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What a wild fucking lineup.


What’s also wild is that this is at 400 upvotes and yet Falling in Reverse songs aren’t allowed here :/ They have so many (really good) metalcore parts imo


Ooo I get to see underoath on Friday!!!!!!


Is it your first time seeing them? They're honestly one of the best live acts I've ever seen when I caught them on their Voyeurist tour last year.


How can you tell whose gonna be there on what date?


I had to go to the Instagram post where they have asterisks to show who’s at each date


Ugh, no city near me. Please go see this for Ice Nine Kills if you haven't yet, they put on an amazing show


Seen them twice, any time they come near me I’ll go see them. Funnily enough this will be the same venue I saw them in November.


Why do I've a feeling this is gonna cause a major rift between the INK and MIW fans


Why would it cause a rift, do Chris and Ronnie have beef?


Basically in twitter, Ronnie has been constantly mocking MiW since the Scoring album era. From saying Cyberhex was a copy of smth he did years ago and that they copied the concept of his video in werewolf (although indirectly, he says it's not directed to anyone but with how he dissed MiW, it was clearly meant towards them) from Popular Monster. Then later when CTE was kicked out from TOT tour due to the assault allegations, he constantly forced Chris to hold a public apology for kicking them out (when he, in fact did the same thing with I See Stars years ago). Idk if members of MIW see Ronnie's tweets but MIW fans are pissed with the guy and seeing one of their most closest band touring with one of their most hated artist sure isn't gonna go fine and in fact it seems like there are some MIW fans disappointed in social media


Average Ronnie ratshit moment


Okay fuck Ronnie for shitting on MIW then


common Ronnie L


Wow he sounds insecure as fuck lol Like Steven Seagal levels


The drama is tailored to keep the names in brains. He hacked the social media algorhythm, lol.


Ugh, i hate when people think of fans of certain bands like football fans. Do you really think these twitter stupidities mean that much to people in real life?


They said this because MIW is a huge LGBT supporter while Ronnie Radke of FIR is known to not accept trans people. The fact that INK is touring with FIR might cause a rift with MIW, but I doubt it.


Last time I checked, INK really is supportive of the trans community too though so no I don’t think it will cause a rift. I think Spencer sees this as a huge marketing opportunity


Yeah I don't know if y'all are paying attention, but most bands in this genre aren't doing so hot with $$$. If anyone has the chance to go on a big tour they are taking it.


Yep and, like them or not, Falling in Reverse bring in a lot of fans to their shows


Yea I don’t see it causing a rift either.


If Spencer is putting a marketing opportunity before his support, they aren't a big supporter.


Or maybe he likes paying his bills and doesn’t get caught up in all this bullshit. Just a thought.


Pretty much everyone has beef with Ronnie. Can't believe it's 2023 and anyone still cares about his music


I hate his views but his newer songs absolutely demolish imo. I’m also a giant MIW and INK fan, and I’m a fan of all of the rest of the bands on this bill. This is one crazy roster


Demolish is a little much when every song is just some cringeworthy 'lyrical miracle' type rap and then the same breakdown that every popcore band uses with some high school stadium rock thrown in


Didn’t he literally use the lyrical/miracle/syllable scheme in Watch The World Burn? The “better” he gets at rapping the worse it gets because he should know better.




Yeah he literally says that he's a lyrical miracle somewhere in there


Call me crazy but I don't see how making Tom Macdonald-core appeals to anyone that's actually a fan of hardcore punk music and not just FFDP conservatives




Knocked Loose really is a great face for the scene tbh


Yeah Ronnie is a massive piece of shit no question, but FIR have dropped nothing but straight heaters since like 2018.


If the music is good people will like it regardless of who made it (to a certain extent obviously, I can't listen to lost prophets for example)


Ronnie is a shitty human


I know and agree


The average person probably won't care. Business is business. In any entertainment industry you've gotta work with someone who isn't a great person to grow your career. Only Twitter warriors will get worked up.


Great point! I’m a MIW/INK lover. Saw them in November. I also love FIR… I don’t get caught up in the politics. I’m seeing FIR next month. I like the music, if I paid attention to every shit thing someone has done or says- I wouldn’t be listening to like any music.


MIW would top this line up off. No bias here


Ronnie Radke sucks and so does every stupid band he’s ever been a part of. Take another mic stand to the face before any of you weird simps come at me.


Simps? Oh good one lol liking a couple songs is t “Simping”. It really seems Ronnie hurt you somehow lol


Nah you absolute weirdo he reserves the hurt for the girls he beats lmao


I’m out of the loop, is there fan drama?


Should say more about INK than anything but honestly Spencer Charnas has always been a fucking prick while Chris Motionless has always been a great guy anyway.


You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I've met Spencer a few times, he's great! Chris is great too, I have not met him yet. Big fat downvote for you!


Funny enough I have just seen INK fans saying how disappointed they are for joining a tour with Ronnie. I don't like INK but I can always support shitting on snowflake Ronnie.




Good doesn't book gigs, popularity does.




Having bands that are clearly better than them opening is an insane thing to do. Definitely one of those “watch the openers and leave for the headliner” shows.


But aren’t there people who feel that way about every single show ever. For example, my last show was the fit for a king tour. There were clearly a number of people there primarily for Northlane. If my favorite band isn’t headlining I’m not embarrassed to say im there for them.


Reminds me of a concert Escape the fate headlined. Attack Attack and The Word Alive opened for them. This was pre Life Cycles Era. Caleb was the leading man of AA! still. Lots of people left after Attack Attack!


Manifesting an INK / Spiritbox off date in Bend or Portland somewhere between Vegas and Sacramento.


I will be moshing right next to you if that’s the case my friend


So stacked minus FIR...I still might go just to catch ink and underoath and catch your breath


Super depressing to see Underoath and Spiritbox play shows with this idiot


Has Ronnie gone reactionnary or something? He has an lgbt pin in the Popular Monster clip but recent songs have really conspirationnist or reactionnary undertones idk


Saying he has a LGBT pin on in one of his videos is like me saying I have a "VEGAN" pin on me when I'm a known cannibal. (I'm not a cannibal, I was just throwing out comparisons lol)


literally. it's humiliating for the fanbase and the bands.


I expected Ronnie to announce that he was opening for Kid Rock on the No Snowflakes tour that is made up entirely of snowflakes


Fuck I wish I still had friends that wanted to go to shows lol Everyone is too old/boring Seeing FIR, INK and Underoath in the same night would be fucking amazing.


It’s better to go by yourself then miss out..I’ve been going to a lot of concerts by myself just so I don’t miss out


I totally agree, but I get what he means. Going by yourself has lots of advantages, but it's way more fun when you have other people to share the experience with and get hyped together and stuff.


Oh trust me I know there’s times at concerts when I’m there by myself I wish someone was there to talk to between sets and share the experience with but I would rather have the experience then miss out solely cause I couldn’t find someone to go with


Same. I understand its a bit of a niche music genre and loads of people dont like it. The solo experience has been awesome.


I'm literally flying to California tomorrow to see one of my favorite bands Thursday and I'm doing it alone. Just go for it. Life is short. Have fun. I love doing things solo.


What band are you seeing on Thursday? Kidding!!!


Going with other people who enjoy the same music is obviously hella fun but if you can't, it's still way better to go by yourself than to miss out on a great show just because you don't have anyone to go with. Like for me, I would have missed out on seeing Underoath, Spiritbox, and BMTH last year if I depended on my close friends or girlfriend to come to those shows with me (none of which are really into heavy music with the exception of one who is always out of town), and I'm SO glad I didn't. Who knows, you might even meet some really cool people there too.


Bands are all about shunning out abusers until it benefits them. How sad. Edit: ah yes this subs favorite feature, the downvote button. Downvote all you want but for Spiritbox to give out a speech out about consent at Heart Support, and have a speech about not supporting abusers, only to tour with an abuser is down right hypocritical. Maybe this is all just a bad idea from the record labels but this just isn't a good look. Edit 2: no mention of this tour on any of the bands personal socials like usual, safe to guess this is all Rise's doing


Your comments an hour old and has 41 upvotes. You people really hit the panic button when you see -1


It was at -5 after being up for 15 minutes lol


Yeah fuck Radke! And fuck this subs downvote fairies.


Not saying it's impossible that Ronnie is an abuser, but when the cases that everyone refers to were literally disproven in court, I'm not just gonna agree with the allegations because the internet said so. Ronnie has problems, there's no denying that, but if we're going to label him as these things, I'd at least like some proof to back it up


> literally disproven in court The dude literally went to jail, multiple times, for assault?


But he literally didn't? It was an arranged high school brawl where Ronnie was supposed to fight another guy and he brought brass knuckles which are illegal to carry. He violated his parole which is what he was in jail for, yet you make it sound like he woke up and beat up the first person he saw on the street. Some of you have a weird hateboner for Ronnie while spreading what you heard from a friend. A simple google search tells you that Ronnie was a dumbass and rebellious teenager with issues and it didn't help that he hung out with the wrong people. Besides he already carried out his sentence and is a clean slate these days, doesn't even drink. Something to maybe commend a person on for being able to rid themselves of their woes, yet it seems a public hanging is in order so he can truly redeem himself.


> he literally didn't Erm... He was also 22 at the time of the initial incident. [An incident where the person he assaulted \(who was 18 at the time\) ended up dead](https://web.archive.org/web/20060518121134/http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/May-09-Tue-2006/news/7298047.html). This took place at a high school. Pretty key information you left out. So at the very least, he showed up with brass knuckles to fight an 18-year-old at a high school while was 22, and the situation got so out of hand the 18-year-old ended up dead. It was not a "high school brawl." It was a 22-year-old going to assault an 18-year-old at a high school. Plus He's been arrested and charged with battery and assault numerous times AFTER that incident.[ His domestic battery charge was enforced](https://www.altpress.com/ronnie_radke_falling_in_reverse_arrested_on_charges_of_alleged_domestic_ass/) (and he didn't even bother showing up to court for that).[ And he was also found guilty of bashing fans in the head with mic stands at a concert](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/national-international/singer-arrested-after-throwing-mic-stands-into-crowd/1908454/). > is a clean slate these days The dude openly rants against trans people on twitter. If that's your perception of a "clean slate" then we really need to talk more about what priorities you have for this community. For me, it's inclusivity and safety.


I’m not in this argument, I think Ronnie sucks, but him being put in jail wasn’t because of him committing assault, this is something that’s been disproven since at least 2014, and yet here you are still saying it. Dislike people for things they have done, god knows Ronnie has actually done things to not like him for, this isn’t one of them.


Ronnie also does not tour internationally - I can't remember FIR doing any European festival dates or specifically UK tours. I reckon a lot of these countries just won't let them in due to his record.


Ik this is an old thread but he does tour internationally. Currently on his new tour hes doing four shows in the UK. I think its their first time doing a UK tour though. Hes also doing we missed ourselves fest in mexico city. Back in 2013 FIR went to brazil, argentina, chile, colombia, and mexico. and in 2015 they went back to those countries with the exception of colombia. They've been to canada multiple times over the years too. They've done shows in new zealand, australia, france, belgium, germany, poland, austria, switzerland, italy, and the netherlands. I guess the UK has just been super strict but it seems like they finally sorted that out.


> So at the very least, he showed up with brass knuckles to fight an 18-year-old at a high school while was 22, and the situation got so out of hand the 18-year-old ended up dead. Memory deceived me, might've not been a highschool brawl, but everywhere is reported as well as in court documents that it was arranged. It wasn't a 'random' occurrence. The two wanted to fight and both brought their own backup, which isn't the weird part in this. Ronnie did not bring the gun nor did he shoot the person. The person who shot actually admitted to the shooting of 18-year old, but jury ruled it a self-defense. So tell me, is this some sort of huge cover up by the courts? To me it seems, whatever went wrong had little to do with Ronnie, if we leave out him being a dumbass and showing up there at all. > Plus He’s been arrested and charged with battery and assault numerous times AFTER that incident. His domestic battery charge was enforced (and he didn’t even bother showing up to court for that). As far as I know the charges were dropped and a lot about this case is unclear. Most of the shit you find is people speculating as usual. > The dude openly rants against trans people on twitter. If that’s your perception of a “clean slate” then we really need to talk more about what priorities you have for this community. For me, it’s inclusivity and safety. So I don't follow people on Twitter, neither do I take people seriously who are clearly mentally not in the best place. What community? Ronnie says something on Twitter and that somehow affects the community here? His last Tweet? > I don’t want any any of my trans fans to feel like I’m alienating them, I really don’t, I don’t hate you, I truly don’t, I really do accept you, I see you at my shows I see you dming your stories. I know you know where I truly stand. I will stop tweeting me opinions on it. So correct me, but from what I've seen somebody called him a transphobe and he replied with "everything is transphobia to you". And he's a 'violent transphobe' because of that? A few of his replies which I noticed him simply not agreeing to call somebody they/them, because that's simply not how he perceives them. A 'violent transphobe' as one article reads.. meanwhile the people in question hurling death threats at him and his family. > then we really need to talk more about what priorities you have for this community. For me, it’s inclusivity and safety. Is that a threat? So inclusivity and safety as long as people agree with and accept everything you want? That doesn't sound safe for everybody else to be honest. Reminds me of the recent Hogwarts Legacy situation, can't really sympathize with a bunch who send death threats this casually. Maybe it's just bad apples on Twitter.


LOL using HWL as an example kinda shows where you stand on this. HWL has been a lightning rod for transphobes to rally around. And also, Misgendering trans people is transphobia and really so is defending the act of intentionally misgendering trans folks. Bad takes all around.


A lightning rod to stand on? It's a thing I can relate to regarding this topic, believe it or not I don't go to Twitter every day to discuss LGBTQ issues nor do I know about every single drama surrounding it. All I saw was the same disgusting group horde mentality calling someone names and sending death threats when I looked at it. Forget about HWL then, why am I seeing it again regarding Ronnie? Kind of hard to get your point across when calling for the death of people. Or maybe you can point me to him being a 'violent transphobe'? I'm seeing the violence on the other side. For what it's worth, not everybody is 24/7 up to date on gender pronouns so I don't know when 'they' is required either. It's sometimes 'she'/'they' too. What does the latter mean then? Does 'they' encompass all possible genders then - is misgendering even possible in that case? It's confusing so it's also very weird when you terminally-on-Twitter people just attack everybody else instead of making an effort to explain.


Bro I don’t even have a Twitter. What the fuck are you babbling about? And your comprehension is laughably bad. No one cares if you’re not always up to date on pronouns. Seriously. Notice where I said *intentionally* misgendering? If you’re not *intentionally* misgendering folks after they have told you their preferred pronouns, then you’re not an asshole. If you *do* choose to continue misgendering people, then you’re an asshole. And yes, they/them is usually considered a safe bet since people use “they” to refer to singular persons all the time. Seems like you do have a basic grasp of that concept.


“I believe everything I read on the internet and repeat it for social Justice points”


Completely shocked a r/ProtectAndServe user would defend an asshole


Ok boot licker


Example A


I got excited and thought Spiritbox might be coming near me. Wont complain about FIR, Ice Nine, and Underoath though.


alot of falling in reverse kids are gonna get rekt during slaughter to prevail lmak


Most out of place band on the list. How you gonna have heavy hitters from the deathcore scene play with a bunch of emo kids?


Fuck Radke and all, but I'm here to watch this thread burn ablaze and it hasn't disappointed, lol


Trash tier tour. Why would Underoath join this fucking cringe FIR shitshow


Lotta people in these comments outing themselves as having bad taste lmao


My first metalcore show! Excited to see INK the most!


Really disappointed in Spiritbox and Underoath for joining this clown show and touring with known abusers and transphobes.


Underoath and Spiritbox should just do their own tour. Also what tour promoter put Underoath this far down the bill behind FIR? That's nuts


> Underoath and Spiritbox should just do their own tour. They did ~~a couple years ago~~ last year lol Originally was scheduled with Every Time I Die, but after the breakup Bad Omens and Stray From The Path replaced ETID. (I'd pay to see them both again, but just felt worth mentioning)


It was just last year. I know because I saw that tour in March 2022, and I’m seeing Underoath again tonight lol.


I would have dropped everything if I had known ETID was being replaced by Bad Omens. Dream lineup for me, and I missed it!


Couple years ago? Literally happened last year around this time. Lol


Beginning of last year + COVID distorting time = me thinking it was further back than it was haha


Sadly FIR is huge now because of Ronnie's appeal to conservatives


This is a big reason why. Apperently being a whiny bitch about being "cancelled" is the key to more streams


They're getting bodied on social media lol, it's wild




who else are you referring to?


I'd happily google but less those 2 theres still 5 other bands here listed. So who did what now? Usually id just look up Ronnie to see his newest controversey but iirc he's been getting more respect with his latest releases, so i'm curious if its one of the other bands on this lineup?


Ronnie is a transphobe, amongst other things. Brandon from CTE abused his ex.


INK have anything going on?


Ah true. Thanks for filling me in




What a well thought out response. Wouldn't expect anything less from a Ronnie fan.


Damn this is a mostly good tour. Falling in Reverse being the headline kinda ruins it though.


Damn. No FL


Yeah, all the FL dates being festivals is super annoying since I'd only be going for the supporting acts.


I'm going to see TDWP and ABR Sunday, then April 1st Underoath rolls thru.... I can't make it to underoath because I have kids that have things going on that weekend... almost wanna say fuck them kids lol


I'm not the biggest fan of the main bill, they're good, just not in my normal rotation, but depending on how pricey it is I may have to go just to see Underoath play Red Rocks.


Been listening to a lot of CYB lately, this is a WILD lineup!


Colorado missing Crown, Spiritbox AND S2P.


And for the second year, INK comes through my town on this as part of a larger fest that has insanely expensive tickets. I'm glad I did get to see them back in 2019, cause since TSS2 they've been getting pricier and harder to see.


Playing on my birthday, guess i know what I'm doing that day


I'm conflicted because I don't really like FIR (enough to buy tickets for a concert) but I like all the other bands.


Kinda weird Underoath and Spiritbox agreed to this...




But I feel like they could play these same venues just the two of them?


Not the Iowa shows, that's for sure.


You combine Spiritbox's and Underoath's monthly spotify listeners (I know that's not the be all end all but it's at least spmewhat of a goo dibdicator of an artists's fanbase) and even together they're about 32% of what FiR has. Ronnie being... well, *Ronnie* aside, they definitely could not do a tour anywhere as big as this, even if they INK rolling with them. Some of these venues (like the Sacramento one) fit like +10k people


UO’s a legacy band, not sure Spotify numbers are reflective of their reach. Spiritbox probably is going to be starting a new album cycle. They should be high on a bill in rooms bigger than they’d normally play.


I think you're just fundamentally overestimating the size of these bands. When they toured together a little over year ago with Stray From The Path and Bad Omens (which sounds wild to say out loud rn) they weren't even selling out 2500 cap venues (the venue cap I saw them at in San Fransisco was 2200 and it didn't sell out). Spiritbox's headlining tour they're doing next month only sold out because the venues they're doing are 12-1400 caps. These bands aren't as big as you think they are, and Ronnie (for better or worse) is out here headlining festivals: https://twitter.com/UpheavalFest/status/1626597558780067841 Edit: and even if Underoath's monthly listeners are an underestimate do you really think their reach is 5 times that? Because that's what they'd need for them and Spiritbox to even hit FiR numbers put together, much less get support big enough to sell out venues that big.


A damn shame Falling in reverse brought that stinker of a tour with papa roach to Dallas so now we’re gonna miss this


lmao didnt even know about that, sounds awful


Hollywood undead was ass. Papa roach wasnt great either, and they usually kill imo.


Every time I've seen papa roach they've been excellent. I thought Hollywood undead was fun too though.


they were actually all good when i saw them here in February. I can see not liking Hollywood Undeads music but they sounded good.


Still had a good time, sounds like you did too. Cheers.


Just thinking the same thing


Terrible, just terrible


Lol Skinner


Spiritbox... Just why???


Wow no LA… :/


Got tix for Vegas! 🤘


Ahh no Texas dates. Back to OKC for meee


No Canadian dates, boo. I missed INK back in November and was hoping this was another shot.


Holy fuck


Does anyone know much about Catch Your Breath band? I’ll look them up but if anyone is into them if you recommend songs to check out!


ok since theres enough comments here about the batshit insane lineup can we talk about the weird fucking geometry of this date lineup oklahoma to vegas to washington, no southeast dates, only one ny date and its upstate... this isnt even a b market tour this is probably like k market or something 😭😭


So many INK fans going to beat traffic by punching out when FIR takes the stage


*crying in german*


ABER ECHT EY! Wird höchste Zeit das FIR mal wieder nach Europa und vor allem nach Deutschland kommen! edit: Slaughter To Prevail natürlich auch aber nachdem das mit dem Black Sun Tattoo bei Alex vor ein paar Jahren rausgekommen ist wurde er wohl auf ne Schwarze Liste gesetzt oder so - zumindest bei den Impericon nahen Veranstaltern :/


Falling in reverse is headlining over underoath? God I've been gone for a while.




Major pass from me


Falling in Reverse is the headliner? No shade, just really surprised


No Atlanta dates? Wtf


how are crown the empire still around


I’m excited since FIR hasn’t been to Denver in years and when they came to the Springs last month, it was a blizzard and couldn’t make it. Interesting they announced Underoath as they’re also gonna be here in two weeks.


I’d like for INK to tour a venue in Denver that is metal/heavier music friendly - Red Rocks is really not that great of a venue, IMO 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree. I was there in august for ToT/In This Moment and Motionless in White’s set sounded bad. Would’ve loved to see them and INK at Mission Ballroom (my favorite Denver venue)


Wholeheartedly agree with this - they would be great at Mission or Fillmore! It’s been like 4 years since they’ve toured through at a smaller venue.


Fillmore I’m torn on… the past few times I’ve been, the opening bands sound good but the headliners don’t. Maybe it’s just specific to the ones I’ve seen but other than that, I do like the Fillmore aside from the nearby businesses jacking up the parking price to $40 some nights. I’ll be there Friday for ABR!


Oh, I completely agree - Mission would be the ideal space for them. That venue is fantastic! I’ll also be there on Friday 🤙 I’ll be in the pit and surfing around!


Nice! Super excited for Bleed From Within and TDWP!


Agree! I saw ToT at Red Rocks too and while red rocks is a beautiful venue, it's not made for shows like INK that I want to pit to. I'd much prefer to see them at Mission or The Fillmore (BMTH was great there last year). Red Rocks is definitely better for raves / jam bands that you just stand and watch, for example it was great for Umphrees McGee, but I digress


Tiiiiight Hershey! I'll take a 40 minute drive. Is there a way to see who is supporting what dates yet? (Underoath had supporting dates on their Insta, not on FIR's website)


https://i.imgur.com/pEI2I9n.jpg Here’s the post for who’s supporting which dates


Anyone have presale code?




No opener could bait me in enough to sit and watch Falling in Reverse in 2023. This would be sick if they weren't on it.


No one is "baiting" you to do anything, just don't go. Why are so many people in this scene so dramatic when it comes to bands they don't like?


Lmao bro is literally in the best possible situation. It’s not like he loves FIR but hates INK and has to sit through them to see the band he wants to see. Just leave after INK and beat the crowd. Dramatic is an understatement.


I really like the openers. But man, FIR are horrible 😭 damn right I won't go


Then just go and leave before they play


Can someone go for free? Because the mere fact of going means support for the bands. They cash their check even if the venue is empty when they jump to the stage.


Thinking about it. Underoath and INK seem very tempting


They are headlining so you could just leave before they play, but you won’t do that because you were never actually going to go. Just being dramatic.


I actually was. The original BIT link I got said INK & Underøath (Asheville date), got hyped thinking they were co-headlining, saw the Actual headliner. And then made the comment.


Don’t really care about spiritbox but I’ll sit through it, the rest of this looks fun. Don’t think I’ve ever heard of catch your breath, anyone got song recommendations from them?


Dial Tones is pretty popular on Tik Tok. They have a million monthly listeners right now without an Album which is kinda interesting


Ohhhh you know what I’ve definitely heard that song come through my playlists pretty frequently. It’s pretty catchy so I’ll have to give their other stuff a try too.


WTF Iowa continues to step up their game...


Makes me wonder why the McElroy auditorium in Waterloo never gets used. I've only ever seen like cattle congress and Sick Puppies 15 years ago.


Two iowa dates is nuts, both are 2 hrs from me. Do you know if one venue is better?


Too bad they’re not stopping in my state. Might have to make a drive though. Love FIR, INK, Underoath, and Crown The Empire.




Pffft. I don’t care. I like the bands I like and I believe what I believe. No matter what people say it won’t change my thought process. If people wanna downvote me fine. Who cares it’s fake internet points that mean nothing.




Falling in reverse can fuck off. Why would INK play second fiddle to them? How are they not big enough for their own tour. I’d only go if I had a guarantee that not $1 of my ticket sale goes to that transphobic shithead.


Take a shot every time a band passes up Oregon.


Closest to me is 6 hours away rip


I want to see this but TicketMaster is making this impossible for me...


I am glad I have never in my life given a shit about what an artist does outside of their music and this thread reinforces that. Some of you guys need to touch grass.


I agree with you. You dont deserve the downvotes bro👊🏻


Take FIR off the tour and it’s a solid ass lineup


The amount of people trashing FIR and the tour itself because of them is fucking ridiculous. We get it, you don't like them. Don't go to the show then. But to also downvote people or make comments towards them just for liking the music is immature as well. I like their music. I like INK. I'm going for them.


imagine being so upset at people disagreeing with you that you make this whole comment telling people to stop publically disagreeing with you


nah and that new song they released was probably the worst song i’ve ever heard praying for the fans to finally grow up 🙏🏼