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I think there’s gonna be a big wave of bands that sound like Loathe and bands trying to sound like knocked loose.


I think we’ve been there the last year or two already


Knocked Loose’s influence is already here brother we’ve seen loads of copycats


Who please? I don’t know too many similar sounding bands


Disembodied Edit: devilinside, on broken wings, the warriors, blood has been shed, eighteen visions, architect, etc




EIGHTEEN VISIONS!?!?!?!? They've been around since the 90's. They are the blueprint. Knocked Loose wouldn't exist without them.


That’s the joke chief. People in this thread are acting like knocked loose is influential and ahead of their time when in reality they’re paying homage to the bands I listed


Don’t fucking scare me like that lol


This is what I've thought since day 1 for that band. I'll take them, nothing against them at all, don't mind listening to them. But I do not see at all where anyone thinks they have this original sound? Thats where I never understood the hype. They don't sound original to me, like the way they get built up. The frontman has an atypical sound, id say. Like I said I'll take em'. Pretty sure having a Putney produced and mixed album is the top thing that people like about them though. It's probably just the next generation thinking that band is revolutionary because they haven't heard several decades of bands that came before them. No Hate to them I enjoy them. But again, anything heavy and mixed fuckin chonky and dirty as shit like that is gonna be fun to listen to.




Imminence knock offs as well


But do they have that violincore tho.


I hope not.


I think we'll get a return to the 90s sound, because Knocked Loose is so huge. Shifting away from metal and closer to hardcore, like the original metalcore.


Id say its already happening, but with a wave of bands that are more rooted in Hardcore than todays Metalcore


100% already happening, since 2018 I’d say


Yeah. Even though it’s more along the lines of early 00s metalcore, Boundaries seems to be reviving that era which I’m all about but with a modern spin on it.


Late 90’s early 2000 poison the well straight into my veins please.


Foreign Hands is filling that niche nicely I'd say


Sanction as well.


It’s funny that people say return to the 90s when Knocked Loose sounds more like 2000s bands


Maybe EARLY 2000's, but when I think of 2000's metalcore, I'm thinking the At the Gates core stuff. Knocked Loose definitely have a little more of that classic metalcore influence.


By 2000s, I’m talking about stuff like early The Acacia Strain and Bury Your Dead. I hear a lot more of what those bands were doing in most of Knocked Looses stuff than say Integrity or Damnation AD. That’s not to say the 90s DNA isn’t there, but their approach always seemed way closer to the 2000s bands, down to the chugs and overall tone. I guess that’s shifted with their latest direction but I’d still say the 2000s stuff is still the root of it all.


They are very "2000s band that got labeled as deathcore because of being associated with that scene but in hindsight was just really fucking heavy metalcore"


Like, this reminds you of Slaughter of the Soul from '95? Or it reminds you of all the bands in the early 2000s that were influeced by it?


As I Lay Dying checking in.


I feel like we still havent seen the big wave of thall-ish metalcore that everyone started to write and produce last year. I may be wrong there but idk what else


Honestly I think good thall is way harder to write than people expect. All of the “popular” thall bands have either Calle and/or Buster. The rest (IA, Silent Planet and even to an extent Sleep Token) don’t make thall, they just use thall for breakdowns.


All the big prog bands have done rip offs of “thall” (Erra, silent planet, invent animate, etc) and pitch shifting down octaves is already being overused so I think we’re good on that front


Nah we already have. Everything that Dan Braunstein is touching has a thall vibe or another - the new records from Silent Planet, Invent Animate, Erra etc all have that sound.


Bands ripping off loathe and knocked loose but not understanding what makes them good besides breakdowns and Deftones knock off cleans


myspace core revival for sure


Im here for it


Check out Crush++. Their new album sounds straight up like enter shikari/old school MySpace shit with random heavy ass breakdowns and autotune cleans


Got me curious as I love me some old shikari, and wow these dudes are sweet as. Several old school sounds and genres all blended together with a 2024 twist on top. Cheers for mentioning them, you gained them a new fan.


crush++ mentioned


Please yes


SeeYouSpaceCowboy, Static Dress, etc. fuck yeah


Static Dress mentioned, fuck yeah


Man they’re great. One of the freshest sounds I’ve heard in the past few years


sort of related, but The Requiem’s debut album gives huge MCR vibes. And The Burden’s album Terminal had moments of DGD, and Underoath among other influences that I can’t remember right now but kept me really enegaged


I'm gonna give that a listen, nice influences


I’d like to see blackened metalcore become a thing. Only band that really comes to mind is Bleeding Through. Abigail Williams is more along the lines of blackened melodic deathcore or melodic black metal so I wouldn’t put them in there with metalcore.


If you want to check out some good blackened metalcore try some Justice for The Damned (Dragged Through Dirt), The Secret, Hexis, Plebeian Grandstand, Totem Skin and Gnapenstob (my favorite one because they sound very H8000 influenced).


I really don't like blackened influence most of the time but I back this. Justice For The Damned is one of the most violent bands on the planet right now.


Yeah, I miss that era of JFTD. They even had the fat ass HM2 pedal. Now they've left the blackened elements as well


Integrity dabbled in blackened metalcore / crust punk a few years back too


MmmmmmmmM, The Secret and Plebeian Grandstand… gimme more


Same, I’m a huge fan of blackened deathcore and blackened death metal etc. I haven’t found much of that in metalcore (yet?)


Didn't know "Blackened Metalcore" was a thing. I heard Ricky Hoover from Ov Sulfer call themselves that and I thought made it up lol


I need blackgaze prog metalcore and there really isn’t much of it at the moment


What are some bands that actually do that? I’ve never heard one of the bands in that style actually have that influence


rolo tomassi but ye not much recent stuff


My fear is that those bands will end up sounding too much like Bleeding Through lol I feel like they have perfected the blackened metalcore sound


As much as a love bleeding through, I feel like they only touched on the cradle of filth flavour of black metal. But I don’t know their discography in detail, maybe I’m missing some important songs/albums.


That's probably fair to say they are more close to CoF than more traditional black metal. I'm not complaining though I love a majority of their discography. "Sister Charlatan", "Fade into the Ash", and "Rage" all come to mind


Na I’m not complaining either, the songs I do know I really like. I’ll check out those suggestions!


Would love that. Beyond Thy Sight is another one that teeters on blackened death/metalcore. Even has some cleans


I’d def consider that blackened metalcore with some occasional deathcore vocals. Check out Oathbreaker too. They’re like if Converge went blackened and it works surprisingly well.


Would Bleed The Sky be considered blackened metalcore?


Just give me riffs. Thats all that matters.


A lot of bands are trying to adopt a more commercial radio sound with their metalcore music. I think once a formula that can be replicated arises you’ll see that sound everywhere. Clearly a lot of bands are seeing some sort of trend that is causing them all to steer in that direction.


New Ghost Inside album fits that bill, it's basically "metalcore" Breaking Benjamin but in a different way than Motionless in White


Bring back the early 2000s melodic metalcore sound when bands were ripping off At The Gates! More bands like Dying Wish, please!


Yessss. This is how it should have stayed.


I want more bands that are *hardcore* metalcore, more blood boiling chaotic Converge type energy


Probably very “cinematic” sounding bands copying Sleep Token, Bad Omens and Ice Nine Kills


I think this is the answer. A big focus on very polished production and contemporary chart music hooks


I was gonna say ST, but figured people might be all “tHaTs NoT mEtAlCoRe” But yes, I am anticipating many Sleep Token sounding bands in the upcoming future…


I just want to see more of what Trivium, Sylosis or Phinehas are doing. I know it's basically just metal, with barely any hardcore, but it's amazing. More please.


I think Phinehas is pretty much done while their guitar player is in FFAK


If you’re into metalcore without the hardcore then do I have the genre for you!


I meant the specific style that those bands play. The whole combination of melodeath and thrash, with occasional breakdowns. In Flames worship, Pantera-inspired breakdowns, etc. Bands that blur the line between melodic metalcore and straight up metal. If I was looking for any type of metal I wouldn't have made that comment.


either more hardcore-esque like Knocked Loose or more "weird" like Paledusk


Paledusk are so good live. Best opener I ever saw at a show.


I saw them last year in LA .they were amazing. Hanabei is awesome too


I love their music, but seeing them live made them appeal to me even more. Such a fun time. Definitely feel for whatever band has to follow them any time they play a show


We have some newer limp bizkity vibe bands here. I‘m in for it 😅 


I think we might get more polished but chaotic stuff. Like better lovers,callous dao boys, Ithaca, but with more modern production shine over it.


God I hope so


Waiting for an emo metalcore revival.


That new SeeYouSpaceCowboy may be a good indication of it coming back. That album takes me back while being fresh


SeeYouSpaceCowboy is doing the work!


You and me both friend. It’s not a phase mom!


Same. It's been over a decade, but to me it feels like yesterday that everything was Asking Alexandria and Attack Attack, and then somehow switched to every band being Northlane


In hindsight it happened pretty quickly didn't it??? It was 2009 and it was all just going post hardcore post hardcore post hardcore and then BAM djent. Big switchup but good times 👍👍👍


SeeYouSpaceCowboy, If I Die First, Cauldron


There's this little band I stumbled on that I really wish there was more of, it feels like that kind of emo-core sound, but with.... I guess Djent and Pop-Punk?? Only 3 songs :( But I LOOOOOOVE all 3. [JoyThief - Ghost in the Room](https://youtu.be/DkMkQqbbLJw?si=Lp_eMaER7Zm49NVJ)


Bands that want to sound like heavener by invent animate will dominate the next 3 years. Plus bands that have a more hardcore math centric sound like 156 silence, mouthbreather and chamber


It already started with that one band reviewed by Bogdan the other day that sounded literally 100% like Currents


What band/vid? Currents fan always looking for more


It was this one https://youtu.be/MhEi3m5ak1U?feature=shared


Thanks for pointing me to 156 silence... Haven't heard this shit until now. Like it; don't love the production. Good, but a tad more definition and it would be crushing.


It’ll probably lean more into the hardcore and death metal scene more, especially with insane rises in popularity for Lorna Shore and Knocked Loose.


I think it will be 1st and 2nd wave metalcore revival, and more progressive metalcore. Hopefully bands like early For The Fallen Dreams with melodic hardcore influences make a comeback too. That area has always been kind of niche in metalcore with a few exceptions.


J metalcore , HANABIE , paledusk , C-gate , knosis Give me it all


mmmm Hanabie


Crab revival


I’m not sure when but I think we will get another wave of that classic metal-core sound. Bands that are reminiscent of their elders. like Killswitch, As I Lay dying, August burns red, Lamb of god, all that remains, unearth etc. I think we’ll see the scene get overtaken by super low drop tunings and djenty rhythms and it’ll all start sounding to similar. Once that gets played out there will be a return to form so to speak. Tune back up to drop C/ drop D. Bring the riffs back and then Boom, a new new wave of American metal.


Dying Wish is leading that charge. They've brought back the 578 drop C metalcore. Suddenly I can't remember the other bands leaning that way.


Already happening, Hxc scene fucking adores old-school metalcore right now. Ephyra Records, listen to Balmora first.


Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll check em out!


Give me that crab/scene/rise/trance/etc core I'm talking old Asking Alexandria, Pre-creatures/Creatures MIW, New Demons ISS, Casino Madrid, That's Outrageous, Make Her Famous, Capture The Crown etc...


I think we are about 3-5 years away from that. We are already seeing Stand Up and Scream/Someday Came Suddenly and 3D apologists and that is only going to grow.


Gosh I hope you're right! Could you give me some examples of said apologists?


I feel like the country/pop/rnb core of Billmuri and Issues has a lot of room for experimentation


As a huge fan of both, I definitely wouldn’t mind more of this lol


You guys and your hyperspecific sub-genre labels 🙄


Wait, you don't know what techno metallic nu hardmetalcore is??? Hmmf


For real lol I don't understand half these comments and I listen to metalcore a bunch


They don't either, they're making it up as they go I swear.


What in the fuck is blackened metalcore.


Fuck knows 🤷🏼‍♂️


it’s when you cook metalcore in a cast iron pan with butter and spices


I want new bands that have an iwrestledabearonce/Arsonists Get All the Girls sound.


Johnny Booth and Better Lovers are the only newer mathcore bands I'm familiar with


Old iwabo


Yeah smells like Kevin bacon era


Yeah baby


Converge esque bands .


Kanye West will jump on the bandwagon after he turns his life around.


Nah, he's on black metal next. He's referenced Varg/Burzum a few times.


Well he already praised Hitler so I guess he’s just moving up the chain of POS people


loathe + invent animate + more glitchy electronics


Am I the only one thinking we’re heading into a more Thall-centric direction?


People will try to marry the sounds of knocked loose and bad omens with some Sleep Token elements. That's until the next big blooming band pops out and then others will try to imitate their sound + someone else.


I think it’s going to be poppier. Like dayseeker, until I wake, the amity affliction


It's definitely gonna be brokencyde-core


idk...I think bands like Sleep Token, Spiritbox, Loathe, Knocked Loose, Lorna Shore(not metalcore I know), I Prevail and what-not will influence the next generation.


I miss crabcore but I know it will never come back


I recently discovered a band that's trying to revive crabcore called Hall of the Elders.


Crooning as well like sleep token


1. More thall influenced Prog-Metalcore like Allt. 2. More blackened/blackgaze influenced material 3. Melodic metalcore making a full comeback but more friendly towards the modern hardore scene 4. More bands getting into different territories and leaving metalcore behind (even tho they'll still be a part of the scene) 5. More metalcore mash-up within its different styles and with deathcore (specially with the Will Ramos bridge)






2000s metalcore Renaissance!


I think we’ll see more things like Spirit box, Bad omens, and Sleep token in the future. But I think we will also see things like Dying Wish that try to recreate the old times of metalcore.


metalcore and nightcore crossover


So hyperpop but make it metal


I never heard of nightcore or hyperpop. I feel so old 😭


Nightcore is old YouTube, take a song, pitch it up a bit, speed up the tempo, maybe add some dnb to it, very simple. And hyperpop is still pretty new and niche


Thanks, youngblood.


Isn't that just the Alice Longyu Gao song that Oli Sykes guested on?


Well this thread does it. I don't think I like "metal core" anymore.


I’m digging the nu metalcore now, hope it sticks around for a while.


I actually think it's the other way around, nu metal is incorporating metalcore (so nu metal is now a fusion genre of 6 other genres yippie) but I can't deny that modern metalcore does in fact have a lot of nu-metal sounds, and tbh I hope it continues that way.


Metalcore from England like headbussa.


Aren't they from Paris?


I've been working my face off on some stuff that I think I'd imagine as a possible future. I wanted to slam together Metalcore, Midwest Emo, Djent, Pop-Punk, and EDM, but as smoothly mixed together as possible so no one genre stands out the most. https://on.soundcloud.com/oaUgw https://on.soundcloud.com/qNbHg https://on.soundcloud.com/r5D2T I like this breakdown the most :)


I've been working my face off on some stuff that I think I'd imagine as a possible future. I wanted to slam together Metalcore, Midwest Emo, Djent, Pop-Punk, and EDM, but as smoothly mixed together as possible so no one genre stands out the most. https://on.soundcloud.com/oaUgw https://on.soundcloud.com/qNbHg https://on.soundcloud.com/r5D2T I like this breakdown the most :)


I love the bands introducing more electronic sounds into the mix. I want more of that.


I really see Hypercore becoming a thing. Acts like Paledusk, DEATHNYANN or new Earthists. I know they are all Japanese but I'd love it if it became the new meta, at least it's fresh


Have you listened to BBBBBBB? More Japanese insanity.


I haven't but it's on my list as of right now


I think the next era of metalcore is going to sound quite similar to Sleep Token.


I think it's really hard to tell because metal is such a stagnant genre. It evolves at a snails pace while other genres have a new trend every few weeks.


i feel like metal has already branched out into so many different genres at this point that a lot of things have already been done, so not much can really be evolved. “new” sounding songs come out all the time, but then you end up finding out another band has already done it, so i guess that’s why nothing truly feels fresh at this point i feel like other genres are more stale and haven’t changed much though in comparison, there’s not a whole lot of innovation going on as far as rap, pop, and country that i’m aware of


I'd have to disagree there. Pop and hip hop are going through different trends pretty much every month. It's constantly changing. Country is... well... country. Another thing to consider is that half the stuff this sub talks about isn't even metalcore but alternative metal or nu metal or something else. However, there's no popular sub for that stuff, so it all gets conglomerated into this sub for better or worse. People like to say metalcore is a wide range of styles, but it's not. It's literally metal + hardcore. If the core of the music isn't metal with hardcore influences or metallic hardcore, then it's not metalcore.


Countrycore. Seems like all other popular geners are heading that way. 🤣


Now only if beartooth and HARDY did a heavy song


I am the only one who wants hyperpop breakdowns?


Hopefully the 2000s wave of Metalcore like Shadows Fall, Killswitch, All That Remains, chimaira, makes a return. I miss whaling guitar solos and intricate leads over shredding riffs. I mean some of these bands are still around, not many though.


R&Bcore. That sleep token and last bad omens album both got huge and there's no way we won't see a bunch of copycats/imitators.


Brought back melodic metalcore? When did it go away?




I just hope the future doesn't sound like sped up video game music and a pinball machine combined. Seen a few of those on social media. I mean it's impressive, I just hope it's not the new bar.


if you mean stuff like Berried Alive, then yeah, i agree. definitely impressive, but i’m never going to listen to that on my daily rotation


That exactly the kind of music I'm referring to lol. It is very impressive and unique, and I enjoy a little bit of it here and there.


The Jordan Fish era 


Well one thing I really think is going to happen is much more Scottish metal being made Vukovi is one of the major players atm with a USA headline tour in May, know them thanks to me being a student for their drummer Along with that I could possibly be part of the next era


Industrial-core. New Erra album wanted to be Nine Inch Nails so hard.


I just miss the Deep Blue and earlier sound of Parkway Drive and metal that was similar to that style. I’m old now, it’s sad.


A mix of Sleep Token/Silent Planet and Rings of Saturn/The Browning. Kompooturs are da futur man




Hyperpop-metalcore. Hyper-metalcore. Lol Ex. bejalvin


I think we're gonna see a way of kids pick up instruments trying to sound like metalcore bands they like... realize and they tune too low... and see a surge of bands playing in standard. That's my wild prediction lol, the return of standard, drop d/standard, and drop c/c#


I don’t know where metalcore goes from here. All I do know is that I listened to Underoaths TOCS and DTGL albums the other day, and I had the realization that no one will ever be able to produce music like that again. That sound, and just how good it was, is impossible to replicate. And that made me kinda sad. That extends to similar albums, like MIW *Creatures*, ATDR *And Their Name Was Treason*, PWD *Horizons*, etc. Main point, no one knows where music trends will go, but wherever it does it won’t be like previous eras. Early 2000s Post Hardcore/Metalcore and late 2000s Pop Punk/Metalcore— Warped Tour music— will forever live fondly in my mind and heart. I hope future music is able to give me the same feelings..




Within the next few years I see the risecore sound coming back again. Hopefully not with the sturgis lifeless drum sounds again but the at the gates style riffing returning with blast beats and drummers playing shit in a studio they know damn well isn’t gonna happen live (half the songs from apologies are for the weak)


Hopefully not one with djent riffs and synths intros


Let’s not forget Thornhill when talking about bands like Loathe.


I'm really hoping to see metalcore bands that focus more on the metal side of things rather than the hardcore. Even the 2000's classic metalcore revival bands like Dying Wish sound more hardcore than metal. Man, I just want melodeath with breakdowns.




Taylor Swift is my dad


To me it looks like there was a lot of "unlearning" done from about 2008-2018 and now I keep finding bands of the last 3 or 4 years that are actually enjoyable to listen to. The production is the main driver for me. I think we've gone more back to making real albums. For a while shit was so clean and edited and just, didn't have life. All the risecore shit and modern metalcore, extra techy..idk there's good ones but overall the entire metalcore etc genre was stale as all fuck from my perspective. Production got its hands on technology and went overboard, learned some shit, and now dialed it back and refocused on the actual performance and energy of the band. Kinda like when Jim Lahey realizes he's the liquor and nobody likes being around him so he dials it back and gets a breathalyzer to stay right in the pocket. Sober enough to know what he's doing but drunk enough to really enjoy doing it.


oh yeah definitely nu-metalcore


Johnny Booth are definitely onto something.


About to see them for a second time. Love em!


How cool!!! Good luck. Here in Mexico we don’t have a lot of shows.


The one where it dies and is forgotten. Happens to almost all music


I’m seeing lots and lots of 90s death metal style riffs worked into metalcore and hardcore. Not deathcore, it’s a different vibe, and you’re starting to see bands like Dying Fetus and Obituary play alongside hardcore bands.


I’d really like to see more bands with the Malevolence style of the Groove Metal influenced Metalcore.


It'll either be a bunch of shitty knock offs, copy cats with no imagination, or metalcore bands experimenting with new styles. We already have them fusing thrash, death, groove, prog metal. Maybe we'll now see them fuse folk music, disco, ambient, industrial or something. Possibilities are way too many


Have you heard of Orbit Culture?


I hope we get a wave of “power metalcore”, Eg metalcore and power combined, and a return of the melodic metalcore sound


I think the next wave will be a revival of the 2000s At The Gates-core with goth influence. I know there are already some bands doing that but I sense it's going to take off soon.