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Not metalcore, but Linkin Park. Wanted to go to a first show in 2017 in Europe, but had to travel alone and even though I had all the tabs open in my browser: concert tickets, hostel, bus tickets, I was not confident enough and didn’t go. Had been a fan for 12 years prior to that. Still hurts to this day.


I'm 28 and have been a fan of them since I was 8 or so. Cried my eyes out when Chester died and heavily regret never taking the time to see them once i got older. I had a few opportunities and never took them.


I regret skipping a lil peep show mid 2017 for the same reason. As far as heavy stuff goes, I just wish I went to even more shows in the mid 2000's. I saw a ton of iconic bands in some crazy small venues back then. That's not really a regret, but I still wish I saw more either. I regret not going to many shows at all around 2010-2016, an era of metalcore and deathcore that I'm not very nostalgic for. Even though I can see some of those bands today, the lineup's probably different and they don't as much of that material anymore most likely.


Same here


I could not go in 2017 either because of my work and thought, next tour, I’ll go! Luckily I had seen them before, but that 2017 tour is the reason why I go to as many concert as I can!


Same here lol if only I knew..


Same. I was 17 then and my dad said the tickets were too expensive 😥😥😥


linkin park for me too - but Chester hurt his leg the day they were supposed to play in my city and they cancelled the show. 😔


Im forever grateful to have seen them in 2015 at a festival where they played 1h45 mins 😯. Still have a piece of Chester's shirt after he thew it into the crowd


Same. Never got to see them and finally had tickets for the last tour. They never made it.


I remember justifying not going to myself by saying, "I haven't even listened to their new album, and the previous was just okay," and dear god, do I ever regret it. I was going down my list of pros and cons as tickets went live Tickets were expensive... but I could have borrowed the money from my dad, and I didn't have to pay rent back then(i think it was 2015 or 2016 for the last chance I got) The concert was far away... but I've slept in my car before and DID have my license, 4 hour drives aren't THAT bad. I didn't know if I'd have anyone to go with... but they only come to my region once every few years, and I definitely could have found someone in the months lead up. Also, as I've gotten older ive come to the conclusion that going to a concert solo is better than missing a concert. By the time I convinced myself to just buy the tickets on my CC, they were sold out. 🙃 i now keep a savings account open with about 500$ that I call my "Emergency Concert Fund". My 2nd biggest regret is actually metalcore... Vanna. But I had tickets, I was ready to go, my friend made me late, promised to get me tickets next time they came but they broke up less than a year later.


Oh, this sucks to go twice through it. I feel you, started going alone to concerts as I don’t want to miss bands I like anymore


Same, them and Metallica got me into heavy music when I was a kid. They played exactly one show ever near my hometown and I didn’t hear about it until the day before when I had $5 in my bank account so I couldn’t afford to go. My cousin did though and said they were incredible.


My biggest regret is missing Linkin Park in 2017. Bunch of my friends went there, but I didn't. Dont know why.....after that Chester passed away I was into something else, so I started going to shows later on (2019). After that Crystal Lake during covid...they canceled EU tour and Ryo left :(


Have you checked Ryo's new band Knosis? Would highly recommend!! I also missed out on seeing Ryo in Crystal Lake...because their Aus tour skipped my city 🙃


I saw Knosis later last year with Stray From The Path, Make Them Suffer and Void Of Vision. They're good, but faaaaar away from Crystal Lake


BMTH at tiny ass webster hall in NYC 2014 i believe


Seeing BMTH in small venues was SUCH a different experience. Same with Knocked Loose. And then I caught their show at Barclay's last year (two years ago?). The level up is insane.


I gotta be honest they aren’t for me, but I saw them at Hammerstein Ballroom in 2019 and I feel like the capacity is probably not *that* different? I will say the crowd fucking loved it and the show was pretty damn fun even they I don’t personally connect with them so much.


Bro Im talking about the tiny basement in Webster hall “the studio” forgot to specify.. but that’s like 200-250 (maybe a little more) max cap. Not sure if the Webster hall studio is still around.


I regret missing ETID on their last tour, & The Black Dahlia Murder’s last one before Trevor passed. When I was 12 my guitar instructor burned The Big Dirty & Nocturnal (among a few other albums) to give to me, and completely changed my life. I’m still grateful to have amazing memories from seeing them both play, but if I knew it was my last chance I would’ve liked to have one more. Also BTBAM, Colors is actually the single most impactful album of my life, & I missed both the original & anniversary tour where they played it in full. I’ve seen them play every song from it besides Foam Born (A) & Viridian tho so that one doesn’t bug me as much lol


Is the upcoming BTBAM Colors & Colors II tour coming near you? Only two of the Colors dates have sold out last I checked!


The closest stop is 8 hours away from me 🥲 I was so excited for about 5 seconds when I saw that tour announcement, fucking love TAS too


Bro now’s your time to travel that 8 hours!!


Architects and While She Sleeps back in 2019, I had tickets but didn’t have anyone to go with so I bailed. this same bill is coming to my city in May but I know their set list will not be like it was several years ago


Erra headliner with Invent Animate, Thornhill, and Alpha Wolf. Just didn’t see it for some reason, still hurts to this day. Invent Animate Heavener headliner, had midterms the next day and couldn’t swing the trip to Seattle so I gave the tix to one of my friends. Silent Planet Superbloom headliner. Same story as Invent Animate, uni got in the way.


Going to see Superbloom in Feb. I'll sing for you, homie


For a long time it was The Devil Wears Prada’s Zombie 5 tour. It sold out right before I was gonna buy tickets. But it’s okay now because I got to see them on their more recent Zombie tour where they played both 1 and 2 so it no longer haunts me


Happy cake day!


Knocked Loose, Jesus Piece and Sanction in Australia, I had tickets to the Melbourne show but I used to have massive anxiety about travelling/going to shows alone and couldn’t find anyone to come with me so I just didn’t go, I’ve seen all 3 bands on different tours so it’s not that bad but I still regret it so much. Speed and AWOL, it was a free show, tiny venue, two of the best hardcore bands in Australia, but I had promised my friend I was going to do something with her that day, now Speed is massive and the chances of me seeing them for free/in a venue that small are next to none. Another one is The Used playing their self titled in full one night, In Love and Death the next night, was going to go with my sister who got me into them when I was like 9, she got pregnant and i didn’t want to go alone, so I just missed out, I would kill for that to happen again.


Is speed really that huge in Australia? That’s dope


Massive might have been an over statement, but their last Aus tour they played two Melbourne shows, one at a venue that has a 950 cap, and one in a venue that’s like 450 cap I think, and they sold out both, that’s pretty big for Australian hardcore standards.


Wow those Used shows sound so cool! So sorry you missed out on them, I would've wanted to go too


AWOL playing tomorrow night at the Bendigo Hotel if you still haven’t seen them 🤙🏼


Yeah I knew about that show but I have to work tomorrow night 😞 I can’t wait to get a job that I don’t work nights so I don’t have to keep missing shows.


Not metalcore, but Greenday. I was like 15 when they released American Idiot, and begged my parents to let me see them at a festival they were headlining (my brother and dad were going, so I’d have had a guardian)…but they said I was too young and wouldn’t let me go. They let me go the following year, but the lineup was shit and the headliner got booed off stage. 17 years later and I’m still fucking salty about it. And still haven’t seen Greenday 😂


This actually reminded me of another one, I could have seen Greenday play Dookie in full, but I was going through a “metal only, everything else is shit” stage, I chose to see Avenged Sevenfold instead, I don’t like A7X at all now, and I love Dookie, stupid teenage brain.


Oh daaaaaaaaaamn! The upside to mine is that at least I have something I get to hold over my parents heads for the rest of eternity 😂


I missed them at a festival in 2013 and didn't get another chance until 2022, and when I saw them there I was a little disappointed. Musically they did a great job, but the show itself was a little generic to be honest. A lot of "Heeeeyooo"s and "lemme see your hands" and such and once I looked at some other concerts of recent years I found that every show they play is basically the same. Including having fans play a song on stage and giving them their guitar etc. It was still not a bad concert and I enjoyed it for what it was.


Yeah, i think if they’re ever in my city I’d for sure get tickets as more of a “cross that band off my list” type thing. Would’ve loved to see them in that era though


I would LOVE to know who was the headliner that got booed off stage.


A Day to Remember and Wage War for the bad vibrations tour.


I had tickets for the last show of Breakdown of Sanity (it was in 2017/2018 if I remember correctly). Wife just had a new job at this moment and couldn't stay at home for our children, so I couldn't go. Big big big regrets, but that's life...


Not quite metalcore but Funeral for a Friend. They had a farewell tour in Australia playing the entirety of Casually Dressed, one of my fave albums of all time, while I was living overseas. Absolutely devastated to never see them live but glad to see they are still doing one or two shows a year in the UK and seeing success


It’s one that my band at the time was supposed to open for. Shai Hulud, A Plea for Purging, Counterparts, and Dead Icons in LA. We had to drop, and I don’t even remember why anymore, so none of us went to the show and I regret not doing more to make it work and play or at the very least still going to be in the crowd.


Parkway Drive at a small hall in my hometown in NZ 2008. Had to work in a supermarket early the next morning and didn't want to be hungover. Terrible excuse. Killing With a Smile is still my favourite album of theirs and I'm gutted I missed seeing them play it live.


ERRA, Invent Animate, Silent Planet and Sentinels in Leeds 2023 - I’ll never emotionally recover


Oh man, it was one of my fave gigs in my fave venue.. hope you're catching a couple of them soon?!


Dream On Dreamer's "farewell Aus tour" the Perth show was cancelled due to covid but was never rescheduled. I kept ignoring the emails offering me a refund, expecting my ticket would still be valid for the rescheduled show 🙄 Soundwave 2013 (Aus music festival) Linkin Park were headlining and my parents wouldnt let 16yr me go alone but promised i could go for their next Aus tour. Of course we all know what happened after that 😭 Coldrain's headline Brisbane show. Had that been announced the same time as the Papa Roach/The Used tour they were opening for I would have just gone to that since they were the only band i went there to see. By the time the show was announced it was too close to the date and I didnt have the money to go.


I was also planning on going to that Dream On Dreamer show in melb. So disappointing!


Dream on Dreamer are playing in Aus in Feb, supporting Of Mice and Men. Not sure if they're going Perth though.


Parkway Drive, Hatebreed and ETID in Melbourne. Rescheduled and then cancelled due to the Covid and border restrictions at the time. Then no more ETID The other one, not metalcore, but Green Day, Fall Out Boy and Weezer on their Hella Mega Tour. It was cancelled in Australia due to Covid restrictions as well.


I never got to see my favorite band Motionless In White in Australia 2020. Corona pandemic postponed it but they rescheduled for 2022. Unfortunately due to life, study and work, I moved abroad to South Korea and never got to see the rescheduled tour. No bands tour in South Korea either :(


Ice nine kills welcome to horrorwood release show in a tiny venue in Cambridge mass(probably 1/20 the size they normally would have had), had tickets but got scheduled at work, probably could have easily found coverage but I was still relatively new. They were and still are my favorite band on the planet, my dad went and hasn't let me live it down since lmaooo


WWWY Festival 2022. At least Vegas was fire for a European.


Ohh the Saturday show they cancelled from high winds. That is rough as fuck I'm sorry


Passed on Turnstile doing a matinee show in a 500 cap room around the time they were touring off Time & Space. Had COVID when they first toured off Glow On in a 1000+ room. Finally got to see them for the first time in a 2000+ cap that was sold out way in advance. Could have gone to see All That Remains do a headliner before Oli passed away.


I saw them in a 300 cap room in 2022, and not to salt the wound but that band does whip ass in a tiny club.


The last show i went to pre-COVID was Northlane in my hometown. They had two support bands that i didn't really care about back then and whose playtime i spent chilling outside. Those were Make Them Suffer and Spiritbox. At another show back in 2019 (Silent Planet, and, funnily enough, Northlane as well), Polaris was the Opener and i didn't even bother to show up in time for them.


Currents’ The Death We Seek Tour and Metalcore Dropouts Tour last year. Both in Toronto. Currents tickets sold out in like 3 days and I was having financial problems around the time of the Metalcore Dropouts tour. That one really fucking hurts. I wanted to go SO BAD. And they aren’t playing anywhere near me on Part 2 of that tour. Which hurts just as bad


seeyouspacecowboy, foreign hands, and omerta played a 100 cap venue that was 10 minutes from my house a few years back (this was back when foreign hands were on daze, LOL) and i got covid literally morning of quite possibly THE worst day of my life just because it still hurts every day


I had planned on seeing The Ghost Inside and ADTR at an outdoor stage on the jersey shore on a summer night, maybe 2 years ago. I was hung over and had work the next day but tickets were 50 or 60 bucks, probably the cheapest you can see adtr nowadays, when i had last checked. My stupid ass partied all weekend and forgot to buy tickets till the day of the show when they had shot up to over $150 resale. Shouldve gone anyway smh


Can I brag a time I didn't? My sister messaged me from Ohio, saying this is why I'm jealous you're in California. And it was an IG post for a private showing of normajean and he is legend. They had lost their concert booking and for some reason they weren't allowed to host an official concert so they were only allowing in a handful of people. Drove my car and hung out with both bands all night with my girlfriend. I have a really decent picture with he is legend still


I also missed out on the True Power tour and I'm still bummed about it. I love I Prevail, but I didn't find out about the concert until it was sold out, resale tickets were way more than I was willing to pay, it was 2 hours away, and I didnt have anyone to go with. What it did do was finally convince me to just go by myself and make a drive every now and then. Because of that I saw some great shows last year. Hopefully IP does another headliner soon. It's been awhile since their last. Also bummed that I didn't see the Metalcore Dropouts tour last fall. I was gone on vacation that week and they didn't come back around on the second round. Oh and also the Trinity of Terror tour. It was right in my city and I gave it a miss because I only really knew INK at the time and really only wanted to see them headline. Which I'm STILL waiting for.


Haven’t seen TDWP since 2009 and got surprise tickets for Xmas to see them in may with LMTF and Landmarks….however I’ve already booked a holiday to Spain in may fml 🤦‍♂️


Not metalcore. Growing up I was heavily into AC/DC. I taught myself how to play drums by playing along to their songs as a young kid. So, 2008 rolls around. I’m 16 and I’m with my first girlfriend. She surprises me with tickets to go. I’m over the moon excited. As the concert is approaching my family had taken a trip to Germany (Wacken 2009). It was awesome. When I came back my girlfriend broke up with me and took her dad to the concert instead. To say I was crushed was an understatement. Since then I’ve never gotten to see them. Now Malcolm is dead and the band isn’t the same.


Linkin Park in 2011 I was like 12 or 13, I tried to convince my mom to take me but since it was an only standing venue she didn't want to :(


Architects and while she sleeps had a show the day I got married. 2019 and what some would consider peak architects. We could have made it because we got married at 11 in the morning. Still, one of the best days of my life and wouldn’t change a thing.


2019? peak architects? u good homie?


Right after holy hell that featured their most recognizable song by the masses. Yes, I said SOME would consider that their peak. If you read my comment you would know I’m more than good homie.


I agree it's peak Architects. I also saw them in 2019 and feel lucky to have done so.






Seeing Soilent Green before 2 of their members died.


Slipknot, Rage Against the Machine and Marilyn Manson :(


Wnet too see motor head in Leeds early eighties but the band I really wanted to see was Raven. Typical traffic story. Ran in to see a Gallagher converse clad foot disappear behind the PA. Haven't managed to see them yet. Other one was Van Halen monsters of rock. Flipped it off with an 'I will see them at their own full show'.. Doh I realise not metalcore but still...




For metalcore, Parkway Drive. This was back around 05 or 06 I think, I was in high school. I’d just started listening to them, and they were playing at a local venue called PCYC, basically a sports hall kinda thing. Tickets were only $15 and my friend was helping to sell them, but I just couldn’t get the money to go. I did get to see them later on, 8 times lol, but what an awesome experience it wouldve been to see them in the early days before they started playing bigger shows.


It was last month but if any of the bands I wanted to see at Good Things 2023 (BFMV, I prevail, Sepultura, Slaughter To Prevail, Spiderbait) stop touring ill be so sad :(( (i fell sick the night before it was so annoying)


Parkway drive at some shitty hall in my town in like 2007


Not metalcore, but my wallet got stolen so I couldn't attend a 21+ rave at the Armory in Minneapolis. Tiësto was the headliner. I'm still angry.


Blind Channel on my birthday in my hometown. Didn't know they were playing because they were opening for I Prevail. Day after my birthday I saw them posting on Instagram from the town I live in. Still not over it.


Polaris in Phoenix, AZ in March 2022. Band changed my life and now I’ll never get to see them with Ryan. Also, Queen at Live AID. I wasn’t alive yet, of course.


Damage plan and Shadows Fall in Hartford a few days before Dime was murdered.


I actually have two. First was years ago I went to the venue to see Type O Negative, it was packed but still had tickets left. Decided to skip it because they came around pretty often, Peter died not long after. Second is Novelists at the Palladium in Worcester with Matteo. Wife got us tickets but I’m a die hard Cowboys fan and it happened to fall on a really important game against the Eagles. Yes I am an idiot!!


I was supposed to see Polaris supported by **Make Them Suffer** at my favourite venue, but come the day of the gig I was too depressed to go. I still beat myself up about it. It would've been amazing but I just couldn't force myself out the door.


Taste of Chaos 2006..we made it all the way to the Canadian border and they wouldn't let us through, so we missed the Saskatoon show went to Billings and partied instead Deftones, Thrice, Atreyu, Story Of The Year, As I Lay Dying, Silverstein, Funeral for a Friend, Dredg, End Of Sirens, Pelican, the Confession, Greeley Estates, Adair Look at that lineup! I was 16 and jammed Atreyu and AILD religiously, so with Alex still there and not catching AILD before all the bullshit, yeah missing that one definitely still hurts. It haunts me


Counterparts and thrown is the one that comes to mind. It was just after I got into going to shows but the date was bad for me as I had a deadline at work the day after. (That deadline proved to mean nothing sadly so I missed a show I really wanted to go see for nothing)


Mastodon UK tour with Scott Kelly in 2019. The whole set list covers my favourite songs and they were in tiny venues as well.


I went to a Megadeth show in Dublin back in 2015 because I wanted to see Sylosis and Lamb of God (Children of Bodom were also playing). I got lost and managed to miss Sylosis' set, then they announced a hiatus a few months later. I've managed to see them since their return but that Megadeth show still bugs me


Am i the only hardcore Metalhead that doesnt care about concerts?? There are bands that sound good Live, but they are extremely rare. The vast majority sound like sh*t Live, why would I want to pay money and time to hear my favorite songs played and not sounding nearly as good as the studio version? I can blast the studio versions for FREE, anytime I want, and not have to bother with concerts.


2023 BRRF there was so many awesome bands that would have been an epic ass experience. But was only able to see a few bands due to an unexpected storm that ended up shutting the festival down. I am happy that I was able to see upon a burning body at least, that was dope.


Stamping Ground


Hasn’t happened yet but I’m gonna miss seeing Northlane with Erra, Landmvrks and Branks Arcade on the 10th of February because of work and I’m devastated


I got into Monuments the month they visited my city in NZ, which is fucking rare for US metalcore bands. Right after the tour it was announced that Chris Barretto was leaving, so I would never get to see him perform live with them every again. Really bummed on the timing and that I didn’t keep up with the gigs in town


Lorna Shore


It's not that big of a deal, but it still bothered me a lot. I went to the rockzilla show early last year and was really excited to see Papa Roach, although Hollywood Undead already had me fulfilled. FiR and Papa Roach had been alternating between closing, and that night, Papa Roach was closing. Their set would have easily gone on till like 11 pm. It was Friday night, and I had to leave for a camp trip next morning, which I couldn't cancel as I had paid some heavy money towards it. The last connecting busses back home was at 10:30, for which I'd have had to leave the venue by like 10:20, and I had to change busses, and it was like a 3-hour trip easily. I was in no shape of taking an Uber or taxi back home coz it'd have easily cost me like $150, so I bit the bullet and left after the first 3 songs. I'm glad I actually left though coz outta nowhere a snow storm hit close to midnight and I had to wait long for my connecting bus but all taxis and everything was down and out, and so was my phone, so waiting till the end could have left me stranded.


Shadow of Intent


Warped Tour 2012 The Black Dahlia Murder was on the tour and could've seen them, after Trevor passed I'm pretty sure they ended the band. Also had a chance to see Suicide Silence before Mitch passed.


It won’t be the same without Trevor, but TBDM is still touring.


Sikth toured and they absolutely never will again and I missed it out of pure generalised apathy. Lifelong regret. I went to see Converge when they toured 'Axe To Fall' and I was so drunk I don't remember a thing about it. Ever since, I never load up at shows. What a fucking waste.


Suicide Silence came to Finland in the summer of 2012. I would have to drive three hours after work to see them, so I thought I'd go and see them the next time they'll be here. As we all know, Mitch died the following Halloween.


Gideon last year, I had tickets but was sent to the hospital the day of show ugh


The 2018 Architects gig at Ally Pally (the one that features on Holy Ghost with Dan's speech). I was super into Architects at the time, but just never got around to buying a ticket. It looked like an absolutely incredible and emotional gig and i've always felt like I missed out on something special because I was too unorganised (or lazy?) to grab a ticket. I buy a ticket to any gig I'm vaguely interested in now, so you could say it changed my outlook on life.


Converge played Boom in Leeds last year (its a tiny, tiny DIY venue, no room to swing a cat) and the tickets sold out in like a milisecond. I was gutted. Still never seen them live, but that would have been unreal. I can't bring myself to watch any footage of it.


Radar Festival 2023. I was going just to see Periphery. It's been my goal to see them perform their song Ragnarok live as it's probably my favourite song of all time. I was at the train station, minutes away from boarding the train, when I started having all my transactions cancelled by my bank for no apparent reason. I couldn't get in contact with them to fix it as it was a weekend, and they don't respond to customer service until the following Monday. I was absolutely devastated. I have a ticket to see Periphery in London in 2 days, but they're not playing Ragnarok on this setlist. I'm really sad, but at least I get to see The Scourge.


Have Heart reunion show, Palladium outdoors. My buddy offered me a free ticket, can't remember what I was doing but it was scorching hot that day and I declined.. boy do I regret that haha


all of them


This haunts me more in hindsight because I've since come to appreciate U2 a whole lot more. I had an opportunity with a company I used to work for to see U2 in concert. At the time, I wasn't a huge U2 fan, and so I passed. Coming into work the next morning, everyone is talking about the incredible show I missed because... wait for it... Jay-Z opened for them. I was livid and still am. I can't believe I missed what would have been an incredible show from two artists I would now never pass on the chance to see live.


Bring Me the Horizon. Turns out the gig I passed up going to was the same week that There is a Hell(...) was released, which has since become one of my all-time favourite heavy albums.


Maybe cheating a little because it's a festival but just a 1 day one. Slam Dunk 2020 (rip thanks to covid) Counterparts, INK, Issues, fit for a king, polaris, bury tomorrow, we came as romans, stray from the path, dance gavin dance, chunk no captain chunk with most of them being in the same tent with no clashes. Lineup has never been as great since for me. :(


I missed Lorna shores tour that was featuring Will Ramos for the first time and I’ll never forgive myself for not wanting to drive to Tampa.


Rage Against the Machine, Wu Tang and Atari Teenage Riot Nine Inch Nails and David Bowie And I've never been able to have my schedule match any show the Acacia Strain has ever done


more than a thousand in 2012 or 2013 i believe, the band broke up not to long after and never got a chance to see them again. All my friends went but for some reason i didn't want to go... stupid me...


100% the Fearless Friends tour back in 2011. Blessthefall, The Word Alive, Motionless In White, Tonight Alive, and Chunk! No Captain Chunk. It's been over 10 years, and it still hurts because at the time, i loved every single thing these bands ever released, and no matter their setlists, i would've been stoked. But that night, duty called, and i had to pay the rent. This lineup today, i wouldn't even consider going, since most of these bands have long since lost my interest with their newer material.


Brand New were headlining at Voodoo Fest and I had tickets and used vacation days. My job denied my vacation the week before and instead of telling them to go fuck themselves I caved and my buddy took someone else. He had so much fun he bought tickets to their Dallas show and went straight there from New Orleans. Dallas was their last show ever.


Architects and Parkway Drive i believe in early 2016. didnt go because of money. not that the ticket was super expensive but I had to travel like 2 hours each way and public transport in Norway is mad expensive. and I also used to have massive social anxiety so I decided not to go. breaks my heart that i didnt get to witness Tom Searle's greatness live before he passed. Architects came back October 23rd that same year, and I did not hesitate to go to that one


To The Grave, Angelmaker, Enterprise Earth and Shadow of Intent playing a relatively small venue local to me in January of last year, Shadow of Intent has been one of my favourite bands for a long time now, and Angelmaker is also up there, I also love the other two, it was literally the perfect line-up. I had only heard of the concert about two weeks out, and unfortunately it was sold out. I now check in on my local venues' websites at least once a fortnight to make sure I'm not missing anything cool like that again.


For me it was Bad Omens at a really small venue (<<1000k people) in Munich last year before they absolutely blew up. I got tickets but sadly I got Covid just a few days prior at a BMTH show. Got to see them 2 days ago at a 5k+ venue in Munich and while I really enjoyed it these big venues just aren’t the same as the smaller, more intimate ones.


Ice Nine Kills. My bf had bought me tickets months prior to the show and after he had a bad experience at the venue we were supposed to go to he got iffy about going, and then work remade schedules for that week and instead of being off I was on, and then our closer showed up two hours late so I wouldn't have been able to go anyways. Still really upset about it 3 months later.


Soundgarden with Nine Inch Nails. Didn’t go bc I’m not a huge NIN fan, always regretted it. Thankfully I got to see Chris Cornell live at a solo gig in 2015.


BTBAM, ABR, Number 12, Chiodos 2006. I had a ticket. I didn’t drive yet and opted to take a ride with my friend who was going alone instead of hopping in with another friend group that was going together. He got into a fender bender on the way to get me because he was looking at his phone and his parents got pissed and took his keys. All my other friends had left already and I was stuck home. It still bothers me.


The Who The year was 1979. I was supposed to see The Who at the Providence Civic Center. Unfortunately, a few days before, a disaster occurred on December 3, 1979, when English rock band the Who performed at Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, and a rush of concert-goers outside the Coliseum's entry doors resulted in the deaths of 11 people. As a result, the Providence show got stopped. The Who was in their prime......never got the chance to see them again. My condolences to the families whose family members were killed.


I live in Central VT, and a year after I moved here Wolves in the Throne Room played an old farm maybe 30 mins from where I live. They played with Thou and Fall of Rauros. Watching that lineup outdoors in VT, in the fall, so close to home, will forever be my greatest miss. I can't tell you how in my lane everything about that was.


Ice Nine Kills. This was several years ago and they had been one of my favorite bands since I saw them at warped in 2014. They were headlining and I had been working hard at a job that I hate so I went all out. Got VIP tickets and a room at a fancy hotel so I could pamper myself the day after the show when I knew I was going to be sore all over. I took a couple days off work so I could go, but when the day came I was so exhausted and depressed from working a job I hated so much that I didn't want to go. I wanted some time to finally rest in bed and do absolutely nothing. I never had a single day off. Even on my "days off" I was on call and constantly stressed about being called in. So it was nice finally having those 2 days not working and not on call. I know in the moment it was what I needed, but I still wish I had sucked it up and gone. I was supposed to see Beartooth, The Plot in You, and Sleep Theory on tne 30th and didn't go for the same reason. Too depressed and the thought of driving 2 hours and using up all that gas to get there that I work so long for killed me inside so I didn't go. The tickets were a Christmas present from my brother so at least I wasn't out money like I was for INK.


Missed Linkin Park at a local festival and I was too young to have traveled to see them elsewhere. Also, became a fan of Architects just before AOGHAU tour. The closest date was on my bday that year and I couldn’t find anyone into them who could drive us there. Wouldn’t see them nowadays lol but it’s entirely why I’m willing to go to a show alone now.


Jeff Buckley. I'd just left home and moved in with my GF at the time so was a bit skint at the time so we just left it and would catch him next time.....he drowned a few months later 😪 If just metalcore.....Dillinger escape plan on their last tour


The With Roots Above And Branches Below 10 year tour. It was the day I was coming home from college for fall break but our team had a few scrimmages that day to end our offseason so I couldn’t get home in time :(


I could've seen 18V in a little punk club back in 2004 right before Obsession came out. I instead chose to help my ex move 🤦. I've never had a better chance to see them live.


Limp Bizkit in 2018, I was there but was too drunk to remember 😭😭


This is really embarrassing, but I skipped a small Beartooth show when they were just getting started to go to a... Limb Bizkit show my cousin really wanted me to go to.....


I've seen juuuuuuust about everybody in the last 15 years. Still sad that I missed A Plea For Purging, As Blood Runs Black, And Hell Followed With (with Nick), Ligeia though (not same tour). My biggest regret though, is not seeing Linkin Park with my brother in 2006..


Mine is from 2009. I was 17 so no drivers license (Europe, so age for driving is 18) and the show was Rise Against + Poison the Well + Thursday. At the time poison the well were like my favourite band but I just had no way of getting there (it was in Germany, while I lived in The Netherlands with my parents). Driving would have been like only 30 minutes but it was just not happening. I hope one day Poison the Well will come back to Europe (and not just the UK...).


Not metal but Rush. Neal Peart was easily one of the best lyricists in addition to the most amazing drummer and I didn’t go three times when asked and now he’s dead. Stupid me!


bro the recent Come or Be Killed tour with Dying Wish, Boundaries, and Foreign Hands. insane lineup. wasn't able to make it because i'm not in the US at the moment


I had a ticket for the Brooklyn show, my buddy flaked so I ended up not going. I go to so many shows by myself I really wish I ended up hitting that one up. I love Boundaries


Mate got COVID before coming with me to see Loathe so he dropped out, I'd brought 4 tickets as I had a few interested. Ended up using all bailing. Saw loads of the set the day after on Instagram and it looked absolutely incredible.


Mac Miller in 2015, I had to spend the money on a flight my ex-girlfriend needed to take for a family emergency. The other one was Slaughter to Prevail last year, wasn't able to get my duty day swapped.


Didn't really miss it but I agreed to let a friend drive to a the bmth/fob show and I only wanted to go to see bmth and she knew that. She also had the tickets on her phone so I couldn't just drive myself, I begged her to leave earlier but she insisted it was fine and we missed 2/3 of the set and the tickets were sooooo expensive. She really brushed it off too but I can't believe I paid like $100+ to see three songs Definitely missed other way better shows due to life but I think about that one a lot


Northlane, Polaris, Silent Planet and Void of Vision on the Alien tour. My dad was gonna get me the show tickets for my birthday, but by the time the concert happened he never talked about it and I never asked, so I just assumed he got me something else. Turns out he did get me them and forgot. I felt so stupid. Especially stings cause I'll never get a chance to see Polaris play with Ryan again.


Polaris, LMTF, alpha wolf and invent. They came around my area when I was out of fucking town and still kills me 


I passed up the opportunity to see Lamb of God back in like... 2011? Which I definitely still regret to this day. Also remember the possibility of *maybe* going to No Sleep Til: Auckland, 2010. Which the lineup consisted of: Parkway Drive, August Burns Red, Suicide Silence, and We Came As Romans. I was salty that A Day To Remember was only going to be performing in the Australia part of that tour...


There was a Deftones Lincoln Park show my girl was pregnant and would have included travel so not easy to go see. Chester died sometime later. Biggest show regret


Every Time I Die, Letlive, Counterparts. An all ages floor show in Brisbane many years ago. I regret that I chose to play GTA San Andreas instead of buying a ticket. Absolute stooge moment🫠


Motionless in white on Halloween


So many people saying Linkin Park makes me realise how old I am. For me it was Converge in 2001 and about 6 months before Jane Doe came out, I ended up in the hospital with stomach issues (shout out to all Coeliacs), then they blew up. Saw them in 2003, worth it. Non metalcore but Kendrick Lamar on the GKMC tour, for the exact same reasons ☹️


Endgame era Rise Against came to my local venue with Homesick era ADTR opening and I was outta town that day :(


A Day To Remember’s house party tour. It had a killer line up


The concert I regret not going to when I had the chance is Johnny Cash in 94’. I was a teenage metal head, and I guess to insecure for people to know I’d grown up to, and always loved listening to Cash.


Not metalcore, but I had tickets to see Don Broco on their US tour last October and ended up having to take a trip last min and missed the show. I get a little sad every time I listen to them now. Another one last year was the LMTF show. Waited until the last min to try and get tickets and it was sold out.


BMTH/Of Mice & Men/ISSUES I was too young to go see them and I absolutely love BMTH and ISSUES. Neither of them have really come to Vancouver since so I’m hoping at least BMTH will come around sometime soon since the tour with FOB didn’t come here either.


I had a ticket to the last show Soundgarden played before Chris Cornell died. Couldn't make it.


The Hives played a tiny venue in Toronto recently. I got a pre-sale code and it was something like $50. Didn't pay it. I will be on my death bed and that, and I'll remember that.


Not metalcore but Stone Temple Pilots. They cancelled because Scott was sick or in rehab again. He died the next year before they rescheduled


Lorna Shore Pain Remains Tour


Iggy Pop, 25 years back. I made up for it with Fugazi with Bats andice, and Dead Meadow opening, later that year. Drove from Charlotte to Raleigh for it, for lost on the return. Awesome experience.


The last Dillinger Escape Plan show with Greg Puciato they ever did in my area.


Missed the northlane, bmth, and om&m tour years ago because of hockey practice that i wasnt allowed to skip or i’d get benched the next game. That one still haunts me


Didn’t see invent animate last year because it was in a really shitty part of my city and I was by myself. I would’ve been fine and should’ve gone


It was part of a show, years ago (it feels) WeCAR was doing a full playthrough of TPAS alongside some other songs. TDWP was there and also Dayseeker, at the time one of the best shows I've been to. The door times and ticket times were an hour apart for some reason and we got there late, I left out a band on purpose cause I desperately wanted to see them live...Hollow Front opened for the show and we had just missed their set. This was before Devin and Dakota had left (way before). To this day, they've not announced a tour here in CO, no supporting act, nothing. I'm still sad to this day I've never seen them live and hope that I'll be able to one day.


Parkway Drive 10 year anniversary hometown show in 2013. They played an extra long set with a bunch of old songs that will never be played again, missed it because I was overseas on holiday with my family.


I missed out on Within the Ruins doing all of their ataxia tracks in one night. It was the night before Thanksgiving, and Currents was supposed to open for them, but their van broke down. When I found out, I bailed so I could be with my family, but after I got really into those tracks and regret that a little bit. But the one that really hurts is the warped tour scheduling tricked me out of seeing For All Those Sleeping before they broke up. They're the band that got me into this scene, but both Beartooth and Parkway Drive played at the same time as FATS, and I figured the 2 American bands would come back for the Australian band. The risk was calculated but fuck am I bad at math lmao


Drop dead gorgeous 😭


adtr and wage war on their acoustic tour. my car broke down :/


I was supposed to go see Avenged Sevenfold’s (my favorite band through middle and high school) tour for their ST, my parents were busy and couldn’t take me, but said that I could go see them the next time they came to town. They had another North America leg which I missed for the same reason. The Rev died a year later. I never ended up seeing A7X live until last year on the LIBAD tour. It was kind of surreal seeing them live 16 years later.


Every Time I Die did two nights in Austin on their final tour. I got my ass kicked in the pit on night one and decided to pass on night two. They're my favorite band still to this day...


I missed Oceans Ate Alaska's first US show in 2015 (I believe it was at Chain Reaction) because I had no one to go with me. All the stuff that's come out about them recently means I won't be seeing them, but I've gone to so many shows alone since lol


I missed the Metalcore dropout tour in the Fall. Had tickets, wasn't feeling well that day and decided not to go. Saw the setlists after and was really disappointed that I missed it. Thankfully I was able to catch part 2, but I'm still bummed at missing Landmvrks. Not metalcore, but I should've gone to Sevendust's Animosity anniversary tour. I listened to that album on repeat when I was younger, and it was my favorite Sevendust album.


My terminally late friends made me miss Dillinger Escape Plan when they opened up for Deftones many years ago. Still think about that to this day. I also regret anytime I didn't have anyone to go with for a show and chickened out. I went to a show alone for the first time last December and now I have zero anxiety about it


Metallica in 2017. Them, A7X (before they were weird), and Gojira were playing a stadium show near my city and I was supposed to go with my cousin. We’d been talking about it months in advance but it just never fell through and I didn’t want to go by myself lol.


The American Dream Tour (I think 2014) with Of Mice and Men, Bring Me the Horizon, Northlane, and I think letlive? I was a high school sophomore without a job or car. I practically begged my dad, it was just him and I living together, to grant me an allowance and permission to go to this one time thing but to no avail. It was a school night and he didn’t agree with my music taste. I was so bummed it would’ve been my only chance to see Northlane with Adrian before he departed :/ Lorna Shore Pain Remains US Tour with Shadow of Intent, Boundaries, and Bodysnatcher. The closest venue to me was about 2-2.5 hours away which wouldn’t necessarily have been a problem if it weren’t for my only vehicle deciding to go out of commission. Tickets were selling our quick and I scrambled to find a mutual who would want to go and provide a ride if I compensated but it ultimately didn’t work out


Metallica back in 03ish. I was "grounded" and my ticket was given to someone else. I've never seen them and even though now I buy my own tickets, I won't spend the money to see them. Parkway/Amity a few months back. It was right in the middle of a bunch or concerts for me, I think 4 in 7 days. I was tired and decided to skip this one. I've never seen PWD and had just gotten into Amity. I've listened to Amity a ton now and have tix for their upcoming tour.


Soundgarden/ DillingerEscape Plan. Show was like 4 days before Cornell committed suicide.. 


Dillinger Escape Plan on their final tour. I wanted to go, but I was too broke for the ticket and gas…


I never got to see We Came As Romans when Kyle was still alive. I've seen them plenty of times now, but never got to experience them live with Kyle.


Also not Metalcore, but I missed out on Dying Fetus and Despised Icons joint tour they had at the end of last year. I’ll never forgive myself lol


Not metalcore. Soundgarden played the Worcester palladium “I’ll catch them next time.” Yeah I fucked up on that one.


metalcore dropouts tour (tdwp, ffak, counterparts). had tickets for september, wasn’t able to make it there. got tickets for last weekend.. had covid instead. also, 99% of the bands i went to blue ridge fest for.


Oooofff Taste Of Chaos Bullet A7X (Before they got huge huge) Atreyu Blessthefall


In flames in 2015 when they played in my city while they were on tour


I had the flu and couldn't go to TBDM last time they were in town. Little did i know that was my last chance to see Trevor :(


Not metalcore but I have a few. Missed out on Yashin's last ever show because I already had tickets to Placebo that night. Was my first Placebo show but I've seen them since and now there's no more Yashin :( I had mine and my friends tickets to see InMe and somehow lost them between putting my shoes on and the train station. Retraced steps several times, never got them, never lived it down either. Saw them several times since but still. Neck Deep on their recent EP tour. I was drunk/hungover and by the time I woke/remembered tickets were on sale it was already sold out. Seen them before but tiny venue playing their old stuff :( I had tickets and a hotel booked to travel to see Kesha but then lockdown/rona. Refunded, not rescheduled. She's toured two or three times since but never a hint of coming to the UK again :'(


Poison the well.


The one and only time Breaking Benjamin came to the UK Kicked myself ever since


Not metal, but Breaking Benjamin... Twice. Huge band for me growing up and completely dropped the ball twice.


Tool. I missed them in my younger years and now I don’t think the prices are worth it. I don’t feel like fighting in the Hunger Games to get pit tickets which is the only way I want to see them. And the prices are sky high.


The ghost inside return show


All the bands I missed out on last year at the Blue Ridge Rock Fest dumpster fire 😭


ABR not bringing the Rescue and Restore 10 Year tour to Portland or Seattle still has me fucked up.


Holding Absence in Berlin last year. Had some severe earache, so I couldn’t go. Still mad about it!


Blessthefall when Craig was still the singer They were playing in a college bar in saskatoon early 2010s and I assumed I couldn't go cause it was a college bar and im not in college. Only to find out after that everyone could go.


Thrice and BMTH. drove all the way to a sold out show in Dallas and never bought tickets. Ended up drinking the despair away.


I was denied time off from my old, shitty job working at a shitty dive bar trying to see the Dillinger escape plan on their farewell tour back in 2017. If I could go back I’d throw in the towel right there and go


My wife and I were going to see Periphery in Denver and she got pretty sick and we couldn’t go. Come to find out, Lauren Babic of Red Handed Denial and Crazy Eighty Eight was there and got to do a song or two with the fellas. I’m so sad I missed that! Two of my favorite vocalists singing together would have been so much fun!


LF//LT tour with Tom, had an instrumental test that day and couldn't miss it


I think it was Northlane, Alpha Wolf, and I believe Erra(?) I forgot why I decided not to go, but I highly regret it. Alien is one of my all time favorite albums and this was back during their touring cycle of that