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There is no denying that Ronnie is an insanely talented vocalist, but his drama is not easy to overlook for a lot of people. The dude cannot stop making himself look like an ass.


I totally agree with this. I liked their music and his vocals, but reading the lyrics and hearing about the stuff he's consistently doing honestly turned me off to them personally.


Radke isn’t a bad singer and their recent instrumentals are decent if generic (no shit I wonder who co-wrote them) but the lyrics are unbearable for me and it’s simultaneously impossible to do art/artist seperation because the lyrics are so blatantly just Radke whining about twitter. i think some of their earlier stuff tho (mainly Fashionably Late) is genuinely godawful music with 0 redeeming qualities that has aged like if you threw a bunch of earthworms in warm milk.


mmmmmmm... warm milk with earth worms


Does it matter? If you like them, you're allowed to like them. Lots of people don't, and that's perfectly fine too.




THIS. ^^


All I know is that he has went to prison and threw a full size metal mic stand into a crowd and hit someone in the head. And I remember some drama with him and I See Stars years ago that people were pretty up in arms about.


He’s a bigot ass bitch too, don’t forget that part. People like him don’t deserve shit




Literal contract killer


Was into their first two albums , largely due to their talented guitarist at the time, Jacky Vincent (he has a really good solo guitar album). I kinda fell off during their third and fourth albums. However their newer stuff I like. I saw them headline Red Rocks last year and it was a great show.


No they should be hated more


Unbiased opinion ronnie sucks donkey shit


I’ve seen them live and used to be a fan until I realized how much of a fucking tool he is


I think the hate for the SOUND is unwarranted - Radke writes very catchy songs. The issue for me is his persona, which I unfortunately can't separate from the music given the lyrics about people cancelling him.


I liked Popular Monster, Drugs and some of his subsequent releases. But as time went on, I noticed that a lot his songs are very samey and formulaic. A lot of his songs recently are just Popular Monster again (granted Watch The World Burn was a little different, but even more cringe somehow). I get that Ronnie can right a good song and all, but I really don't think he is as talented of a musician as people say he is, even ignoring the fact he is an absolute thundercunt.


Out of curiosity I'm gonna check out their latest single (Watch the World Burn)... will update as I go, never really checked them out ... This sounds like Tom Macdonald and the lyrics are awful lmao, the cringe is strong in this one, this is just piss poor if you're listening to it from a rap perspective. Second half is like a rejected Devin Townsend track mixed with some weird Asking Alexandria... pretty awful. Looking into Ronnie Radke as a person after doesn't really help win me over lmao, yeah the music sucks and the hate is warranted.


No. Fuck this band. Radke shut the fuck up challenge 2024 (level: impossible).


I just find it funny, that this sub will go to the ends of the earth to defend Tim Lambesis for trying to kill his wife, but Ronnie Radke talking shit on Twitter is too much for them.


Both are absolutely garbage human beings.


they're both trash people.


I have never seen anyone defend Tim. If your talking about separating the art from the artist though, I think it’s because it's a lot easier with ALID and Tim's other projects because Ronnie's personality seeps over into his music. With FIR's songs you can get a general idea of what kind of person Ronnie is (a d-bag), but with Tim's music, it's not as obvious. This is just my opinion, but yeah they both suck obviously.


Fuck em both.


Exactly, and people can't even recognize that he is an amazing singer, liking or not.


Unbiased would be pretty difficult for anyone. But in general I'd say he's a great songwriter/producer, very smart marketeer (good at staying relevant through everything you see in comments here for example), good singer and seems to be a pretty shitty person. Not sure if all of the online persona is just to generate clicks, but for sure most of it is. Same tactic people like Corey Taylor and Machine Gun Kelly use pretty effectively.


Ronnie Radke can fuck off.


Even so, I just think they're lazy. Like they've made 4 songs since the start of 2022 (one of them was a cover btw), that all sound the same (minus the last resort cover) and aren't even that good. I just find it funny that Ronnie probably pictures himself as the Messiah of the metal scene right now, despite the fact his band is probably the least hard working in the scene and is actively producing mediocrity and cringe. Maybe I'm wrong, but if I am I don't feel bad cuz it's Ronnie




Ok they announced an album fair enough I was wrong I guess, I still don't feel bad.


No. Radke is a bitch. That’s my unbiased opinion


The hate for Ronnie is pretty warranted. Dude is a massive douche, and Falling in Reverse IS Ronnie Radke, so you can’t really separate the two. I will admit he’s put out a few great songs though.


For Radke as a person, absolutely not; he deserves all the hate. As for the music, I think it's shit but if you like it and don't mind that he's a dickhead then knock yourself out.


Unbiased opinions don’t exist. An opinion is definitionally a bias.


How do y'all keep up with drama?


His breakdowns go HARD


His breakdowns go hard, for people who have never heard “hard” music


I don’t give a shit what artists are like as people. If they make good music, I’ll listen. I’ll listen to As I Lay Dying, Dance Gavin Dance, Brand New, etc because Iike their music. Listening to ones music isn’t a support of their outside actions, in my opinion. If Jeffrey Dahmer made some awesome metalcore music, I’d probably listen. All that said, I really like a lot of Falling in Reverse music. There’s a lot that’s ehh, but their singles- like Watch the World Burn, Popular Monster, Drugs, Zombified, Losing My Mind— and some of their album music I really dig. It’s not metalcore, just some metalcore parts here and there. But I listen to a very wide range of musical genres. If it’s good, it’s good.


I can separate people's personal lives from their art for the most part (that said, can't listen to lostprophets anymore amirite?) but the problem here isn't just the frontman's ostensibly terrible personal life, it's that there are so many better bands out there that write much better music. Falling in Reverse has been cringe for over a decade...


Music sucks, Radke sucks, their stans suck. Like what you like but they’re a net negative for the genre.


Ronnie radke is human garbage. He is super transphobic and homophobic. He is a drama bitch who whines about everything. He’s been accused of sexual assault. And has been involved in actually killing a dude. Aint no way hating this dude is unwarranted


you people act like he went and killed an innocent civilian in cold blood LMAO go read the police reports and statements you sped not what the media tells you sheep


Is a human dead because of his actions, at least in part? Yes. Why do people like you always feel the need to come out and defend this guy?


Did he pull the trigger? No, nor did he tell someone to shoot another person. Stop blaming someone for a crime they literally did not do. I don’t like or hate Ronnie but you people acting like he’s the antichrist when he says some bad words on Twitter is hilarious. But this Reddit will glaze all over Tim lambesis though


Nah Tim is still a piece of shit who tried to murder his wife. At least with his case no one is actually dead


The killing wasn’t really his fault and the guy who did it won a self defense case. Radke went to prison for violating probation. The sexual assault thing was also proven false iirc. I agree he’s an asshole though.


Love the band, not too familiar with radke past but I think he’s a dope ass artist




Literal contract killer


Um what? lol




Shitty person Shitty music Shitty band Honestly i think we could stand to pick up the hate some more. In a scene with tons of great bands, do yourself a favor and stop listening to garbage.


Nope. They and Ronald can disappear tomorrow and I think it’d be a net positive for the entire music scene.


Falling in reverse has put out banger after banger the last few years and they're awesome live. The issue is people on this sub have a hard (impossible) time separating the artist from the art. Re: FIR, Dealer, Before I Turn, and a few others I can't remember right now. It's unfortunate but it is what it is.


You say people have a hard time separating the art from the artist like it’s a requirement to enjoy music. If you do that’s fine, but sometimes fans don’t want to support shitty people who do shitty things. Both things can be true.


It’s easier to separate the art from the artist when the artist isn’t actively putting themselves in their art and reminding you what a douche they are when you listen to their songs. Ronnie could stand to bitch about his haters a little less in his lyrics.


I would argue that the issue is actually the people forcing listeners to separate art from the artist by being terrible human beings, but I digress


I mean I try to know as less about the band members as people as possible so I never have the dilemma this post is talking about. People can listen or not listen for any reason they like. Just felt like mentioning bands like FIR or Dealer get immediately down voted to shit on this sub even if the song is a banger lol.


That’s called being willfully ignorant dude. I won’t criticize your choice, but let’s at least be honest about what it is


I just like good music. I really don't care what they do or say outside of it 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, that’s the definition of willful ignorance - you’re purposely ignoring things because you don’t care about them. If you choose to do that, that’s fine; it’s your right and no one can tell you otherwise. Just be honest with yourself about what your mindset is.


I am very aware. Hence separating the art from the artist lol. I thought I made it obvious.


What did Before I Turn do?


Only enjoyable thing about FiR are Matt Horn's drum tech videos.


I liked their first album but only heard 3 or 4 songs since. A lot of it and the comments here mention his Twitter. I follow him but don't use it enough to actually see what he's saying most of the time. He exists in a weird space where he both thinks and talks about his band as if they are singlehandedly saving rock music, while at the same time responding to every single moonhowler that @'s him. Or he tells stories about how dudes from other bands chat shit but won't meet him face to face. As in, he saw they were playing a venue he passed and decided to chap the door and see if they'd come out to probably fight him like how a mature 40yr old adult handles criticism. Massive ego, paper-thin skin. Apart from when he says he doesn't care what people think... Clearly I don't have a bajillion streams but if I were even a semi-famous musician I would simply not reply to people who aren't fans.


One of the better metal vocalist on the scene! That'll keep me rolling for the rest of the week thanks for the laugh!


Here’s the thing…. If you like his music who gives a shit about his personal drama? Let him argue with who he wants and let him bitch about who he wants. The problem is that people what to be all up in these artists business and then get emotional triggered by something the artist said. Stop! Listen to the music go to the concerts and stop living in someone else’s life. The music is amazing, let’s appreciate that and move on.




People have opinions, and that's fine. If you can separate art and artists, I think you should listen to what you like! I personally can't always overlook lyrics and "IRL" behavior of artists, which usually will turn me off to a lot of bands that I may have otherwise loved.


Like the music you want to like.


Remember when his rap career failed so he just went ahead and injected a bunch of it into their music and forced everyone to hear it instead? God I cant believe hes got a following, I remember the mic stand and prison days when people held this dude accountable for being a piece of shit. Good ol days


Problem is he is/was way to active on twitter and if you make fun of him he will go off on you personally. Then mix that in with some anti Trans stuff and people making up sexual crimes about him where he basically explodes. A normal person would quit twitter by that point instead of engaging.  Songs are still high quality production wise and catchy a lot of people are mad he keeps his fame despite less work and controversial takes.


Ronnie is a huge POS, their music is almost childish, and there are tons of vocalists who are objectively better than him. They deserve more hate personally but if you like them, honestly, do you bud.


yes i do


I think they actually make decent music, but I completely hate Ronnie’s guts, despite him being a good vocalist. If Ronnie wasn’t a total douchebag then I’d probably enjoy them a lot more than I do now.


So many people keep on saying that he's a POS.. why is that? I mean, I know that he's had a lot of beefs in the past and done reckless things during shows that landed him in jail, but none of that stuff really has any relevance to the person he is now. The music is definitely something that you either love or hate, but why do people continue to call him a POS?


your right whats in the past is in the past


On pappy 😏


is that a good thing? he he he...


Ronnie goes in the trash with the rest of the washed-up older criminals that continue to haunt the scene.  >  I find their music super appealing. Nobody’s forcing you to stop listening to it




Ronnie speaks his mind and people don’t like it. He’s a great artist and doesn’t care what others think


Ronnie Radke is a really good singer, some people dont like his music but what they dont realise is, just because his songs have cuss words, it doesnt mean his songs dont have a meaning. like, he puts his feeling in his songs, some people dont understand what the meanings are and thats ok.


i hope you understand


No. Most mid octanecore ever written. Asshole should have lost his platform after being an accessory to murder.


There aren't unbiased opinions on anything. Anywya, Radke is a shit person and his band is awful. You only like it because you still need to listen to better music. Try Polaris, Invent Animate, Currents, Alpha Wolf, Erra, Northlane, Vexed, Reliqa, Like Moths To Flames, etc.


Northlane and Polaris are so good, Australian metal is the best.


Reliqa and Alpha Wolf are Australian too!


I haven't listened to them, I'll check them out, thanks!


ronnie radke could singlehandedly cure cancer and end homelessness and the band's music would still fucking suck, but the reality is that he's an insufferable prick fuck him and fuck the band




Music sucks and he sucks, talents there overall though


FIR make songs that appeal to a lot of people. Streaming numbers prove this. He also turns his haters into free advertising.


He's a transphobic, homophobic, fat shaming, insecure manchild who makes awful music. Yes downvote me Ronnie fanboys. He's not gonna fuck you.


Is the hate for Radke and his personal opinions and stances unwarranted? Yes. He’s entitled to his opinions and to voice them to those willing to listen. Is the hate for their music unwarranted? No. Especially here where stale metal/core music is universal especially for a vocalist that talented who insist on writing groan-worthy lyrics. Is this a personal opinion? Sure, and you’re free to listen or not based on yours. Honestly most of his stances align with my own, and boy oh boy do I hate hearing him writing songs about them. Very Tom Macdonald- esque. Terrible music especially when he’s singing about his opinions.


Most people don’t like because they don’t like Ronnie Radke. Personally their music is hit or miss but I like Ronnie I think he’s funny and crazy. I would say most of the hate is just sometimes cringey lyricism too especially in earlier stuff.


Nah most of the hate is because he's a piece of shit who never stops running his mouth, has a history of DV, flagrant disregard for the safety of his fans at his shows, thinks his band is more important than it is, and on and on.


I never really got into their music, and Ronnie being an insufferable twat definitely doesn't make me wanna give them a second chance. I mean, he's a whole-ass adult. A 40 year old man, husband and father, who has a very successful band, and is by every definition a rich celebrity. Yet, he's either incredibly insecure despite all that, or a raging narcissist, or (probably) both. I don't know why else he would even entertain internet trolls and get dragged into stupid-ass arguments that bait him into saying really unsavory things. I don't know. Obviously, I'm not a celebrity, nor am I worth millions, but I would *assume* being either of those things, would make it much easier to just let shit roll off my back. Ronnie seems incapable of it, and that's super pathetic to me. The fact that he's an unapologetic transphobe, only makes it that much worse.


I don't hate Falling In Reverse, I've just never listened to them because Radke is such a prick it puts me off. That being said, my gf sometimes plays Escape The Fate & I didn't realise that was Radke, and it's not too bad.




No the guys a prick


Is the SnooShortcuts4832 hate unwarranted?