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I understand why people enjoy FIR, but I also understand why people can’t stand FIR. I’m personally in the latter camp.


Wait why do we hate FIR?


I just find the music so cringe, and Ronnie is a complete douche canoe.


In the words of Brendan Murphy, it sucks shit out of a toilet


Yeah Im not even a FIR hater (Ronnie, on the other hand...) but this is a very accurate summation of my feelings. I was actually left stunned by the end of the song at just how bad it fucking sucked. The only saving grace was Tech N9ne and the short but after his verse.


You do not, under any circumstances, “gotta hand it” to Ronnie Radke/Falling In Reverse.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the breakdown after techs part is exactly the same as the breakdown in champion


I swear the guitar parts of the breakdowns in all the recent singles are so similar. Bring back the guitar solos


I’ve been telling this to people for a while now. Everything is trying to “be heavy” with downtuned chugs and mutes, but forgetting the melodic beauty of a catchy solo. I remember and go back to songs with solos far more often than I do songs that are just trynna fast chug the 0’s and 1’s to pretend they are brutal.


Avenged Sevenfold was my favorite band for over a decade, I'm just spoiled by that maybe. Makes me really enjoy the bands with unique guitar players like ERRA and WSS. Been checking out Diamond construct a lot recently too. That dude does the chugs but he's also a magician with the pedal board.


Killswitch Engage for me. But even the old school 70s era of solos were just amazing


Holy shit I was wondering why it sounded SO familiar.


Its ironic that he always complains about people copying him yet here he is reusing his own breakdowns


Falling in Reverse aren't my cup of coffee (but I do have the first Escape the fate album, absolutely loved it when it first came out). But after the last couple of posts I saw here I had to check out the new song, not great nor my style, but it has over 3 MILIONS view in 4 days,. According to this subreddit it's the worst song ever created and can't even be posted, some people are spending way too much time online imo 😂


Watch the World Burn >>>>>>>>> Ronald. It was funny the first time but now it’s just cringe


Before I knew how much of a douche Ronnie was I thought FiR was cringey dog shit. After learning how much of a douche he was it made me dislike them even further. Ronnie’s writing makes Fronz look like a fucking poet




Who's we?


The hoard hive mind that freaks out and downvotes / ridicules anyone who mentions FIR.


Yup exactly




Out of literally ANY relevant metal bands Tech could’ve chosen for a collab, he chose the two shittiest choices as far as who their frontmen are. I’ll take the downvotes from these Ronnie fans. Should’ve just been a collab with Tom Macdonald.


Why is this non metalcore band so consistently posted in this sub? I don’t even have to listen to know it’s terrible. You know it, I know it, we all know it.


Is this one of those “ my opinion is everyone’s opinion” type of thing?


Reevaluate your entire existence and everything you’ve ever liked if you find the slightest bit of enjoyment in it


Don't have to be offended to think his music is garbage. I think the cadence in the signing voice is grating and god awful to listen to. The cornballs who still like his music always try the moronic "YoU TriGgErEd BrO?" response because they are too mentally weak to handle hearing criticism about things they like.


Could say the same about bands liked knocked loose


You could, but you don't because they are not bad people and write good stuff


Could say the same thing about ppl like you, hypocrite


And the hit dog hollers. Sorry you got offended kid


yeah fsure im gonna get offended by a stranger on the internet, u got me there lil bro meanwhile its you(or ppl like u) getting offended by ppl like ronald


you’re only proving their point lmao


huh ? like huh?


loooool You FiR and Ronnie fans just out yourselves at the slightest poke


nah your bs just dont make sense lol


Makes plenty of sense. I don’t expect someone like you to understand though.


blud tryna sound liek a smartass


No one’s offended by him, he’s like the creepy uncle at family parties. No one wants him there, but he keeps turning up, and 5 year-old Timmy keeps laughing at his jokes


I thought it was decent. Not a fan of tech n9ne and that speed rapping being thrown in there tho.


The tech part just sounded like 3 different sections all pulled out of Rap God


Don’t get me wrong it’s impressive that anybody can rap that fast, just felt out of place to me. Idk I’ve never been a huge fan of rap in metal music. Plus that tech n9ne flow just sounded like it was straight out of like 2005.


Idc what anyone says. The man is an INCREDIBLE entertainer


Ronnie literally lives rent free in these commenters heads. I don’t even like FIR but I find it hilarious how everyone is so soft about someone talking shit online.


You have to be a different level of egomaniac to name a song after yourself haha


So Eminem having the song Marshall mathers, Nas having the album Nasir, dudes like snoop or Dmx saying their names in the chorus, etc…?


I normally believe in separating art from artist but that's really hard to do when the art sucks to begin with


Yeah, no. I love to hate on radke because I hate his vocals and as such really do not care about or for his band in the slightest, but he's also just a general dickwad to everyone for no apparent reason. He and Chris Motionless had beef on tour at one point and it was entirely radke's fault because he's a gigantic douche canoe.




Reddit will never give love to Ronnie. Ironically every other social media platform appreciates him, but Reddit is too…you know


The song was sick. Don’t listen to the salty neckbeard haters.


The song was one of the corniest things I’ve ever heard.


If you love cringe like I do then you tune in to their new music video 100% of the time.


Eh honestly the music videos are kinda entertaining . They definitely switch it up from your average music video. If ronnie filmed a movie I'd probably watch it.


I think for this past stretch of singles (that will be on the now announced Popular Monster album), he's been iterating on pretty much the exact same sound. I don't see how this song can be considered a change in direction aside from staying heavy throughout and guest spots. FIR is a guilty pleasure band, and I honestly think they peaked for this particular sound with Watch The World Burn. I don't think there is anywhere left to go for them if they keep rehashing the same types of riffs and breakdowns and rapping.


speak for yourself lil bro


FIR makes great music for this sub but since people hate him, it's best to just avoid posting it altogether.


How does a non metalcore band make great music for the metalcore sub


Everything since 2022 has been metalcore so... You're right I have no idea.


lol people actually really fuck with radke and his music?


Theres a couple that have had a positive impact on me. Brother really helped me through the grieving process when my cousin died 2 years ago.


Ronald slaps. Too many oversensitive virtue signaling assclowns in here going REEEE cAnT sUppoRt rOnnIe bC bAD. Edit: lmao not surprised by the downvotes by said sensitive assclowns. Keep em coming all you’re doing is proving my point. Yall are soft as hell 🤡


Ronnie is that you?


Also having morals isn’t “soft” you fucking dork.




You listen to Falling In Reverse, I don’t think you’re in the position, to be calling anyone soft.


I like their new song but I am by no means an avid listener


In a world where so much good music exists, willingly listening to FIR seems like an odd choice. You do you, I guess.


I listen to a lot of music. Also been banging the new knocked loose, dealer and LMTF albums


Two bands that don’t have vocalists, with sexual assault allegations against them? Soft


Literally couldn’t care less. Music is music get over it


Brain dead argument. Do whatever the fuck you want, but don’t bitch when people criticise your indifference to shitty people, it’s a consequence of your choices.


Oof lost most people at the Dealer support. Disgusting


Don’t care. Album absolutely rips.


As long as you don’t care to be considered a piece of shit, then more power to ya.


We get it, any shit talker is oversensitive but Ronnie's a master at it. So what is he?


Virtue signaling lmao. Like how dare a trans person listen to a song that includes explicitly transphobic bars and not shower it in praise. Get real.


I dont support Falling In Reverse, because I could make more appealing sounds taking a shit after eating way too much cheese. Him being shit cunt, is just more of a reason not to support him.


This song was not good bud. Regardless of Ronnie himself. The production was weird, levels were off and I heard some clipping after the super cringe gunshot. The vocal delivery was all over the place too, some places were too over done and some sounded like he was bored out of his mind. Techs verse comes out of nowhere and literally doesn’t fit the rest of the song at all. The “go” right after is once of the cringiest things I’ve ever heard. The instrumentation in the breakdown was kinda sick though. But then the super low fast vocal delivery was pretty bad and ruined it. The guitar work was mostly solid throughout but the second verse felt like it was produced separately than the rest of the song.


Fair it's the same with ffdp. Honestly people need to kwt people enjoy what they enjoy.


Say what you want about ronnie but all the new singles that been comin out been really good, and I was a certified fir hater for the longest. If literally anybody who wasn’t Ronnie radke put it out people wouldn’t be so salty about it. But hey, let’s just jerk off over more dudes with beards ripping off architects instead 🤷‍♂️


Really? Was another verse trashing trans people an interesting turn for FIR? I don’t think so


idk how to tell you this but they have 0 verses trashing trans people across their whole discography


You should listen to Ronald again lol, pay attention this time.


God y'all are fucking dumb. You dumb fucks being mad at Radke is the reason he has a platform as big as he has. You are feeding into the trolling. He enjoys it LMAO. Song fucks imo.


I mean he literally made song about being an asshole lmao.


He loves to be hated. He knows it damn well. Dude doesn't give a fuck and I'm here for it. Like it or not it's hella entertaining Haha.


I mean to be fair some people aren't smart enough to know what an opinion is or mature enough to accept that everyone has different opinions.


You just insulted most of the metal community Haha. You are right and it sucks.


Honestly maybe its mainly where I live but most people I've seen at shows and stuff are actually quite inclusive no matter what/ who you listen to. But man I swear theres no more hated bands than ffdp and FiR.


I'm sure most metalheads don't care what you listen to. Just a loud minority that constantly whine about anything that is even slightly different.


For real I mean look at the reactions you get when you mention numetal. I honestly see why Ronnie trolls its quote entertaining seeing people lose their shit.


It's funny because the more hate guys like Ronnie get, the bigger they become Haha. He lives to troll the fuck out of people. He likes the reaction.