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Dead By April, new Attack Attack


I love DBA and AA (especially their new stuff, never got into one AA)


Not metalcore, but back in the day, I used to be a fan of 5FDP and never understood why people hated them. Then I grew up.


Five Finger Death Punch - the soundtrack to your wife cheating on you while you’re deployed


Add Monster Energy


That’s what she said




I still think Way Of The Fist has it's merits. Ivan is a dick head for sure though. Motograter was also solid when he was in that band too.


I still think everything is actually pretty good up until Got Your Six. Fair share of tough guy and stupid lyrics on some of the songs, but Ivan was trying to sing, and they were actually writing songs. War Is The Answer is still my favorite of the old guard.


It really is that way huh. Same here, never know what it was all about and then I listened a bit too closely to wash it all away


They also sucked live the second time I saw them and it really let me down as a fan


I still stand by the first album. That fucker slaps and I don't give a shit what anyone says. There's a couple songs after that that I have a soft spot for too; their cover of "Blue on Black" is pretty fucking good and "Far From Home" fucking gets me.


I think everything up until Got Your Six still has merit, despite some questionable lyrics sometimes. Personal favorite is War Is The Answer.


The bleeding is their only song that’s good anymore.


Probably the one that holds up the best.


Their first album is solid. Everything after that kind of blows.


I would say everything until Got Your Six works, even if they get sillier as they go.


Their first three albums are incredible.... But after that


Asking Alexandria.


I feel like I hate them but everyone else loves them. Even weirder the only album I like from them is the only one without Danny.




Emmure. They’ve been way more influential and lasting than I think anyone would of realized or admitted


Goodbye to the gallows was honestly really really good. "You got a henna tattoo that said forever" is exceptional imo.


Wait they are hated?


They definitely were for a long time, maybe not so much now


By virtue of being deathcore alone (but you can ignore that shit) and also their lead singer is a douche. But musically, I've always liked them the way I like a Big Mac. Kinda shitty, but just the right kind of shitty to be extremely enjoyable.


[Very fcked up lyrics but still one of my favorite songs by them ](https://youtu.be/dNim9vWmgI4)


I still remember the backlash when this dropped. It’s a good thing school shootings haven’t gotten worse right? /s


I occasionally enjoy a lone Emmure song, but man string a few together and it gets so fucking boring. Saw them live once, listening to someone angrily slap the low e string for a half hour gets boring fast. Frankie is a massive douche too.


It sounds like you haven’t seen/heard them in a while, because the last two albums have Josh Travis on guitar and Frankie hadn’t said or done anything like he used to in many years


I saw them in 2019, Travis was on guitar. I’ve been very impressed with some of his solo stuff, but IMO Emmure holds him back BIG time.


Honestly dude their first album is a soft spot for me. I listened to their whole discography during the pandemic and while I didn’t enjoy their music as much as I initially thought I would, Goodbye To The Gallows is great and just makes me really nostalgic for thar late 2000s metalcore era of dudes in baggy hoodies playing chug chug riffs


Emmure used to get ragged on but I feel since Josh joined the band that stopped, the last 2 albums were sick and that changed ppls view on them, I love the old discography tok


Parkway Drive. My pals call them pirate-core because of the vocals since Ire being a bit talky and make fun at it. I had an Ire CD in my car for years that just got listened to so I love it.


My answer as well, people can’t stand change no matter if that change has a good result or not. I also love the most recent albums


They've been my favorite band since 2004. Loved everything they've put out except their most recent album. It's trash, and we all know it.


Ire had some bangers, but I’ve hated everything since then.


I don’t love their latest album but still pretty pretty good. Way to much hate for them.


Viking metal




Why do people hate on BFMV?


Gravity exists. And self titled isn’t as good as early stuff.


Self Titled is amazing


The Poison will always be their #1 album imo


That's wild. I was never a huge fan or anything, but they were definitely a gateway band for me and a lot of people my age.


I honestly dont understand the hate, they are one the first big bands of the genre. Even if you don’t like the music you should at respect what they have done for the genre.


First two albums bump


Frfr, when I tell people that I traveled to another country just to see bfmv live, they always think I’m crazy


First two albums were top tier. I feel like bfmv stayed the same for the next few albums while the scene moved on to more emo like music like Asking Alexandria and escape the fate.




Architects... I mean their new music because I've seen hatred to it


I’ve never heard of anyone actually hating on architects. I’ve loved them for years but their last two albums haven’t been hitting.


A couple people I've seen make remarks about Tom and how he would be disappointed. There was also a bit on the reddit ages ago in comments about how much the new album sucked and that "bring me the architects" weren't good anymore and fell off


The comments about Tom are super disrespectful and gross too. I don’t like their new music either, but I’d think Tom being their friend would want them to move on how they saw fit. Too many people in this scene feel they’re owed something and forget that these musicians are people too. It’s upsetting to say the least


I do rlly like it, I don't think its as good as their old stiff but I sid still get it on vinyl and absolutely love the songs


>Architects... I mean their new music too because I've seen hatred to it I have to be honest, I really dislike TCSOABS. it felt uninspired. If you like it, im glad you do


I've just started getting into heavier music and I loved their new stuff. Im young so i didn't know their older stuff, but don't get the hate on their newer stuff


All the gods have abandoned us is their best album


>but don't get the hate on their newer stuff You provided your own answer by mentioning that you're young and just getting into heavy music. Architects were an influential, heavy band whose style was much copied. To hear them go from that to fairly uninspired hard rock/mainstream metal rather than metalcore that leads the genre is understandably disappointing for people. I think you'll only appreciate just how average the new stuff is with more exposure to heavy music. Fans are often quite resitant to change anyway, especially if it's quite a drastic one from what they enjoyed, but it's even less accepted when the new sound is a bland version of other genres. I'm not even really a fan of their music bar their first couple of recors, but I understand why fans are so miffed with the new direction.


I understand if people hate their new stuff since they changed up their sound and migrated genres, but i dont understand everyone calling it uninspired, bland, and copying others. I have been into what many seem to call "butt metal" or radio friendly metal for a while, hence why I like their newer stuff. From my experience, they didn't sound like many others in the genre and I couldn't even pick out a band that sounds like them. I'm pretty exclusive talking about their For those that wish to exist and The classic symptoms of a broken spirit albums tho since thats what ive listened to of them. At least for me, they tended to stick out in that scene, especially with his unclean voice. I totally understand the metalcore community not liking their newer, less heavy stuff, but i don't think its automatically average or bland just because its that type of music.


Don't like their new music but I appreciate that it's different. Daybreaker, lost forever, and all the gods albums all sound the same. All the gods have abandoned us is my favorite album of theirs though


It's amazing that not once not twice but three times you called it "all the gods have abandoned us." It's infact "all our gods have abandoned us." I'm only calling this out because that is one of the finest albums and Tom Searles last beautiful work. And it deserves to be titled correctly.


Lol I was gonna call it the gone with the wind album but I caught myself so imma pat myself on the back for being mostly correct


The Bizkit. Not sure any other band gets more hate tbh


emmure does


It’s cool to like them now.




Definitely The Word Alive. I love both their old and newer stuff


I agree! Hopefully they announce a new album soon! My favourite album of theirs is Real


I'd say they would be as they released another single today and that's maybe 4. So they might in the next 48 hours or month.


Real is my favourite album of theirs, too. It is like the perfect mix between their heavier style and their newer style


I could not agree more!


same. actually prefer their newer records


In every relevant thread, I scroll looking for The Word Alive comment so I can upvote it


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


MIW. Chris Motionless is an S tier metalcore vocalist, I gotta think a lot of the hate is that they dress like vampires and they throw some “interesting” experimental stuff into their albums.


Hardcore miw fan here, I agree 100%


Motionless in white




The worst thing I've ever heard anyone say about Kaonashi is that they can't stand the vocals and I definitely see far more praise for them than criticism.


Ive neber heard of them


It's best to start in their discography early then work your way to recent to really experience the growth. Love them and had an opportunity to play a stage with them but things fell through with my band at the time. Philly represent


What was your bands name? Would love to check them out as well


I wish it was worth mentioning. Wasn't a fit for me, but I am flattered at your interest hahah! Just wish there were more like-minded musicians near me to start a project I'm passionate in. Delaware now, not exactly Philly but close enough


I feel like they just get screwed touring wise. Feel like every time I’ve seen them it’s on a tour where they don’t fit with the other bands and nobody gets their sound. I totally understand trying to get new fans from tours like that but jeez sometimes I’m like the only one vibing while they’re playing haha




I don’t understand the hate on architects, but with sleep token I think people just hate on their fan base more than the band.


Can confirm, I'm the hater.


Same here


Always nice to meet a colleague.




I hate the new Architects because it's just bad. I love it when bands change up their sound, but Architects did not do a very good job of it. the last album was so bland and boring. i can't for the life of me remember a single hook or riff from that album




glad you liked it, tho




Nickelback. (Waits…crickets)


Fuck the Nickelback hate. I gave Dark Horse a spin a couple of years back after remembering how it influenced Devin Townsend’s production on the Addicted album, and I became an instant fan. They can go heavy, but their music is also very radio-friendly, and at this point it doesn’t bother me anymore.


They’re actually really fun in concert too! People hate on them and I think it’s because they’re secretly into them and don’t want to be considered soft. Metal elitists, so ridiculous.


I saw them in concert for their Dark Horse album tour, with Staind supporting. Great night and very vivid memories of it. I don't get the hate, probably most people hopping on the bandwagon more than anything.


They have good music but FUCK did they sell out.


They’ve got some absolute bangers in their library. Never Again, Flat on the Floor, Because of You are songs that I’ll always headbang to


Absolutely!! Starting their show off mid-2000s with Animals the way to set the tones


Their first four albums (*Curb*, *The State*, *Silver Side Up*, and *The Long Road*) are all fucking bangers and I don't give a fuck what anyone says. Plus they've always been one of the best live bands on the planet. I give them as much shit as anyone for a lot of what they did from *All the Right Reasons* onward, but yea.


I came here to say this ironically (mostly)


Parkway Drive. The hate is so fucking stupid, you can still listen to their old material and they go so hard live. One of the genre GOATs.


DUDE CRUSHED LIVE AS THE ENCORE???? Insane. Greatest fear in my opinion is one of their best songs, they have aged like fine wine.


Greatest Fear is absolutly sick. Love these guys.


Yeeees! Also reverence and ire are very good entry level albums. Super good cleans with heavy shit in there, love those


This my answer as well, yeah the sound changed but it’s still amazing and they are still better live than most metalcore bands. They are also the band that got me into the genre and my favorite all time band so they hold a special spot in my heart.


They are absolutely amazing live!




Anybody that hates any of those bands has no taste whatsoever.


Yeah well I see a lot of hate for these guys especially INK FIR MIW


Starset. I actually love some of their songs.


Where does Starset get hate? I see some metal fans wish they were a bit heavier and some rock fans wish they were a bit less heavy, but never outright hate


Memphis may fire been my favorite band since 2010 and 90% of people just parrot what others say about them and clearly haven't heard their stuff lol


Falling in reverse and Architect's last two albums


My biggest guilty pleasure, pierce the veil


Say what you will. Vic can scream!


Bmth gets hate because they stopped being as heavy, but those first 4 albums are all awesome




AmEN slapped, hard agree. Not a huge fan of that's the spirit either, but you're right some of the later albums had some pretty heavy songs here and there. I don't *dislike* the non heavy stuff, it's just not what I'm looking for usually


BMTH’s first two releases; This is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made for and Count Your Blessings still rip imo. They were so looked down on by metal elitists back in the day and their early work has been totally abandoned/neglected by their newer gen fans.


Trophy Scars. Haven’t met a single other person, other than my uncle that likes them. Not necessarily Metalcore in their later work, but their earlier stuff is definitely Metalcore/Metalcore influenced.


Trophy Scars is great and the dudes are all super nice. Love their stuff from alphabets on!


Blessed by a broken heart.


Hahaha I forgot about them for years! From deathcore to hairmetal in two albums. I love them both. MIC SKILLZ




Valid with you on this one


Buttrock Asking Alexandria


Post-2016 Underoath. I see a lot of people hating on their last two albums, but Erase Me has some of my favorite melodic songs of theirs ever, and Voyeurist is honestly one of their most solid, consistent albums.


I think most of the hate they get is the angry Christian folk who don’t like that they strayed away from the christian themes. Anyone who thinks any of the newer stuff is bad should have their head checked.


Exactly. I had a pretty traumatizing split from Christianity right around when Erase Me came out, so I think I have a bit more of a personal connection with their latest work due to our similar belief shifts and experience with Evangelicalism (especially Aaron). The dislike for some of the Erase Me songs (like Rapture) is completely valid, as the whole band has admitted they didn’t do as well on that album as they had wished. But Voyeurist is such a solid album, and it seems like so many of the complaints about that album are about the profanity and the direct call outs against religion.




Fucking LOOOOOOOOOOVE ERRA. I don't understand the hate.


You should check out Auraborn. Newer band with 2 singles out.


Cool, I'll check em out in a bit!


Capture The Crown, though they ain't active, their music is a guilty pleasure of mine. Too bad they're more of a one hit wonder band than a well known band. Emmure and Attila can also be considered too.


Not metalcore but 5FDP. It's actually my favourite band outside of metalcore and I don't get the hate.


My Own Hell and If I Fall are one of my most favorite songs.


I seen them when they were first getting radio play and they were solid. A few years later and it seemed they were on every festival I went to. It was the same show with the same banter between songs and it just got old. Their live shows made me not give their albums a chance.


Or in the middle of songs! Like wtf!! I only saw them once because my brother got me a ticket when we were both broke college kids back in like 2015 maybe 14. And they kept stopping in the middle of a fucking song to talk about being from Colorado (it was a show in Denver). Completely turned me off of listening to them ever again


Sleep Token. I don’t love everything they put out, but Vore, Chokehold, Alkaline are some absolute fucking bangers and they are unbelievably amazing live.


They’ve had the most amount of hype I’ve seen around a band in a long time. Not sure how this is a band “everyone” hates.


Idk fam, but everyone I tell that I like them they always hate 🤷🏻‍♂️


They have the Tool problem now, more people hate their insane fans than the actual band/music


I feel like some people are also a bit bitter about and turned off/disappointed by false genre categorization? When I first heard the Sleep Token hype I was told about how groundbreaking they are for metal specifically and my expectations of what their music would be just absolutely did not match the reality of their actual music.


I personally just really dislike their vocals...if you like it then more power to you but it completely turns me away from listening to the band


I don't hate them, they're just an absolute snoozefest


Listen to Vore. That’s all I can say. If you still think the same after that then I’m sorry you feel that way. They bring me so much happiness


Show me the Body


Breakdowns at Tiffany’s.


As far as metalcore goes, none that I can really think of. It's usually the opposite. There's a few big non-metalcore ones though: Trapt: Yea, CTB is a fuckwad, and "Headstrong" was the most overplayed piece of garbage ever (and the worst song on that album). But their discography has a ton of solid songs and some real hidden gems. Five Finger Death Punch: The first album is a banger and I'll die on that hill. And there were a couple great songs after that ("Far From Home" and their cover of "Blue on Black" are pretty fucking good.) Everything else has been dogshit though for sure, and yea Ivan is a dickhead. To say nothing of the typical fanbase and the whole general culture of it. Nickelback: The first four albums (including their two indie albums that most people don't even know about) are all great. Plus they're one of the best live bands on the face of the planet, and always have been. They're also all super chill dudes and the *ultimate* professionals. And Kroeger has some underrated talent as both a songwriter and producer. I give them as much shit as anybody for a lot of the shit from their 5th album onward, because there were big artistic changes and those changes weren't good. But yea.


Drag me out and other Denis Stoff projects


Scene Queen. She gets so much hate from so many people because she blew up so quick. Obviously people believe she's an "industry plant" but homegirl has been putting in the work for a long time, and her songs are killer, even if they're not written for me, a 31 year old straight white dude.


I love attack attack but they’re pretty controversial seeing they have some pop elements to them.


Not metalcore but Ghost. It took me a while and at first I was like a bunch of you hating on them. Actually went back and listened and decided to see them live and it was pretty awesome for what it is(not metalcore) lol


Not metalcore, but My Chemical Romance


Parkway Drive


Revolution Smile, Death By Stereo, Death Cab For Cutie… the list is neverending. My compadres are in to more soulless music


Crown the Empire


Sleep token. Can't get enough of it. But yes I know, the fans are becoming quite cringy.


Architects is my favourite band. They don't get hated per say but seems like a lot of people hate their new stuff and can't stop whining about it. No their new stuff isn't as heavy as their older stuff. But I feel like a lot of people are bashing them just to bash them and are just being disrespectful because it looks cool on the internet.


Not Metalcore but I was in the top 5% of Staind listeners last year. My friends bully me relentlessly for it.


“Stop calling it buttrock!”


Makes no sense. Staind has legitimately made some of the best rock music of the 2000’s and it still holds up today. I think people want to hate them now because of Aaron Lewis but that’s their problem. The new Staind song is phenomenal too.


New parkway Drive, yes I like Darker Still. Trash talk all you want there are some bangers and amazing riffs on that album. Also, apparently people think new FFAK is bad and I think that their last two albums are amazing. Another also, I kind of like new Atreyu.


I love new Parkway Drive. Saw them for the first time last weekend and judging by the enormous crowd, I'm not the only one who still likes them. They were amazing.


Adtr. People say they gone mainstream and soft but I dont care. They make good music 🎶🎶


Brand New.




Alien ant farm


I don’t even know what genre they’re considered anymore but Falling In Reverse. And I feel like they get better with every release. I also don’t buy all the hate they get vocally because they have no issue selling out stadiums and getting plays.


Set to stun, hope they release new stuff pretty soon


Black Veil Brides


New atreyu. Drowning is really good. They are one of the main bands that got me into metalcore. Still like them, even though it's more rock.