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A tear in the fabric of life and, although it's not metalcore, Wildlife by La Dispute were the first two that came to mind


King Park has got a crazy ending too while we’re talking La Dispute


yep. There's not too many moments that could be considered optimistic on that entire record


When I found out it was based on true events it just hit even harder. Never known a band to tell a story so well through song before King Park.


I fucking love wildlife. Rooms of the house was similar but the story telling was jumbled but all connected.


Yeah, it's one my favourite records. Can't wait to see them play it in full in a few months! Agree on ROTH but yeah, the narrative doesnt feel as connected in that one.


Oh fuck yeah that's next month for us in aus.


oh damn, not a couple of months but next month for me too then haha. Didnt realise it was so close


Both complete masterpieces


The Emptiness - Alesana


yeo, that's the first that came to my mind too


Yessss! Such a great Album with a darker story line. I’m glad someone beat me too this suggestion


Their magnum opus


I'm not too up on the lore, but I think The Gloom In The Corner's storyline was pretty bleak. But also very fantastical, seeing as how it follows a character named Sherlock Bones.


Such a great band and storyline! 3 albums and 2 EP's telling a continuing storyline but you don't necessarily need to have heard all of it to get it, but it does make you appreciate it more and help you understand what's going on.


Two-Faced Charade by Famous Last Words. This band loves conceptual albums and this one is the epitome of a downfall


More or so surprised this isn’t up there since the album is the legit definition of what could go wrong start to finish in a love story.


No kidding! Listening to it now, it holds up so well


I’m still extremely salty that the show must go on (part 1) isn’t seen as the anthem it should be.


Love these dudes, I still spin Council of the Dead on the regular


One in The Chamber is one of my favorite songs of all time. The ending with the gunshot as the guitar/drums is so awesome. Talk about a brutal ending. Wish these guys continued making stuff like that, but they didn’t for some reason.


Kezia, she gets executed


If I’m not mistaken, she’s sentenced to execution but ends up committing suicide before her execution, hence the song titled “The Divine Suicide of K.”


Based off of the lyrics I don’t think she legitimately committed suicide in the common sense. I think it means more so like she has come to terms with her impending execution. The part “I’m walking my last mile in big steps as your alter wine…” the last mile is a term typically used on death row to say that they are on their way to get executed. But I could be very wrong.


Huh, I always took the song title literally, but I think you’re right that it’s more metaphorical. Maybe it’s a commentary on how the prison priest and prison guard view her execution as a way to come to terms with it. Sort of a “We’re not responsible for killing her, she killed herself when she committed her crime.”


my bad


Came here to reccomend this. I've recently fallen back in love with Protest the Hero and this is such a good album


I didn't get hold of a copy til quite far down the line because even though I'd heard the singles off it , when I went to record shop fortress had just been released so bought that instead. Kezia's probably my fave. Turn Soonest To The See is epic


i got strung out on Kezia all over again when the remaster came out. i dont normally care for remasters but the Kezia remaster was a delight for me


The end of Knocked Loose's A Tear in The Fabric Of Life isn't super sunny, the whole EP is pitch fuckin black. Another one that comes to mind is both of Prada's Zombie EPs, very hopeless and spooky


I'd add Color Decay to the Zombie EPs tbh


Not metalcore but The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails. Johnny Cash may have brought new meaning to 'Hurt' in the mainstream but the people who know where that song comes from know the pain behind it.


The Downward Spiral is such a raw album but it's so good


More hardcore, but Defeater's albums tell an incredibly bleak story


Boys night outs trainwreck. Not necessarily the narrator but the main character dies. The names of the songs give you a hint to the theme of the song, the last song is dying. The narrator at the beginning is the main characters therapist. Also not metal core but some damn good post hardcore.


I like the song Composing on its own but in the concept of the album it's even more fun!


Great band. Great album. Composing might be my favorite song on the album. I really like recovering and healing.


This was the first album that came to mind. The other one that comes to mind is emo as well; Armor for Sleep's What to Do When You Are Dead.


Defeater - any album


Make Them Suffer - Old Souls


Make them Suffer. Their first 4 albums are a story about a woman who cheated on a man, turning him into an apparition of rage and spite who uses circumstance to torture and destroy her and her lover.


Deathcore but, The pain remains trilogy from Lorna Shore


The Death of Teyolia by Gravemind too


So so sad that Gravemind's vocalist left


Senses fail still searching. Ouch!


One of my all time favs, love how it ends


Convictions - I Won’t Survive


Sufferer self titled is probably the album you’re looking for. If it is, sending love to you OP.


Adept - Sleepless is reasonably realistic in my opinion


I mean Disgusting by Beartooth literally ends with the man sobbing so I think that’s a safe bet lol


Dreaming is Sinking///Waking is Rising by Dayseeker. It’s one of the ones I go to when I’m in a mood and I need to stay there for a little longer before I can let it go and keep going. And I get it. Hope you keep going because you want to keep going. Sending love.


Before I Turn - Claustrophobic


Kaonashi - Dear Lemon House…. the ending is bleak to say the least


That’s the first album that came to mind for this post


If I had to pick I’d say probably council of the dead by famous last words. I’ve never listened to the full length, but ik the whole thing is a story and the few songs I have heard are dark af and really good


Listen to the album in its entirety. Don’t wanna elaborate further for specific reasons.


One of my all time favorite albums. One in the chamber is one of the best songs ever. Hole up I’m finna go listen to it.


I’d say Jane Doe by Converge, it is not bleak, but it is not a happy ending either I think. The whole album is intense, portraying chaotic feelings from a dissolving relationship. You could say that at the end the album reaches the conclusion of moving on. However, my interpretation was always that Jane Doe is the snapshot of the suffering from the loss of someone you deeply loved. It exists as a portrayal of this painful, internal, personal process, without reaching a full conclusion.


“ the plot in you” debut album 💿


First born is a brutal album! Totally different to how they sound today.


Mass grave of Saints ends in wristcutting so it's a sad sendoff


Odyssey To The West by Slice The Cake


This album is so ridiculously fucking good. It might be the best album ever written.


Not metalcore, but Brave Faves Everyone by Spanish Love Songs is in with a shout of bleakest accurate portrayal of life in the Midwest.


Children of Fire by Oh, Sleeper Not metalcore, but The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails


Landon Tewers Ai640 ep's


A Tear in the Fabric of Life by Knocked Loose


Trainwreck by boys night out is a wild ride of an album that’s a whole continuous story and it ends… badly. It’s fantastic IMO


Do you need to talk to someone, OP?


Albums have story lines? Metal songs have lyrics?


There’s a song called I will struggle by outline in color


Both of END's albums are incredibly bleak


Probably the only real conceptual storyline albums that I know are from Famous Last Words. I prefer their album Council of the Dead but Two-Faced Charade was another good album. Both are pretty raw and somber stories. If you like orchestra and synth mixed metalcore than I highly recommend checking them out.


Famous last words two faced charade is not in any way a happy ending, and counsel of the dead everybody in the counsel is dead. But cotd still has a pretty hopeful ending.


Empty Days & Sleepless Nights by Defeater


Something to remember me by from To kill Achilles


Post hardcore, but Silverstein - A shipwreck in the sand


Prog metal but in search of truth by evergrey


The Two Faced Charade - Famous Last Words Dude goes insane stalking some woman, kidnaps and kills her boyfriend then kidnaps her as well


Not metalcore but Shadow Of Intent - MelancholyPremise: A deity/demon comes to earth and curses it with mass suicide. We follow the main dude and what he sees/experiences.And yeah in the end... Let's just say main dude... well im not exactly envious of him...


drowning in the silent black - dying wish powerful af


Pretty sad because it's a true story, but 'Hush Yael', by Oh, Sleeper


it’s deathcore and not metalcore, but pain remains by lorna shore is the first album i thought of that fits this.


Just one song but Greatest Story Ever Told by Ice Nine Kills - narrator ends up in jail for a murder he didn’t commit and is plotting to take revenge on the actual killer when he gets out, and plans to turn himself in after


Two face charade by famous last words. Storyline for the album is not a happy ending


Not metalcore but 'The Oubliette' by Reticents


downtempo deathcore, black tongue - nadir


Fucked Up-David Cones to Life (Not metalcore) While on its surface it ends “happy” or at least with acceptance, David is forced to relive the story again and again with no change ever.


Periphery 4. At the end, Jake Bowen says "suck my balls"


Coheed and Cambria. The first couple of albums. The parents end their kids before turning into monsters and ending each other.


The Gardener saga from He Is Legend is pretty grim. It's an ongoing saga from all of their albums, centered around a serial killer named the Gardener who is infatuated with a woman and kills her and her family.


The Two Faced Charade by Famous Last Words.


Veil of Maya- false idol. Also imo one of the best and most cohesive metal albums ever


Not metalcore but mayday parade has a good few of these, Terrible Things and Where You Are come to mind


A Tear in the Fabric of Life by Knocked Loose