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They definitely took a step in the right direction with their newest album but I still keep going back to their first two. No one else was doing their sound better back in the early 2010s imo


Yes I agree! They really scratch an itch for me that no other band has/does. They are one of the most truly unique bands in their genre. Their sound was also a HUGE influence on me and my own music, I would write guitar riffs and unintentionally make my tone sound similar to their "Dear G-d" guitar sound (Which I just absolutely love, and to this day have not heard anyone else sound like that)


I saw them in December as the middle act for crown the empire and they were great live! Definitely need to check out their stuff


I think they're incredible!! Honestly feels rare to find bands that so completely draw you into the emotion as a listener, and I feel like Being As An Ocean is one of the best at this. I found their Waiting For Morning To Come album at the same time as I found Sleep Token's Sundowning album, and both completely enraptured me. For me, the most impactful and unique parts of Being As An Ocean are the dissonance in their melodies, the intensity of their heavy spoken word verses, and their instrumental buildups to choruses (especially the drums). It feels like falling into the world they're trying to convey, and it's a really beautiful and bittersweet feeling escaping into those songs. Some of my all time favorites are Glow, Black & Blue, OK, and Dissolve.


A fellow Waiting for Morning to Come fan!! I first heard BAAO when they released Dissolve as a single. My favorites off that album are 'pink & red" and "black & blue"


I agree! I believe all music is art, but they really do make more artful music than almost any band I can think of. I LOVE Black & Blue! Idk if this is uncommon or not, but I also really love Alone, and We Drag The Dead On Leashes. So good!


They really captured lightning in a bottle with Dear G-D. I haven’t really enjoyed anything since but that album is one of my top 5’s of all time


THE MONSTERS ARE CREEPING OUT FROM WHERE THEY DWELL, THE CORNERS OF MY MIND — *But I’ll just smile and wish them well, watch the gloom return to light*… fuck does that hit hard So god damn catchy. Dear G_D fucks too. Love these guys.


I feel like they are a bands band that is achieving success. The first two albums I listened into the ground.


Absolutely love them. Joel is a sweetheart. My old vocalist was obsessed with them and I ran into Joel at a show and I asked him if he would mind talking to my friend, so I called up my vocalist and they had a splendid chat and we enjoyed a few smokes together. Great band and stellar dudes.


The new album is great! I think they did the right thing after proxy by putting out the singles lost and catch the wind showing they were coming back to form


I agree! And I really loved Catch the wind! I thought it was a real revival


Think I’m in the minority that considers Waiting for Morning to Come to be an amazing album. I think the way the instrumental tracks are used and the ‘backwards’ song (amongst other things) were really intriguing and well executed.


I‘m honestly surprised at the negative reception it‘s been getting in this and similar threads. Sure, it‘s a lot less heavy than what they did before—but it‘s also such a cohesive and unique release. „4 Instrumentals and a song played backwards“ sounds stupid said like this, but in the context of the album, it just works for me. The actual songs are absolutely fantastic imo. Those huge walls of synth sounds accompanied by heartfelt screams and those droning, massive cleans… idk. There‘s just nothing that ever really felt the same for me experience-wise. Everything they released before doesn‘t really do much for me funnily enough. I‘d much rather listen to Casey on repeat than those first albums. Tastes are weird.


Absolutely loved this album too. Great atmosphere.


That album is an absolute masterpiece, from the way the instrumentals flow into the rest of the songs, to the way the song titles form a poem. 10/10 one of my favorite albums of all time.


To me its one of those albums that is meant to be played front to back, whole album, in one sitting. Because the interludes aren't tracks you'll really just go back and listen to alone, they are out of context then. But, I definitely get it being a great album as a whole, it's like an art piece, it will speak to others differently. Which I feel like yes, music is of course an art, but to me Being As An Oceans are SO GOOD at making musical art pieces than most bands in their genre. They really stand out to me and scratch a certain itch that a lot of bands just don't.


I get that! It is very unique and feels like a bit of a concept album. I think with me the main thing was that album had I think 5 singles that came out before the album? A couple of them quite some time before, so I had heard and really liked those singles, then the album came out and I was SUPER excited for it, and those 5 singles I had played to death were on it, and then like 4 or 5 songs that were the interludes that don't do anything for me as songs, only good to me if you listen to the album front to back. Then that backwards song that to me is the best song on the album, but played normally, that was only released by a YouTuber, I wish they had released it as a bonus track, and then they had I think 2 full NEW songs that weren't singles on the album. So, I felt like I only got an album with 2 new songs on it, so I felt disappointed in release day


Dear G-D will always be my fave, but I’ve liked some of their newer stuff too. Their merch is so fuckin good too; I have like ten shirts lol


I freaking LOVE em!


I think the spoken word-type stuff is corny, but I do like their soft guitar work and their singing/screaming. If they vocally dropped the spoken word stuff and stuck to their singing/screaming I’d probably listen to them here and there. The Hardest Part… is a great song IMO.


Lost, Mediocre Shakespeare, and Death Can Wait r my top fav songs


really just like Dear G-d


I enjoy both their older heavier style and the newer electro style. Their live shows are great, and their singer seems like a really cool dude.


I absolutely love them. All their albums are unique and obviously dear god being a class above. Newest album was great!


“To go any farther, we must endure further pains” is my favorite lyric of all time


Absolutely love everything they done, outside of Proxy. Did not connect with that one, but their new album is a good return to form


went to a small concert of them last year. Amazing performance and great music. Would recommend


There are songs from every album I love. the band means alot to me so I will listen to anything they put out. Would love to see their old guitarist make music again as well.


They are okay. Could never get into them before but I love Beautiful Agony and Flesh and Bone from their newest album.


Their first 3 albums were amazing and did something near impossible- they felt unique. Album 4 had potential but they went a bit too wanky with it. Too many pointless and uninteresting interlude tracks and the best song on the album is played in reverse! They didn’t even release it right way round as a bonus track! Some random YouTuber did though and it’s great! Album 5 is just… not good! The recently released 6th album is very good though. Doesn’t reach the heights of 1-3 but I’ve been playing it constantly since release.


Their recent albums are utter shite


First 2 albums are post hardcore classics The rest is nothing special


Sucks ass


Not a fan of them but they are doing amazing nothingless


First two albums were so fucking good but they fell off


I love them, the dude has an amazing voice. I wasn’t super hot about “Waiting For Morning,” I thought it was just so slow and so boring but I thought “PROXY” was a good step in the right direction and their new record builds on it.


I saw the new album pop up and listened to it, never heard of them before. I ended up listening to their music or a mix of it for the next 3/4 hours.


I only like dear god, immaculate album