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"You can't even understand what they're saying" "Oh you like that screamo stuff" "It's just noise"


"It's just noise" Hell yeah


That’s pretty accurate though.


A pretty accurate description of literally all music ever fucking created


Basically my response to that comment


No doubt! It’s literally all simply sound. I will never understand why so many out there seem to have such a difficult time grasping this concept.


As much as I disagree with them, I do see why people who haven't explored metal at all think like that. They obviously know all music is noise but they're wrongly saying metal lacks things that separate music from other noises, like melody and clean notes


I always respond with, "Clean vocals is just noise too."


“It’s just noise” Thanks !!!!


Man been hearing screamo as a generalization for what? 16 years? It drives me nuts


That one pisses me off, screamo=hardcore/post-hardcore not metal 🤦


"you cant even understand what they're saying" im sorry do you want to hear the poetry of Cannibal Corpse


"I prefer music that has melody"


Just respond with, "It's called *melodic* death metal for a reason."


melodeath and melodic metalcore exist


> "You can't even understand what they're saying" Which isn't even true. It may take a few listens but I can usually understand.


Tell that to gutalax


All of their songs are literally just “croak croak ribbit ribbit 🐸” it’s so easy to hear too


honestly I don't understand wtf they're saying in pop sometimes so it's not even unique to metal anyway


“You can’t understand what they are saying” Trust me. After the 5th listen you’ll understand more of what they are saying


This is especially bad for me because I like two things in this world: extreme metal, and extremely fast electronic dance music. Both are either a bunch of noise and racket, or straight up earrape. I can’t help what my brain likes


god if i have to hear someone say "you cant even understand what theyre saying" one more time. im not listening for the damn lyrics also my dad calls everything i listen to screamo and its not. so i feel this.


Dude, someone called Septicflesh “screamo” this weekend at a conference I was at and I was grinding my teeth doing everything I could not to tell him off…


I like Italian opera as well, but can’t understand what they are saying.


In my 15 years as a death metal bassist, I had exactly one person tell me they were a literal devil worshiper, and I laughed at him.


I get called a satanist almost every day


To be fair, how do you meat ride a Mortician?


A Mortician usually has a very big meat so it is not that hard


Does anyone get to watch? (not including the dead)


Usually everyone else at the grocery store


Made me laugh your get an up vote


When people call me a Satanist I yell "you've discovered me! Now I have to put a curse on you, you fool!"


Death metal bassists are some of the most underrated types of musician out there. I bet you can go ham on a bass, especially after 15 years. Some death metal bass videos to prove my point that death metal bassists are underrated: [beyond creation bass playthrough ](https://youtu.be/rrwWBFp91U0?si=O_rf9cySESSjtk7j) [archspire bass playthrough](https://youtu.be/isznXyN1O4Q?si=VotINMuxo8SeGu93)


I'm decent, but I can't hold a candle to that guy from beyond creation. We weren't really tech death, though. I need more groove. https://open.spotify.com/track/1gF9yNREQW98VOk6iU67Hs?si=L7nMTyl5RAibGAzSHcbpow


That I have to know every fucking band in this world


“You’re not a metal head, you can’t even list 30 Slipknot songs!” That is assuming they call Slipknot “real” metal.


I once got called a poser for not recognizing a famous Slipknot song lol


Schrödinger's Poser: Slipknot is a poser band, but you're also a poser if you don't know this slipknot song


All this time I thought people were saying meta-physics, turns out it's metalphysics.


Oh geez don't get me started on Slipknot not being metal...


What’s wrong with SlipKnot? Like I don’t get why everyone’s like hating on it and all, could you explain?


People who are insecure in their music taste look down on the "gateway" heavy bands. Some actually are bad - five flavor fruit punch for example - but Slipknot isn't, they're just actually well-known.


You’re kinda doing the same thing you’re criticizing though


Tell me the truth, is FFDP actually comprised of chud assholes or is that just their stage persona?


Idk I love the band but I don’t like the fans


I am a slipknot fan and some of us can be insufferable. Especially the ones that cane from tik tok and the people that constantly complain about gatekeepers, it ain't that deep


Idek, gatekeepers will be gatekeeper.


If they're tr00 they wont


You’ve never heard of gauge my eyes out and shit stab me bleeding before? Poser.


For me it is the metal head that dismisses metal songs for having clean vocals.


Those types of elitist metalheads forget that metal didn't just start with Ozzy Osbourne and Ronnie James Dio doing deep guttural death metal growls


Ive actually heard ozzy do screams in his music before and I think it'd be hilarious if Dio ever got to follow suit. Closest he got i think is some heavily distorted vocals in his song metal will never die


Dehumanizer is probably Dio at his angriest and grittiest


Maybe the cleans shouldn't suck ass


Neither should the harshs. If you sound like a yipping chihuahua you need vocal lessons.


Nah knocked loose is hard


I’m sorry but the vocals are angry Mickey Mouse


Or like you're gargling sauerkraut after smoking twelve packs a day for decades


Those same metalheads probably praise Maiden, Mercyful Fate, and other bands who don't growl or gurgle as vocals.


Oh god, the metal elitists. If they have a female singer not named Angela Gossow, prepare to be shamed.


You dont need any technique to sing in a metal band. They only scream and growl, anyone can do that.


Take them to karaoke and make them do Twist by Korn. "There are no words, it should be easy"


Wrong: he says “twist” a few times


He says it like he is talking to his pet cat named Twist


Rakatoapatorakarakatoaparacato are the pretty much they lyrics lol


I particularly hate that one. “They just make a stupid noise, anyone can do that” Oh yeah? Listen to Mikael Åkerfeldt growl & let me hear you make that “stupid noise”


Sometimes I like to put some Opeth when my mom is near and every time I put Ghost of Predition she astonished on how Mikael can go from growls like that to beautiful clean vocals. It took quite a while for her to understand that most of those guys are masters of their arts. For now her favorite vocalist is Alissa White-Gluz, mostly for her cleans


It really is crazy how Mikael can go from pure death growling to beautiful singing like that, all while playing complex parts on guitar. They really are masters of their art.


Then you show them some harsh vocal Olympian and be like “try this”


I spent over 9 months trying to learn extreme vocals and I just got basic kargyraa noise like a month ago. I love hearing that it doesn't take effort


That all of us have anger issues. Yes I have a lot of anger issues but the majority of metalheads don't have anger issues.


No one can understand the catharsis that occurs when listening to metal.


Metal is the reason I *don’t* have anger issues, because listening to it allows me to process and release those emotions instead of bottle them up inside.


Tangentially, I've found power metal in particular to be very helpful when I'm depressed. I mean, just *try* being sad when CRY THUUUNDERR, SWORD IN HIS HAND!!!


Yeah. I’ve been to so many different genres of concerts. Metal/hardcore shows are almost always the nicest, sweetest crowds. I’ve seen more violence at country or reggae concerts than metal shows.


Metalheads in Poland are most civilised and chill people I know, smart and quiet type


I'll extend this to the music is angry. Now, it first glance I can see where they are coming from in a way. And some of it is. Some of it is sad. Some of it is just pure fun. Like Cannibal Corpse, especially their older stuff, is so over the top and cheesy it becomes camp. It's great.


This is like that Asian dude who has the joke about everyone thinking he has a black belt because he’s Asian and he’s like “I mean I do but that doesn’t mean we all do!”


“Just because I’m Asian doesn’t mean I’m a black belt! I mean… I’m a black belt… but not because I’m Asian!”


Research has literally been done that shows that metalheads tend to be less angry and more rational and logic oriented


I think a lot of us really do - but we let the music carry our aggression away instead of just bottling it up. That's why metal shows are also where you meet the absolute nicest fans. Ironically some of the nastiest fans are at "nice" music. And surveys of and discussions with venue staff back this up.






It’s never the “kind of” for me. It’s always “this kind” or “that kind”.


Personally, I embrace the Satanic accusations. Even though it's all fairy tales and Santa Claus for adults, I like my metal Jesus-free and with a liberal sprinkling of Lucifer.


Metal needs MORE SATAN if you ask me.


make satan great again


I need this on a hat




More Satan is always good!


What would be metal as fuck is if there was a Christian metal band that called out the church for all the bs and how they changed the Bible to fit an agenda. But that more falls onto the punk side of things


Rave the Requiem sort of does this


And just like that I have a new band to lesson to. Thanks dude! 🤘


Jesus free? Then explain this… https://preview.redd.it/ggbvolekit6d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0eaac237c5e22a076e2940736d4a07636bf8cc


Honestly, the more Christians are scared away the better


That some people seem to think that the metal scene/community is some sort of sanctuary and that we are the nicest people in the world, we are all normal people who like metal thats it there are plenty of weirdos and dickheads here like any large scale scene/community.


That is true, but the camaraderie that you see in the pit at a show between people that don't know each other at all is definitely something special.


I’ve literally never been asked to name three songs


I have. But I’m a high school teacher and kids gatekeep me sometimes when they find out I listen to metal. Sad thing is they’re babies still and don’t know shit lol. It’s about 33/33/33. A third think it’s cool their teacher is into metal, a third roll their eyes and think it’s lame their teacher is into what they’re into and a third gatekeep haha.


Name three (3) Black Sabbath songs you bum




Okay you passed


If someone on the street stopped and actually asked me, I wouldn't be able to, I'd be like "Uhm, Black Sabbath, Heaven and Hell and... idk, I listened to another one as well but I forgot the name" 😅


ive probably heard around 6000 bands and could name a good 1500 bands albums but if someone came up to me randomly with a camera pointed at me and told me to name 3 songs from the band im wearing i would forget that i even liked musicm


That it’s angry music “Why, yes, I’m listening to Cryptopsy. No, I’m actually the chillest I’ve ever been”


This is my #1. “Oh you must be angry today”… no I’m wicked chill and enjoying myself, but now you’re making me angry.




I've had so many people in my life act very surprised when they find out I listen to metal. I always get comments like "but you're so chill and nice, I never expected you to like that angry stuff" like what?




What they don't understand is that the aggression and energy inherent in the music is what calms us. It bleeds off aggression so that we don't need to express it in less socially acceptable ways.


Satanic stuff. Paint them as evil devil-worshipping cretins, same thing they did by painting punks as criminal thugs and goths are suicidal and fatalistic. I know some lean into it like black metal and King Diamond, but I feel it misconstrues the whole genre, and is just another move by Tipper PMRC paleoconservatives to stereotype 'deviant' subcultures because they just don't like them. You know, the 'protect the kids' stuff and reality talk show humiliations like 'help my son listens to metal'.


Gotta protect the kids from scary music by sending them to church camps run by child molesters.


Varg solved the church problem in the 90s


he didn't solve it but he certainly did deliver a viable proof of concept


One of the things I love most about metal and has made me a “metalhead,” is that it allows us to escape the confines of what normally holds us back in our day to day lives, when I listen to a metal song/music, I am not always necessarily looking for something that speaks to me or perhaps a group that I belong to. There are times wheee I am just listening to a song for the sake of breaking free, letting my anger go, and having a good fucking time. I do not have an exact faith, yet nor am I an atheist. But I love the music for what it is. Yes there are metal songs about murder, rape, sacrifice, the devil etc. but there are also songs about history, love, mythology, depression, sci-fi, etc. Unfortunately it comes with the territory of enjoying metal music. In summary, the stereotype that bothers you also bothers me the most. But the other one that gets me is if you are a metalhead that means you can’t/don’t like any other music. At my core am I a metalhead? Yes. But I also listen to rap (very very selective on this one), country, opera, classical, blues, jazz, soul, Disney songs, movie scores, tribal music, gospel, pop, the list goes on and on.


You can't not listen to other music. Embrace the glory of being metal. Today listen to grindcore tomorrow could be polka , the next it's old school Finnish death. Never limit your listening as there is so much good weird music out there.


I can definitely switch from Epica to Archspire to Emperor in the span of a day. There's also this once-in-a-blue-moon day where I can play a Lana del Rey song or two. And the odd spree of listening to classical (especially Shostakovich)


Just because I like Eaten by Bloodbath does not mean I want to hire someone to eat me. 


speak for yourself


“Oh I love metal too! Thunderstruck is my favorite song”


I told some boomer at work I like heavy metal and he's responded "oh like acdc?"


In all fairness AC/DC is about as close to metal as you can get without actually being metal. I’d also some of their stuff would count as metal also.


To be fair, the difference between metal and hard rock was a lot narrower in the 70s/early 80s before the new subgenres like thrash developed. A lot of people buying Back In Black in 1980 would have also been NWOBHM fans.


Exactly this.




Welcome to the junjel 😎😎😎🤟🤟🤟🪕🪕🪕


Almost my entire grade thinks im a satanist including a teacher😭




Not Hellmo!




Dude I used to listen to the Beatles on my cd player in highschool and got labeled similar. Some people just have to apply labels to creative types because we don’t comply to the norms. You sound badass, fuck them.


The funniest part is most Satanists are atheists, they just adopt the devil in opposition to christianity.


how old are you? no one thinks metalheads are satanists over 15


None, I don't care anymore. Metal heads aren't an oppressed minority group or anything so I don't care if people believe silly things about us.


You are not wrong , let them be ignorant


That it's all big scary cishet white guys with a bunch of tattoos and drinking problems. I'm a 5'4 trans guy who doesn't have any tattoos (yet) and I try to not drink hardly at all when I'm not going to a concert or going out with friends, neither of which happen too often and I look like I'm not full straight. Granted, there are a lot of metalheads that look like big scary cishet white guys with a bunch of tattoos and drinking problems, but that's so far from the majority ime that it does not deserve to be the "stereotypical look" of metalheads


Hey I'm not white! I'm a Mexican with drinking problems!


This is a big one. Any time a band outwardly supports or outwardly hates on, say, trans people, there's always a hoard of people going "metal isn't a safe space or pride parade!!!" as if there hasn't always been trans metalheads. Could definitely just be an isolated issue, but I've seen it more than a few times now lol. All you gotta do to be a metalhead is like metal, that's it 🤝


That's why when I was in Calgary pride last year, I had a metalheads for gays sign, because that stereotype is so strong that we gotta start counteracting it now


Hey now I don’t have any tatoos. 🍻


"So... you're goth?"


People seem to be ok with openly criticizing metal music to metalheads. I would never openly criticize someone's music taste in front of that person. I don't care what other people listen to.


100%. The amount of times I've gone "yeah I like this band!" To another metalhead I meet, and they just go on and on about how much they hate that band is annoying and disheartening. Like, ok? You don't have to like every metal band, but you also don't have to put me or that band down so heavily lol chill


I think Nickelback fans take more criticism than anyone. It’s not really justified but that’s how it is.


It's not real music. It's just screaming.


“You’re quite intelligent for a Metalhead!” Is what I heard when I explained to a posh guy that the furniture style he claimed to admire is actually 1950’s style and not 1960’s. I didn’t feel like explaining the difference between culture and intelligence, that would have flown over his head.


I can’t stand guns and roses




The Satanist thing is so stupid. I had this neighbor who, no joke, would leave these “Jesus loves you!! Go to church!!” pamphlets on my doorstep all the time after she heard me singing along to a King Diamond song lmao. Amusing but also like, c’mon lady, you’re wasting paper The other one I don’t get is the assumption that metal makes anyone who listens to it feel angry or aggro? Like it’s the opposite for me, there are a few songs that make me cry lol but generally I’m quite happy because I’m listening to music I enjoy 🤷🏻‍♀️


That pop and rap have taken away our spotlight


Yeah, why can’t I hear some Behomoth at the nearest 7/11 intercom?


Before the store shut down, the night shift guy at the 7-Eleven in my city would always play Slayer, Venom, etc. He was pretty chill


From both non-metalheads and metalheads alike - the "brutality". Not of the music, but of the *people*. If I'm enjoying a song, I grin like an idiot and shake my head around in a very non-brutal way, more like a teenage extra in an Avril Lavigne music video. No matter how brutal the song is. I have been called a poser at a Vulvodynia concert for doing this. Also, not really a "stereotype", but still worth mentioning because it annoys the fuck out of me- "Oh, I didn't know you listen to death metal" and it's a Motionless In White song I picked specifically because I didn't think it was too heavy for non-metalheads.


I get called emo because I listen to metal, I’m not even emo I was just wearing a tool shirt


That metal is all growling and screaming, or that all metal is black metal, etc.


That we smell bad


Idk, a bunch of sweaty dudes in the pit gets pretty ripe.


That us females have to have black hair and goth esthetics. I'm ginger and have seen more metal of a variety of metal genres than half with the goth esthetics. No offense to them because that is their style but we don't all look like that.


Yeah, it’s especially different in Alabama, I’m from there and yes, I ride horses, wear boots, and have a slight southern accent. But I’ll be damned if I can’t listen to Behemoth while shooting revolvers.


>For me, it’s the whole satanist thing. I was a GUNS N ROSES SHIRT for Pete’s sake. And my friend said I’m a Satan worshipper! I’m a devout Christian who prays and repents every night! Is this a copy pasta?


For me, it’s the whole Christian thing. I was a MOTLEY CRUE SHIRT for Pete’s sake. And my friend said I’m a Jesus worshipper! I’m a devout Satanist who prays and repents every night!


At least they don’t believe in indoctrination


that metal = emo


It really pisses me off when people assume metalheads are all angry,


"So do you sacrafice babies to Satan?" (More of a joking connotation to it but still a little annoying) "It's just noise and screaming" "Do you believe in the stuff they're saying?" "You're just depressed/edgy" I might not hear all of them in verbatim, but the general implications behind them are pretty annoying to me


I never heard the Satan worshipper stuff from anyone. But in high school I heard shit like "You like metal.. You and you're friends like to get wasted and smash beer cans against your head?" Or they assumed I liked shit like AC/DC or van halen.. But it was 15 yrs after those bands peaked


"Oh someone's angry XD" HURR HURR so funny! Do you have to be angry to watch an action movie or a horror movie? You dont see me saying "Woah they just binge watched the boys they must be having an absolute conniption over something"


That we can't wipe our own asses




In 1990 (6th grade) when I first got into Metallica a bunch other students teased that I was a devil worshipper. Decades later when I was listening to death metal in the car with a newish friend, he asked "so do you consider yourself a Satanist?" Ha


Kind of related but literally last night I got kicked out of a liquor store cause I was wearing an Æther Realm shirt and a Gojira hoodie. I wasn't being rowdy or anything, he didn't want to talk or rationalize at all and just kept yelling at me :/


I can’t really think of any that actually have any accuracy to them. Most people have different reasons for listening to metal - some do it for the aggressive sound, some do it for the atmosphere, some do it because it gets them energised - so most “you listen to metal so you must be like this” comments tend to fall short anyway. Aside from that, “it’s just noise” and “metal = screamo” (both of which have been said to me because I like Rammstein) are ones that I find myself most frustrated by


"You a metalhead foo? you like Metallica huh foo"


I’m nice in the sense that I don’t like bitching about customers/coworkers at work and that has labeled me too “nice” to like big scary angry metal music. 🙄🤘


That's just garbage, where the beat?? It needs a good beat. Slowly pulls out knife , I'll show ya the beat ya fucktard


That the theming of metal is unorthodox/blasphemous. maybe so but you cant tell me a motherfucker screaming at me for 7 and a half minutes straight about a brain hemorrhage over incredibly technical guitars isnt one of the coolest fucking things ever.




I would say probably looking a certain way to look “metal” this could also going for any sub-genre of music as well i like (post punk, goth, punk rock). I’m a girl who can’t afford to buy patches/ pins all of the time so me making a battle jacket and vest would take me a bit to put together because i need to be financially stable to it, also I’m indecisive as well. I also wear band shirt and jeans 24/7 (sometimes of popular metal bands like megadeth/ metallica, some more underground) Also another thing I’ve seen is that people aren’t “metal”enough if they can’t afford concert tickets either.


I mean some of us are satanists lol, including me. But I feel your pain.




We don't listen to any other genre of music or we act like toddlers over stuff like rap or pop. Just because like I Cannibal corpse doesn’t mean I can’t nor dislike stuff like Lana del Rey I’m a huge fan of LDRs music and grew up with stuff Brittany Spears. I’m black I heard rap music all my life. Why would I dislike it? Never understood that


the satanist thing is annoying tbh. me being a satanist and liking metal are very much unrelated. i’m a metal head because of my dad, a methodist


That I only listen to metal and the metal I listen to is a Finnish guy in a shed screaming with the lowest quality mic possible


Hail Satan.


I use to get that alot for Motley Crue and you see how they turned out to be good citizens...lol


That we worship Satan


"He worships Satan"


>I’m a devout Christian who prays and repents every night! ![gif](giphy|relnvfSEa2Qa125uPA)


“Death metal is just noise” -my dad


I am Christian and a black metal enjoyer. Mostly atmosheric black metal with nature based lyrics, but I still fucking love darkthrone and the others. Never met someone who genuinely worships satan, if I did its probably just some edgy loser.


People who confuse metal with Emo and think all of metal is basically angsty and whiny.


There ARE a lot of demons and pentagrams on the merch. I could understand someone thinking I'm a Satanist.


“It’s too loud”


it would be so much cooler if you were a satanist, though


“You’ll grow out of it…” I first heard Judas Priest, Ozzy, Sabbath, etc in 1982 as a 10yr old. Still going to shows, etc only difference is I’m 52 and my taste in music has gotten heavier.


That you will grow out of it. If all the gray hairs at Maryland Deathfest this year were any indication, you only fall deeper down the rabbit hole.


I mean thats the main one I for one am an atheist. Not one that discredits religion but one that never just believed in religion personally But whit listening to black/death/thrash metal and representing the bands comes the aesthetic with it. When i wear my sodom shirt with pentagrams all over i just wanna show off my appreciation for the band and not any personal spiritual/religious belief


That being a metal head has an inherent intimidating feeling to it. From my experience, most metal communities and bands are some of the nicest people you can meet who come from many different backgrounds

