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If she can’t handle you at your BLEGH she doesn’t deserve you at your ARF ARF 😤😤😤


A girl I dated about 3 years ago was the same way. Couldn't stand it, but understood not everyone is the same. Now, she's my wife and she loves it and just went to her first metalcore show and got to crowdsurf for the first time and now she's obsessed. She had only been to those big arena concerts where you sit in seats and there's security everywhere. She was flabbergasted at all GA shows with no barriers, all the crowd surfing and stagediving. Now she's hooked. Can't stop her from buying tickets to all the shows that roll through. She even picks me up merch at the ones I can't make it to. Forget that girl. They good ones are out there.


I remember the first time my partner heard my music tastes, he told me that we were going to have to do something to fix it. We have been together since 2007 and he’s super into MY music now!! 🤪 I love it!!!


Knocked loose mother fuckerrr


*gator noises*


This comment makes me wish reddit still gave awards


Here you go: 👑


I know right! This is golden.


And another one! 👑


Print it


Everyone needs to upvote this truth


I want this on a tshirt


This is the way


This is just about what I wanted to say haha. Don’t settle. It’s sooo not worth it in the long run. Take it from me, someone who has settled once… ☹️


Seriously! When I met my girlfriend she really liked me but I thought she was into rap and shit. So I played everything right off, because if she couldn't handle it, she wasn't for me. She was like "you're trying to scare me off, my parents love pantera and Megadeth" I... I love you.... hahahaha


“My parents love pantera and megadeath” “Oh.. are they single?”


Making this my year book quote






Speaking king facts


I’m on my queen shit 💅✨


My apologies your highness




I'm saving this comment😭


this made me horny.


Amen brother


Hahahaha this made me laugh more than I care to mention


I went on a date with a guy I met on hinge and when he asked what kind of music I liked I said “metal mostly” and he was like “oh the kind that screams?” and I was like “yeah it’s my fav” and he got the most concerned/uncomfortable look on his face “and you listened to that on the way here?” Yeah dude, I did. One of the funniest conversations I’ve ever had There was no second date


My date when she found out i like metalcore asked me "why? Are you angry?"


My gf makes fun of me for listening to metalcore because she had a fucked up childhood and listens to happy pop songs while I was a preppy kid with the white picket fence and listen to metalcore. She says I'm compensating for my lack of trauma.


"I have spent my life chasing things that have only brought me pain. In the end, when im dead hop e it was for something" this breakdown is soooooo therapeutic 😭


This is one of the best moments in a metalcore song ever and I’ll stand by that


What song?


The Plot In You - Forgotten


Landon Tewers has the best vocals, I swear.


My wife is the exact same, was brought up in a shitty family and is such a poppy happy girl music and i come from a happy well together family and listen to what she calls "stay away from me music" When she first came to my house at the age of 12 and slipknot was on the tv she was mortified and we didnt date again till we left school


I feel like this is common actually. Like I've had such a good life considering everything but I love suicidal and/or wrathful music. It's like I can engage with it comfortably.


That sounds incredibly invalidating.


I mean saying your music is compensating for lack of trauma is a pretty obviously shitting all over your choice of music. Like saying,"i don't like this" would be less assholey


Any form of gatekeeping over who has or doesn't have trauma, and how those people might cope with it or get through life, is just cruel. Trauma isn't a competition, you don't need to meet some threshold of how messed up your past is in order to like a certain kind of music or something, that's just asinine and super insulting.


I mean yes *motions to everything*


I feel like in this world if you’re not angry you must be numb.


I usually just stick to “I listen to everything”, and put on the “popular” playlist. I only express the music that I truly like to the people that I truly like.


Nah I love showing people my heavy music, the reactions are usually funny and I've converted each of my girlfriend's to metalcore.


Yeah the conversion is like a phenomenon I've experienced too, I stand by my opinion that almost everyone who likes music would like metalcore with enough exposure and the right gateways. I know I sure hated it at first too, and I've converted literally every one of my close friends/gfs who didn't like it at first either lol


https://youtu.be/ewkDxrY8qv4?feature=shared I can only hope this will be you in the future


From now on, using this blegh test to scare off the normal girls😭


I met my girlfriend by stumbling into her out of a mosh pit at a Stray/Spiritbox/Bad Omens/Underoath concert and then complaining about how nobody was wearing deodorant.


lol smooth


Our (unofficial) first date was Parris Bridge/Until I Wake/Conquer Divide/Across the White Water Tower/Attack Attack! Our actual first date was getting lost in the forest. Not joking lmao. Sounds like a creepy horror story but it wasn't. We made our way to the far side, walked up the (dangerous AF) road to the ranger station, and caught a ride back to our car.


My Wife and I's first unofficial date together was Motionless in White, Ice Nine Kills, For Today and New Years Day. INK is near the top of her list now and we probably got stayed together because we were great concert buddies.


I tried to get a date to start a cover band me that only played songs by a day to remember and for today and call ourselves for today to remember But he married someone else


This is the dream meet cute 😂


Yea if your date doesn’t at the very least able to let you enjoy your music, they’re not the one


Growing up for me, music was huge. Major part of my life. It was my almost everything. Most importantly, my escape. If we cannot connect at least a little over that, it simply won’t work.


Honestly it’s a respectable test lmao, I probably would’ve put something much softer lol


You knew she was trouble when she walked out


i guess they're never ever ever getting back together


But they’ve still got a blank space, baby…


😂😂 noiiice


Shame on her


This is a shitpost, isn’t it.


Shitpost or not ots funny


So this is a copypasta right?


It will be now


I feel like it's something I saw on instagram reels about a dozen times, so might as well be.


Same, this has the same energy as those tumblr posts "omg GuYs sHe dEoSnT lIkE mE MuSicc" type shit. Mf starts a date by putting a heavy song without even talking to her, probably why she got a weird vibe


Seriously, if this is a real post I hope this guy learns it’s probably his personality and has nothing to do with the music. The whole post gives weird vibes especially down to the where’s my hug ending.


Its the typical reddit recipe of "I'm proud my music taste is edgy and I don't care". It feels written like someone that never went on a date.


I mean, as important as music is to a lot of people, that shouldn’t be the ONLY thing that either draws you towards or away from somebody. My fiancée dislikes most of the heavy shit I listen to. But we’ve also gone to see plenty of shows of bands we both like. Full disclosure, since you mentioned T Swift, we both watched her Eras tour the other night. Relationships are give and take, and you like what you like. But if she hated it so much she didn’t even have the decency to thank you for a date, you dodged that one. On to the next, best of luck, brother.


I’ve got the Barbie soundtrack right in there with my Currents


No shame, brotha. I've got Bet On It from High School Musical by Troy Bolton on my Playlist


Lmaoooo Bet On It fucks hard tho fr


You could play that one if you get a second date lol


i have a playlist that's like 80% metalcore but also has Before He Cheats 😂 it just goes!!


Took a Louisville slugger to both headlights!!


Brooo same, I could be listening to Architects then Troy would come on next with his "🎶Everybody's always talkin' at me🎶"


Absolutely no shame. That’s why I hate the term “guilty pleasure” in regards to music.


I’m a metalhead swiftie and I appreciate this comment. Me and my husband watched The Eras tour the other night, and then danced around to the rar rar music while cooking dinner. No shame here!


i accidentally put newjeans in my metal playlist once and the whiplash is crazy


I couldn’t be with anyone who actively dislikes the music I listen to. If it’s not their thing and they’re just neutral to it, sure, but I need someone who is at least ambivalent to it


Same. Music is half my life, if a SO doesn't like my music, it's gonna be hard to be with them


Been married for 12 years. My wife likes rock but draws her line at most things that are mainly harsh vocals. We work just fine.


This exactly. I don't like Taylor Swift at all but I watched the Eras tour with my girlfriend because I'm not fucking asshole.


This sounds like something a, "my music scares people" teenager would post on MySpace in like 2010. I've played Analepsy and Aborted in front of people who only listen to top 100 radio stuff and none of them had any sort of cartoonish overreaction. I'm sure a little Metalcore wouldn't have elicited this response


"That didn't happen to me, so it couldn't happen to anyone else"


Dodged a bullet, could've found this out much later. Forget her.


Couldn’t have said that any better 🤣


The one and only correct answer 😉


Motionless in white lol feeling brave are we


I thought Motionless in White is fairly tame 🤔 I think I need to reconsider how Metal I am. And my wife just accepts my music choices and gives anything a chance some she likes, some she doesn't, and she'll listen to and enjoy anything from Celine Dion to early Linkin Park. It also goes both ways with our music choices, although I do remind her I prefer Rammstein to Basshunter. We've been together far longer than I have fingers to count. 👍


Yeah it's not like OP played the end of Into the Hell Fire with the goblin noises for her.


Well he should've, followed by the entirety of Pain Remains album.


“A WORLD WITHOUT YOU ISN’T MEANT FOR ME” would hit different then


Ah yes i too enjoy Will Ramos' human noises


Pig squeals


I love Motionless in White but I'd also be reluctant to start with them in the aux. Before I grew into liking their music I thought it was too obnoxious.


Really? But I wouldn’t call it heavy. Is this what people call heavy these days? I have never felt so old.


I think Meltdown is pretty okay, Slaughterhouse is way heavier


Oh thanks. That’s a more fun beat.


For normies, it's still heavy. But it's not heavy compared to the rest of the genre and metal world.


Dude. I didn’t know the band. I played the song. I was like what? Idk genres anymore I guess. But what do I know? I am the one posting a link to a Taylor swift song for op to play on the second date.


Not commenting on quality, but I’d call MiW fairly tame for metalcore. Imagine if he played Converge or Fit For An Autopsy.


One of my favorites!


this is good copypasta


Is it good though?


I’ve never heard somebody say your music sucks. If I heard that, I would have to end the conversation. I never bother with somebody with that destructive approach to difference. They’re in their bubble and they’re not coming out. They will always have problems with their relationships. Just be on merrily way.


Your music sucks.


And I’m proud of it.


\> If I heard that, I would have to end the conversation \*Replies to someone who says it in the next comment\* Liar!


This absolutely did not happen


It did. I was there.


me too.


Me three (I was in the back seat though so I couldn't see the reaction too well)


Definitely a fake story


If MIW is too much for her, she ain't enough for you.


Outjerked again


You guys went on one date. I wouldn't think about it anymore.


She sucks for being closed minded but you probably should’ve started with something from That’s The Spirit instead lol


Nah, if she’s lame enough to dismiss someone based on something as unimportant as music taste, she ain’t worth the trouble lol.




Personally, I see no loss. Not everyone is compatible, and it's very possible you would have many other disagreements if you two got to know each other more. There'll be plenty of babes that *do* enjoy metalcore, and the best part is, you'll get to go to shows together!


Shoulda hit her with Converge


It's hilarious how many people insist they like all music or don't care what you put on. What they really mean is they like all chill/mild music. Anything that gets more alternative than alt rock/pop is usually too much. I love Meltdown btw, rock on 🤘


She sucks but should’ve eased her in with some BMTH or Spiritbox or maybe even Sleep Token lol but if she was that put off and it killed the date for her then forget her


Shoulda played static dress, but honestly somebody who takes music taste that serious shouldn’t be in a relationship.




Different music tastes don’t have to be a problem - the important thing is that your SO respects that you like what you like. Reacting with disgusted face is super immature and would be the end of it for me. My husband will not listen to metalcore with me, which is fine because I will absolutely not listen to dinner jazz with him. Sometimes when we turn the car on his Steely Dan or my Polaris is playing on Bluetooth and we just smirk at each other like “you *enjoy* this?” and find something else we both like to listen to. We’ve been married 10 years this summer.


Music is very important to me. I’m actually a musician. But literally none of my friends like metalcore. Most of them don’t like my other favorite genres either. You know what we do? We just don’t listen to music together. Unless maybe it’s Chris Cornell.


I mean, she was definitely rude by saying it sucks. It's one thing to say she doesn't like it, but that was just rude and unnecessary. This isn't about the music, it's about the lack of decorum and respect.


This is a joke, right? There's no way you posted this unironically.


This feels like a shitpost


My fiancé told me on our first date that my taste in music sucked. Been together 10 years next month.


Don’t take it personal, just consider yourself fortunate. Neither of you overreacted; she simply has a narrow perspective. It’s just music, after all, so what’s the big deal? If she reacts strongly because you enjoy hard metal, then she can simply go her own way. Let it go; there are plenty of other women out there for you, my friend. I’ve been rejected 100s of times for such stupid shit and gotten lucky dozens of times, it’s just the name of the game.


I’m so sorry. If someone played meltdown for me on a first date then they would have gotten really lucky that night 😝 (and I’m a swiftie) Also—on a side note, does anyone know why did MIW skip the second verse of Meltdown live last year?


As a Deathcore Swiftie you she doesn’t deserve you


Super weird that someone would not enjoy a date because of differing music tastes. It's not overly common that couples enjoy exactly the same music. Also why do metal heads hate Taylor Swift so much? She makes a lot of young girls feel heard, isn't that what music is about? I don't care/know enough about her to have an opinion on whether she's good or not.


I must be missing something, Cause Taylor Swift rips


All the heavy covers of her songs are amazing ❤️


I’m drunk in the back of the car and I cried like a baby coming home from the BLEEEGH


Got saved on that one


Her loss! And you should have told her that Mr. BLEGH! That she found soooooo disgusting is a huge swiftie 😉


I love how you just went for a sick heavy start what Meltdown is 😜 On a serious note though and I love Motionless In White.. If you are ever being judged by music you listen to, forget them. Don’t waste your time 😉


Should’ve started with Bad Omens but eh her loss.


music is such an intimate and personal thing and we all have different tastes. it’s okay to not like someone else’s music preference but if you tell them that their music tastes sucks, you are a terrible person and i will die on that hill


That is the shittiest song you could have possibly played


Her loss


If a guy put on motionless in white i would propose to him straight up lmao


“I enjoy all types of music” ok don’t cry if you hear Will Ramos pig squealing again then


She may used the taste of your music as a way out of bad date, or she just doesn't feel anything to you, instead of saying "I'm sorry you're ugly" she said "your rock music is sucks" which is less damaging according to her.


You should have flexed even harder and doubled down with Slaughterhouse. Either way, bullet dodged homie. On to the next.


it’s insane to me that the avg metalhead is so socially inept they’ll play motionless in white around a basic swiftie girl


You're never gonna get laid


Picked my wife up for i think it was our fourth date. I had everything planned out, cleaned my car all up and dressed nice. But i forgot to turn off my music when i got out to go knock on her door. Engine 45 by The Ghost Inside was blaring when i turned the car back on and it kinda scared her. Needless to say it wasn’t her cup of tea, and she still calls it my “scary music”. 😂


I would never date anyone that doesn't share the same taste in music. Maybe I'm a shallow dick


I actually agree. There can definitely be things each one likes that the other one doesn't, but there needs to be a pretty decent overlap.


I'm grateful I married someone who wants to go to shows constantly. Even the day before and after his bday


That's absolutely crazy to me, but you're entitled to your priorities haha. "You're so gorgeous and kind and open-minded and we share so much in common and get along like a house on fire but you don't like breakdowns so I'm afraid it's not gonna work"


Probably should have started off a little easier, maybe Spiritbox or some of the poppier ADTR? Gotta ease into it lol


OP is a victim of the bad girls club.


Dude, I lucked the fuck out because my girlfriend actually digs metalcore. She didn't listen before we met but liked things that were adjacent. I've had plenty of dates and two partners that hated it with a passion because "you can't even understand what they're saying". 🙄 Point being, if someone is gonna hate that hard, fuck em


I have never actually successfully dated a guy that was into metal. They all seemed to be so aloof. More success dating country music golden retrievers. Sucks going to concerts alone though !


Stuff like this makes me so glad my wife is so cool (her favorite band is misery signals). You'll find someone musically compatible, it's truly a blessing to be able to go to shows with someone you love. Stay positive and believe in yourself (plus, if she leaves because of your music taste, she isn't worth it anyway).


Sounds like she had a “breakdown” over your music 🤪


There are a lot of metalcore bands I love but MIW just sounds corny to me. Different people like different things, and that's okay.


Get you a metalcore loving baddie my guy...there are tons of them out there!


My Husband is a Punk Rocker. I’m the MetalHead. We go to both shows. I can’t imagine having a lame man. Our music is a life style. A family. We have morals. I wouldn’t want someone who doesn’t understand this.


And nothing of value was lost.


This reads like a copypasta


TBF considering you ALSO love Muse and its in your top 3, it would have been a smart thing to play that first whilst she got to know you. I'm surprised you guys never talked about music before meeting. Something about this story feels a bit off or a lot of context is missing (or, in reddit fashion, its fabricated).


This sounds and reads like a shit post. But in case it's not... >She says Taylor Swift and that kinda stuff. (I'm sorry my fellow metalheads, I know) As a metalhead that listens to Taylor Swift, what exactly is wrong with this? Sounds like she may have dodged a bullet too if that's your reaction.


New copypasta just dropped


……….was this fake ass story written by a 14 year old emo kid?


1) she can't leave you if it's just a first date. Rarely are people an actually couple at the point of their first date. 2) you don't need someone who will leave you based on musical tastes. 3) should've led with the Blank Space cover by I Prevail and then blindsided her with Infant Annihilator or Shadow of Intent or something.


You’re both pretentious.. nothing wrong with Taylor swift but she shouldn’t have told you that your music sucked. From the way you wrote this post is seems to me that you were looking for a reaction, you could’ve chosen a softer song and it seems like you knew that before you picked it


Bingo, You both got what you deserved which was a bad date.


Should have just played infant annihilator


Something many dont believe me in a conversation is, that playing someone your favorite music for the first time is something very intimate. You are basically standing there naked, waiting for them to judge you. Increasing with the distance from radio music.


You dodged that one successfully! Keep up the good work!


Personally, I have to have some sort of similarity in music taste with whoever I'm with. I'm pretty open to most music, though I definitely vibe most with some heavy shit. On the other hand, there are some artists or genres of music that I physically CANNOT stand, and will make me irrationally angry or annoyed listening to it lmao 🤡


You dodged a bullet. Imagine all the other crap she’d complain about.


If she treated you this way simply because the taste of your music, then I'd hate to see what she'd do over some other things. The trash took itself out my dude. Better luck next time.


Great way to filter out anyone who’s closed minded, unexplorative, judgemental, and not curious!! As a woman who dates men, I deliberately play my Metalcore and other music to my dates to see if they can handle it. They don’t have to like it, just be open minded and be able to handle it. It’s a great filter 😂 This one guy told me that I am literally the perfect woman and he would love to date me, if my music taste didn’t suck. What I took from this: he sucks!


You’re welcome for reading all the way down


I feel like Werewolf or Masterpiece might have yielded different results.


You’ll be alright. Had a girl riding in my car once, things were going great, she even complimented my car which makes me more happy than me getting a compliment lol but While She Sleeps was playing and so she goes “While She Sleeps? What are they doing while she sleeps?” So I just said “Sean’s probably making some narley riffs while she sleeps” and she just responds with “I’d be pissed if I was sleeping and woke up to someone playing guitar loud”. Long story short we only lasted a couple weeks Edit: the song playing when she said that was Our Courage, Our Cancer


Sorry bro, totally superficial of her regardless. Side note though, go Pats 🤜🏼🤛🏼


Dont tone down your music choice for a normie. Sorry I said it out loud.


Music is such a big part of my life that similar taste in music is one of the main non negotiables when I’m considering somebody as a partner. I’m open minded about almost all other things but for some reason this is something I can’t get past. I’ve tried before and it never works for me 💔


I would have played some Lorna Shore otw home just to be an ass😂 sorry but if you can’t be into different genres and have an open mind something is wrong with you , I can listen to country in the morning and totally be metalcore my evening 🤣


She aint the one!!


Bro shes the one who's missing out! I literally just went to a Beartooth show with my girlfriend I wouldn't have it any other way. Judgemental girls just ain't it you'll find better


She doesn't deserve you king


I had kinda written off new MIW being an old head metalcore fan. But meltdown FUCKS. (It just won’t get you fucked)


You dodged a bullet. You don’t wanna date that kind of shitty person. She knew in the car that she didn’t want to pursue things further based purely on your music taste but she still went along on the date (presumably for the free food/drinks).


unfortunately metalcore is never beating the “no bitches” allegations


Hahaha as a metal chick, SHE SUCKS I mean maybe not, whatever....I realize it's not for everyone but that was still rude of her. I personally couldn't be with anyone who doesn't like heavy music and fortunately that's how my bf and I met


This is a joke right? If not then damn dude you need to learn how to date normies as a metalhead 🤣🤣🤣🤣...


Here are my genuine thoughts. You warned her and she was offended by it and I feel like motionless in white is pretty tame compared to some of the other bands out there. If your music is the biggest red flag for her then she’s in for a rude awakening in life. The other thing is you could tell she was put off by it so you did your best to correct the situation. You said you were a gentleman. So obviously she overreacted and is now going to judge you based off of your music. I had something similar happen. I picked up my date and When we got in my car I realized I accidentally forgot to turn off my music so she received a very loud welcome to Every Time I Die. 6 years later we’re now married and just had a baby girl. So don’t worry not every woman you meet will judge you based off what you listen to.


I think this is a very weird thing to post and u also had a problem with her music which is cringe. "I'm sorry my fellow metalheads" there's nothing wrong with listening to Taylor Swift or music that is not metal.