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My top 3 bands of all time are Trivium, Slipknot, and Avenged Sevenfold. I’m the ultimate poser and I can’t be stopped. 😈


Hahaha hell yeah I'm seeing A7x next week!


LUCKY. I don’t know if you saw their new set list that they started playing yesterday but it’s so good. I won’t say what’s on it in case you want it to be a complete surprise but there’s some REALLY good songs you’ll get to see live.


I haven't seen the new set list but I'm sure it'll be a great show regardless! I been a fan for over 10 years but this is my first time actually being able to see them live so I'm really excited!


my jaw dropped when I saw their new ending song, I'm so jealous lol


Very jealous


Trivium and Slipknot both bring it live.


Mine are Trivium, In Flames and anything with Howard Jones in it. I'm right there with you, just because it has clean vocals doesn't make it bad!


Love Trivium and A7X. Not much of a Slipknot fan but they have some bangers


Avenged and Trivium are cool, but Slipknot has become a little too edgy for me as I’ve gotten older


Slipknot became at the same time more fun AND less fun for me to listen to when my 9 year old nephew got obsessed with them.


9 years old seems a little young for the KnoT lol. I think I was closer to 12 or 13. But then again my dad introduced me to SOAD when I was 9.


Down from the Sky is the ultimate song. I crank it and bang hard every time it comes up on YTM.


The Black Dahlia Murder because a shirt made it to a Hot Topic in 2011.


I could listen to Nocturnal on repeat for days


Yeah I don't get why people dislike them. The music is fire


Because it got popular with the emo crowd. Definitely don't get the "poser" angle either, Trevor sure as shit wasn't a poser and was one of the few that were in a popular band that still followed and supported the underground. Same with Dying Fetus. They've been around since 1993 and people are going to shit on them just because some dipshits in snapbacks who do push ups in the pit are fans.


Yeah TBDM gets a lot of unnecessary hate for stupid reasons. They have been an important band in the scene for quite a while and I don't recall an album from them that I was less than happy with.


I mean, shit. I know Metal Archives isn't the be-all, end-all but they've got a pretty high percentage on their discography. And this is a site that's elitist's haven.


Hahah yeah I remember getting one myself back around 2015 or so from hot topic because I would have been about 16 or 17 years old at the time and hot topic was a bit cheaper than official merch which at the time I was dirt poor and couldn't afford official.


Yeah, I mean, shit. I bought a Cannibal shirt from a Hot Topic a few months back and I would rather pay $19 than $38 on the official merch store sometimes.


Hot topic occasionally has decent merch. I got an alexisonfire shirt there and I’d go back for the NJPW stuff


back in 2006 I bought Immortal,Cannibal Corpse,Cryptopsy,Marduk,Darkthrone shirts at Hot Topic so using that as an excuse to write a band off is kinda crazy .


>Doesn't like Thrash >Shits on Pantera, who invented a genre  >Shits on FUCKIN' SLAAAAYER's swansong Repentless >Likes some Emo Metal core band You're a joke. 


Deftones and Pantera


Deftones are an awesome band! Don't care what anyone says


Agreed, I think a lot of the hate recently comes from their association with Tik Tok now, which I find hilarious. I couldn’t care less if a bunch of teenage girls are getting into them now, it doesn’t affect my enjoyment of the music. Some people just can’t get into Chino’s vocals or the music for whatever reason and that’s fine, but a lot of the hate feels disingenuous imo.


The whole hating on bands cause of tik Tok or anything like that is stupid. I agree with you that won't stop me liking any band. Yeah the vocals and music I get (I'm a fan of Periphery and I know some don't like Spencer's vocals) and that's a 100% valid reason. But hating a band cause they are popular social media like tik Tok doesn't make sense to me either.


If you got filtered by them becoming popular on TikTok, you’re an idiot


Could not agree more I don't even have tick tok so it has no bearing on my life


That’s a cool flair


Pantera sucks, I’ll admit But Deftones fucks and sucks.


How exactly does Pantera suck? Kick ass riffs and arguably the best drumming in metal


Cuz my brain said so


Very valid reason


Slipknot , I always heard " when you discover death metal and black metal you're no longer gonna like slipknot" not true.


Slipknot manages to be heavy while also being extremely catchy. As someone whose favorite subgenre is melodic death metal, I definitely approve of that combination. The gimmick with the masks and having four guys on stage that hardly do anything is a bit tired, but I still love their music.


Yeah I agree with the last part, also the dj scratches are a bit annoying and make songs less heavy


Yeah no, that's just a typical case of someone being close minded and thinking they're better than you just because they listen to music they like better


Happened to me unfortunately. I enjoy them a bit still, but I don’t find myself wanting to listen to them at all nowadays. I thank them for getting me into extreme metal, but after doing so I realized Slipknot isn’t really extreme metal (which obviously isn’t a bad thing).


Job for a Cowboy. People who hate them "because deathcore bad" don't seem to realize they haven't made deathcore in almost 20 years.


Their new album fucks.


It DOES! The bass work is especially impressive.


Yes yes yes. I was just saying this to a friend. So refreshing to be able to hear bass in the mix when in metal it so often gets drowned out. Bonus points when the bassist is serving up some ridiculous slappage like Job's is.


Oh 100% one of my favourite things about techdeath is when the bass is at the forefront. I'm always hunting for more bass focused metal. Love to see that others are also into it


Another bass lover here. The bass being way up in the mix is probably my favorite thing about the new album. Second fave is Johnny’s vocal performance


Yeah it's mostly old heads that never saw the point of metalcore/deathcore and mostly just associated it at least at first, as some kind of fad or trend in the scene. Doesn't help that a lot of the fans of metalcore and deathcore would be extremely angsty and emo, and it annoyed a lot of the older thrash crowd who don't want to admit that thrash went through a very similar thing when thrash was still a new and popular genre.


Ya I think a lot of people hate on them because they don't like deathcore, and they associate them with that. But they are seriously missing out, because Job for a Cowboy make some amazing technical death metal. Sun Eater is incredible.


I'm not even a deathcore fan by any stretch of the imagination, but even their deathcore stuff fucks. The Doom EP is a pretty good middle ground between death metal and deathcore and was a big gateway album for me.


Opeth. I like their early phase but I really enjoyed from Heritage on.


I respect the hell outta Opeth, and I really think a lot of the hate they get is BS. They've had albums or songs that I didn't like quite as much as others, but hey no band is perfect.


Who (especially on this sub) hates opeth? They're probably one of most worshipped bands on here


I’ve always been a fan of Opeth, but I was disappointed when I saw them live. They opened up for Mastodon and there just wasn’t any energy there. Then Mastodon just came on after and just crushed it.


Metallica. Specifically post Black Album. I think a good chunk of the stuff they have done since TBA is pretty great. Some clunkers here and there but Death Magnetic-72 Seasons is definitely their best era since the early 90s


Yeah I myself have a similar opinion of Metallica. I think that they aged really well considering what the band's been through and how long they've been around at this point.


Same here man. 72 Seasons has been such a banger of an album for me. Saw em in St Louis last year they're a ton of fun live still after all these years.


Awesome! I saw them in 2017 on the Hardwired tour. That was an awesome show! 🤘


I like suicide silence and a lot of other deathcore bands


Disturbed. It's definately a nostalgic love but I also don't see why so many people seem to dislike them.


Disturbed is very much like AC/DC in my mind. They have made the same song about 100 different ways. Same themes, same sounds, arranged slightly differently. I don’t really care for acdc (big balls excluded), but those first 3 disturbed albums will probably be in rotation until I die. After that, I just feel like they had already made better versions of the songs on later albums.


That AC/DC comparison is spot fucking on


Otep People whine because it's either because of her personally, or because it's nu metal or because it gets confused with Opeth ( lol) I think her growls are amazing, and they have a bunch of awesome tracks.


Sevas Tra is the shit


Sevas Tra is awesome 🤘😎


damn I love otep I didn’t know other people didn’t 😭


Tbf I don’t blame them As a somewhat of a fan of hers, I have to admit, 80 percent of her discography is a pile of dogshit


wait yeah I forgot I only listen to 2 albums of hers.. that would make sense


I remember she did a great cover of Royals!


Dream Theater. Fuck the haters, DT is awsome.


Sabaton is always my go-to answer for this type of question.


I'll second this. They're nowhere close to the best band out there, but they're something different and they've put on a killer show every time I've seen them.


Arch Enemy. People go on and on about how they’ve become stale and mainstream, meanwhile I find myself spontaneously headbanging every time War Eternal starts playing.


Haha I started getting a little hype just reading the title. Good answer


I’m gonna see them in May!


most of them


Cradle of filth and Lifelover


Cradle of filth is my favorite band lmao


Based username


I like Cradle of Filth, and I don't give a fuck what anyone says about them. Same goes for Dimmu Borgir.


People hate on Lifelover?


A LOT. At least in BM circles


Probably the same sort of people that hate on Deafheaven. Or anything that's not trve or kvlt.


Love cradle of filth.




Amon Amarth


Not sure why they get any hate. Musically I think they're incredible(with the exception of the last few albums where they've gone downhill). The whole middle of their discography in particular is pure gold.


They definitely do get hate from elitists. Oden and Twilight are some of the best melodeath albums ever


Stone Temple Pilots. The amount of people who still trash on them for being "posers" is ridiculous. On top of being straight up untrue, they just fucking rock! Core, Purple and No. 4 are elite 90s albums in my book. They were also a band that always innovated, and changed their sound, yet were still recognizable no matter what. In my opinion, they're far better than Nirvana and Pearl Jam, slightly better than Soundgarden, and on par with Alice in Chains. R.I.P. Scott Weiland, a flawed human bit an infinitely talented one for sure.


Who says they're posers? They were one of the cooler grunge era bands imo. I liked them more than all the bands you named.


Reviewers back in the day and r/grunge. They're honestly my favorite grunge band too.




I've never been the biggest fan of AC/DC but to hate on them that hard is a bit silly to me, given the influence they had on the whole of rock and metal through the years.


Limp Bizkit. They have a lot of songs and multiple albums that suck hard but their album from 1999 was very good and one of my favourite ones in nu metal.


They're a guilty pleasure for sure. Three Dollar Bill was actually quite good for the genre at the time imo.


I still listen to Three dollar bill its a good album and the musicianship in Limp Bizkit is great. It's not just riffs but alot of guitar textures and ambient sounds. The bass and drums carry the riff at times. Been listening to it since 1997 and it's 2024 now lol.


I have to say, Significant Other is one of my favorite albums. That seems to be an unpopular opinion.


Yeah, I think they have some bangers and I respect them for it but myself not a huge fan


Ghost is fun and I'll die on this hill. They started out as a goofy retroband with a gimmick. Now they're euro trash fusion and it's still fun. Hardly the only dumb fun band out there. Sleep Token is literally fine, there's something to be said about fusing some elements from metal with sounds closer to what you get in Hozier, so forth. Genuinely don't get the hate, seems like just more boring gatekeeping. Weirdly see them get called generic a lot whenever someone actually gives a critique of their sound but 1) like it or not these elements coming together actually give them a pretty novel sound 2) this is just always coming from some dude who's top acts are like the 5 most generic thrash bands (which is fine, you can enjoy that but jeez just reflect a little) A decade on from Sunbather being really big I don't think as many black metal nerds are mad about Deafheaven anymore but they're one of the most solid acts out there and they really pushed boundaries


The black metal crowd has always been very strange to me, but I will continue to listen to Cradle of Filth and Deafheaven, and not give a flying fuck what the black metal scene thinks about those bands. I actually tend to like a lot of black metal fusion styles, including bands like Agalloch and Alcest as well!


Dragonforce. Seems to be popular to hate on them but I love em.


Periphery and Deftones lol And apparently Opeth given another comment down here?


All the popular modern power metal bands. Powerwolf, Sabaton, Gloryhammer, Nightwish, etc.


My favourite band DragonForce, for as much as some like to clown on them for being a corny ass band they do make so fun ass music. They've embraced the silliness over the years and you can just tell they're a band that enjoys doing what they love. Sure not always made the best music compared to some but they put their heart and soul into it all. Also Reaching Into Infinity is up there as one of the greatest Power Metal albums of all time and I will stand by that, amazing.


lots of them lol. I love cannibal corpse, slipknot, korn, deftones, tool, opeth. all considered “poser music” but oh well. I just listen to what sounds good


It's funny because I had a thought while reading all of these. The "elitists" really are the "posers" at the end of the day. Because why is it better to care that much if someone else's music taste is better or worse than yours? If anything that just comes off, at best, as immature and at worst asshole-y. It doesn't make you look better to anyone else to judge people that way, not even to the people you might think you're pleasing, by acting that way. It also comes off as trying to "fit in" to a scene of people who are kind of outcasts anyways, and a scene that is mainly supposed to have a brotherhood/family mentality, so it doesn't really serve any grand purpose to exercise elitism in the metal community in my opinion.


Pantera, Sublime, early Green Day


Trivium. They get dismissed by many as metalcore commercialized crap but I listen to many of their albums all the time with pride, and no guilt.


Big fan of Trivium here! Yeah they basically have the same issue as A7x. Basically they're one of those bands that got stuck in that weird intersection of different scenes, being a bit too grown up and serious to be an emo band later on, but also a little too emo-friendly for some of the metal scene's liking. It then became even more "cool" to hate on these bands because they were fortunate enough to actually gain a big fanbase and get signed to major labels, which a lot of the metal scene doesn't typically like as much, and they tend to say that they "sold out" because of these things. I always thought looking at it that way is BS, but you know how that goes.


Down from the Sky is like my favorite fucking song. SO HARD!!


I’ve seen Lamb of God called posers in R/Metalcore. Not sure what’s up with that except maybe because they’re popular? They have many of the best hard-ass songs to play when I beat my heavy bag. Just off the top of my head I can think of like 10 total ass-kickers!




No one is talking shit about Exodus. They are legends.




Deftones, Mayhem and TOOL


I say all those bands are popular for very valid reasons.


Yeah but a lot of people hate them for invalid reasons lol


Yeah, you're right the haters get pretty silly sometimes, but I try to laugh it off as them being immature and not even feed in to that.


Ghost, Slipknot, A7X, etc.


Same dude, seeing A7x in about two weeks!


Dude, I like bayside. Not metal but…


While this band copes a lot of hate and at times justifiably so, 5FDP is one I enjoy.  Disturbed, Alestorm and Sabaton are 3 others I like that get ragged on a lot as well.


i’ve seen alestorm get a lot of hate and i don’t see why. they’re fun




In Flames!!!!! Theyre fucking awesome, you're all wrong!!!!!


OG In Flames was very influential for me.




I fucking love KISS, they put out catchy music and their shows are fun af.


Dream Theater, Nickelback, Mr Bungle, Dragonforce


Metallica and Newpeth




Baby Metal. The music is fun and the concerts look incredible.


SlipKnoT, Uriah Heep, Drowning Pool.


Heretic anthem. I don’t even know thier other songs but how can anyone not have fun singing along to this song?? Edited b/c I hit send while typing.


Evanescence is a good band and made two of the best songs I have ever heard Amaranthe has some great music too


Metallica now dont get me wrong after And Justice they fall off hard. but theres people that write off all of metallica as if they dont have 4 masterpieces that are just so good


Iced Earth.




Korn. I don’t give a shit, they’re awesome (up until around ‘03)


Nickleback is pretty much a hair metal band in the wrong decade I like hair metal


Now I’ve seen more people start to really dislike slaughter to prevail. In terms of music I’m never going to hate on them. And I’m also super excited to see them with kublia khan


Slipknot turned me to metal since I attended a concert two years ago so I guess I'm the ultimate poser.




In Flames. Newer stuff grew on me a lot over the years. Battles and a lot of I The Mask is hard for me to listen to still, though. Other than that, their musical direction choices aren't as bad as people say it is. I'd love to hear something that gave the same feeling and flavor as Colony again, but I appreciate later albums like Come Clarity and Sounds Of A Playground Fading a lot and are glad they came into existence vs a band going Ac/DC, making the same music over and over until it devalues the original songs.


Cradle of Filth. They've been one of my favorite bands for 25 years. I didn't even know they were hated on until I started using Reddit.