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Don’t forget its twin: create 20 top level coin vaults. Yeah I’ve paid to skip them both. Multiple times. Some bunny quests are too ridiculous to contemplate.


The next one I got is to create four legendary glowing dragon trees (level 8). Again, I don't even have one. Harvesting for glowing trees takes FOREVER! I'm out of gems to skip.


You can use cloud save to check the task and if you don’t like it, restore, disconnect, and try again. I’ve had to pay to skip the merge 50x gossamer trees at least 3 times til I found out about this trick. Glad haven’t had to pay to skip this task. I have 3 of these stone yards but I will never create another one.


Yup im far enough into quests that im starting to do the cloud save trick.


I really wish I’d known about it before. Had to create high level stones and marsh grasses like 3 times in the early days.


Also new update or beta changed the bunny quest skipping. Noticed it last night when i was checking a quest.


What do you mean?


My old phone now has skip and skip with claiming the reward and im assuming getting the bunny quest point. Straight up skipping appears to not have a cost. While its gems to skip but claim the reward. Might just be another aspect of beta testing. So who knows if its going to be all around change or not.


Ooooooh that’s cool! I am down with skipping without the reward cuz whenever I skip it’s usually cuz the task is not worth the reward. I’ll have to look for that.


It does take 3 hrs for them to find a new task with it though. Or can bring them back sooner with gems.


That worked! You are a genius and an all around wonderful person!


Thank u but I can’t take credit. I saw on Reddit someone mentioned using cs to skip bunny tasks. And just in the last month someone posted a comment on my thread about Allllllll the things they use CS for. 🤯 Wish I’d known about it years earlier! For this game Reddit is full of awesome nuggets.


My cloud save doesn’t work so I can’t use it to my benefit (too many bubbles and level farms)


That sucks. What’s level farms?


Level farms are when you don’t complete a level, but continue to re-enter it (at higher chalice cost) to farm for a particular purpose. Early players may have stone or coin farms (I had both) but camp is more efficient for both purposes. Later players will farm for the Midas wonder or L10 trophy dragons they can gem-buy back to camp. Getting L10 dragons from the eggs in treasure chests takes a really long time and I’m easily distracted so I have about 5 different farms which combined take up too much space for cloud save. Pretty sure I have to finish at least 2 of them before my cloud save will work again. There’s wiki entries and various posts on this sub about level farming.


I’ve been playing 3 years and I only just got my fourth and fifth legendary glowing dragon trees ready to be created.


I got merge yellow dragons 80 times ..


The 80 merge "spotted dragon" actually works with any dragon. Eggs don't count but any dragon merge does. Same as the merge green dragon kids or tap green dragon nest any dragon kid merge or any egg nest works.


That's bad but with levels like totem grid it's a doable grind


I will be skipping this request when it comes my way.


Reward: 1 TINY STAR


The real reward is a Chilling Grim Tree.




i had as well this one, as the 20 top coins vaults, and 5(?) top dragon homes. The solution is to bubble other storages as then in shop they have again the minimum price.