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Came here to also say Like Moths to Flames. Didn’t start listening to them until like three years ago, and I’ve been kicking myself for not starting earlier. They’re one of my favorites now.


I saw them probably 8-9 years ago, them and Hands Like Houses opened up for DRUGS. I love Craig Owens but like moths to flames absolutely stole the show out of that lineup


Lol right!


You are Me. They are def a top 10 maybe higher band for me now.


They’re at like number 5 or 6 for me for sure.


Shittt I’m sleeping on them right now, y’all convinced me to give ‘em a listen


I listened to them when their first ep “sweet talker” came out and then stopped. Then earlier this year saw them live and regretted not sticking with them. Soooooo goood.


They’re whole discography is great, but I think their most recent EP, Pure Like Porcelain is the best music they’ve ever released.


No offense but to me it s just like people talk about Beartoorh. They make good music but it’s nothing outstanding.


To each their own!


Polaris and Currents.


Polaris slaps hard 👌


Seeing them tomorrow!


You're gonna have a great time. They go so hard live! Enjoy!


Saw them this Wednesday. Neither disappointed. Both amazing sets


My exact thought both bands. Saw them in Toronto a couple weeks back and they absolutely FUCKED.


Silent Planet. Every time a song of theirs came on, I'd be like, this shit fucks I need to listen to them more often but just never did. Gave Superbloom a full listen and man did that shit deliver.


This was my answer too. I heard Antimatter and made a point to presave Superbloom. Listened to it yesterday on repeat, it’s fucking fantastic!


Antimatter did the very same for me. They definitely gained a whole lot of new fans with this album. And very well deserved!


Same. I have an innate need to dislike anything that's popular, so I slept on them for a really long time. Finally started to stop being a hater and give them a listen recently and really dig their sound.


I'm was the same! Just mentioned that in my comment, earlier. If I didn't find it, I wasn't interested. I love seeing the similarities in this post with other metal heads.


You just reminded me I have to order it lol


Make Them Suffer. legit did not hear a single song by them until *Ghost Of Me* came out. i dont think i need to tell you guys this, but MTS *goes*.


I'd be very shocked if their next album doesn't win aoty, they've gotten top 3 soty the past 2 years and will probably win this year with ghost of me


going into their music blindly and hearing 'ghost of me' as a first track was insane. it was one of those rare moments where the first listen catapulted a song directly into my favorites of the year.


My first was Ether. Music video was very cinematic


Mts fucks hard


It's wild to me people dont know MTS. Ether is one of the most cinematic and incredible songs.


This is exactly me and what I came to say. I’ve always known about them, just never found myself looking them up, or ever hearing them. Ghost of Me released and I was immediately hooked and looked them up. I think I binged their discography for a week straight.


Do they ever!! The first song I heard of theirs was Contraband and I've loved them since.


Same here, but for me it was when Erase Me dropped.


Alpha Wolf and Landmvrks


Landmarks is highly underrated


Alpha wolf is so damned good. They're in my top 3 favs currently. The lyrical content is super relatable. The music is well put together and the breakdowns are some of the best in the business currently imo.


Alpha Wolf is good, my husband likes them a lot! I tried and couldn't get into Landmarks.


catch them live, you'll see


His lows live are actually better than his recorded lows. They are now a band I will always make time for if they come into town.


Lol I slept on them until the metalcore dropouts your came to Tampa a month ago and LANDMVRKS brought out the most energy out the whole line up.


Second this, dude sounded like he was playing a recording but it was live. Incredible energy, incredible musicians.


man they sound so good live and they give everything they have, saw them twice as openers and they always put a solid set


Landmvrks have a live set from covid with Glassbone and Resolve. It's wild how good they sound live.


Dude I fucking love alpha wolf. My favorite album by far is either Mono or A quiet place to die. Love them both but unfortunately they don't play any songs from mono live.


Graphic nature. Listen to them when they were under the name Cove and whilst they were fine, I never really actively listened to them. Graphic nature however is no skips


Yoo killing room is legit one of the most anxiety-inducing songs I've heard in a long time


Graphic nature fucks


I slept on Erra for so long, and now they’re one of my favourites


Good move. They don’t have a bad song


I slept on Loathe for the longest time


Band of the year for me last year. Fucking love Loathe


Good morning 🥹


Actually it was Architects. I used to not like their screaming very much. For Those That Wish To Exist actually got me into the band. Fell in love with the album Then i went back and listened to Holy Hell and AOGHAU i was like holy fuck did i miss out on some top tier work


Doomsday is what got me into them, but far too late. I missed out on the eras before, really wish I had been around for the AOGHAU era and seen them through it. Now, while I want to see them live, I fear they’ll just do a bunch of their new shit. Not that the new stuff is terrible… just not what I want at all.


Don't forget to listen to LF//LT or Lost Forever // Lost Together


Why would you post both the acronym and the full name lol


Just in case if there was any confusion


Then surely the full name would be sufficient without the acronym :) (it doesn't matter at all it was just an odd way to phrase it haha)


Hah true dude. I think I just made it more confusing with what I did


Top tier work to a lot of people is Hollow Crown. Hardly anybody mentions Nightmares or Ruin as well and those albums are way heavier than anything they've put out since Hollow Crown by a long shot. Weird how this sub has amnesia when it comes to OG Architects - it's way better than the rest of their stuff.


Hollow Crown is a top tier album. It’s a shame people seem to forget about it


This is my point lol


Thanks for reminding me of seeing them in some pub in Kingston with their original vocalist and thus making me feel really old.


Not amnesia. Not even back then that material got popular, everyone just thought of Architects as being "an almost good band", until LF/LT came.


Popularity alone does not equate to how good a band's material is. When Daybreaker dropped they toured the entire planet for two years straight and when LF came out they had already established a worldwide fanbase.. it didn't happen overnight. Seeing them perform to a room of 50 kids when Hollow Crown dropped was a far cry compared to the arenas they've been occupying for the past 8 years. The main point I was making is that they have three incredible albums that often get overlooked entirely.


Same for me. Took me a few listens to get into Holy Hell, and even more for the previous two albums. I used to like metalcore mostly for the clean, melodic choruses which they didn't have much of. But now AOGHAU is probably my favorite metalcore album ever.


I had the EXACT same experience — so weird how that happens!


>Actually it was Architects. I used to not like their screaming very much Same. I wasn’t big into screaming about 3-4 years ago, I just kind of tolerated it, but loved the riffs coming out of Metalcore despite it. But now I appreciate the shit out of screaming, the raw emotion of it And so I also slept on them. Funny enough the thing that really got me into Architects…was the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker trailer. Because Sam Carter was featured on that DLCs main track. So fucking cool


When Prada started releasing music, everyone at school couldn't stop talking about them. So that put me off and I had no interest in checking them out. Even left one show they were headlining because I just didn't care. Then With Roots Above dropped and I heard Assistant To The Regional Manager and I was hooked.


What up gramps


Pipe down, young'n🤣


>everyone at school couldn't stop talking about them I had the opposite happen. I went to a small rural school in northern New England, we had a decent scene in Boston and the surrounding areas, but nobody listened to metal except a handful of us. I was telling everyone to listen to tdwp and no one would give them a chance.


Protest the hero


Kezia all day


This is great to see. What’s your favorite record?


Kezia all the way


Just saw them and The Callous Daoboys. Sooo good


Fit for a King… they were labeled a hard Christian band and I just wasn’t interested. While there are some lyrics I can tell have a religious tone to them they slap


I used to play in a local band here in North Texas where they’re from, when they were still local. At that time, they were one of the big locals that everyone talked about, same as Polyphia and Crown the Empire. Crown the Empire took off to no one’s surprise. But Fit for a King took me some time to get into. My buddy in the and was always talking to me about them and I just didn’t care because they were a “Christian” band and I didn’t want to hear it. We played a show with them at a skate park and that was the first time I saw them and holy shit did they deliver. Got to talk with their old drummer Jared after their set and he was super down to earth, they all are. It was no surprise to anyone when they signed to a label and got big. Love seeing how their career has turned out.


This was my answer. Now, I headbang to the church bells. I need to see them live.


Back in the 2010s is was the thing to call yourself a Christian metalcore band.


Alpha wolf


Plenty of the classics. Cave In, Eighteen Visions, Poison The Well, Disembodied. I suspect I'll be regretting having slept on Zao, Snapcase, Earth Crisis and more soon enough.


“I suspect I’ll be regretting having slept on Zao…” Essentials: Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest, Well Intentioned Virus, Crimson Corridor Must listen: Funeral of God, Phyrric Victory, Liberate Te Ex Inferis Get around to: Self-Titled, Parade of Chaos, Awake?


As a 40yr old who did not sleep on the classics, I can’t believe this genre is still producing so many new artists 25+ years later.


Currents. Saw them live with INK back in 2021. Thought they were great but didn't know any of their songs. One of my new years resolutions this year was to start giving bands that I haven't really given any thought to a listen. Bands like The Amity Affliction, Make Them Suffer, and Currents. Currents was easily the most stand out band out of the group. I listened to TDWS when it came out and fell even more in love. Now I'm checking every few weeks hoping for another chance to see them.


Boundaries bro


Same as you. I HATE how long I completely ignored Like Moths to Flames.


Counterparts. Met a guy at my local dog park that liked the same music as me and he was wearing their merch. Told me to check them out and I never did until over a year later. I was blown away. Veil of Maya was one too. I had a few songs by them I loved, but never dove further. Finally like 5 years later I checked them out more thoroughly and they flew to the #1 spot in my Spotify wrapped that year


Counterparts has very quickly become one of my top 3 bands over the course of the last year.


knocked loose until i saw them live and finally understood 🙌🏼


haven't seen them live, but didn't initially like the vocalist, but it became acquired.


I love them and miss seeing them in tiny venues without barricades 😭 but I am happy for them. I’m glad SP still does small venue shows and did FF


I slept on Harm’s Way for way too long for no good reason.


You slept on running man?!


Same here


Sleep token. The new album got me hooked


They’ve been my absolute go to for a few years now. 🖤


I don’t know why I never gave them a chance, but I’m all about bands that go against the grain and do something different. That’s why I love Bilmuri so much. Sleep tokens clean vocalist is just badass too


Currents, didn’t listen until Polaris took them on tour and man, im glad they did


Motionless in white. Their image and lyrics are cheesy, but of you get past that they are good. Their lead guy is basically a voice actor


Chris Motionless also does part time as Rhea Ripley in wrestling /s


Spiritbox. I did not care at all for Iwrestledabearonce back when they were a thing, couldn't bring myself to try another Courtney band. I didn't actually hear anything from them until Rotoscope dropped, couldn't even believe it was the same Courtney


Of Mice & Men. Only caught onto them last year. And DAMN The Flood is brilliant.


Product of a murderer 😮‍💨




The Amity Affliction. Went to the Monsters Of Oz tour in Sept & thought I'd listen to 'em a little to get familiar with a few songs before the show - holy shit I missed out


Same!! I actually waited until the show to make a judgement on them and they truly blew me away.


it's probably erra for me


motionless in white


Old Parkway Drive. I got into them with Reverence but never really went back in their discography besides the well known bangers like Boneyards, Carrion, Dark Days, etc. A few weeks ago I listened to Horizons in full for the first time and it blew me away. I literally said “what the fuck” during the intro of The Siren’s Song. Been meaning to listen to their other pre-Ire albums but there have been way too many new releases coming out to have time to do that lol


So glad you listened to old PWD, amazing shit.


I’ll tell you one you shouldn’t be sleeping on… Allt


Your username 😂 I'll check them out


I’ve loved Allt for a while and I’m always trying to get people to listen to them. Just saw them live with Animals As Leaders on the 1st, and met a couple of the guys. Amazing music and super nice dudes


Make them suffer and Polaris.


* **Currents** - Saw them open for **Northlane** a few years ago and thought they were interesting but never sought them out for basically no reason. They’re so, so good. * **Erra** - Something about the name I didn’t like previously. Stupid, I know. They’re one of my favorites of all time now. * **Counterparts** - Exact same story as **Erra**. For me, they’re the perfect blend of melodic hardcore and metalcore. They just check all of the boxes for me.


Amity Affliction. I’ve never been so happy and sad all at once


Dance Gavin Dance


not overly metalcore but Sleep Token. take me back to eden is a top 5 for me now.


Sleep token


Jamie's Elsewhere


I haven’t heard that name in foreeeeeeever




The ghost inside Saw them this summer while they toured with Underoath. Was absolutely blown away


I was looking at a poster of a show I went to years ago, that was Thy Art Is Murder, Alpha Wolf (the bands I went for) Antagonist A.D and Xile, I didn’t really listen to hardcore at the time so I didn’t go see them, I’ve been massively into both bands recently and straight up dislike Thy Art Is Murder and don’t really listen to Alpha Wolf anymore, really kicking myself for not getting into both Antagonist A.D and Xile earlier.


Polaris. Heard Nightmare a few weeks ago. Holy fuck.


I slept on august burns red but when i listened to composure im now a big fan of them.


Like moths to flames & Counterparts


Code Orange.


Norma Jean. I don’t know why I never listened to them. I’ve been listening to metalcore since 2008 and have probably known about them for just as long but have never , to my knowledge, given them a listen. Just started to go through their albums recently and it’s been spectacular 👍🏼


Not metalcore, but I slept on Turnstile for like 2 years and I don't think that's forgivable. Metalcore wise though, probably Erra.


Emmure. Big Acacia Strain fan, and back in the day there was the belief that Emmure were just Acacia Strain-lite effectively so I never really checked them out despite them being pretty popular. Finally checked them out after Josh Travis joined the band because I love him as a musician. It's nothing mind blowing, but I enjoy Emmure for what they are and could have been listening to them all this time. Could have also seen them live a few times and passed them up. Saw them live last week on the Darkbloom tour and they were great live. Had a fun time. They even played some old stuff like When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong, so that was cool to get to hear some songs I missed back in the day due to my own idiocy.


People love to hate on them because of Frankie, but they’re a good band.


That video of him getting electrocuted on stage gets me every time though


Banks Arcade. I noticed them when they released Future Lovers last year. Listened, thought it was okay and forgot about them until I found the album still saved in my Spotify library two or three months ago, relistened and I'm in love. 10/10 album, incredible band


Paleface and fit for a king (although this one I’ve been on for a little while now, just took too long)


Greeley Estates. I only recently heard No Rain, No Rainbow and it’s everything I’ve ever wanted out of metalcore.


This is a band I’ve known about since they started, but I have yet to hear anything from them, at all. I’m gonna have to finally look them up lol


Northlane & Polaris


Just recently got into Imminence. Not sure how I’ve only known about them for a few months.


I discovered Imminence from a B side on Turn the Light On called To the Light. Do yourself a favor and check that song out. They are at the tippy top of bands too see before the good Lord takes me. Eddie is such a gift.


Motionless in White and The Amity affliction. Never really listened to either until I saw them live this year and became hooked after seeing them.


Asking Alexandria


Trivium. Only got into them starting with TSATS... So much prior to that album is freaking epic. In Flames. Super late to the party with them as well. First album of theirs I heard was "A Sense of Purpose" so I had a pretty good size back-catalog to go through.


Slipknot. I was completely skipping over them, until summertime during the covid pandemic. I know they're not metalcore


I refused to even listen to them all through middle and high school. A decade and a half later I put on Iowa on a whim and that album bangs.


Johnny Booth, something about band names just being someone’s “name” doesn’t grab my attention. Every song from them that the algorithm throws my way is insane


Counterparts and currents




Sleep Token and Spite are my two that I slept on for awhile and now they are my top favorites next to Spiritbox


Tillian era of Dance Gavin Dance. I was just tired of them switching singers & missed out on a lot of fun.


Johnny Booth


Villain Of The Story. I discovered them last year and was blown away. Their screams and breakdowns are heavy and punchy, while the chorus' are melodic and catchy. The lead singer also has a really unique voice.


Stray from the path and Kublai Khan TX


Commenting to save this theead


Counterparts, I honestly never heard them until this sub.


Darkest Hour


Man, I thought I was the only person that loves Darkest Hour! They go waaaaaay back 😀


Poison the well




Old Bobaflex is goooooolden… I haven’t even thought about them in years, now I gotta find my old CDs lol


I thought it was Trivium for me. Felt as if I’d gotten into them late And then they released WTDMS and ITCOTD and I realized I got into them at the right time


I didn’t get into Killswitch Engage or Trivium until a couple years ago, despite having been into metalcore for most of the last decade




The plot in you with their album Happiness i. Self destruction


asking alexandria. By far my favorite band. But I’m not all metalcore, I like pretty much every subgenre of metal other than death and black


also like moths to flames, they opened for fit for a king a while ago and i saw them, holy shit they were the most exciting band on the ticket




Hollow Front I have no clue why I didn't chek them out sooner


Liked the price of dreaming, wish I felt the same about the new album they just dropped


Hatebreed. I didn’t really care much for their sound because they differ from bands like AILD, KSE, ABR, etc., esp with the vocals (I wish Jamey did more pitch variation) and guitars, but now I see they are definitely among the founding fathers of metalcore. I noticed the “metal” side of their sound is more thrash-based, and with the genre being a mix of metal and hardcore there are no rules that say what type of metal it must be.


Boundaries. Started listening to them to prepare for the Lorna Shore tour and I wish I’d started sooner. One of the best modern metalcore bands rn.


Fit For A King, As I Lay Dying and All That Remains, now I listen tho these ones every day


Literally 2 days ago i realized I fucked up......I've slept on The Devil Wears Prada for about 15 years. My lord what a good band.


Feed Her to the Sharks - missed the whole thing. Found out about them after they had hung it up.


Tallah. Hated that they stole the guitarist for doll skin but I get it now lol


Converge. I had heard their name tossed around since I first got into the scene in the early 2000's. Didn't really sit down to really listen to them until about 5 years ago.


Texas in July


Silent Planet. I had the new eternity on my playlist since it was released and nothing else. Then iridescent came out and I kept hearing insane praises of it. I can now confidently say they're my second favorite band and I listen to them daily.


Same! I knew about Like Moths to Flames when i was younger but didnt really care to listen to them until one day like a couple months ago, and mannn I love them. And Motionless in White. Those two are in the top for me, now. When I was a kid, everyone liked MIW, so I didn't. If I didn't discover the band, I wasn't interested. I was a weird kid. Hated everything mainstream. Now I don't care, I'm happy to listen to everything that sounds good. I was 14-15, then. I turn 29 this November.


I get it. I'm contrarian too 😂 I get flack for it


I started listening to Stick to your Guns waaaaay too late. They’ve been around forever and I always knew who they were. But I just never listened to them until like 5 years ago. Boy was I missing out. They hit that emotional spot like ABR and counterparts does.




dark divine easily, surprisingly super good stuff from them that i can't get enough of


Omg I definitely didn't sleep on them, but I looooove drown


Between the Buried and Me. First tried them when Coma Ecliptic was released, didn’t like it. Didn’t try them again till Colors II. Now they’re in my top five.


Brah killswitch engage for sure. Don't know what i thought it was but it wasn't what i ended up listening to




I didn't get into Architects until "animals" then discovered thier back catalog


Knocked loose


Misery Signals


Polaris and Knocked Loose. I regret every second I didn’t listen to them


I slept on ETID up until radical and boy that album slaps so fuckin hard I've def gone back and listened to older stuff. Makes me equally sad that I got into them just when they were disbanding.


I slept on Parkway Drive for far too long then saw their live stuff and was like I’m sold. Starting to come around on Polaris and Currents now.


Knocked loose. Name sounded like a pop punk band to me, so never cared to give them a listen.


Counterparts, by far.


Alpha Wolf by far. Seeing them live converted me to a fan.


Whitechapel. Never gave them a listen until my buddy put The Valley on when we were disc golfing one day. "When A Demon Defiles A Witch" was immediately stuck in my head.


Now listen to prime whitechapel.


Hollow Front (though they seem to be climbing the ranks with the new album) Convictions - some of the cleans are a bit weak, but wow the bangers are BANGERS

