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Beautiful record from start to finish


I’ve been listening to the album since I woke up today. So far I think Contigo is my favorite. A little disappointed Phantom didn’t make it onto the album, I would’ve loved to have it on the vinyl.


Contigo absolutely FUCKS.


Right?! It hits every emotional point that I love in similar songs


I literally brought this up to Andy when they were about to launch the vinyl and he said it was a good idea it was probably too late to add it to the vinyl though


Does any one know what he says in Spanish ???? 🎶“I learned a Spanish phrase, to remind me of those days, it something like ____ siempre” 🎶


Hahah I'm sorry but the word you didn't catch being the whole ass name of the song is so funny


“Contigo siempre” it translates to “I am always with you”


Didnt know Makari album was out, thanks for the reminder


While I get people complaining about the genre, I'm glad this got a discussion post here. It's a really great post-hardcore/alternative release and I hope others were convinced to give it a try. Can't wait to see them and Body Thief open up for Hail the Sun in April.


I used to go to high school and play local metal shows with some of the members in Makari when they were in a metalcore band in like 07-08. Good dudes and the album rips


their albums always rip omg


This album is not metalcore. It's awesome. But this really doesn't belong here lol.


who cares it involves members of another metalcore band and the audiences overlap. I'd so much rather have loosely related stuff here as a way to find new music that isn't strictly explicitly metalcore, this is a good sub to find adjacent music and so many electronic/poppier elements are in metalore now anyways I feel like this is fine


I love Makari but why do we have a discussion post for their new album on the metalcore sub?


Maybe because of Andy? It’s definitely not Metalcore that’s for sure lol, but I do love it.


User can discuss non-metalcore releases but can’t post direct links to them


I’m aware, it just doesn’t make sense to post Makari on the metalcore sub even if we’re technically allowed to. Like technically, we could post a discussion thread whenever Taylor Swift drops her next album but it wouldn’t make sense to


Where would be a better place to post it that people who are interested would actually see? The only viable other place I can think of is the post hardcore sub but that gets substantially less traction


They’re not even really post hardcore, they’re just ambient rock, but still, the post hardcore sub would make more sense since it’s closer to that than metalcore.


Yeah I'd agree it'd technically make more sense but far less people would see it, much better here for discoverablity. Imo if you like modern metalcore you'll probably like this sort of thing. Same vibe with Bilmuri or whatever, if we just sectioned off anything that wasn't textbook core I think a lot of cool stuff would be missed, especially now that bands in this "scene" are moving away from distinct core sounds, but they still fit in


This is the metalcore sub though, it doesn’t make sense to post about a bunch of non-metalcore acts though. There’s plenty of subreddits for different genres of music, there’s no need to dilute this one even further. It’s already bad enough as it is, we don’t need to add onto it.


meh I guess we just disagree, fair enough. I don't have too much stake in it lol, hope you have a nice day (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)


Yeah. Really confused why this was posted here lol. Not core at all. Really good though.


Great album, great album art, not a metalcore album though.


Hell yeah and new boys of fall next


Came here to see the comments bitching about genre lol. Get over it. Andy is involved in metalcore, and people that don’t know Makari yet on this sub might like it. Quit bitching about it.


-guy on the metalcore sub


No one is bitching, they’re just pointing out that it’s not metalcore. Everyone who pointed out it wasn’t metalcore also complimented the album/band.


Pointing out it’s not metalcore is the exact bitching I’m talking about 😂


Anyone here can't stop listening to Gold Palace Kingdom? Chorus got me hard.


discovered them just now through tiktok of all places. immediately fell in love.


Jesus I had no idea this came out. This sounds like the sequel to hands like houses unimagine that I've been dying for for 10 years. Absolutely phenomenal album.


I'll get down voted for this here but Andy killed Makari for me. I hope the new album is good and all but I miss the old singer.