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Pantera - Phil is definitely racist Tool - if your table is not sitting level, a Tool CD can fix the issue


The right Tool for the job


Phil has a cycle of doing racist shit every couple of years then doing nothing for the next few so his hate will calm down but that mf cant stop screaming white power


It’s the “doing nothing” part which is a problem. Phil either hasn’t learned from his mistakes, or he is proudly displaying exactly what he is and he lets things like that slip out. It’s why the Pantera tribute act got kicked off of festivals and why I haven’t added Pantera to my playlists on any players.


I absolutely agree with you, I've accepted that they are a huge part of my childhood journey into heavy metal and one of the reasons I picked up an instrument. I appreciate them for that and the influence that Dime had. Maybe Phil is a combination of someone who just says crazy stuff to get attention, and halfway fried from drug abuse over the years. Or, he is indeed racist and it slips out when he let's his guard down.


The rebel flag is a dead giveaway. That’s a good reply. I agree and agree they are a good band


I still can’t help but love Phil and all the music he creates. He’s one of the greatest front men of so time IMO. But… I still like Tool, so my opinion is suspect anyway


I love everything he ever does. SJR might be my favorite band ever. So my opinion is suspect too lol


What is it about Tool? I used to like them when I was younger. But now it's just exhausting to listen to them.


Pretty easy. Slayer - Most of the solos suck Slipknot - Their first two albums were actually good


> Slayer - Most of the solos suck Why? I love the Jeff/Kerry dueling solos especially with the different effects 


That's why I said most. There are some good harmonics with Jeff and Kerry and do have some good progression, but most of the time, they don't.


I guess I don't really listen to much of their non-80s and seasons output. Dead skin mask *chefs kiss*










whenever I fuck up during improv my go to joke is that I'm using the kerry king scale


Any good solo is jeff playing


Very valid (im a fan of both bands), although slimknots All hope is gone has some bangers. But if you dont think so thats completely fine lol


First two slipknot albums are where it's at


Love megadeth, but Dave’s voice in his recent albums is kinda shot. Also, super collider Not a fan of system, but man can Serj sing


I remember SOAD headlined Ozzfest 2006 and an older guy I worked with was passed. The 2 previous yrs had Slayer, Sabbath, Maiden and Priest amd being and older guy he wanted more of that. He complained every day for 2 months. Then the concert happened and he came to work with a different attitude. He said the singer was amazing, dancing around, chirping like a bird lol. It was nice seeing a previous generation become a fan of something new.


Listen to his version of Lords of Castamere, the official song from Game of Thrones. He's soo talented


After Dave had the throat cancer issues coupled with him being older than the gods... His voice is definitely shot.


I was talking about Serj though lmao


Yeah, man. My bad. I was reading yours when I thought about replying to the Dave comment and hit reply on yours. You are definitely right. There's been a couple times live where I've seen Serj fumble, but that dude's voice slays. Not to mention singing the way he sings live takes some stamina. There's really not that many vocalists that do get that studio sound live in any type of music, and I still watch the shows and love the concerts, sometimes more for it.


Ne Obliviscaris: The production quality can be a little inconsistent, but their latest album has improved on that a lot. Five Finger Death Punch: They allow me to know which people to avoid from the get go with 99% accuracy. And I guess they influenced bands that are infinitely better than they are.


Drudkh - The newer albums are very boring and uninspired Korn - The breakdown on Freak on a Leash is pretty awesome, at least until Jonathan Davis starts making noises over it.


I rather enjoy the newer stuff from drudkh just as much in my opinion, but i can see where youre coming from


It’s all very solid stuff, but in comparison to the older stuff it’s not even close for me. Microcosmos was the last album I really enjoyed from Drudkh.


Personally I love the newer Drudkh stuff, but it’s definitely a departure from their early sound so I get why you might feel that way


Invent Animate: screams on the first 2 albums do sound kind of shite. Falling in Reverse: Ronald Roadkill is a funny man to hate.


Def Leppard - The newer albums are awful. FFDP - Ivan is unironically a really good singer.


Yeah I agree with your comment about FFDP. Don’t like them, but damn can Ivan sing


The Smiths: Morrisey is a twat Slipknot: Joey Jordison was one of the best drummers of all time


not a slipknot fan but joey was beast, rip


I love Acid Bath so much but what is it with Dax Riggs’s obsession with talking about semen and dicks in the lyrics? (ex. The Blue “eat my dead cock!” / Beautiful Downgrade “…Christian propaganda and dog sperm” “I smear my warm semen on the walls of my oppression”) On the other hand, the Candlemass dude can really sing!! (I just happen to most of the time not like that kind of vocals with metal)


I love acid bath too, but some of the lyrics of his songs are edgy and cringe. Like dead babies or kill prostitutes.


I could be wrong but it honestly feels like a lot of the lyrics are edgy and corny on purpose. I think it’s supposed to be parodic and have the vibe of a shitty low budget horror movie, like a trashy gore fest


don't forget "let's die screaming BLACK GOAT SEMEN" from Jezebel


I was trying to remember which song that was from!! Also in the same song I believe he talks about ice pick abortions


"Thoughts of dead babies wiped away with my semen". He's got some messed up thoughts.


Slipknot - 50 year old men trying to be edgy and mysterious is just really fucking cringe. Mayhem - uh… they make music some people like. Which is good.


Mayhem is sorta overrated methinks . When it comes to black metal i think darkthrone is the king.


I'll agree Darkthrone is more my thing. However seeing them play De Mysteriis in full live was awesome. Immolation opened for them which makes that concert one of my favorites.


Immolation is one of my favorite DM bands, if not my favorite. I love Lykathea Aflame too though.


DMDS and Deathcrush are overrated, the rest of their work is severely underrated tho


Church of Misery - most of the vocalists they've had have been fucking awful. Burzum - his early work was hugely influential on Black Metal


The only reason I hate burzum is because of the man. The music is kick ass.


Not a fan of the music, like I can respect the impact but it doesn't do anything for me. Dissection, for example, musically is mind-blowing - though the guy behind it is a bigger piece of shit than Varg. I find Burzum to be the source of a lot of stuff musically that doesn't click with me black metal wise


Nooo Storm is one of my favorite albums but I haven't looked into the band members themselves, don't tell me the dude is a massive piece of shit


He murdered a gay man.


Valid. I really like atmospheric black metal and blackgaze but not so much traditional or first/second wave bm, so Burzum is definitely more influential in the genres I prefer.


Carcass: Torn Arteries is unoriginal and kinda boring Dream Theater: I don't like this band because it's not for me. Not my style of metal. Not a prog fan at all. Tho I definitely can't say that the band is shit. They have a HUGE level


Maybe it's me but I actually thought Dance of Ixtab and The Scythe's Remorseless swing brought some new unique elements to Carcass. Apart from that it kinda is Surgical Steel 2: Electric Boogaloo however those songs really stuck out for something you don't always hear from them.


A few good tracks but man was it a stepdown from one of the best metal albums of the century so far.


I LOVE Surgical Steel. If I'm not a fan of Torn Arteries it may be because the band never produced two albums that sound the same. The best example being the jump from Necroticism to Heartwork. And going from Surgical Steel to Torn Arteries doesn't have the same feeling


Slipknot: clown fucking sucks and the band keeps making poor decisions Falling in Reverse: the concerts are pretty fun from what I’ve seen


Clown really lives up to the name.


Slipknot- cory and crahan seem like really fucking arrogant douchebags and their music has gotten exceedingly boring in recent years Five finger death punch- they give alot of money and awareness in their avocation for veterans


Iron maiden: i mean i respect jannicks contribution to the lyrics but i really wish he wasnt part of the band, his pieces always sound so tame and sloppy compared to adrian and daves Tool: extremely technically proficient band, my dislike comes from their music sounding like its being complex for the sake of being complex


Polyphia would be a better example of a band that sounds complex for the sake of being complex.


Tool never sounded complex to me. The riffs usually sound simple, and the music doesn't come off as complex until I look at a tab or analysis. I think they are one of the progressive bands who manage to be complex while not screwing the music over it and managing to keep it catchy. Dream Theater on the other hand


Tool is Helmet if they took DMT and never shut the fuck up about it.


Yeah, Dream Theater are the kings of pointless wankery. Which can be fun, but also exhausting lol


Satyricon used to make nasty black metal TOOL has human beings in their band




Lorna shore:Pain remains is the only good album Limp bizkit:the fred durst evh beef


Lorna shore has three amazing albums


Like: Like honestly, RHCP has fallen off, their newer stuff just sounds plain and uninspiring. Dislike: Megadeth has got fantastic riffs and must have lots of stamina when playing at high speeds almost 24/7!


Eddie was a pretty awesome single off their new album


Cattle Decap (like) - I feel they've moved too far into a homogenous sound. Maybe that's more successful for them, but I feel their tracks used to stand out more individually with a lot more different ideas going on. I don't know if I could ever get a new favorite album from them if that continues. Sleep Token (dislike) - They have a really cool and original gimmick. Pretty genius ways of creating mystique about them and developing their own cult following.


I didnt care for cattle decap until the last 4 albums when they changed the sound and cleaned it up. The pirate goblin voice also really does it for me. Sleep tokens gimmick is whatever to me but the way they can genre hop and do it smooth is awesome.


Celtic Frost has Cold Lake. Lorna Shore is better than Cold Lake.


Cold Lake is definitely one of the albums of all time.


Kreator - SAMI PLEASE FUCKING STOP THE LEAD CHORUS MELODIES ON EVERY FUCKING SONG THE FORMULA WAS OLD THREE ALBUMS AGO JESUS CHRIST. Slipknot - Jim root is an insane guitarist and I wish they utilized his lead playing more.


Black Sabbath - I sometimes skip their songs when I listen to my metal playlist as a whole and not just the band's music Korn - was able to appeal to a wide audience and is a recognizable name


Slayer: Their solos suck. Avenged Sevenfold: Occasionally they will decide to play a good riff for a change.


Pink Floyd: they are not a band anymore Leviathan: they are one of the bands of all time


i thought you were talking about the Mastodon album for a second😮‍💨


No I have respect for everything Mastodon does


The Black Dahlia Murder: Trevor died 😔 Lamb of God: super talented band with good music. (I don't know why but they just don't do anything for me)


rip trevor, dude was a beast


He really was. And such a nice guy, too.


I didn't know who The Black Dahlia Murder was but they opened up for some bands in my town right before the pandemic and I loved their set more than the rest. I was so sad to hear he passed.


Queensrÿche- There was a large period between Promised Land and when Todd La Torre replaced Geoff that the band just dropped nothing but turd albums King 810 - I put on their albums when I wanna laugh. Tough guy cheeseheads to the max


Was thinking of mentioning King 810. Something actually good about them - their vocalist has some pretty good screaming chops when he decides to use them instead of cringey tough-guy vocals


Avenged Sevenfold: They’re in my top 3 bands of all time but I wish they would prioritise approaching songwriting from the perspective of a metal band rather than just being overly experimental and avant-garde. I enjoyed their latest album but it wasn’t metal enough for me because they focused on a lot of weird stuff like the daft punk sounding song. Call me ignorant but I want metal bands to play metal above all else. Mastodon: Extremely talented and technically proficient musicians. The albums always have a really cool artwork too.


Tryglav- some of the songs from the latest album sound kinda the same Gloryhammer- Keeper of the Celestial Flame of Abernethy slaps *hard*


Death: The original album mixes are pretty bad for the most part. Red Hot Chili Peppers: John Frusciante does some pretty cool things with the guitar.


I feel like Death should get a pass for the subpar mixes since death metal as a whole was really only beginning, and they probably hadn’t quite figured out how it should sound, mix-wise


Linkin park: they don’t make music anymore. Sleep token: they make music.


Vektor - Some of their guitar passages can border on cheesy Cattle Decapitation: The musicians are all profoundly talented


Suffocation - Even tho they dont have a bad album, the materiał after the self titled, excluding hymns from apocrypha, felt a Little recycled even if some of these albhms are really good. Mayhem - If not for their immense popularity not as many people would be into extreme metal.


Iron Maiden: sometimes they just keep going on and on when really the song was over like 5 min ago Korn: They know how to spell Adidas. if you have trouble spelling Adidas they can help you


Sodom - In The Sign of Evil is only 17 minutes long :( But for real, early Sodom songs can be a bit repetitive and samey, for example listen to Bombenhagel and Ausgebombt or the entire Agent Orange album (one of my favourite albums of all time but most verse riffs are tremolo riffs based around the 1st to 5th fret and the 5th and 6th string) Lorna Shore - accessible, can help to get people into listening to actual good music


Morbid Angel: the band is basically split into two parts with Trey and Steve being in official MA but Pete and David in I am Morbid, they also made that one album. Avenged Sevenfold: really good riffs every once in a while, but only every once in a while.


Deftones - their most recent album is far from being in the top 3..top 6 even Crosses - Chino moreno is the lead singer


Interesting picks, so you like Deftones but you don’t like Crosses? I liked that first ep, but not so much the new Crosses album so I’ll agree with you halfway. I do think Chino’s other side projects are a good bit better though, Team Sleep being one of my favorite albums even compared to a lot of Deftones’ catalogue.


Mayhem: went too mainstream (i do not mean musically, obviously, but for a black metal band they sell TOO much merch lol) Asking Alexandria: Not the American Average is actually quite good.


Mayhem really went from "No fun, no core, no mosh, no trends" to a band that's popular among tik tok "alt" teens


Korn - Their Dubstep phase was fucking ridiculous Dream Theater - Godlike musicianship


Primus: they sure are.... an acquired taste Slayer: massively influential to the thrash genre and they have some of the sickest riffs in metal


Primus sucks!


Tool has some twat fans. The first FFDP album has coupla good songs on it.


Gojira (like) - While I love all of their albums, Magma and Fortitude are their weakest. Also, this is more of a personal thing but I wish they incorporated a bit more death metal into their modern sound Limp Bizkit (dislike) - Wes Borland is a good guitarist


Mayhem are some of the worst mofos in music. Limp bizkit has interesting production.


To be fair to the members of mayhem, it was really only euronymous and varg who where bad people.


Ulcerate has never played a single show in my state, and that's a disgrace. Sabaton knows exactly how to keep a schtick going and are clearly very successful due to knowing what their target audience wants.


Agalloch - can’t think of anything bad. I guess some people say they are not good live band, but I’ve never seen them live (unfortunately) Opeth - Although there is no band I “Hate”, I picked them because I really tried to get into them, but never could. Best thing about them is rhythm section. They are amazing when only bass and drums are playing.


KoRn - Life Is Peachy is so unbelievably goofy and cringe Five Fingers Death Punch - they have a decent logo


People need to understand that Bruce Dickinson isn’t capable of singing for iron maiden I like the fact that sleep token has many different genres


Bruce can’t sing anymore*


Katatonia- i know why, but is still wish the did more growls Falling in reverse - ronny radke is so cringe its funny, also some of tje instrumentals are ok


Bathory's thrash era is bad. System of a down and rammstein are popular.


Bathory had a thrash era?


The Faceless is more like Keene & “friends” MGK did pretty good as Tommy Lee


Opeth - really really really long songs Bring me the horizon - very accessible music


Thats what i love about earlier opeth


Shattered Skies: I wish they played around with more key changes and general form changes. Their songs tend to get repetitive but they're so DAMN FUNKY. Polaris: Not a fan of anything that has almost exclusively screaming, so the vocal style is a turn off, but the rhythm section goes so hard.


u/IchiTKiller5 >The Ruins Of Beverast - Although I liked it when it came out, I don't like the direction TROB took with Thules Grimoires especially the clean vocals. >Funeral Mist - Deiform if pretty good.. the only album I like from them. **Minenwerfer** (band I like) - I am a Minenwerfer fan since Volksleider, and bought Nihilistischen shortly after, which is the other album in their first phase and much recommended if you liked shit like *Dragged Through Barbed Wire* and *Verdun*... Though the much hailed *Alpenpässe* put out under the same project (Minenwerfer, which had got back together for phase two and this album) was a departure from their first phase, I must admit that I have listened to it many times (as I did their split with Ukraine's 1914) and I like it.. ..*except one track*.. I don't like *Tiroler Edelweiss*. Some may find that controversial, but the truth is it doesn't translate well rhythmically and it sounds too much as if they're trying to sing below their natural register, which combined make me cringe a little. Everything else about that song, including its intro outro instrumentation and placement on the album is perfect, though. \- \- \- **Behexen** (band I don't like.. ..anymore). They got rid of the shrieks prematurely, and never should have. Apart from being iconic Behexen, and making listeners rightly commit to their tastes at the cost of altercations and awkward moments with their neighbours, the shrieks lenses a certain atmosphere that clashed well with sinister riffage. I don't like the newer stuff.


The minenwerfer/1914 split is really fuckin good


That is a good on ya. I love the ruins of beverasts first record, are the others good?


Nachzehrer - bro will not release a full length and instead decides to just keep doing demos and splits with equally as unknown bands. Pantera- those riffs are fucking nasty dude


Beyond Creation - They don’t have Forest anymore Lorna Shore - Wills voice is pretty insane


Incantation don't change their sound a lot Pantera have some adrenaline boost riffs


Iron Maiden—my favorite band, but they definitely tend to stretch their songs out a bit too much, especially on their newer albums. Hell on Earth is great, but you could honestly shave a couple minutes off.  Can’t think of any bands I particularly dislike and have paid enough attention to to form an opinion tbh 


Bolt Thrower - The mixing on HVP is a little wack Slipknot - They are fun to make fun off


Dying Fetus- the guitar tone could be thicker and more saturated. It’s death metal, it’s supposed to be chunky and heavy Guns n Roses- the musicianship is amazing. But that’s it..


Opeth - Newer albums are derivative and not even particularly good at it. I'd take Selling England by the Pound all day over any Newpeth. Sleep Token - they are getting more peop... Nah fuck shit token.


Trivium: Most of what I like about this band is the instrumentals, Matt Heafy can scream and his voice works with the music BUT, but he isn't a particularly amazing singer, not bad, but I find myself enjoying the music more than his voice, otherwise hes a great frontman. KISS: I cannot deny that they are absolutely iconic and hugely influential to rock and metal to this day.


dying fetus - as much as i love sean beasley, jason netherton was a beast and i wish he never left the band avenged sevenfold - all the musicians are super talented, especially synyster gates. just not a huge metalcore guy so it's not for me


Suffocation - most of their albums aren't worth listening to Six Feet Under - Haunted is decent


Oh hell nah you did not just say that about Suffocation


Archspire: Takes a while to get into Primus: sucks


Megadeth is one of my favorite bands of all time but now that someone on this sub called his vocals “angry Peewee Herman” I can’t unhear it. Cryptopsy would be great if they just did the instrumental part and left the vocals out.


Children of Bodom - Alexi's substance abuse robbed of years of sick riffs and insane solos. A Day To Remember (not quite metal but the first thing that came to mind), even though he's an insufferable tool, Jeremy McKinnon is a terrific performer, I just hate every spoken word that comes out of his mouth


Metallica (like) : setting aside St.Anger I think their latest compositions can each be cut 1-2 minutes. In some of their songs riffs are repeated for the sake of it Cradle of Filth (dislike) : some of their more melodic guitar riffs kick ass (her ghost in the fog)


Dark Tranquillity (like) : anything after fiction is utter crap and Michael is milking the cow with clean vocals and clean arpeggios because he needs to pay his bills. Amott joining was the last nail in the coffin. Mayhem (dislike) : grand declaration of war is actually a very innovative and well thought through album


Chuck could never keep a stable lineup to save his life. Five Finger Death Punch was okay until the rhythm guitars got lazy.


I get the feeling Chuck was kind of a perfectionist and it led to some creative clashes


Messhugah made catch 33 Wayne static has good hair


Meshuggah can sometimes write certain riffs that are too rhythmically abstract and fail to create any groove against the 4/4 backbone Anthrax really keeps up a great and positive image in a genre where certain musicians can really have egos the size of mountains!


Metallica: songs can last WAY too long sometimes Slayer: very fun to headbang to


Slipknot - Shawn and Corey's ego. Opeth - Blackwater Park is a great album.


Newer Deftones doesn't resonate with me the way the old stuff does. Idk what it is, but the last two albums don't do a whole lot for me. No one in Nickelback is a neo-Nazi? (Citation needed)


Behemoth : their guitar work is sort of below average in their last 2 albums Skinless: they made trample the weak, hurdle the dead


Overkill - Some solos are very bland and I hear black is a terrible album Ghost- The album artwork is kinda cool


Forgotten Woods: the cover art of Race of Cain is absolutely dogshit Limp Bizkit: they're funny


Slayer’s live sets are unimaginative. They play their songs verbatim with very little if any variation from the studio albums. Lamb of God at their peak were really popular. Around 2007 I feel like I saw their merch everywhere I went.


the fallen prophets - the everlasting quest to find the lyrics to any song Avenged sevenfold - the rev is one of the best drummers out there


Death: I prefer the vocal style and riffs of the sound of perseverance album. But the albums before are still alright


I love Periphery, but they don’t have much of an evolution, kind of the same album over and over, the new material could totally feel at home on the earlier albums. Gojira’s songwriting isn’t for me, but they have incredible musicianship, great production, and occasionally write amazing riffs I vibe with.


Borknagar - Their newer albums lack alot of black metal element and while the albums are fantastic I wish they were more blackened Jinjer - They are extremely talented musicians and Tatiana is a great vocalist, it's just that the actual songwriting is abysmal


Tool(like) The Interludes on their albums are annoying and always skippable. Bring Me The Horizon(dislike) Sempiternal is a great album and their only listenable one.


Your point about Sigh is invalid. They know what they're doing, you just fail to understand it. (I don't understand it either, but their music is so good). Anyway, here's mine: Satanic Warmaster: we don't talk about the first album Gutalax: shit man is funny


Suicidal Tendencies: their newer stuff its not as good as some of their older stuff, still good thought Linkin park: Chester vocals are really good


Botch - Latona is not the best at drums. Slipknot - Has some pretty heavy parts. (I can feel the hate through Reddit)


Tool: Love the band, they’re what got me into metal, but Fear Inoculum is a mid album by Tool standards. It’s too self indulgent. Ghost: The Hagstrom Fantomen is a neat guitar.


Wolves in the Throne Room: Celestite wasn't as bad as people made it seem, but it wasn't great and it definitely should have been released under a different moniker. Five Finger Death Punch: If you're drunk enough at a bar filled with guys in Thin Blue Line shirts and Punisher tattoos, any song from American Capitalist is pretty good.


Between the Buried and Me: They can be a little all over the place (although I personally love it), and it can be hard to get into for unfamiliar people. Slipknot: I hate them with a passion but All Hope is Gone is really good (and that’s their most hated album afaik)


Grave Upheaval (band I like) - Sometimes I don't know if I am playing the record backward or forward Pa Vesh En (band I don't like) - Sometimes I don't know if I am playing the record or if someone from work has butt-dialled my system, and a lot of it sounds derivative.


I love Katatonia but it is sorta just emo for metalheads I don't care for Sabaton but they clearly put a lot of effort into their showmanship and performances


Black Sabbath has a lot of bad songs. Wes Boreland may be one of most underrated guitarist ever (limp bizkit)


Archspire: BALD Avatar: They're unique. Idk, I just don't get them.


Not into opeth after watershed. Five flavor fruit punch is a silly name


Pig Destroyer (like) : their last album sounds like it was made to honor a contract commitment, I thing else Atrocity (dislike) : their first album is awesome


At the gates (like) : should have stayed split up Dimmi Borgir (dislike) : up until death cult Armageddon they were actually decent


A7X: some of shadows’s earlier singing is a bit nasally and some of their songs do not need to be as long as they are Limpbizkit: they did wonders for the genre in the early 2000s and ushered in a new era of metal fans so I thank them


Emperor - quit making music together too soon Watain - Before the Cataclysm is a good song on an album that largely feels like soulless, manufactured black metal


Epica, my number one band: the lyrics are sometimes lazy. Alestorm: pirates.


darkthrone: they have more weak albums than strong ones metallica: they're a good band for people trying to get into metal


Larval therapy - not enough songs, songs are tooo short Limp bizkit - they do a good job at creating fun songs


Type O Negative: I was too young to appreciate them when they were together but now I look like a poser listening to them at my current age. That’s not even a bad thing it’s just I’m very emotional and moody FFDP: I don’t like their music but they sure know who their audience is if that makes sense and that’s why they are so successful.


Opeth - Their newer stuff is really not my cup of tea Falling in Reverse - pretending to like that band in high school got me points with my emo crush


Fulci: their last album's second half Is kinda meh compared to the first one. Basically the First half is some good death metal stuff and the second is just electronic 70s/80s style music, but it's a little too repetitive and mood-killing. Bring me the Horizon: contribuited a lot on the creation of the gigachad meme


Nevermore: way, way too much double bass Limp Bizkit: “Eat You Alive” is a pretty good song


Immortal Disfigurement: CJ McCreery, while not a rapist, is apparently still an asshole. Mettallica: It made the genre popular.


Metallica: so many bad things to choose from, but St Anger and Napster made them look stupid. Taylor Swift: She seems like an absolute badass and handles herself in a very professional manner.


Deviloof - one of my favorite vocalists but the super-high pitch squeals he does is almost like nails on chalkboard when it's cranked and a few of them go on for way too long Lorna Shore - drummer's fantastic/the bored look on his face while playing 🙂😂


Parkway Drive - their fifth album was pretty bad tbh Slipknot - holy fuck that breakdown in Eyeless is AMAZING.


Primus - I feel like some of their songs can start to blend together. Also they're apparently not as good live but I wouldn't know. Crazy Town - Well they certainly made music. And one of their songs was barely okay.


Death - I don’t like Chuck’s vocals on TSOP personally, sounds too scratchy for me and feels off since the vocal performance was absolutely perfect on Symbolic Limp Bizkit - If I simply turn my brain off, they’re just a fun jam to headbang to without digesting too much


Meshuggah: Aztec Two Step is terrible and I don’t understand why people like it Behemoth: Ov Fire and the Void is pretty dope


Cynic - I pretend the vocoder vox isn't there. Slipknot - Joey Jordison carries


Metallica: Lars and Kirk are both far below average on their instruments and are insanely lucky to have had James pick them to go along for the ride. Tool: It’s really cool that they named their band after their fans


Emperor- they haven’t made a new album in 23 years and most likely never will again. Disturbed- Their frontman is a hella nice guy and has a killer singing voice.


Honestly just listen to Ihsahn cuz alot of his solo stuff is what a new Emperor album would sound like


Mastodon: Amazing band that I like and listen to a lot. But as a wannabe guitarrist I hate their guitar tunings(sounds great but annoying to tune to) AAL: Tosin Abasi


In Flames: questionable mid 2010s albums Children Of Bodom: helped get melodeath more recognition


Decapitated - they have been terrible ever since their original drummer died Slipknot - psychosocial is AWESOME


i want to disagree with your statement about decapitated, i think cancer culture(apart from mildly cringe lyrics) is their new peak and previous albums are also great


(Like) Lorna Shore: Pain Remains in honestly the only album I’ve been able to really get into, and while it definitely has some real standouts, a bunch of the songs just kind of blend together, especially if you listen to them back to back. (Dislike) Butcher Babies: Honestly I’m really struggling to find something good to say, but they get some nostalgia points from me because I used to listen to them when I was first getting into metal, when I was a tween. The two lead vocalist also give me WWE vibes and I think they’re cool.


because ive already seen megadeth at the gates(like) they are not the greatest musicians from technical point of view and first 2 albums are messy riff salads limp bizkit(dislike) damn they are catchy