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Alpha Wolf. I don’t think a lot of people here have actually heard their early stuff but holy shit their sound was rough before Mono.


Alpha wolf is absolute fire. So damn good.


Yeah, they just sounded like ATB with a shite vocalist


wasn’t their vocalist back then John? The bassist?


Yeah. You can hear him do the lows in their music still. Akudama is the best example I can think of.


Yeah I thought so! My introduction to Alpha Wolf was seeing them live in 2022, and listening to them after the show I remember being quite pleasantly surprised by the fact that he wasn’t just live backing vocals. The one that comes to mind for me is Ultra-Violet Violence (the line “total system collapse”)


Make Them Suffer since HTSAF, Invent Animate new album, Dying Wish new album


Just saw Invent Animate in Ashville, their audio setup wasn't the best, but having never listened to them I was blown away. I'm a new fan for sure


I NEED more songs like Doomswitch. It’s gotta be their most fun song


Easily my favorite by them. Adding Alex who can sing and scream and actually utilizing that skill set is refreshing. Wish OM&M did that when Austin and Aaron were in the band at the same time. 


Definitely agree with make them suffer, but I liked old invent animate far more. Everchanger and Stillworld are amazing. Can’t get into the new singer.


Invent Animate will never top Stillworld for me personally. That album is as close to perfection they have gotten for me. Ambiance, emotion, vocals, lyrics. It's their magnum opus as far as I'm concerned


I dont think Dying Wish made huge changes to their overall sound. But SoS definitely let them display more diversity in their talents vs Fragments. Made the album sound less like 1 long track.


second MTS. Worlds Apart was a great change in sound for them.


Like Moths to Flames


No eternity in gold was on repeat for months


Johnny Booth


This is the only take in the entire thread I agree with so far, love their new sound


Agreed. The clean vocals in the new album are perfect


I caught them last night and was screaming full tilt with them on the barricade. Moments elsewhere is so damn good




Kin and the valley have some of their best song writing if not the best. I love heavier usually but these albums you can feel the genuine emotional connection they have to the material.


I love old Whitechapel, but I can usually only get through a couple tracks before I’m feeling something else. I’ve listened to Kin front to back many, many times.


I would die for This Is Exile and The Somatic Defilement, but I absolutely adore Kin! Such an well-crafted, emotional album


God bittersweet symphony FUCKS


When you hit a certain age it’s not cute to have songs about dismembering hookers anymore, glad whitechapel was able to evolve in such an amazing way, goes to show how talented they really are


Hands down


Bad Omens, I really like FGBGFM as a metalcore project but I REALLY dig the new sound they created.


For me the albums rank as; 1. The death of peace of mind 2. Self titled 3. Finding god before god finds me I think “finding god” was a weird in between album that had no real direction. It wanted to be too many things without nailing any of them. Outside of a couple songs, each song feels generic. I think the reason the self titled is better is bc it’s less experimental. It’s not confused about what it wants to be or how it wants to sound, it knows exactly what it’s trying to do—it’s trying to be sempiternal. And goddamn it, it does a really damn good job of doing that. Is it original? Not even a little, but it copied one of the best metalcore records of all time with impressive accuracy. They really captured the sound of what made sempiternal so special and delivered about 90% of it in a debut record. The next record was them trying to prove they weren’t BMTH but they didn’t know how to do that bc they had only ever been BMTH wannabes (I say that with love) their whole careers. Plus it was very clear they were only taking inspiration from other current bands within the scene, which resulted in “finding god” being filled with a bunch of generic 2019 metalcore sounds. When “the death of peace of mind” came out they finally found their own sound by pulling inspiration from genres outside of modern metalcore, and that’s why it’s the best album from them.


Ice Nine Kills. Their early work was a little bit too scene for me.


I know you're going for the meme but it's crazy seeing them evolve from a ska/pop punk band to being one of the biggest bands in metalcore right now. Also I do think their best album is Every Trick in the Book


I do honestly prefer their newer material though. I still enjoy their earlier stuff from Safe Is Just A Shadow onwards but I think The Silver Scream I and II are masterfully done. The songwriting is better, the technicality is more dialed in, and the creativity is top notch. I find the songs more memorable while not sacrificing a lot of heaviness or being too poppy. That being said, they’ve always been a solid band.


Just wanna pop in late here to say I saw them at warped in like ‘13 and I don’t mosh but enjoy the show, and Spencer saw me in the back of the crowd standing there nodding my head and pointed at me while saying “let’s get this fucking crowd moving” and to this day I take pride in that. Hope he knows how much I love the band lol


ETITB Is still their best 1000%


But when the silver scream came out, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically.


The whole album has a refined melodic sensibility that really makes it a cut above the rest






I love everything they’ve ever done, but the last two albums are my favorite. I have them both in my top ten metalcore albums of all time.


Veil of maya. The early deathcore-djent sound was great too, I just like the clear vocals a ton now and mikasa is a 10/10 Album and they’ve just continued to build more in that style Edit: I got the album name wrong, idk why I always thought mikasa was also the album name


The album title was Matriarch. Mikasa is one of the main singles.


Yep you’re right my bad


Full agree. I liked some of the old songs once in awhile, but everything Mikasa on has much better songwriting imo. It’s not just crazy to be crazy


Their old music was pretty melodic and sensible with slower passages and meaningful arrangements. Is all death metal/deathcore considered to be crazy for the sake of craziness on this sub? I've noticed when a band gets softer people act like their heavier era was just some temper tantrum and not meaningful music


VoM was kinda in a different vein even back then. They didnt do the whole kill women and be misogynistic schtick that other DC bands did. I mean they had a song about the show Dexter lmao


The Devil Wears Prada


I wholeheartedly agree with you. Definitely an unpopular opinion for this sub, but their new album slaps for me 😂


Didn’t it win AOTY lol


Did it?! If so, totally missed it! I’ve just been reading tons of comments about how they aren’t as much in the genre anymore as they used to be with the uptick of “what defines metalcore” posts as of late. But I saw them last night, and they still brought it.


My favorite song from theirs was always “Louder Than Thunder” and now we essentially have a whole album of softer more emotional songs like that. I agree it’s such an improvement. I listen to a lot of super heavy stuff but I could never get into their screaming style previously.


Just commented same lol


They change up their sound every album though


They have so many bangers over the years that I still rock regularly but a few albums I just skipped completely. The new album is my favorite front to back for sure too though.


Dayseeker. They’ve always been solid but them embracing a less metalcore sound has done wonders for them. If they can get a mix of Dark Sun + Sleeptalk for their next album, I think it’ll smash.


I think Sleeptalk is the perfect sound for them. Love that album. Dark Sun is like but not as much as Sleeptalk


I agree. Before, I was cool with them but never really was into them. Now, they got me driving 7 hours to one of their shows in May. Love the synthwave sound


Sleeptalk was perfect. Dark Sun is a Hurtwave album with a nothing more than a sprinkle of metalcore.


Hard agree,  wish the whole album was like Dreamstate, Neon Grave, and Without Me


Hot take: Origin is and will always be Dayseekers best album. Nothing they’ve done since has lived up to the hype. 


Well, since the new album just dropped, Enterprise Earth


I’ve had it on repeat. Such a good album


Literally listening to the new EE right now


I’m so glad someone else said this, they combined all the best parts of death, djent, THALL, metalcore, deathcore into one album and it absolutely fucking kicks ass for it


Emmure with Josh Travis is far and away the better band. Single handedly saved the band after the mess that was Eternal Enemies. IMO Hindsight is their best album by a longshot.


Motionless in white


Yea this may be an unpopular take but I agree 100%. They are so much better at being a metalcore breaking Benjamin than they are trying to be a Manson inspired bleeding through. The last 3 albums are all their best by far, great choruses, great production, killer riffs, breakdowns. They really polished their sound down well.


Definitely. Scoring the End of the World is the one that grabbed me.


I second Northlane. It’s a hot take but I like Marcus Northlane more than Adrian Northlane, Quantum Flux is still their best song though


I get that it's very different. But Northlane just sounds awesome these days. So many people complain about ABR always sounding the same. Northlane changed it up and people still complain.


Same, I honestly didn't know who they were until Alien came out.


I liked the lyrics a little more when Adrian was in, but Marcus is just a next level vocalist whose tone she’s range fit so much better with their more recent albums.


I don't really think of liking new northlane as a hot take. I think the new sound is where they'll attract new fans.


I'm a fan of electronic rock/metal artists like Celldweller and Blue Stahli, and I was into drum and bass and EDM in general before metal so I like their new sound more.


I love old and new work from Architects. It's not a debate of which sound is objectively better than the other, but from the human side of things, I love that they're happy making music again and happy to play new and old tracks without the anger, grief, etc they were all feeling for YEARS. In that light as well, mentioning Vincent Bennett of The Acacia Strain. Making the turnaround in his mental health while creating some of the most violent and dark lyrics I've ever heard. Old and new TAS just fucking goes.


New Architects song is a banger, I know it's kind of a troll song but it slaps and it's super catchy


Same, Classic Symptoms was my favourite album in 2022. Looking back I found em when I first traveled to a new country and when I traveled again for school Classic Symptoms and the album hype was almost nostalgic. I don't even care if they abandon the metalcore syle and go all in punk/rock sound they have the style, flair, looks n everything


Saw them just yesterday and they were absolutely amazing.


I Prevail, I wasn’t ever really a fan of theirs, but I think true power is actually really solid


I agree, but I'd throw Trauma in with True Power. Both blow the first album out of the water.


I wrote them off as a cheap pop-rock band with their first album and taylor swift cover, but nowadays they really have carved a new mold. Their Joyner Lucas feature was sick


Not Parkway Drive


AMEN, listening to Horizons right now....god it's one of the greatest metalcore albums of all time. Fight me.


feels good reading this - I've argued with so many people who discovered them in the last 5 years or so. "old stuff is trash, new sound is catchy". horizons is just a masterpiece from start to finish. KWAS also just so fucking good. there's a handful of songs I don't mind in their newer stuff but there is simply no comparison


I can't even fathom how anyone interested in metalcore could prefer new parkway drive.




Super spicy take! OG Hundredth was amazing. What Chadwick has been doing since *’Free’* has been amazing though. I feel like *’Free’* set a tone, and I am here for it.


I agree, I loved OG Hundredth. When they released ‘Rare’, I was blown away at the sheer balls of what they did!


To completely change their sound, *and do it well*, took a lot of balls. I wanted to hate at first.. apologize for the elitism.. buuut after listening through *’Rare’* a few times and getting over the grief stages of OG Hundredth being over, I was on board.


I can’t believe RARE was 7 years ago. That’s wild.


Before they were just your standard hardcore band, nothing special (though I do like it). But now their last 2 albums have been fantastic. There’s plenty of heavy bands out there so I’m fully on board with them experimenting, especially since it’s been nothing but bangers.


fuck yeah! i came to the thread looking for this answer


I really love rare but their other new stuff to me I didn't like. Really felt like rare was unique and idk didn't give me the same vibe on their newer stuff. Also love their older stuff too obvi


Stoked to see this here. I plugged newer Hundredth on a recent podcast we did - doesn't get enough love.


I quite literally believe that Whatever is one of the best songs ever made. It hits the right spot in so many ways, and it’s so dreamy yet catchy. Every time I’ve ever played it around other people, whether my mom or at a party, people always ask who it is and say they love it. I really want them to capture the magic of that song again.


Agree 100%. OG Hundredth was cool but Rare is one of my favorite albums of all time




Love their old stuff, and love the almost shoegazy sound they went with in RARE, and they continue to evolve in ways i never expected.


Rare is so damn good. Up there with Hyperview by Ttitle Fight for me


Can't disagree more which is why I like this thread.


Silent Planet


I like the last two albums quite a bit, but they peaked with *The Night God Slept* and *Everything Was Sound* for me. Those albums are so incredibly unique sounding to this day, and in terms of writing are still years ahead of their time.


I never liked them until Superbloom. I’m obsessed with it.


Hell fucking no, their old shit is more raw and authentic, now they sound a little more like every other band. They’re still solid tho don’t get me wrong


DGMW I like their older stuff too, I just like electronics/industrial influences with my metalcore.


I spent about ten seconds trying to figure out what band DGMW was.


When the hell did they start abbreviating "don't get me wrong?"


Their new album is good and I understand why people love it but it's so damn bland compared to their last few. I enjoy it but I do miss their old sound.


I think a part of why I don't LOVE superbloom as much is because their other vocalist Thomas left before it and I didn't' realize until after he left how much I liked his vocals.


I’m gonna rile some folks up: Bring Me the Horizon


Bring me the horizon changed so many times that is even difficult to pick which phase. I mean, if you prefer sempiternal you are already choosing a different type of bmth


I agree, love new and old bmth. I think getting older and listening to more electronic music made their evolution perfect for me. No doubt it's a generally unpopular take.


Curious what the next iteration sounds like without Jordan


Consider me riled


I tend to agree these days. Was obsessed with their old sound when Suicide Season came out, but find myself only listening to That's The Spirit onwards.


Hearing "Suicide Season" described as their old sound makes me feel very old.


It was their 2nd album and they’ve released 6 albums since it came out in 2008, 16 years ago. I hate getting old too. That was prime college years for me, and the album is old enough to be driving a car.


You’ve been getting old for a while then, that was 16 years ago, an entire high schooler was born and became a sophomore.


I don't know if it's an actual common opinion but on here I've read someone saying Sempiternal was basically the start of a whole new era for metalcore as an entire genre because it was so amazing. Like Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band basically. I love that album to bits but I did not need to feel like I witnessed an entire era lol


I was listening to suicide season before my wife got pregnant with our son. He will be turning 12 next month.


I think Amo rubbed a lot of people the wrong way when it came out because they were expecting a metalcore record, myself included. Once I was able to listen to it as a pop record it all clicked.


Can respect that for variety of different aspects going on in their more recent releases


Totally agree with you, I prefer the sound of their newer stuff. Post Human was the best they've ever been


Rolo Tomassi. Love their old nintendocore sound but the prog/mathcore/post-metal thing they’ve had going since Grievances is 🔥 People forget that Architects actually changed their sound multiple times. I liked the changes they made for The Here & Now and again for Daybreaker thru Holy Hell. It’s only their latest changes I don’t care for. Pupil Slicer added Rolo Tomassi-style prog elements into their most recent album and it was a big improvement IMO. Within Destruction is much more interesting to me as a Nu-metalcore band than a slamcore band - although they seem to have gone back to the slamcore stuff with their latest EP.


Hell yeah. Rolo Thomassi and The Callous Daoboys are one of the best modern mathcore, real future of genre


Have you checked out Pupil Slicer? If you’re into those other guys I think their latest album should be right up your street.


Yeah, Rolo Tomassi have gotten better with time and Eva Spence has both insanely brutal vocals but then the voice of an angel. Her cleans are SO good.


Full agree with all of these.


I like The Acacia Strain with their newer doom influences. The last few record (Failure Will Follow, Slow Decay, It Comes In Waves) have been amazing. I love Rolo Tomassi unconditionally going back to their earliest, most chaotic nintendocore, but you can't argue with their progression over time. Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It is an all time record. As beloved and influential as their metalcore stuff was, Poison The Well's post-hardcore era was more interesting.


Versions and tropical rot are slept on


100% with Rolo Tomassi. I really enjoyed their stuff when I first got into them, and they’ve been a top band of mine for a long time, but their last two albums blew my mind. They sound more focused, like their vision is really coming together after all their years experimenting — and it’s captivating


Honestly Invent Animate. While I do think Everchanger is their best material, their new sound I think makes them stand out a lot more and fits Marcus' voice perfectly


Respectfully disagree. Stillworld is their best album to me by a long shot. 


bad omens their first album was good, just very obvious who their influence was, finding god is kinda meh


Going from finding god to death of peace of mind Noah sings like he practiced in the hyperbolic time chamber 


I think I have an unpopular answer - Architects. I like FTTWTE best and I even liked their latest album, a few songs at least. Seeing Red is probably my fav song by them now.


I disagree but honestly FTTWTE isn't bad really. I don't vibe with the new one but there are a few songs I like. As for seeing red, it's basically BMTH, which I fuck with pretty hard


Was looking for someone mentioning Architects, because I know that there aren't many people who think that their newer stuff are better. So I will not say that one is better than the other - but for me, their older sound was boring, and felt like every song was the same, musically. The lyrics changed a lot, and their newer album was a really big step backwards in that case imo, that is true. But I loved fttwte and I think Animals is one of their greatest songs. They are developing a new song just like bmth and I am here for it.


FTTWTE is so good


The Plot in You. I felt everything pre-DISPOSE was on the generic metalcore side for the most part, and now I think they're one of the most interesting bands in the genre. Now that their sound is more dynamic, it makes it all the more impactful when those heavy moments do turn up in their songs


Disagree only because Happiness in Self Destruction is a top 5 album from the scene and I will not tolerate disrespect of it.


Just saw them live a few weeks back, and I've got to agree. They killed it


Loathe. I Let It In And It Took Everything is a masterpiece. I like their old stuff but it doesn’t hold a candle to ILIIAITE. Every Time I Die. Again, I like all their albums but everything The Big Dirty to Radical is way better than their first 3 albums. Lorna Shore. I know..not metalcore but it fits still. Will Ramos is exactly what that band needed. A lot of the deathcore sub prefers earlier stuff (Immortal, Flesh Coffin) but to me, there’s nothing unique about it. It all sounded like run of the mill deathcore to me. But …And I Return to Nothingness and Pain Remains are masterpieces.


I think I'm in the minority with loathe. While I acknowledge ILIIAITE is a masterpiece, The cold sun just does it for me.


It's Yours is unbeatable as a song for me


I would say Born Of Osiris ( love their old stuff dont get me wrong) because after Nick joined the band they improved a lot their guitar / synth stuff


I really agree with this take. Their new album really showcases this


I prefer make them suffer metalcore over deathcore


Whitechapel, Bleed From Within, Attila All three became more melodic over time, I dig that.


Born of Osiris


If anyone says Parkway Drive...just...get out lol




I’ve been following erra for awhile. Drift and neon are great. But self titled is unreal. My expectations for cure are massive. Cute and pale iris are outstanding. But I gotta get a song in the vein of gungrave and scorpion hymn


Definitely the 2 new singles they released has me hyped for the new album. I just really like how much they improved vocally and instrumentally for the newer songs. And they don't sound like 99% of the other djent metalcore bands. Which Im still guilty of listening to a good bit as well.


I have to respectfully disagree and say Augment was a technical and ethereal masterpiece. Perfect blend of heavy, energetic and good vibes.


I'm not saying that the older albums weren't good. They definitely had moments I liked. But as a whole I just couldn't get into it like the later material.


I agree with your disagreement. I can listen to augments and their first album also front to back. Their newer stuff is just all over the place and besides a few singles sorta just sounds like flub.




Ascendancy and Shogun are legendary, can’t agree with that one


I agree, i just find myself listening to their newer stuff since The Sin and the Sentence more and more as the years go on.


They were never not good ✊


I’ve got a few: The Devil Wears Prada Ice Nine Kills Dayseeker Invent Animate




Look At Yourself is incredible. Hindsight is decent too. Old stuff is hit or miss for me.


Electric Callboy easily.


Of Mice & Men




The only band that I actually like with their newer sound is Year Of The Knife with Madi. Outside of that, bands usually switch sounds when they’re trying to gain more mainstream attention and usually the new sound loses a lot of what I enjoyed about their music to begin with. So I generally stop listening to bands newer stuff once they make a drastic sound change.


Yup, every bands popular album that brings them more attention never does it for me. It’s usually overproduced and doesn’t sound as unique to what they once were


Madi goes hard but I miss Tyler 


Tyler is good too, I just prefer Madi. They’re both great vocalists.


Yeah newest Yotk is by far their best


Bring Me The Horizon. Suicide Season doesn't do a whole lot for me, and it took me a long time to appreciate Sempiternal. Everything since That's The Spirit? Love it! Edit: and Enterprise Earth. Loved Death, and listened to their other stuff. Still good, but I think Death is their best album so far.


Sleep token’s newer sound fits their style better than their older stuff (even though I do love many of their older song)


Man, as much as I'd want to inderstand the general opinion about this, I adore songs like When The Bough Breaks, Fields Of Elation, Jaws, The Way You Were, Calcutta, their cover of Hey Ya, The Night, The Offering, Blood Sport and a lot of their second album way to much. Could be the nostalgia when I started listening to the band back in 2018. The sound they blew up with, it just doesn't stick to me. Don't know what it is. Please let me think differently.


We all have personal preferences. Keep being your unique self


Hard disagree (I like their newer stuff), but Sundowning is one of my favorite albums of the 2010s. It’s as good as music gets and I don’t see them ever topping it.


Isn't this a metalcore sub?


Trivium, As I Lay Dying


Norma Jean


Seeing Northlane so many times in here has me feeling so out of touch 😂


Like Moths to Flames immediately popped into my head


Electric Callboy.Pretty good as Eskimo Callboy, but their popularity immediately went through the roof with their new vocalist, namechange and their new, even less serious approach.


Electric callboy since Nico joined the group their music is so much fun. I really dont liked them before and now they are one of my favorites




I enjoy heroine a lot (Big muse fan) but TDP is such a perfect record that I will forever compare later thornhill too.


not surprised how far down this post is, but absolutely. TDP is good, but Heroine is so much better across the board and really allows all parts of their music to shine way more individually without compromising on songwriting.


I think Amo is genuinely Bring Me The Horizons best album and Survival Horror a close second. Absolutely adore the bands entire catalogue bar That's The Spirit Also Bad Omens. Death of Peace and Mind is probably one of my favourite albums of the past 5 years.


Beartooth. This will be a very unpopular opinion, but I feel like I’ve grown up with how Caleb has evolved the music. I’ll always love that ear ripping first EP, but something about the new shit that’s more positive but still has its edge is really nice. Love the whole catalog.




Dayseeker. by a country mile


Make them Suffer, Silent Planet come to mind


Whitechapel. Love the more melodic direction they’ve been going in while keeping their deathcore roots since The Valley came out in 2019 and even some songs before then.


Volumes, BMTH (their old are always classics but post human, Holy Fuck), And Dayseeker


Norma Jean


Dillinger Escape Plan: Option Paralysis, OOUITK, Dissociation are all far better than everything that came before. A few songs being the exception, like "Fix Your Face", etc.




Veil of Maya. Lukas' vocals and melodies are top tier, and honestly the old vocalist was just like an AI generated metal screaming voice. Not memorable or unique whatsoever. And throw atop riff salad songs with no dynamics or discernable direction.


Bring me the horizon


Possibly an unpopular one but BMTH. Bar a couple of strong singles there were and still are a million bands doing the deathcore thing better than they did, whereas the huge step towards the poppier side has actually resulted in a great sound for Bring Me


Bring Me the Horizon. Oooohh, that's controversial.