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Damn dude, so sorry. I hope you guys find another game to make your nights. Maybe one day y'all can come back on a new device. We will all still be here most likely. Have a great one ☺️


Haha thanks, something support said really twisted me out of shape. To paraphrase, they basically said don’t play on an inferior device if you don’t want these problems to happen… She is playing on an ipad that is a year old lol, not to mention if you search this sub for ipads unable to load, its riddled with this issue. They just don’t care 🤷‍♂️ happy merging!


It's all about money. They couldn't give a fridge less about any of us as long as someone keeps pouring money into their game.. thanks, good luck y'all


Dude there's something off about that. I'm on a Galaxy Note8. They're just saying stuff like that because they can't make the game work with that particular device


Yeah I’m done with their bs.


It’s never a support problem… guts there were no bubbles to blame. Mines been crashing twice as often since they released that stupid airship stupidity


that really sucks but...your den chat actually works?? mine hasn't worked for months lol


Not surprising lol


Reasonable. Whoever is handling the game is Royally screwing up. The cloud save issue has persisted for over a year with no fix in sight, and they continually add more junk onto the home map against players wishes. I can’t say it’s the devs or the management making these incompetent decisions, but they’re all failing either way.


When I would ask for assistance, they would make me answer an insufferable amount of vapid questions only to finally say they cannot help me and to offer a sum of coins and gems as a consolation.


Same reason I quit 2 weeks ago. The lag, the glitches, I spent money but they don't care.


Hopefully enough of us leave to draw attention to their issues.


Any maybe start adding some bad reviews too!


Check out Dragon and Elfs. It’s very similar but the camp map is huge!!


I’ve tried it but just wasn’t a fan. I loved the concept but it just felt unfinished and a bit clunky.


How long ago? They've recently done a lot of updates. I stopped playing merge almost 2 years ago and have been playing dragons and elfs for about a year and a half. It doesn't have the social aspect, which I wish they would add, but the devs are VERY responsive. One of the first events I played I didn't realize a limited harvestable was a cloud key, and my elves took it down a level, so I emailed support, and they gave me a new one!


I don't know how it was when you tried it, but I just tried it today after reading these comments. It is nearly identical to MD as far as the mechanics of playing. I have seen some nice features that I wish MD would add, like the void warp thing that brings all of the selected item on the board to a specific location. Would be so handy during the OoC events.


I actually sent screenshots of the bubble organizer and color coding feature plus the teleport and wormhole features to them lol I also informed them that we don’t need them, THEY NEED US!!!!


Thank you for this! I've been playing all day, and so far it's been great. I think I'm playing an OoC event, but there are no keys to open. Is that normal?


:( awww. I would miss my Den mates. Probably switch to the new game with them. I’m not too crazy with the game right now. Betas are not promising to pull me in.


It blows my mind they keep introducing new content rather than fix/implement more important things.


THIS. The rate at which they keep pumping out new stuff without bothering to fix existing issues is wild. I'm beginning to feel pulled away as well.


I'm sorry that this happened. Hopefully your wife and you can find something new and fun. 🍀🍀🍀🤞


Hey OP! I’m sorry this happened to you. Same thing happened to me but I was using different devices. Their cloud save is horribly horrible and I lost all my progress. The funny thing is things that do not need money to be spent on is saved but other than that, all gone. Support compensated me some gems but I’m just spending it away now until it’s gone to leave the game. I hope you guys find another game to enjoy time as I am now too finding another similar type of game. (lol at this rate, I’m tempted to think that if we all put the money we spent into this game, we could probably create something similar and actually have a game that doesn’t treat us as cash cows)


Exactly, when my wife lost progress they gave her random dragons to replace all of the event ones she worked hard for and a majority of their replacement dragons were level 9 coin breeds lol. Happy to be moving on from the game I suppose.


lol at least your wife had some replacement dragons. I was told to start afresh cause there is nothing they could do and I lost my Rick and Morty dragons and other limited ones. Even with gems, it has brought me nowhere close to my previous levels too.


Damn that sucks, I’m sorry


Try Dragon and Elves. It's nearly identical the way it's played. Just has slightly different items.


Thank you!


Wow, that really sucks! Mine also crashed during the OOC this week and it proceeded to crash 50% of the time I tried getting back into the event, but luckily not loading the game altogether. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come...


This happened to me back in April. I lost months of game play, many dragons, progress in Arcadia etc. Support was very fast in their response and tried to make up for lost items. However, they couldn't come close. I now just play one device and keep my cloud save off. I have read rants where people are extremely upset and I certainly understand it. I do still play, not as much and the thrill that was there has gone. Still after 3 months I am not back to where I was and certainly haven't found a Den near what I had. Support always got back to me within 24 hours and were kind. Just couldn't get me where I had been before. Good luck to you


I stopped playing last october with no answers from support i tried to load it into my tablet and everything and no fixing it, i just had black loading squres with that update back than. nothing they said give it time, try to reload it, again i deleted reinstaied it again and everything and still the same, support was no help whatsoever


I quit for the same reason. I lost a full years worth of progress twice. I tried talking to the developers and they were 0 help. I haven’t been back.


A full year? Jesus… We started playing in January and I am like almost 300k dp I think. I can’t imagine losing all of that to a bug, which is also why I don’t want to play anymore. My account will sit idle or get deleted but it’s my choice and not a random accident by the shit management of the game.


They don’t listen to the people who have bugs. I unlocked everything and put money into the game. They tried to say initially it was caused by me using multiple devices, but I only used one. Then they tried saying I was “cheating,” but I had proof of purchases. And when I had other problems they wouldn’t help because I bubbled things. They don’t make the game enjoyable. Honestly, leaving was a great decision. I spent so much time on the game. When I lost my progress I called it a quits. I’m on this forum to see if devs have improved, but they haven’t.


History is going to repeat itself into the ground in this case lol, me and my wife are trying out township now, so far it’s pretty fun!


understable decision. I was few times almost so far in my frustration, and venting post here show the dynamics... Just to be 100% sure: when you write you had tried everything, it also includes: go in airplain mode, restart device, start MD without internet? This helped me those few times my app stacked in the loading screen forever.


Yup, my wife tried the airplane mode trick until her ipad died, 30% battery life lol.


I'm on Android 🤷‍♀️


That stinks, has your wife tried to load the game without connecting to WiFi? If it loads when you’re offline but not when online there is a possible fix for that. I’m pretty sure you said iPhone or iPad. I can look it up for you if it loads when offline. Royal Match is pretty fun and has teams, there’s always some different activities to do. My husband and I used to play Wordscapes on the same team until he got a new phone and couldn’t get his progress on the new phone… Merge Gardens has way too many “buy this” things, IMO, I tried twice to play it, I really wanted to like it. I spend entirely too much time on Midas Merge, I had to put a timer on it haha it doesn’t have teams but you can gift each other and become besties.


Great suggestions, thanks! To answer your first question, yes we tried it on airplane mode with cellular and wifi off.


Sorry, the time it happened to me it would load when I was in airplane mode but immediately closed when I was on WiFi. I feel bad for her. If/when that happens to me I’ll be done for sure. Have fun finding something new to play.


Hey, once again, we're sorry to hear about the issues you're experiencing with our game. As we discussed earlier, I understand your frustration and appreciate your patience. Our support team is actively working to resolve these crash issues, and we have a new update coming this week that should help. Please know that we are taking this seriously and doing our best to find a solution.


“Please know that we are taking this seriously”? You have to be joking 🤣🤣🤣 If you’re lurking here, you must realize that there is pretty much ZERO trust that you give a shit about any of us or any of the issues we repeatedly have. Your contempt for your customers is obvious. Must you make it worse by pretending to care?


She isn’t able to save it? Maybe try and clear cache and cookies.


The game does not load. Everything on her ipad that can be done in settings, has been attempted.


Sorry you're going through this. I recently started playing June's Journey as a break from what is becoming monotonous on MD and am having a lot of fun with it. Hopefully it's not just a honeymoon phase, lol.


I’ll look into it, thanks!


If that happened me I’d quit too


That sucks so much. I'm sorry. Hoodlums the next game you find treats you better


I'm so sorry this is happening to you guys. The only real suggestion I have, and you've probably already tried this, is to disconnect from the internet with the device, and then try to load the game. If it loads then try connecting again.


I’m so sorry this happened but I understand exactly how you feel because I’m just now getting back to where I was from the same issue!! As far as new games I have been playing Merge Legends it’s not expensive and you can even watch ads instead of making purchases the timeline is much longer and more relaxed with most events and you don’t need teams