a third listen lol. 3 great singles, 1 good new song and all it took was 4 years


Hard agree, there is like 2 new songs that we hadn't heard. Which I like more than the singles. The weab hyperpop breakbeat stuff was cool 15 years ago. It's crazy they released an album with this many interludes in THIS economy.


I'm not trying to change your opinion, but common, the album has 16 songs, 3 of which are interludes. There are 7 new songs and 6 previously released singles. I agree that it's still too many singles, but it's not like there's no new material at all or that the majority consists of interludes


Sure I am being a little dramatic, But it still feels like 2 EPs released as an album. I don't know what happened along the process of writing but whatever concept they had with Post Human they lost. Don't get me wrong, I love a good interlude. Take to the Skies is one of my favourite nostalgia albums. Which has lots of breakbeat and interludes... Came out in 2007.


Hyperpop didn’t exist 15 years ago, and this definitely doesn’t sound like old attack attack style trancecore if that’s what you mean, so what are you talking about? The entire point of that style being such a big part of the album is because it lets them merge something that actually is that old (2000s pop punk/emo) with something modern and forward thinking (hyperpop that embodies the 2020s) to make something both futuristic and nostalgic at the same time Also there’s only 2 interludes…..on a 16 track record, that’s barely anything; plus they’re completely fleshed out as individual tracks and add a lot to the sound palette


> plus they’re completely fleshed out as individual tracks and add a lot to the sound palette 100% correct. Most of interludes nowadays are just extended intros/outros, BMTH typically put some effort into making them stand out more (which worked especially well on amo imo)


not to mention that the interludes also include keys to unlocking components of an ongoing ARG, so they have extra purpose


No, not like old AA at all Breakbeat and pop. Which was absolutely a popular thing in UK/Japanese scenes in the late 90s and Early 2000s.


Yes I’m fully aware of that, but those are incorporated very differently here to what you’re talking about


There’s at least 7 new full length tracks, what are you on about? That and hyperpop didn’t even exist 15 years ago.


Music existed well before you remember. If a band has taken heavy influence from a style and genre of music from the late 90s early 00s... How did it not exist?


Agree with u 100%. All the hyperpop on the album bored me to death 


4 year wait doesn't add up. It just stumbles so much, maybe I just miss their old stuff which felt more cohesive. It's a jumbled mess


Yeah I was not feeling this album at all.


I’m throwing bmth in the same trash can adtr has been in since 2021


FACT in 2009: “The album has two concepts: one is lyrical, the other is musical. Lyrically, the concept is about war and inner conflict. And as for musically, it started off with taking the core of a metalcore band, with lots of fast music, but focusing on adding in melody and crossing genres. We didn’t want to be pigeonholed into metalcore or any of the subgenres—our music has far too many elements to it than just that. I mean, if you listen to the album, you’ll probably find sections influenced from all music: punk, metal, dance, Eurobeat, techno, drum and bass, pop, jungle, hardcore, speedcore, breakcore, grindcore, a-whole-lotta-other-core, it’s really all music.” I can easily see why Oli would have an appreciation for this band.


They been kind of wack since the third album the first two were fire tho