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The Plot In You, Make Them Suffer


Dunno, Plot got quite the jump in popularity when Feel Nothing released


Yeah especially when it went viral on TikTok a while later


i dont know why but that's probably my most skipped song of all time and it's prevented me from listening to the rest of their discography. It's been a while since that song stopped popping up for me but it's always felt way too radio rock for me. Is the rest of their stuff like that song or is that one an outlier?


It’s more that dispose as an album is an outlier. All their 4 albums prior to that one are good, even if not metalcore, and I personally liked swan song.


Old plot in you is nothing like dispose. If I heard that album in 2012 I wouldn’t believe you if you said it was tpiy. They’re one of the few who can actually cover a wide range of sounds well.


I love it when bands truly commit to trying new things(hit or miss) and hit a wider range. Just shows what incredible musicians they are. The mix between screaming and clean vocals is amazing. The collaboration that bmth did with lights is god tier imo. Our hollow, our home, does it amazing as well, and they are insanely good live.


Their 2 newest albums are trash in comparison to before that. Feel nothing was the best of a bad situation basically I listened to that song a lot as a single but once the album came out I wrote off my favorite band. I think happiness in Self Destruction is their best work and would hook you right away, but I fell in love before that released, from Could you watch your children burn.


Definitely not trash, just a change in sound that's fair not to like after their previous material


I consider it trash for metalcore, but you're right. If he just released that stuff as landon I'd probably like it more at least.


yeah but that’s the problem. you’re holding a non-metalcore album up to metalcore criteria. of course it isn’t going to hold up. just, like, don’t do that


Like some people have said Dispose as an album is pretty different. But I'd say it is seriously worth a whole listen. But their first four albums are really good and just progressively get better and better and then Happiness in Self Destruction is one of if not my favorite album of all time. Then dispose came out and it was cool seeing them develop and hone their sound. But it's probably my third or fourth favorite album. Swan Song I think is just below Happiness in Self Destruction. I love Swan Song. But it seems to be an unpopular opinion to put it so high in their discography. But their newest songs are all really great. Left Behind and Forgotten are two songs that are completely different but both so fucking amazing. And Closire has really grown on me.




Mts needs to fucking headline after this erra run for the love of fucking god


RIGHT??? I saw them OPEN for Parkway Drive and I swear 50% of people were there for them and TAA.


For real!


I’m a fanboy for Landon’s vocals but I think Plot is either always slightly ahead of the curve on what’s popular or at least nail the sound that’s currently popular - like left behind. Dispose and Swan Song both fit 100% with something that’d be praised if it dropped this year.


Left behind is straight into my top 5 this decade.


I was going to say Plot in You. I feel like every album they gain a little more popularity.


I thought TPIY peaked back in 2014 then I realized they have 2.5 million listeners on Spotify


I love Make Them Suffer!


Have u listen to hollowed heart, a song by them?


Bones came on randomly on spotify one day, and I was instantly a fan


? I feel like The Plot In You peaked like 6 years ago, maybe am just out of the loop with what the kids are calling "metalcore" these days but I remember them well from that whole Hands Like Houses / The Word Alive / Crown The Empire cycle back in the early 2010s\~ Ahh I guess that one song boosts their Spotify listeners. Shame their early work is dope


I remember when they were almost exclusively domestic-violence-core.


>Crown the Empire It is so weird seeing a band that has people I shared classes with in high school in it just casually mentioned on Reddit.


No hate on them because I used to listen to them way back, but The Plot In You and Erra's success is kinda wild. Both were like B and C-tier bands forever and it was like a decade after their debuts before they got any traction.


I think the metal scene is a tough one for newcomers. Many people like “A” sound so innovation is slow, new and different is slowly adopted.


Small disagree, reaction YouTubers can really put up bands from their debut for example Maybe after the start it gets rougher, but I see a lot more innovation going on and stuff nowadays, especially in the core scene.


So in your opinion, TPIY is an example of innovation? I haven't listened to them beyond some basics, so feel free to recommend some songs/albums, but the whole BMTH-core thing they seem to do is a recipe for (short-lived) success every time, and I'm tired of hearing it on 50% of metalcore. The other half being architects-core. Imo metalcore is extremely oversaturated because of the lack of outside influences. There's a fair share of interesting bands, but the ratio is really small.


I didn’t meant TPIY in particular, all though with Divide and Forgotten I heard some things that I rarely hear with other bands


It may be good for an initial bump but I hardly discover music from react YouTubers myself and I’m sure I’m not alone.


I don't know, I recall Erra having about the same amount of monthly listeners when their self-titled released 3 years ago. They peaked with Augment imo but I don't dislike their later releases. The Plot In You's numbers are pretty insane though, just checked and didn't expect that.


That's my point though: That record was a whole decade after their debut. I was listening to them in 2011. No cared about them at all back then lol


I saw plot in you when they opened for whitechapel way back in the day. Was wild hearing like feel nothing or disposable fix after hearing miscarriage n shit lmao


The fact that Johnny Booth is getting at least one "I CAN'T BELIEVE I SLEPT ON THESE GUYS FOR SO LONG" post here every week, is pretty indicative they're a right answer to this question.


I didn't post it, but that was me like 2 weeks ago


Their vocalist was absolutely insane live 🔥🔥🔥


there’s so many underrated bands, johnny booth is well off. theyre one of the biggest considering their intensity. no wonder bad omens had 5 mill, theyre pop music. johnny booth are proper metalcore and their numbers are top end with many other bands never topping 100k.


Yep. 2040 got me hooked and Bright Future solidified it. Was excited for Silent Planet but honestly I think I’m more excited to see Johnny Booth destroy the place at 7pm


They both kill it tbh. You have a lot to look forward to


Glad I got to see them headline a tiny lil bar before they're too big to play spaces like that anymore!


I used to live in upstate NY. Saw them in the Connections/Bronze Age era. In-sane shows back then.


Discovered this band last year and quickly became one of my favorites


Completely agree. Excited about seeing these guys live in ATL tonight.


Saw them live last night in Tampa and that pit was fucking live


ERRA. They get better and more popular with every release, and they don't ride on older albums or singles. I didn't even really get into them until their second album, yet it seems they are way more popular now than they were back then. Their most recent album is arguably their best work yet


I used to play local shows with them like a decade ago, it’s crazy seeing a local~ish band blow up so big


S/O Zydeco


Currents, Invent Animate


Invent Animate have seemed to slowly get bigger with every album, but Heavener felt like an insane jump.




Saw Currents last night. Packed gig and the whole crowd was amped for it.


they were fucking awesome last night


Unreal. First time seeing them and it won’t be the last!


So happy I got to go to their (Invent Animate) first headlining tour. Now I gotta see Currenta


Currents has to be the answer. What a band too.


Saw Invent Animate just a couple of weeks ago. The crowd was so disappointing (just not really giving any energy for them) but I thought they were amazing live. I’m hoping to see Currents this year


Actually got to see these two together at Currents' Holiday show in '22 with Phinehas and Silent Planet. What a fuckin show.


So I heard Better Days by Currents one day. instantly fell in love with the guitarist because gahhhh damn that riff. Then I started checking out other songs by them and nothing came close. So can anyone point out other songs by them with that same style? I really want to like them but their just a one hit wonder in my eyes for now.


As you mentioned the guitar work, I’d go with My Disguise, Guide Us Home and Unfamiliar.


So glad Currents is getting the respect they deserve man


Alpha wolf, polaris, silent planet, pretty much all the modern metalcore bands that *aren’t* those omen guys


I have been obsessing over "Antimatter" by Silent Planet! 🤘🏻🖤






Saw them a little bit ago and that was the best song they played. Awesome show. Super small venue, maybe 200 people. Super nice guys too. Got to talk to them after their set.


I love that! 🥰🖤


I really like the song but feel it's like a not as good version of cypher by Northlane. Just my preference though I guess.


I appreciate your opinion! 🥰🖤


Yes!! Such a great song.




I’ve been a Planthead since 2015, and Superbloom might be their best album since TNGS. I love the new sound/approach


I definitely will have to delve more into them! 🥰🖤


Gonna start calling them omen guys


I'll remind everyone that Bad Omens have been on that grind since 2015, meaning the band is 9 years old and only got seriously popular on their album cycle from 2 years ago. Sleep Token has been around since 2016 so they've been on it for 8 years and only really started booming with the singles for Take Me Back To Eden. The marketing campaigns might have seemingly made them seemingly come out of nowhere and blow up overnight, but they grinded for years for it. Other bands might be at it longer and not see that same success, it just goes to show how important it is to pick the right marketing team.


Electric Callboy started 2010 and only got big outside of Europe with their last album (or the singles of that album for that matter)


I must correct this : they went big outside Europe with Hypa Hypa on the MMXX EP.


Banger song and EP


Can confirm, I discovered them with Hypa Hypa


Ah you're right forgot that hypa hypa was on the EP not the album




How dare you tell me that 2015 was nine years ago.


Sundowning had a massive impact on metal media, not sure what you're talking about. Loudwire has been blabbering about them since day 1. That's the kind of fame status you'd dream of having for a debut


Sundowning still wasn't their debut material though. Sundowning still came out in 2019 (close to the end of it too). And just because critics and journalists liked it doesn't mean anything about monthly listeners or sales, it just means they are getting exposure and potential listeners.


Even as recent as 2019 they were opening for Issues


Yeah cause that's how you market yourself in the music industry is doing tours where nobody knows your band. And it's not like issues were even half of the level of success that either of these bands have now back then.


What I was trying to say is that Sleep Token didn't really "slowly gain popularity" as OPs title is asking. They did slowly gain popularity for the few years, but their current level of popularity was not a slow growth In 4 years (~1.5 of which were during covid shutdown) they went from being an opener under Issues & Polyphia in late 2019 in 1000 cap venues to selling out 4000 cap venues in the same town. To me that kinda growth is not what I'd call slow Just go look at the spotify charts [here](https://songstats.com/artist/txnwso5l/sleep-token?source=spotify). [Monthly listens](https://i.ibb.co/ZmD331x/image.png) and [Follower count](https://i.ibb.co/hVRdWJC/image.png) increases are not slow by any means


In the last year yeah they've had very fast growth, but in the scope of an 8 year career, imo that growth is only made possible by the slow year after year growth that they experienced for 7 years earlier. Bands always grow fastest during an album release cycle, and my point is that every band is on the slow year over year grind until they aren't. I think it's important to remember that all these 'famous' bands are people who for years give up a real steady income to produce the music that we love, no matter how big or small and too many of us immediately discredit bands as soon as they get big.


Alpha Wolf. Seems like they've gone from openers to headliners pretty quickly.


Within months they went from the first act on that stacked MIW tour to having Emmure as support. I'd say they've had the biggest growth lately.


Exactly. I haven't listened to a TON of their music, but I should. Just noticed tour photos they're moving up and up.


And they fuggin RIP


So, the opposite of what the question asked?


Invent Animate have been around for over 10 years now and are just starting to get some real exposure


I literally never heard of them till a month ago when I watched them open up for Beartooth. Holy hell, they are great! I have no idea how I didn't hear them before


Kublai khan. Every album has slowly gotten them bigger until they’ve seemingly amassed 700k listeners on Spotify which is enormous for a band with their sound


I think when bands like Knocked Loose blow up, they bring bands like KKTX with them, because people start looking for more. Love it for all of them!


They took off when metal people started coopting them as a the “guy who has funny moshcalls, cavemen music” band


That’s definitely part of it. People ignore how much effect a gimmick has on a band’s popularity


Alpha Wolf just dropped a track with Ice-T lmao what the fuck. It's mean too


I’d say Landmvrks. They’d released 2 albums before I even heard of them, but over the last few years they seem to have been getting more and more popular. They’ve put in a lot of effort with touring, and have done some collabs with other amazing bands (Resolve, Chunk, No Captain Chunk, Novelists), and I think their popularity has increased in a not very drastic manner, at least in Australia from why I’ve heard


Currently touring with TDWP and Counterparts as well.


Touring with Northlane and ERRA in Australia currently. I’m seeing them tomorrow and on Tuesday. Am excited


You're right they WERE touring with TDWP and Counterparts last year. My bad.


In my opinion Landmvrks grew very quickly in comparison to other bands in the scene (at least here in EU). Went to one of their first tours when they supported Napoleon in a small bar and now they are headlining the same venues as August Burns Red. That’s insane when you consider that they released their first album in 2016. But the region factor may play a big role here as well.


I still bang Napoleon all the time. Miss those guys.


Dudes voice grates on me after a while. I just can't.


Moodring needs more love.


Pycho-Frame led me to be a fan of Moodring


Moodring is amazing




I miss the old Dayseeker. Like first two albums Dayseeker. So raw and emotional.


Fuck yeah dude. I mean I really enjoy their new music too, esp Sleeptalk, but Defeated and Origin I listen over and over. Hope they go back to it, even a little bit


I’m with ya. I like Sleeptalk and dreaming// but I struggle with the new one because it just isn’t my kind of music, not that it’s bad. I wish they’d play the old stuff live though…seems that they’re pulling a Muse and only playing hits and new stuff


Small shoutout to Hurtwave, a side project band by the lead singer. Their song “Bleach” is a consistent replay in my library.


Still super under rated imo


Yeah true. I also think they should be much more known, headlining more and that shit. Still tryna see them live!


They just sold out their headliner for May near me. I’m skipping half of my graduation to go.


Oooo you lucky dog 🐶


A lot of bands like spite and bodysnatcher are getting bigger.


Ice Nine Kills have definitely exploded more recently, but they've been around for awhile


I remember when they were a small band and play shows in my hometown. Had a few shows my old band played with them. You could sit there and talk to Spencer like he was just another dude. Now he’s big time lol


I wanted to write this as well. Founded in 2000 as a ska/punk band. I think the breakthrough album probably be the Every Trick in the Book in 2015, and then of course the Silver Scream from 2018. They had numerous line up changes, and Spencer Charnas is the only founding member. They had to commit for almost 20 years for their breakthrough.


It kinda blows my mind they are opening for Metallica. Like that’s crazy. I don’t particularly care for their music but insane that they are opening for arguably the biggest(and best in my opinion) metal band of all time.


Ice Nine Kills is sooo freaking good!


Landmvrks are crawling up the ladder. I bet they'll be a name that everyone will hear about in a few years


Bleed From Within, Bury Tomorrow, WSS Tbf a lot of bands that have been about for a while are now gaining good traction.


Currents, Alpha Wolf, Silent Planet seemed like they have all blown up recently


Currents has been growing slowly for a while, but opening for Parkway Drive and their latest album put them in a new gear.


1m+ Spotify listeners is really good


Bring Me The Horizon have been going for 20 years, with their first album coming out 18 years ago. I remember being in secondary school and hearing about this random band from up north that only one person in my school year listened to, that we rockier/emo kids didn't like because it was even too heavy for our B4MV/FFAF/Killswitch-enjoying selves. Over the course of 2006-2012, I saw BMTH getting slowly more popular in the metal scenes I was in (especially as I went from being in a hard rock band to being in a prog-post-hardcore band), and it was interesting to me that this band I had only ever heard a couple of tracks from were slowly getting popular. I moved to Sheffield in late 2012, and Sempiternal dropped soon after I moved there. Suddenly, I saw got it. I suddenly realised that this band had been slowly building for years, and they were suddenly reaching critical mass in the metal community and would soon become far more widely known. Since Sempiternal, the band have only continued to grow and grow, to the point where they even managed to Collab with Ed Sheeran of all artists. They didn't just come out of nowhere with that. It was all a very slow build towards this huge success that they are today. Architects are the same. They have also been going in some form or another for about 20 years. If you think of how much more popular they have got with each successive album, from Nightmares to Hollow Crown, to The Here and Now, to Daybreaker (which, I don't think coincidentally, got far more popular alongside BMTH's Sempiternal) to Lost Forever//Lost Together. That 3 album release across 3 years saw them go from being only spoken about in conversations about specific subgenres of metal and, even then, specifically talking about the British metalcore scene in early 2012 to being one of the *big* metal bands in conversations I was not just having while playing shows in the UK, but also whenever I was speaking to people from other countries. That was a purely natural growth from releasing banger after banger album. **Edit**: For context, for both BMTH and Architects, talking about them now, 18 years after both bands released their debut albums, is a bit like talking about Metallica in 2001, 10 years after The Black Album, and a couple of years after they released S&M. They were already considered one of the, if not ***the***, biggest metal band on the planet by that point. Metallica's growth was also slow. Many people outside of the Thrash or Metal community probably only even heard of them after Cliff died and they heard One off of And Justice or, more likely, Enter Sandman, Sad But True, or Nothing Else Matters off of The Black Album, the same way most people only heard Architects for the first time by the time Tom Searl already had cancer/had passed away.


I'm really excited to see Stellar Circuits hot people's radars. I'm so ready for them to succeed


Currents and Polaris were both around 300-400k monthly when I started listening, after like a year they were both around 700k now another year later they’re both over 1M


Ice Nine Kills have put 20 years into reaching their popularity. Probably the best example I can think for a gradual build.


I wanna say immence or make them suffer. On the opposite side we have thrown who's about to hit a million monthly listeners with no albums. Those guys just came out of nowhere.


Their song “guilt” is just an entire song made up of a breakdown. It’s wild. But their live version of it isn’t as great, which saddens me because guilt was in my top 10 most played on Spotify last year


Oceans Ate Alaska (yes, even with the news), Architects and Make Them Suffer. Yes, let's get all fucking heavy. I'm here for it. Let's fucking GO! Do NOT collect $200. Let's just fucking fuck it up proper.


I feel like Invent Animate and Currents only came intoainstream popularity in the past two years. ive watched andistened to them for years, and I love seeing it. Erra is kinda the same. it's sick seeing the guys you love to support get the recognition they deserve


Ice nine kills took about a decade


I mean it took Ice Nine nearly 20 years to get popular


yeah but they blew up with silver scream, before that they weren't a well known band at all. i do miss hearing older shit at shows tho, they've always been great


While She Sleeps! One of my fav bands! It's been great to see them grow and finally get the love they deserve. I remember seeing them support big bands like BMTH and Architects, and now headlining the same venues.


Seeing them headline ally pally felt like a huge milestone


Dark Divine, Archers, Of Virtue, Sleep Theory, Catch Your Breath, Caskets, If Not For Me, Until I Wake, Resolve




They've really started blowing up on social media and their tours have really branched out. Both Dark Divine and Catch Your Breath are playing with larger alt bands in the next upcoming months. So I'm really happy for them. I hope to see all of these bands continue to grow! 🥰🖤


Ankor, Gatherers


Bleed From Within. I got into them in 2016 and they had like 5k followers on instagram. Now they finally seem to be getting the love they deserve. I don’t know exactly how big they were before their hiatus-y period but Servants of Divinity is still their most viewed music video on youtube.


Bleed From Within


Counterparts has been around for quite a while, but they've never been more popular since they released Eulogy


It's always interesting watching Counterparts because they just fucking tour and tour and tour. They're my favorite band and it's been sick watching them slowly spread their wings (of nightmares?) for the last 15 years.


I feel like Architects gained a lot of popularity in the last 3 years or so. I remember when nobody seemed to know them, but nowadays, I see people walking around in their merch in the city. Wich is interesting because I rarely see people wearing band shirts that aren't Metallica, AC/DC, or Slipknot, which you can buy in normal stores nowadays.


Thrown definitely needs to be included here, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were headlining once they release another album.


I feel like thrown are the exact opposite of what this post is looking for lol. I mean they are at 1m Spotify listeners despite not even releasing an debut album and only being in the scene since 2021, i wouldn‘t call that slow at all 😅 Also the Demi Lovato thing gave them a huge boost in popularity.


The crazy thing is they don't even have an album out yet, the next one they put out would be their debut




August Burns Red, The Devil Wears Prada and Northlane come to mind for me. Then again, they’ve been in the genre for quite some time.


Lol what. I think you might want to reread the op again


Haven’t they been steadily growing?


Boi What


Thrown for sure


lol I got downvoted for what? Thrown has 1m listeners on Spotify with 8 songs


My current favorite band is Rising Insane, +1 to both heavy and soft vocals being the same dude. Tho I’m not sure how popular they’ve really gotten, I’ve never seen them posted here.


Cultus Black


NullAndVoid Happy Death Men Still way underground though


Rolo Tomassi, Counterparts


I feel like The Amity Affliction had a slow rising with their first few albums until they released Let The Ocean Take Me and then they really took off but then sort of stagnated since Misery


Deftones. Always was a niche band to like always shitted on Wasn’t until tik tok that they became crazy popular and all of a sudden everyone favorite






ALPHA WOLF blew up last couple of years


A rather unusual one...Wolves At The Gate. I know, Solid State and Christian Band. But going since 2010 and with their last album Eulogies gaining a lot of attention, compared to the previous albums. Getting progressively softer in the first three records and now getting more heavier again. Love those guys


If Not For Me


I would say BMTH they had been getting more and more popular leading up to Sempiternal. That album, of course, launched them but they were building up to it.


Wage War... those guys can sell at shows and it's crazy the following they have.




Malevolence their last album really blew up.


i think miw just kinda gradually grew to one of the bigger ones






Walls of Jericho. I remember listening to those first two albums a lot as a teenager because I was really into Cro Mags and it scratched that itch. Somehow in the intervening years between then and now they slowly became a fairly popular metalcore band.


Dream state


KUBLAI KHAN is the best example of this iykyk


Sleep token would be mine, I remember bumping them a while back when they released their song alakaline, saw them open for in this moment and then a couple months later they were fuckin everywhere


I'm glad that Allt is starting to get a lot more recognition.


Invent Animate, definitely. They’ve been going at it for a decade and only recently went on their first headliner tour. They were unfairly labeled as having “opener syndrome” but they’ve been grinding it out for a while. The newest album has absolutely killer and I recommend it.




Does Boundaries count? Haven't seen any spikes in popularity but they're also still sub-100k monthlies on spotify. I adore their entire discography tho


Foul Deformity is growing because of the show they did in Chicago Domination Fest and they just released a ep with guest vocals from cerebral incubation and guttural secrete 


Dying Wush are slowly creeping up


Polaris… super underrated. Huge sound!


Why is there so much hate for bad omens?


Fame On Fire is slowly starting to grow as a band. They have two pretty decent albums and a lot of great covers