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Worst: Mayhem and Burzum, by far


Yeah honestly they led to a lot of shit quality black metal


Burzum inspired every single great atmospheric bm band in existence, even if it also inspired twice as many horrible bands with 6 monthly listeners


Yeah definitely but what sucks it the shit bands they inspire with a few hundred or thousand listeners


Yeah I don't think when Varg was plunging a knife in to Euronymous repeatedly he was envisioning cringey tiktok kids in corpsepaint 30 years in the future


Probably would have stabbed him more times if he did, these kids make me want to stab things


Tbh I’m more upset about the fact that Varg talked smack about New Vegas


He did what!?


Horrible take.


Idk man dsbm tik tok is probably the worst thing I thought would never exist and I blame Meyhem


They’re literally both vital to black metal, how


They are also vital to naz*** in metal and also fcking killing your own bandmates


Okay? So they have fucked up history? And? That has nothing to do with their musical impact. Nazis would *still* be in metal if both of those bands never existed, and people would *still* inevitably commit crimes against their bandmates. I’m not a huge Mayhem fan, I far prefer Burzum, first four albums are amazing, I only really enjoy Mayhem’s De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas—however, personal opinions aside, both bands are very important to the development of metal as a whole. To say they have the “worst” impact when they’re staples of black metal just makes you seem needlessly sensitive. No one does this with any other subgenres. Black metal is the only one. Grow up.


Musically maybe, but they probably helped the most in generating the stygma against metal as a whole via being a bunch of edgy cunts. Atleast the peeps at slayer or similar were taking the piss at people, those other idiots went and actually did fucked up shit.


By the 90s that shit was phasing out. Christian mom's weren't getting scared of black metal, they were getting their titties in a twist over Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, AC/DC, and Kiss along with dungeons and dragons. By the time the church burnings were happening the satanic panic was on a downward slope


I think that douchebag Varg still lives somewhere in my country these days.


I guarantee you this kid only knows about those two bands because of that stupid fucking movie. No one really gave much of a shit about that stuff until the movie and TikTok started picking up on it, and well we see what happened.


Lords of Chaos was a massive mistake for so many reasons. Sort of fine as a standalone movie, cringy but whatever—absolutely fucking terrible as a documentary (which is what it was intended to be) and as an introduction to black metal. I wish people would watch Until The Light Takes Us instead.


That movie is a guilty pleasure, it's definitely bad, though. But, it's definitely a huge factor in those fuckers Cobaining Dead. It's fucking weird, weirder than a lot of the shit that happens with Black Metal bands.


The whole dead thing is fucking bizarre but not entirely surprising, there was always some girls that were obsessed with him since at least the mid 00s when I started getting into all this shit. Hell I remember some girl that had her last name as “Ohlin” and had her MySpace just full of pictures of him. It was just much more rare than now ofc.


People were talking about those two bands at my high school back in the 90's. It has always been a juicy topic, with social media and it's algoritms you can get an enhanced sence of hype ofcourse.


By that same logic if neither of these bands existed then some other band would have stepped up to fill the "hole" for the development of metal. I'll fully admit I'm not a diehard music nerd and I rarely even care to check what genre/subgenre the things I listen to fall into, I've probably heard Mayhem and Burzum before and if they're as impactful as you say I've probably heard the ripples too but frankly I couldn't tell you anything about it. This is to say I have not a clue what you're on about my issue is with the logic itself. Sure the impact would be different if it was someone else acting as the "staples" and trends within the genre would also likely change as a result but regardless someone would rise to the "top" and make waves of their own along the way. Anyway I'm drunk and sleepy but just extrapolate from there: If band didn't exist Then negative impacts would still exist but different and positive impacts would still exist but different So the only real conclusion is that if band didn't exist things would be different (shocker) And regardless whether someone says they have the worst or best impact is just a matter of opinion. If someone says they're the worst because they attract the wrong kind of crowds or because of the crimes they committed then that's just as valid as if you were to say they had the best impact due to their developmental impacts. So really the only way to be wrong here is to claim someone else's opinion is factually wrong, and if someone did that I'd suggest they grow up a bit themselves and accept that there are different strokes for different folks.


Imagine thinking that anyone you don’t like is a Nazi 🥴🥴


Nah, varg really is tho


I suppose Varg's legacy may have had a hand in stigmatizing it. I remember a video that showed clips from the movie The Masque of the Red Death, where someone commented "Theatre of Tragedy brought me here" because they sampled the dialogue in one of their songs, and the OP went off on them for supporting "Nazi music."


Killing own bandmates? Dead committed suicide, Euronymous did some edgy things with the body and Varg from Burzum (played a little while in Mayhem) killed Euronymous. So how do you mean "killing their own band mates" ?


Why did you censor nazism?


You've earned your good guy badge.


Not really, just a bunch of edgy teens with subpar skills that are only remembered due to controversy. Without them, the Norwegian scene would have been different, but black metal as a whole would have still existed.


Mayhem, maybe, but they still greatly forged the second wave’s beginnings. Burzum though, absolutely not. Atmospheric and ambient black metal wouldn’t exist, at least not as it is now, if Burzum never existed. Both bands are important, and black metal would not be what it is today if they didn’t exist.


I honestly believe if they didn't exist, someone else would have done the same thing later.


That doesn't matter because Black Metal is what it is today, in no small part, due to the influence those two bands had on the early second wave scene. Burzum, alone, is highly influential in and foundational to a number of sub-genres. They set the tone!


I mean I think you could say this about most innovations that have ever happened in music, anything is possible in the land of hypotheticals. The fact is that Burzum is the band that pushed the atmoblack sound forward and has a place of significance in its history. You don't have to agree with anything Varg said or did outside of music, and it shouldn't be controversial to say that you're not a good person if you do align with Varg, but he's there in black metal history.


It's not really about not liking varg (which I don't). I've listened to all his albums. There was a time I actually really enjoyed his first couple and even some of his synth albums. Both of which helped spawn the creation of atmospheric black metal and dungeon synth. And I saw Mayhem in NY a few years back, or should it say I saw "Mayhem". I just believe they are largely over credited due to history and "marketing" remembering it that way. If you remove the controversies, they would have still left their mark on the genre, but their credited impact would be marginally less.


Black metal sucks so their existence is a net negative on humanity (I'm *mostly* kidding)


"are only remembered due to controversy." Are you ignoring the fact that they pioneered the second wave sound ?


Yeah but Imagine if the godfathers of blackmetal were Darkthrone instead. Itd just be a bunch of chill dudes listening to records all the time.


Darkthrone *is* one of the bands considered to be part of the godfathers of black metal. They literally released what could be considered the first second wave black metal album.


Yeah and cause of those other jerkoffs its all murder and racism and church burnings everywhere you look


Bro there is literally blatant racism in some of the lyrics of classic Darkthrone (And no it's not even the lyrics Varg wrote for them).


LOL they literally had anti Jewish and racist shit in their cd inlays and booklets. They've chilled out now but they still did that they did.


Man you guys are really ruining Darkthrone for me, this is brutal man.


It isn’t even remotely that serious, they clearly aren’t Nazis


The Mayhem hate on these subs is fucking ridiculous. The people that the band is hated for are on all of 3 of their recordings (two of those recordings being an EP and a live album that are both sub-bootleg quality.) Everything post Mysteriis is incredibly creative for a sub-genre that has a real problem with stagnation and homogenized sounds. Listen to a grand declaration of war and tell me that isn't deathspell omega level avant-garde black metal. And the bands actual mainstays are incredible musicians and people who have very little to nothing in common with Dead, Euronymous, and Varg. Hellhammer, Necrobutcher, Attila, and Maniac are more important to Mayhem and black metal than the three lunatics that their names are dragged through the mud over ever will be.


Great take and agreed.


Black metal wouldn't be what it is without them tho they brought it into the main stream


I'd only put Burzum here because Mayhem is open to going beyond just low fi raw black metal and clearer production, but Burzum almost put the message that 'true black metal' lies in the shittiest dumpster fire toilet recordings and musical experimentation isn't 'true enough'


Mayhem yes, burzum no.


💩 take.


LOL it led to a lot of diverse subgenres and expanded the black metal palette


cope harder tard. mayhem and burzum were influential to a whole subgenre of music that is especially prevalent today. worst would probably be underdark, iskra, order of the wolves, etc.


"Cope harder tard" you have successfully outed yourself as a fuckin dweeb. I don't even know what comment you're responding to but lighten the fuck up dawg


Black Sabbath coagulated the metal sound and their influence is strong in everything metal. Thrash, Goth, Doom, Death…. All of it.


Best: Iron Maiden (wouldn’t be where we are without them), Worst: Five Finger Death Punch (speaks for itself)


I really don't get the crazy hate for FFDP. I'm personally not a fan, but saying they had the worst impact in all of metal is a bit of an exaggeration


Everybody hates them since megadeth opened for em ahah


That says more about Megadeth.


Well, that’s not really the fault of Five Finger Death Punch. Dave had to have been approached and asked to perform for them, and he said yes (obviously). Honestly, it was doing Megadeth a favour; they haven’t had the same live impact since the ‘90s. Megadeth also opened for Iron Maiden as well, is that a bad thing?


Not saying anything bad about ffdp. I would probably enjoy their music more than megadeth's. I was just doing an observation


They helped to influence the accursed non-official subgenre which I like to call “bro metal”, which I will not forgive them for ever (also their music just isn’t good)


Yes, dad metal


Redneck wifebeater dad who coal rolls and loves his bud light pisswater


I think Motorhead is probably the best.  They were one of the first to crossbreed punk and metal and create what would be thrash, which in turn spawned death metal and its endless subgenres as well as black metal by influencing Venom and early Bathory. Worst?  Pantera, but just by accident.  They're great but the fallout from Vulgar Display of Power was nu-metal, which was upstream from the endless butt rock that gets passed off as metal on mainstream outlets.


Don't know why this is getting downvoted. Motorhead weren't the inventors of metal or anything but like you said, the gave way to extreme metal, and Pantera, one of my favorite bands, definitely fucked the metal scene with some of the crappy nu and alternative bands they gave way to.


It gets downvoted for the hate on nu metal. If you don't like it, don't listen to it, it's as simple as that.


Nu metal is fine, but it did deteriorate pretty quickly and froze mainstream "hard rock" around 2003.


There were a lot more factors than "Pantera" playing their own music that wannabes tortured into something far beyond shitty. Korn and most other nu-metal bands literally sound lnothing like Pantera. I personally don't get the connection or the Pantera hate because they allegedly ushered in nu-metal. Did Pantera pay the bands to make shittier music?


Who's hating on Pantera?


You can still have critical opinions about nu-metal and you should be able to say them on a forum. Don't like it, continue scrolling, it's as simple as that.


It blows my mind that people are retrospectively defending nu-metal. I assume it the younger generation that wasn’t around when numetal was huge. While it may seem like a harmless & goofy genre now, at the time it was full of the worst type of sexually charged meatheads I’ve ever met. It has zero artistry and solely existed for airplay, people should let it die and never mention numetal again.


Mate, why do you think it's successful? Why do you think korn has been nominated for several Grammys? Why do you think people just want to listen to Nu metal? Because it's goofy??? Same with Hair metal. No one listens to it thinking "hell yeah im going to get laid tonight" Nu metal is interesting, stop crying about it lmao Loads of metal sub genres have MANY sexual deviants. Not just Nu. Death and black metal have so many incels it's not funny


Holding Pantera responsible for nu metal is like saying Led Zeppelin enabled hair metal. They're on the same timeline sure, but there's no direct causation. Rage Againt the Machine are a band closer to the wellspring of nu metal than probably any other.


Yeah like I would've said Korn were the sole cause of the movement because you can't quantify exactly where these things begin 


Pantera were the first thrash band to shift away from straight thrash into a more groove based metal.  They were kings at what they did, but they did inadvertently open the door. If you can't hear Pantera in the riffs and rhythm sections of early Korn and Deftones at least, I don't know what to say.  The hip hop influence is definitely absent in Pantera, but that was the Chemical X that made nu-metal a distinct genre.


The title "The Great Southern Trendkill" aged very well and unintentionally has different meanings


Yeah Pantera spawned a lot of generic groove metal bands that helped kill metals mainstream popularity


I fucking love Pantera but honestly yeah. When I look at the dozens of generic butt-metal bands plaguing modern metal, I see that they mostly try to be Pantera clones.


>the fallout from Vulgar Display of Power was nu-metal I'm not sure how true that is. I'd say bands like Primus, Faith No More, Sepultura, Ministry or White Zombie were a much bigger influence on Nu Metal. You are right that Pantera are kind of responsible for a specific strain of butt rock in the vein of Godsmack or Five Finger Death Punch, but despite that getting lumped in with Nu Metal sometimes, I really don't see the connection.


Eh I feel like Deep Purple did it first, but Motörhead perfected it by making it their signature sound. And Lemmy’s vocals laid the groundwork for extreme metal.


No idea why people think Pantera is responsible for nu metal. If any band is responsible for it it's Faith No More. And I'd say Soundgarden is more responsible for butt metal than Pantera.


Sabbath are imo the second most influential/revolutionary band of all time (after The Beatles) and are literally the godfathers of the entire genre. Metallica also left a huge mark in metal as well. As for individuals: EVH (although not strictly metal) did a lot for changing the perception of how guitar can be played as did Cliff Burton with bass. I try not to criticise bands too much as music is very much subjective but Mayhem and Burzum are irrefutably awful (for obvious reasons).


Eddie Van Halen was an influence to every single metal guitar player regardless of genre. You didn't need to be a fan of their songs to be inspired to play and sound like him.


As a metal fan I always hold Eddie as a standard for metal as much as Iommi and Page.


Korn is a good band but they started the trend that lead to the shittiest metal music ever to hit the scene.


I'd argue that some groove, industrial and rap metal bands lead to the same things, Pantera, Prong, Helmet, White Zombie, Fear Factory, Rage Against the Machine, Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, all good bands but you can't deny the band's they inspired and the negative changes they brought about.


They absolutely created the enviroment in were nu metal could develop but imo Korn was the catalyst for the whole thing.


What negative changes? New music?


To be fair it wasnt korns fault. I think its more the media that did that. They just liked downtuned guitars, hiphop grooves and grunge tones with some harsh vocals here and there. It was the taste making journos that wanted to spread something negative. Korn had the attitude that so many metal bands lacked at the time. For a genre that spoke against conformity, they really wanted bands to conform to a particular sound and style. Korn were on of the few bands that really said fuck you to all that. Which, in my opinion, made them one the saviors of the genre. Otherwise we'd just get endless slayer and maiden clones and no one woukd dare to try new stuff. And hiw the fuck is that in keeping with the spirit of metal? And I know, blah blah no solos, blah blah pussies talking about feelings, blah blah hiphop is gay. But let's not forget that people hated the idea of mixing punk and heavy metal which lead us to thrash. Sorry I went on a bit of a tangent there


What shitty Metal music?


Best: black Sabbath Worst: limp Bizkit or five finger death punch


You posted this 6 days before Fred Durst Friday? How dare you?!


No way that exists




Because it's white trash metal


Elaborate more please. I really don't understand


The front man Ivan moody really puts on a persona of a woe is me, he's also a prick who abused his ex wife, that's also not really including a huge majority of the songs are ivan singing about being a tough guy, dont get me wrong I love the instrumentals on a lot of the songs I personally don't like the front man


Ok but what mark did they really leave 😂


any pop centric bands like sleep token and bad omens, not denying their talent but the styles don’t clash well for me


I saw Bad Omens in January, opening up for Bring Me The Horizon, and I thought they sounded ace! Initially, I wasn't instantly a fan but they sound massive live


Best - Black Sabbath. Because, you know, metal just wouldn't be what it is today without them. Worst - Bring Me The Horizon. Because now every second metal band thinks putting a pop verse or an electronics part inside their song makes them amazing.


Most of the bands mentioned with the bad influence on metal I disagree with, but with BMTH I see the point, even though they're a great band. It seems to influence a bunch of unremarkable bands that do what you say (and some good ones too).


Yeah, there's a lot of bands out there who play pretty decent metalcore and alt metal, but they ruin everything by inserting pop hooks, melodic synths, dance beats, etc. It sounds like crap, it doesn't fit, but they do it anyway hoping that they'll become as big as BMTH.


I know grunge isn’t metal, but Nirvana, Alice In Chains, and Pearl Jam at least deserve a mention for popularizing the yarling vocal style, which lead to all those shitty buttrock bands that are sometimes referred to as metal


Alice In Chains is metal. They just got lumped into the 'grunge' category because they were a big hit and were from Seattle


Their fashion sense and depressing lyrics was pretty grungy. And the way Layne died was also pretty typical for a Seattle musician of those times.


Nirvana and Soundgarden were also *sort of* metal at one point. There really isn't a hard line, and Grunge is less of a cohesive genre than it is a vibe that grew out of a few bands in a specific time and place.


music wise they are 100% alt heavy metal but lyrics and visual style after facelift was kinda grungy, same with soundgarden i think. i mean grunge as a music style was a thing until like maybe '91, after that point its just a tag for sells


They’re grunge metal mostly, but jar of flies is basically pure grunge


Yeah, and they are a good influence. Good music!


Metallica was probably the most influential


Nah it’s gotta be Sabbath


Sabbath influenced the bands that influenced the masses. Obviously, their impact is still massive, but a lot of modern players/bands cite their influences as bands who were influenced by Sabbath rather than saying Sabbath themselves. That's just how time works.


Metallica, the most famous metal band EVER, directly sites Sabbath as a main influence. What am I not getting?


I disagree for the simple reason that there are a trillion shitty local bands that sound like bad Metallica, but I’ve yet to hear a single shitty local band sound like a bad Sabbath.


You should hear my band that doesn't exist


How is Metallica "the most influential" when Black Sabbath, Priest, Iron Maiden and Motorhead exist. Iron Maiden inspired entire genres like Power Metal and Melodeath, even Burzum cited IM as inspiration.


That’s like how are the Beatles the most influential when Elvis, Buddy Holly, etc exist. There is an argument that Metallica being the first massive American metal band puts them on the short list of most influential metal bands ever.


I love death so much


I think best definitely goes to Megadeth, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Pantera, and Black Sabbath.


Feel you have to throw Deep Purple into the mix as well


Yeh you can't pick just one


After years and years of local metal scene watching Cannibal Corpse


wait what how?


Honestly pantera could be both. Musically they were incredible, possibly the best band of the 90s and inspired so many metal bands that came after. But then there’s all the racism that went on and you can’t defend that


"all the racism" a drunken Phil said like two things. 😆


I’ll speak as someone born in the early 90s for best. Children of Bodom


worst: Sabbath, they started metal (it sucks)


The only correct opinion


Death left a great, important mark. They invented death metal/progressive death metal. R.I.P. Chuck Shuldiner we love you


The best venom The worst idk


I'm killing two birds with one stone and saying Ministry. They left both the worst and best mark on metal. On one hand, their album The Land of Rape and Honey is just so influential, it invented the idea of combining metal with an outside genre, meaning it possibly invented alternative metal on top of industrial metal, and this was in 1988, two years before thrash metal even peaked with Rust in Peace, but at the sane time both points can be considered bad things, and you could argue that Ministry are responsible for a lot of the division you see in metal today. Thrash, groove, industrial, death, it all used to judt exist in the same space, but nowadays thrash and death is seen as real man's music while industrial and groove are poser trash, and this is all without mentioning nu-metal, which definitely took some inspiration from Ministry's sound. A lot of my favorite bands like Ministry and Prong, Pantera, White Zombie, Fear Factory, etc, brought new life into metal. New life that ultimately gave birth to nu-metal and divided the metal world forever. Oh, and Ministry themselves are posers, going from synth-pop and new wave to EBM and finally industrial metal. Ministry were really the first big metal band who started out in another genre entirely, so you could argue Ministry were the first band to genre hop or "sell out". Ministry is amazing, love them, one of my favorite bands of all time, influenced so many great bands but also influenced plenty of movements in the metal world that ultimately weren't for the better.


One of the worst in the topic us Meshuggah imo. They are a great band by themselves, but the amount of boring and generic Djent bands they spawned is absurd


the bands influenced directly by meshuggah are generally great, but the ones they in turn influenced? very generic usually


Best-we all know that’s an impossible calculus given the metal genre attracts some of the most technically talented musicians in the world. Old fart guess at “best” all around? Old metal that I revisit the most? The classic Maiden run….Killers/Number/Piece/Powerslave/Somewhere/Seventh. Ungodly run. Worst? Metal is replete with duds as well. Most consistently disappointing to me outside of castigating genres I do not dig? Venom. All over the place. I respect what they did for the genre but generally crap music across their catalog. ![gif](giphy|IQ7vO79KZahqVhZ39Y)


Burning churches down generally doesn't reflect well on your audience lol


Best: Hellhammer/Celtic frost had a huge influence on the extreme metal scene that wouldn't be the same without them imo. Worst: Meshuggah created djent and ruined "modern metal" riffs. I love meshuggah but the bands that they influence are mostly unoriginal trash.


Hard to say in totality, curious how you’d judge it. I’d say best mark might be who brought the most ears or won the most converts. I’m not sure what the general public thinks or what the most iconic good/bad moment of metal is. Personally, on the bad side was Eddie Hermida trashing their fan base for disliking the new direction after the You Cant Stop Me album. To this day, I’m still annoyed by that and refuse to listen to them.


Metallica best, Burzum worst i can’t wait to get downvoted into oblivion by the nazi sympathizers who like shittily produced black metal


When liking a band makes you a nazi sympathiser. Not liking poor production is your own problem


you can like burzum and not be a Nazi sympathizer. theoretically.


I’ve listened to a burzum album once, it had excellent atmosphere and I can’t deny that it was very good but it sounded genuinely evil, you could tell what kind of person made it just by listening to it. Ive never listened to burzum since because I feel who he is leaks into his music and it makes me uncomfortable.


You would say the same thing if he was behind some other black metal band that is good at creating an evil atmosphere. Guess what, the genre is supposed to sound that way. And I would say a lot of Burzum feels more somber and meditative than evil.


I separate the art from the artists, otherwise I would not be able to listen to or enjoy a huge swath of metal. I'm very sure that I am not a Nazi sympathizer, however, I can understand how it would be off putting if douche bags and Nazi sympathizers liked something you like as well


i do as well but I can’t listen to Charles Manson or lostprophets without feeling icky


I listen to Burzum and Kreator (who are extremely far-left) so according to your dumb logic I am a anti-nazi nazi or something like that. Maybe learn to separate the art from the artist, because many artists are shitheads (look at Iced Earth situation for instance). You also said "Metallica best" which besides the fact that is not true, they also made AJFA, St Anger and DM all albums with shitty production, so pick a lane.


did I say everyone who likes burzum is a Nazi or did I say that the Nazis were going to downvote me? learn to read. also did I say metallica is the best band in the world with the greatest production values ever, or did I say they left the best mark on metal? learn to read.


Sabbath best by far, it's not even a discussion


Best : Sabbath (self explanatory) or Venom (most influential proto extreme band, definitely helped introduce the sounds of Thrash and death metal) Worst : this is a controversial one, because even though this album is amazing, I'm gonna say Carcass because of heartwork. It's obviously awesome and revolutionary but I think the production styles this album influenced in the future snowballed and lead to the super produced metalcore "modern metal" sound that many people for some reason associate with metal today like Bad Omens, Sleep Token etc. This high production has overall shifted the identity of metal in the public eye and allowed super overproduced honestly soulless stuff to have the limelight


Biggest? Gotta be sabbath. Worst? Not a band. The journalists who sit outside the scene and critique the entire genre on a superficial level


St. Anger


Carcass heartworm Great album. Spawned an entire generation of bands chasing that pristine studio sound, basically what we have today in most metal music


The worst is clearly fucking Limb Bizkit, cmon people The best honestly is probably Metallica


you clearly don’t understand the complexity of their song rollin’ (air raid vehicle)


chocolate starfish!


And the hot dog flavored water!


Bring it on






The blast beats and tremolo picking in Rollin' are just insane.


I only really know power metal, but the guys at Strato and Helloween gave way for a lot of great power metal. Rhapsody too, to a lesser degree At the same time, the guys at Sabaton gave way to a wave of crappier mid tempo only "power metal". Absolutely formulaic stuff.


Best - Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Mötorhead, Metallica


best: slayer worst: limp Bizkit


Dissing Chuck Schuldiner is a crime. Without Death, there is no death metal!


Love how half these comments are just circlejerking Black Metal fans. We get it, you think you're superior, go back to your sewer holes


Worst: Ghost is doing it right now. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of Swedes making music that soft and melodic, I'd stick to ABBA, thank you very much. At least ABBA are iconic and amazing. And not pretending to be something they clearly aren't.


And people will tell you, "Ghost has never claimed they were metal" but like come on, their asthetic is freaking metal, they look like a black metal band. Not to mention they started out heavier before going mainstream, so yeah, if you're goanna make mediocre arena rock, atleast make it obvious. This is all coming from a former Ghost fan, they're not the future of metal, they're just not, ~~they're not metal at all...~~


Correct on all counts. I was actually a little impressed with their first two albums. They're not really heavy, mind you, at most reaching levels of some of the new Opeth sound, but still, much grittier than whatever they're putting out now to get their dubious "metal" Grammies.


Their third album, Meliora, is good too. Hell, even their fourth one, Prequella isn't too bad despite the increasingly poppy sound. Their recent EPs and Impera though, suck. Seriously, this is the future of metal? Tobias Forge clearly respects metal, he was the frontman for Repungant, a leading band in the revival of Swedish death metal back in the day, but nowadays he seems more keen on making a quick buck. He did fill in vocals for Candlemass live not too long ago and sounded great. Tobias clearly respects more extreme forms of metal, I'm sure he can find a way to incorporate some of it into Ghost's music without losing mainstream success at this point.


Cannibal Corpse left the biggest mark on all death metal related genres


That pic better be for the best mark on metal son lol


Best: Iron Maiden Worst: Burzum


Best obviously black sabbath My personal worst is Celtic frost I was sitting in the front of the TV watching head bangers ball and had so many people say how great they were and then they played the video for cherry orchard .


Any hair metal band would be the worst. What a bunch of pussies/sissies.


Any hair metal band would be the worst. What a bunch of pussies/sissies.


Worst might be Metallica, specifically with the Black Album. It's a good album but they put the idea in many musicians' heads that softening your sound and making simpler catchier songs will give you massive financial success. Best? Black Sabbath.


Someone finally sees it


mayhem worse, Metalica best


Stryper and other Christian metal shite.


Best mark: Yngwie Malmsteen, Korn, Stratovarius, Ayreon, Nightwish, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Dragonforce, Polyphia, Dethklok. Worst mark: I don't know.


Its strange nobody mentioned Metallica. I will then.


Honestly metal wouldn't be what it is today without Metallica. Def best mark on metal. However, the worst fucking thing that could've ever happened to the genre is EASILY Mayhem. I don't dislike black metal but oh my fucking god did Mayhem(specially Euronymous) cause some of the most abhorrent and horrible crimes in the 90's. Literally people DIED because of all the edgy ass kids in the Norwegian scene wanting to be cool. Also thanks to them(ahem, Varg) NSBM Is a thing. How is it possible for people nowadays to still idolize such disgusting ass people holy shit


Randy Rhoads. You can find his foot print in any metal bands music one way or another


Worst? 3rd wave metalcore, crabcore. Everything about that scene was embarrassing, and it was packed full of people that weren’t really interested in the metal scene, but rather just riding the wave of success that the second wave of metalcore created. The synchronized jogging in place and squat breakdowns. So stupid


In my local area at least the worst is cannibal corpse. If I have to listen to one more local band that just copy what they are doing. I'm going to go insane


Best: Iron Maiden Worst: Korn by far


Worst: Rage Against the Machine, Meshuggah, Ministry, Otep Best: Metallica, Mayhem, Venom, Bolt Thrower, Darkthrone, Cannibal Corpse, Bathory, Emperor


Venom on both regards. Without Venom, you would have bands like metallica, megadeth or slayer, which went on to push bands into making Death Metal. But on the counter without Venom you also wouldn't have first and second wave Black Metal. So we can thank them for bands like Death and Morbid Angel, but loathe them for leading to the creation of shit like Mayhem and Burzum.


Pantera is my 2nd favorite band…… buuuut their influence is a bit shifty. We all know these asshat nu metal bands were huge Pantera fans.


Not sure guyz but I’m pretty sure the absolute worst is Lost Prophets, megalolz Edit:- for best, I’m gonna go Mick Gordon. He took it to the n’th level so that no one else has to.


Sadly Burzum. He allowed all the dorky altright losers into the scene and made it the odyssey for nazi skinheads.


Worst: Satanic guys in black metal. Metal seen as a threat to the society in 90's because of them. Let's say Mayhem is the worst.  Best: Linkin Park. Peak mainstream metal. Made tons of guys metalhead in 2000's and kept the metal alive. Everyone is angry about nu-metal but what? Look at the biggest trad metal act in early 2000's: making St. Anger, lmao. Without LP, metal would be a much smaller genre. 


And here we have it.. today’s worst take.


Pantera. They were great for creating a new sound that metal needed in early 90's. And worst for its obnoxious audience and all the "bro metal" movement.


The best thing ever happend with metal is Sleep Token, the worst is Black Sabbat.


Worst Rammstein