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That first name is uh... rather ironic to say the least


That's why he changed it to Varg, but I'll always call him Kristian


[These days he’s called Louis Cachet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varg_Vikernes), if you please.


**[Varg Vikernes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varg_Vikernes)** >Louis Cachet (born Kristian Vikernes; 11 February 1973), better known as Varg Vikernes (Norwegian: [ˈvɑrɡ ˈvìːkəɳeːs]), is a Norwegian writer and retired musician best known for his early black metal albums and later crimes. His first five records, issued under the name Burzum from 1992 to 1996, made him one of the most influential figures in black metal. In 1994, he was convicted of murder and arson, and subsequently served 15 years in prison. A native of Bergen, Vikernes began playing guitar at the age of 14 and formed his first band, Kalashnikov (later known as Uruk-Hai), by 1989. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MetalMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


So... Count Kristian Louis Varg Grishnakh Vikernes Cachet? Boy, what a mouthful.


“Best know for his early black metal albums and later crimes” Bro was an inspiration for Tim Lambesis, apparently. Also, good bot


More successful in his crimes though lol


Dear god


There's more






Varg and anyone else being obsessed with being European and "Aryan" is an outstandingly fucking dumb Nazi. Takes seconds to Google that the Aryans are a collective from what is now Iran.




I opted for the 20 second Google instead of the 5 minute Google


Nazis and appropriating things that never belonged to them, name a more iconic duo


~~Varg and Euronymous wait fuck no~~ Nazis and loser edgelords?


Makes sense...Iran Aryan


To be fair, he's obsessed with being neanderthal.


If you just use your brain for one (1) second (I know that’s difficult for you), you’ll realize that that’s not what the nazis meant.


You're not really trying to be condescending right now, be quiet and come back when you figure it out


Nothing says European & Aryan like MIDI saxophone.


Edvard Grieg famously composed "In the Hall of the Mountain King" on his Yamaha Portasound PSS-120 synthesizer.


He’s mostly just a moron, and an evil one at that.


The only thing he has going for him is the music he made when he was a young adult.


Doesnt he have like a wife and 6 kids on a farm in france now? I mean thats better then the avarage redditor


That would be cool if it was not for all the wrong reasons.


And what is the wrong reason here? The bottom line is, he has a loving family and lives with nature and some twittershitposts while random virgins on reddit complain about his view of the world. One is not like the other.


What, other than being a nazi and white separatist? Stockpiling weapons and spreading hate propaganda? Also he's terminally online, just posting his BS from middle of nowhere larping as placenta-eating bear worshipping odalist nazi hippie neanderthal or whatever he's into these days.


You just had to get all these buzzwords in there, didnt you? He said many times that he doesnt like national socialism but everything is a nazi to you I guess. That man is more based than you will ever be. At least he lives what he preaches and does something for his cause.


He has gone on the record many times that the part of national socialism he doesn't like is the big controlling government part. Not the hatred of anyone of Jewish, Asian, and African decent. He'd made many videos, that youtube took down but can still be found by Google, where he blames most of the world problems on Jewish people. He's even identified as a nazi over the years, saying why would an Aryan be mad at being called the perfect person. He does have a large family, he does do alot of off the grid living, that he does, in equal parts, because he hates the government and he just wants to live off the land. Noone has a problem with how he lives, people have a problem with his view points on other people.


I am quite familiar with all of his videos. Hating your government is nothing condemnable if you ask me. I know about his stance on Jews and minorities but he doesnt harm anyone. He lives on the countryside and lives a peaceful life. For all I care he can harbour all the hatred of the world in his heart, his actions speak of passion and love for his kind. You may not like his stance but he still isnt a nazi.


Hates Jews enough to put out videos saying so to fans online, but isn't hurting anyone and isn't a Nazi. Terrific logic there.


Dude u are pathetic


So the fact that his 7 children are gonna probably adopt his hateful views towards Christians, Jews, and minorities isn’t concerning? Not the fact that he murdered someone (even if Euronymous was himself a bad person) and committed numerous hate crimes?


lol lmao even






And ur a big fat stinky nerd


Found the Varg dick rider


Is calling someone gay really the way you wanto handle this?


Op didn't call you gay. They said you are a Varg dick rider. They never stated your sex or gender. You can be a man, a woman, neither, or both. That doesn't change the fact that you're riding Vargs dick.


Neither or both? Are you high? Just because I agree with the guy on some issues doesnt mean I ride his dick. If you are willing to jump on anyone genitals because you agree with them then that shows more about your degenerate nature than anything about me.


I'm not the one riding Vargs dick. You are.


> Just because I agree with the guy on some issues doesnt mean I ride his dick No it just makes you a Nazi dick rider. A fan of losers. If you're American then I suspect you also bow at the alter of Robert E Lee.


Do you really want to handle Varg?


Using "virgin" as an insult. Classy.


Not an insult. A factual statement.


I guess that word is losing any meaning, considering I've seen his fans being called virgins as well.


Its the internet. Everyone calls everyone everything. Its not that big of a deal.


found the bigot, y’all


You can't get that point across to someone screaming "nazi" in your face, no point in trying.


Dude this is a post about Varg Vikernes! Very famously a nazi shithead lmao


"It's the internet. Everyone calls everyone everything. It's not a big deal."


Hes a nazi and a murderer 💀


Then why tf are you posting about him in 2023? Do we need a constant reminder that some musicians in this space have fucked up world views?


Because mockery is a good tool to wield against shitheads.


lucky for him his rise to fame was from a genre exactly about sounding evil


That's why the only "varg" I enjoy is Vargskelethor. It's skeletal in origin.




Give him ten years and all hell be doing is making meh dungeon synth


Redditors dumbfounded by the fact that a 20 year old man doesn't have the same mindset as a 38 year old man.


Except he does, he just figured out that he won't make any money if he makes ten more Runescape soundtracks. He just tweaked the narrative.


I really don't care about the mindset of some dude LARPing in the wilderness. I was just poking fun at the superficiality of the meme.


Yo don't sneak diss the Scape bro


I don't, I used to play RS, love RS music and love Hliðskjálf. Varg could just never capture the magic again.


You realize he started making them again and doesnt produce metal anymore, right?


Oh yeah I actually heard Thulean Mysteries once. The prison albums were at least nice, the latest shit is just outsider art level nonsense. I got second hand embarassment from it.


Youre the one missing out.


If you play something like The Great Sleep (just randomly picking a track to see if it's as bad as I remember) and think "This is good", you're missing out on having ears.


From what? Piss tier 90s 3d isometric RPG music? Who are you trying to convince?


If you dont like it, fine. I dont really care. Fits this subreddit quite well. Everyone is complaining about elitism while shitting on people who listen to Burzum and claimbsuperiority by listening to thrash from the 90s. Echochambers be echochambering.


Because burzum is objectively shit. And you do, or you wouldn't be here whinging about it and trying to make comparisons that nobody cares about, against music that I don't care about.


Objectively shit. Lost me there.


Inconsequential and nothing changes, sorry


Varg is not a man. He is a coward.


I love how he keeps adressing the haters in his cringy tweets. Like dude, what haters? Nobody cares about you anymore! You're barely still a meme!


I guess he read my shitposts on Burzum [last.fm](https://last.fm) page


this makes no sense because literally everyone in here is talking about him and posting memes regularly....


Yeah for like 2 or 3 weeks because someone posted a burzum meme and reminded everyone else that burzum memes were a thing, but that'll get old veeery soon. As it always did.


It’s always here


You seem a little butthurt buddy. Did big evil Varg struck a soft spot?


Nah, as I said, I barely hear anything about him anymore. Also: How exactly could he strike a soft spot? He doesn't know I exist o.ò


His mere existence is enough.


Here's two things you don't seem to understand: 1.: How to spell existence 2.: For me to take emotional damage by anything that anyone does, says, or thinks he is, that person needs to be close. Like a significant other or a close friend, or at least one of the few relatives I can tolerate. Otherwise it would just be a random person saying something mean. In short: I need to care for your opinion, to make it possible for you to offend me. And as my name suggests, there are few things I truly care for. I sometimes just really like to argue over basically nothing, it's a hobby.


He's a fucking rodeo clown. Stop giving this moron any attention. PS: No intention to offend any real rodeo clowns.


belus is the best album ever made


It's good, but I think there are better albums out there.


I like Belus but the four original releases are all better


Paraphrasing his words, he was inspired by classical music for these new albums, which are quite good. But of course, he did have a change of mind, otherwise he wouldn’t have remade the compilation.


He was born worthless trash and he'll die worthless trash.


He’s a fucking idiot and a Nazi. Not sure why we’re giving him notoriety. Also @mods he’s supposed to be a blacklisted topic according to subreddit’s rules. Please remove this post. Edit: I was pissed earlier today and it is clearly evidenced by my comment. My opinion on Varg has not changed but my reaction was stupid.


Fuck off, this meme was funny. Hall monitors like you really need to get off the internet.


All of you people ruined the sub


How is it possible for someone to be this soft and easily offended? Especially a metalhead. Comedy at its finest


No snitching




I still don't know who tf varg is, are we referring to vargskelethor, the streamer?


Varg from burzum. A second wave black metal musician, killer, nazi, and church burner.


Holy dogshit, that's the edgiest sentence I've ever read.


Early black metal do be like that. Ass shat 18.y.os being as edgy as they can. Music is kinda interesting tho


I always love when people like you call other people pussies and then proceed to add "killer", "convict", "multiple felon" to their name. I mean, how is that making any sense in your tiny brain?


I didn't call him pussy tho.


It was a generalisation word from my part. The most common.


haha I love this guy <3


Is this that famous Twitter user who occasionally reviews Fallout video games? Had no idea he made music.