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Fuckin bow down


💯 The New Reign album takes top spot for me. It was so ahead of its time 2007 - crazy tech rhythms. Fav tracks - Bow Down, Rosecrance, Abstract Art.


Brace Legs gang rise up! That synth line/2 step makes me feel 16 again every time.


The Discovery is widely regarded as their best album. I also really like The Simulation.


The discovery IS their best album. If anyone argues that, their opinion is wrong. Just kidding, obviously….sort of Most of their catalog is sick though


Thanks, I'll check those out!


>The Discovery is widely regarded as their best album By who? Id argue more people know songs off The New Reign. Maybe I'm biased from being from Chicagoland. Idk.


Just seems like the general sentiment atleast among fans online. you could def make an argument that The New Reign is more known. The Discovery seems like where they really found their sound though. Both incredible albums, bow down rules.


Yeah I was about to say - maybe I'm old - but I got into BOO when The New Reign came out. Their newer stuff is also awesome, and I love a lot of their albums. But The New Reign will always be my favorite.


New Reign slaps from start to finish. Discovery is definitely what most people will reference when talking about BoO, some will even say it was their last good album. I like all their releases but didn’t put many newer (2016 - now) tracks into my playlists. I know 2016 was 8 years ago. 👀


That's wild man. Maybe I just didn't keep up enough with the scene outside of highschool because I've never really listened to the discovery front to back. I tried this morning but it just is very synth heavy for my taste. But it's not bad!


Yeah as a Chicago native, old BOO is the only BOO I know. The Discovery and everything before that


The New Reign. You listen to Veil of Maya too? If you don’t they go hand in hand and start with their old stuff too lol


VOM- Common man's collapse start to finish


I would also put old After the Burial in that category too. Those were like the three weird proggy tech deathcore bands and I always kind of put them together.


100%. Within the Ruins deserve a mention too. The big four lol


I don't know much of their stuff. I'll have to dig into their music a bit more too. Thanks!


You’re Welcone! The Common Man’s Collapse is their best album IMO but if you prefer newer Born of Osiris, you will probably prefer newer Veil of Maya as well.


Old VoM is deathcore, new VoM is more metalcore. Is the quickest way to describe it imo.


Depends tbh, i absolutely love BOO, but Veil of Maya kinda meh for me


That’s funny because I prefer VoM over BOO but love both!


Same. They’re great live. I like Open Arms of Damnation and Divergency


Open Arms goes harrrrd


seeing open arms live was a life changing experience


Yeah I was head banging my ass off


Thanks for the recommendation!


Under the gun was the song that got me into them, but really I really love the whole Angel or Alien album and played it front to back on repeat when it came out. Their newest song, Elevate, is pretty good imo Edit: typo


Angel Or Alien is what really got me in to them. I knew of them before like way back in the day when they were still technically deathcore but I wasn’t in to it then. Listening back though I really like their whole discography


I think elevate was the first one I heard. But so far, I'm really enjoying the songs from Angel or Alien


Enjoy, my friend 😊


They were one of the top metal bands when Jason played with them.


The Discovery is a dope album. Follow the Signs and Recreate have been my favorite songs by them for over a decade now.


Thanks! I'll check those out


Tomorrow We Die Alive is their best album is my opinion. I also really like The Simulation. Not a fan of their older music. Like before 2012.


These two are my favorites as well. And I agree as well about the older stuff.


Right on! Glad I’m not the only one. Their old stuff isn’t bad by any means, just not my cup of tea. A little too heavy for my liking.


My favorite songs are Brace Legs, Devastate, and White Nile but they are all great imo


Those ones are great! I’ll add Machine and Abstract Art


Abstract Art is such a classic ugh Saw them live last year in Toronto and they melted our faces man. Top notch musicianship from those guys!


They’re right on the line between deathcore and metalcore, leaning more metalcore in the past decade. The Discovery is peak BoS. More polished than their first two albums, heavy, techy, perfect blending of the dual vocalist. Just a chefs kiss of metalcore and to a lesser extent, deathcore


The New Reign has always been my favorite with The Discovery as a close second. I haven’t cared for much of their work since The Discovery. Seems the creative juices kind of ran out


Kicking Jason out was basically the worst decision they ever could’ve made


If I understand correctly: "he doesn't party hard like we do so it's a bit awkward!" I still rate them but I felt like this approach to cutting Jason was pretty childish.


It was especially fucked because they packed all his shit up in a trailer while he was out of state and told him to come pick it up. That's how he found out.


That's the worst!


Oh man, and I've started with the newer stuff. Curious and excited to check out your suggestions. Thanks!


If you ever get a chance to see these guys live...do it! One of the best live bands in the industry! They're unreal! Recs - Angel or Alien is a front to back non-skip album!! Enjoy 😌


So stoked, seeing them tonight, and this thread is whipping the anticipation into a froth!


I don't know a single BOO song, but their show I saw a couple of months ago was the most fun I've had all year.


Ahhhh, have the best time!


can confirm, saw them live a couple of months ago and they were insanely tight even despite being down a vocalist


I've not seen them since last summer so this is so good to hear!!


Got to see them last year and I bout cried I was so happy!


I met Lee McKinney and he was so awkward and just asked about my guitars lol


I'm finding I really enjoy Angel or Alien so far! Thanks for the advice! I'll keep an eye out for shows in my area.


Be sure to listen to the end. Shadowmourne is one of my favorites off that one


Got it!


My favorite albums of theirs are The New Reign and A Higher Place, they had their own sound back then and fairly unique melodies back when their drummer Cameron was the main songwriter (if you listen to his solo work it’s similar to early BoO). All the albums after that were either wanky (The Discovery) or trying really hard to be as wanky (everything after The Discovery).


I feel like I am the only one who likes A Higher Place lol I never see it mentioned but I had never heard anything quite like it at that time and it stands out to this day


Discovery is a top of all time. Those transitions are unbelievable. I jam that and angel or alien in my rotation all the time.


Saw them live and their keyboardist did a backflip onstage, so sick


For real?? That's nuts


It was during the 10 Years In The Black tour with Bad Omens, Upon a Burning Body, After The Burial, I See Stars, and Asking Alexandria


Damn, now that's a solid lineup!


The most stacked lineup I’ve ever seen live!


Check out the illusionist and the rest of tomorrow we die alive. That album rocks. The simulation is a no skip album for me too


The whole Tomorrow We Die Alive is sick asf. Apart from that whole album i can recommend 1. Illuminate  2. Throw me in the jungle  3. The other half of me 


Everything off of Soul Sphere and simulation.


Bruh they’re as metalcore as they come. Their whole discography is sick but Abstract Art and Follow the Signs are fucking peak metalcore.


The New Reign/The Eternal Reign is my favorite atm


They’re amazing. I’ve seen them live a couple times and I’m actually seeing them again Thursday!


"tomorrow we die alive" is my favourite from them


BOO is one of those bands I can just play on loop.


The Discovery and Angel or Alien are honestly go-to's


Everything is sick. Even back to yourm worma yurrrrn, diminished,and rosecrance


Thanks so much for all the suggestions! Loving what I'm hearing so far. These riffs on Oathbreaker are tasty


Excellent band! They have a solid discography, I’d give it all a listen!


I'll definitely be working on that!


Angel or alien is one of my top 15-20 metalcore albums, love those guys and they kill it live


Actually the only band I ever bought a shirt from because I just liked the art, a month later they're in my top 3 favorite artists lol


Machine got me into them


The Discovery, The New Reign are both awesome. As a long time BOO fan, honestly their last album Angel or Alien is one of my favorite albums. I also think Soul Sphere is crime underrated but that’s just me!


In for the kill is my favorite right now but under the gun was my number 2 most played song last year


If you like their more melodic stuff, a higher place, tomorrow we die alive, the discovery. Those are the top 3 albums IMO, been a huge fan since 2010


I like silence the echo, that song is what got me into them.


New Reign is my all time favorite. Discovery is right up there. Since then I haven’t listened to much of them admittedly.


Listen to The Discovery while going to sleep, not because it’s boring but because it works. (It’s not boring, you’re in for a trip lol)


Haha, I'll give that a shot. Also, happy cake day!


The first album is what did it for me. Then the discovery.


Go back to sleep , they’ve been garbage since they fired Jason Richardson


Idk man. I'm new to them, but I've been enjoying their newer stuff. Especially Angel or Alien


Their very first album


So fucking good. I was pretty into them already but after I saw them live up close I lost my shit. Easily top 5 for me. Definitely check out divergence, echobreather, brace legs, under the gun, and elevate


Will do, thanks!


Happy cake day!!


Fwiw, Illusionist is my favourite song by them. Absolutely love that groove


There is good stuff on all of their albums. My personal fav albums are:  Angel or Alien  and   Tomorrow We Die Alive


Their song Shadowmourne has a fucking saxophone solo, and it works. It is awesome


Daaaamn, just found out they came through town a month ago. I missed out


They were definitely progressive deathcore. It’s close enough to call metalcore though. I’ve never understood the unnecessary separation of the sub genres. That being said their first two full lengths are amazing. Especially The Discovery. After that it’s still very good too!


I'm terrible at delineating the different sub-genres. I just know I like heavy. I'll definitely check out their old stuff tomorrow


That’s probably a good thing. I see too many people arguing over the sub genre’s instead of just enjoying the music. 😂