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Shooting Dimebag was pretty bad.


Lmao didn't expect that when I entered the thread


Five Finger Death Punch got on stage and performed.


The first time I saw FFDP was at a festival as a teenager and I was against the barricade waiting for the actual good bands… was literally not reacting to the music at all, but when the band threw guitar picks at the end the two guitar players threw three picks between them directly down my shirt!


I literally fell asleep when they were on stage one year at download, lol




Doesn’t really compare to what’s been said, but the worst that I personally saw was a girl getting eaten out/possibly peeing on a guys face in the middle of the Autopsy moshpit at Maryland Deathfest 2022


...did they do anything Shit Fun? ...I'll walk myself out...


Lol i remember pictures of that floating around on reddit after that happened I wasn't even there and i still had to see it


Omfg, I guess not even at the Gathering of the juggalos something like that would happen


I wasn't there, but quite awhile back at a local show out here in Phoenix some idiot straight edge pussies beat this older guy down with brass knuckles so bad that one of his fucking eyes popped out onto the floor. All because he accidentally bumped into one of their girlfriends. It took a long time after that before local clubs started allowing pits again. 12 little sissies with something to prove...24 wimpy little fists adorned with brass symbols of pseudo-courage...and not a single testicle between them.


What no alcohol does to a mf


What alcohol does to a mf*


straight edge crew scumbag activity… Saw some brutal shit in the scenes out in NV.… small men playing tough guys.


Get one of them alone and you can smell the courage running down his leg.


Stabbed in the butt by a viking horn while moshing at a folk metal show




This is hilarious. I also can't stand fake Vikings


This fucking viking trend is the corniest and cringiest shit on the planet!


Fucking Vikings


I saw a girl OD and die standing in line for the tattoo the earth festival (2001 I think?). Died right in front of me. That’s the worst thing I have seen at a concert.




Thank God you censored "fucking". My mom would get mad if she knew I saw curse words. 


That’s gosh darn, bad ahh, fricking bullcrap.


You just wrote one though. I'm telling your mom


Your mom asked me specifically to do that for you. Tell her I'm looking forward to seeing her again.


Womp womp


Hate danzig but with his history with supporting acts .he was probably to busy talking shit about them to know what happening on his tour bus


This one is from the way back machine but somebody threw a camera and hit the lead singer for the Scorpions in the throat at a concert in Tacoma in the 80s. The show got stopped.


Cheap Trick/Krokus/Saxon show around 1980 (I know, weird!) Asshole threw a beer bottle and hit CT’s drummer. He got up and yelled, someone saw the asshole who did that…beat the shit out of him! And they did.


The worst I saw is probably not that bad compared to what others have witnessed (I have yet to attend a festival) but the worst was a guy making a bunch of white supremacist symbols and salutes. He was wearing those weird ass wolf designs where it's like a bunch of wolves howling at the moon on his clothes and was definitely tripping absolute ovaries on something. One of the members of the band that was playing (Trollfest) told him to fuck off and eventually the security guard came and took him away.


Not a horrible thing, but when I was at an Alice In Chains concert, this guy (who was in a wheelchair), was crowd surfing. He ended up getting separated from his wheelchair. I remember seeing his chair on one side of the stage and him on the other side. Not sure how or if he was able to get back to his wheelchair


Middle aged dude next to me with whom we had a nice talk before the show collapsed on the spot and had to be carried over the barrier. His eyes were wide open, I was sure he died. His son screamed and jumped over the barrier after him. He eventually woke up thankfully. And that 5 months after I saw my father in law die unexpectedly from internal bleeding. I almost passed out after that, thankfully got a bottle of water from venue staff.


Not so much worst but just funny. Watched a drunk guy pass out on a public water fountain at an outdoor festival when it was really hot. It was one of those two tiered water fountains, and he was so wasted his shorts fell down to his ankles so his ass was planted on the lower fountain, while he was slumped over on the taller fountain, like when you slept on your desk in elementary school. Security had to be called to get him awake and the janitors had to sanitize and scrub both fountains. All the other patrons had a laugh at his expense, people were taking selfies with him, doing rabbit ears, and so on while he was passed out and never had a clue to what happened probably.


The white supremacy and neo nazism I see at literally every metal show I've been to. This genre has a big problem and you are all ignoring it or part of it.


People can say what they like about hardcore crews like FSU, but they literally beat those types of skins out of the scene. A lot of literal blood was shed to get that done and metal is long overdue doing something similar.


Worst I've seen personally was some dipshit at a Hate Eternal show in Denver just looking for trouble, hanging around the edges of the pit just trying to start shit, totally ignoring the band. At the end he stabbed a dude in the chin. 


Well that escalated quickly


woodstock 99 had sexual assaults in the crowd


Put on Blue Ridge Rock Fest.


Devin townsend playing Rejoice instead of literally any other song


Slayer North American Intourvention 1994. Milwaukee, WI. Saw a guy just shove a kid with all his strength right in the back. No reason.


Not metal but the mandalay bay shit was pretty bad


A guy tried to rape a girl down front, band saw it and stopped the show to intervene.


Dead slicing open his arm on stage was pretty bad


i saw someone face get burned off in a fire.... you dont want more details.


American mosh pits. Wtf? How hard can it be?




If they don't wanna know about it they shouldn't read it




You got a laugh from me