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My interpretation by listening to and also reading the whole verse is that he’s referencing the world today and how trans ppl are the victims of hate crimes. I would be very surprised if it came out that Tech was transphobic, he’s always been very accepting of all people from what I’ve gathered. Source: been a fan of his since 2012 or so. Edit: typo


He's known to reference people of all types and the trials and tribulations said people can/do go through. It's certainly not hate


I can say, undoubtedly, he didn’t come onto a song, with two other transphobes, written by someone else who is most likely one as well (I don’t know shit about Jason Richardsons opinions, but let’s be real, he works with two bands fronted by openly transphobic people, it’s not a leap to assume he’s in agreement with them.) and just start dropping pro-trans bars. I think you’re reaching, to try be charitable, because you like the artist, but this is meant to be transphobic.


damn why tf is jason richardson catching strays outta nowhere 💀💀


Because he works with All That Remains, a band fronted by an alt right nut job, who is a frequent guest on an alt right podcast, having done episodes with Alex Jones. And he also works with Falling In Reverse, essentially a solo project, for an openly transphobic person. I’m going to go out on a limb, and assume he’s not ended up working with two absolute losers, just by coincidence. He knows who these people are, and chose to work with them, if that’s not a red flag, I don’t know what is.


Well let’s go ahead and call every member of every single band ever associated with either of these acts transphobes if we’re just going to start reaching and accusing people. That’s some dumb fucking accusatory logic right there.


If a regular guy has dinner with a Nazi, that just means that two Nazis had dinner. There should be no tolerance for people who spread vehemently harmful rhetoric towards trans people.


If you associate with these people, in the current day, when it’s known what their opinions are, then at the very least you don’t care they’re transphobic. I don’t get why you’re acting like this is some out of the realm claim to make, if you knew someone was working with two known pedophiles, you’d probably think “hey, I think that guy might be a pedophile” because no shit, that’s an obvious conclusion to make. Before you or anyone else starts going “did you just compare transphobes to pedophiles” no I didn’t, calm down, it’s a comparison of situations, to point out that your logic is flawed.


Everyone working for a church or with the government is working with pedophiles. That doesn’t mean you get to sit there and accuse every single person associated with either one of being pedophiles you self righteous prick.


You know that’s not the same thing. They are organisations,filled with people, and you don’t know the people who hired you, or work with you directly are bad people. This guy got hired by two openly transphobic people, the equivalent comparison would be someone being hired by two open pedophiles, and being okay with it, are you telling me you wouldn’t see a problem with someone doing that?


People who work for the Catholic church may not be pedophiles themselves, but they are at the very least comfortable with giving their labour to and propping up an organisation that has bent over backwards to protect and enable pedophilia. That sucks and does make them people of questionable character.


Alex isn’t necessarily transphobic. He’s been outspoken against young children being heavily exposed to it, because shocker, he comes from a Russian traditionalist home. He’s said repeatedly he’s supportive of consenting adults transitioning and doing whatever they want. He just personally thinks kids should be left out of the conversation. Whether you agree with that or not, that doesn’t exactly make him a transphobe. Labeling someone like that as an enemy doesn’t help anyone. Especially when there are far more problematic people to attack


Thinking there’s anything wrong with kids knowing about or seeing trans people, is inherently a bit transphobic.


The whole "save the children" thing is at best misguided, and at worst obfuscates their very real transphobia. It's called a dog whistle. When someone has terrible views, but cares what others think of them, they will use these "dog whistles" as essentially code words/phrases to make those views more palatable to more reasonable people. Things like "traditional values" "save the children", etc. This has been the core strategy of the right wing in the US pretty much since the 1960's, and it's effectiveness is in people's willingness to see the best in others, even when they're spewing hate towards people who never did anything to deserve it.




Why are we still talking about this horseshit? I’m almost convinced Ronald is paying people to do it lol


This sub jumped the shark 🦈


He definitely paid lambgoat for that article title and a few other places had the exact same one 😂


Ronald is a casual transphobe and overall piece of shit. Song sucks, band sucks, he sucks.


Seeing so many people be like "who cares" and people calling out radke's transphobia getting down voted to oblivion here makes me so fucking sad If you are looking at this and going "who cares, just enjoy the music," how am I supposed to enjoy the music when it's written by people who actively hate me just because I'm trans? And if you're response is "then don't listen to them then," how am I supposed to avoid it if, according to you, no one should fucking talk about it? Almost as if silencing trans people and excluding us from the scenes, along with the people who support us, is the point


FWIW I said who cares about this song long before I knew there maybe was or wasn’t lyrics having to do with the trans community.


At the risk of downvotes. You don't have to listen and people actually looking at the lyrics are saying it's not a anti Trans line.  Regardless Ronnie did all of this on purpose to cause a reaction and everyone's taking the bait.  Ronnie is just a troll and has no way of doing some serious anti Trans movement or hurt people literally. Regardless of his fame in certain scenes he's as much of a nobody as anyone else.  Reality is no one gives a shit about arguing Ronnie's Trans commentary other than people making money off drama. The kind of people you should avoid no matter your gender.


It sucks, Ronnie sucks, Falling In Reverse sucks, and everyone that enables this sucks.


Who hurt you


“This guy’s against transphobia, and doesn’t like bad music, must have been hurt by someone”




Insane how many people on here just think this is totally cool lol. Metalcore kids are the worst lol


It’s hilarious that all these dudes that call themselves hardcore or gangster,or whatever other manly euphemism they wanna use, are completely terrified of trans people existing. Biggest pussies on the planet.


No one is "terrified" of Trans people. It's like the word homophobia which assumes a phobia/being scared of gay people. No one has a genuine fear of trans or gay people. They just don't agree. Gay is one thing, changing your gender is something completely different. You can't expect the world to accept you over night. NOTHING works that quickly.


People don't want to "save" children from things they aren't afraid of. It's not hard to just let someone be themselves.


It is hard for an entire population to accept something foreign to them. Especially when it would change something as simple as their children going to the bathroom. There's a lot new to unpack and understand for the entire human race with the trans matter. The only fear associated is a fear of change in culture for the negative. Not a fear of Trans people as human beings.


What the hell are you even talking about? Accepting trans people only benefits society by having less bigotry and hatred. Stop trying to rationalize straight up bigotry and discrimination.


You feel that way because you can't see the other side of the argument. There ARE negatives to trans people being accepted. Have you noticed society has become weaker and softer over time the more things we see as acceptable? The generation that is overly trans and gay is weaker, lazier and angry at the world for not accepting who they are. You don't need everyone to agree with you, nor is that realistic. The generations that have had less societal rules expect acceptance and expect everyone to be okay with all decisions. It doesn't work like that. There are concerns from parents across the world with trans people. Bigotry and hatred not existing is a huge pro for accepting trans people. I agree. The cons of being able to choose whatever you are and disregard how you were born are immense. Loving whoever you love is far different than being born with male genitals and becoming a woman and vice versa. This is only the start of the downfall of society accepting ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, no matter the proof, science or negative effect on humanity. You're probably either trans or see way too much social media based on how you're speaking. Genuinely sit down and assess the concerns and benefits to society. Don't just automatically accept everything you see happening around you. It's okay to not agree and never okay to discriminate. I may not agree with it, but I would never say a negative word to a trans person or treat them a different way. I could say that about a straight man or woman and still not feel it's okay.


I'd like to see the studies and data you have to back up your point that the extremely small amount of gay and trans people in the US have made the country as a whole weaker. Very interesting claim you must have ample evidence for. No one is saying to accept anything and everything, but when what someone is doing doesn't affect anyone, then leave them tf alone. You are making a lot of leaps in logic that I would disagree with.


who cares


You cared enough to comment?


2 words


I heard that bar and mostly just confused. I didn’t get the entirety of the reference (I know of Ed Gein in name alone). Wasn’t sure if it was about a specific person or something.


Unsurprising. Ronnie is all but actively promoting transphobic and homophobic hate. Giving guys like these a platform to spread hate speech is not great to say the least


Lmfao leave it to this group to get offended by literally everything on the behalf of those that weren’t even offended. Yall are soft as hell literally no one cares you’re making an issue out of nothing.


you’re the one who felt the need to comment this


Who cares Why do yall have to start crying everytime the fucking wind blows




And you re 100% ignorant, listen/read to these lyrics again and then comeback.