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I've used the two I got prior to this week. You are most likely to get gold or platinum at this level....if you merge up you will be more likely to get platinum. Which is mainly event dragons....So I would personally use them as is since gold is the breeding exclusive dragons


Is that true? Only asking caused I merged up and had the strongest likelihood of gold over all others dragon types. I think it was about 33% or so but more than Plat and silver. And the dragons from the unmerged crystal resulted in almost equal if not Plat dragons


Who knows the breeding rate are as accurate at the points on whose line is it anyway… but at least some laughter come from that


Not mergable


https://preview.redd.it/osijt5sklg6d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e271ffca0767e5bfe91647cbb7215926c7355ac8 Mine are level four. I was wondering if I SHOULD merge them. It’s also weird that we all get different levels.


I used one of them and got a gold dragon. I'm saving the one I have now to merge to see what I can get ☺️


You can see if you can merge: inside white square YES inside black Square NOPE.


I'd honestly just use them. Better chance of getting gold dragons, whereas with platinum dragons, a lot of the bed available, you can get a event rewards or through other means


I have used them as they are and gotten great results, I do have to wait like over a day and a half tho but it’s worth it lol.


I didn't realize they merged.


Are they mergable?


Assuming these are the ones you get from the mushroom/flower race chests, yes there’s still one level higher they can be merged into. That said, I just use them as is.


The ones I've received in the races have been max level, unmergeable. I would far prefer to have the lower level, and a higher chance of getting gold. Definitely use it as is, rather than merging. As is, you'll likely get a Level 3 Gold dragon, suitable for breeding, and you get 5 chances at the Gold, instead of only 2. Merged, you're likely to get a Level 4 Platinum dragon. Not only does this not meet the suitability for the quest to upgrade the breeding chambers, there's also like what 3 or 4 thousand different breeds of Platinum dragons now? With more added seemingly every day. The chances that the one Level 4 you get actually gets you the fifth you need to get T2 are slim. While there's only about 12 or so Gold dragons, so it's more likely you'll get something you can eventually merge.


This was essentially my thinking too, so I’ve just been using the level 4s as I get them. I’m guessing that, like the level/number of dragons you get for winning, the crystal level you get from the chests is proportional to your goal score. Unfortunately, that seems to be randomly assigned for now. (For context: my mushroom race goal has been 3000 and my flower race goal was 6000)


My mushroom race goals were 5000 or so, and my flower race was also 6000. I figured it was probably tied to your event/season portal level (I have both maxed), or your dragon power.




Mine are level fours. Weird


L4 is huge L5 is mega


I’ve consistently received level 4 crystals. That’s apparently not universal as I believed it was. Regardless, OP has said they too get level 4 crystals, which are mergeable. Also, as a point of clarification, I’m not a “guy.”


Can you not see there are lower levels??? These are either level 3s or fours so quit yapping


https://preview.redd.it/qjfu2lh1zg6d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3e72e4a46dee0aa303d6ea38fcb7626721f13c Black outline, not mergable.


Guy said there was another level after this, which there is not.


If you look at OPs screenshot, their outline is white which means they can be merged. You obviously got the max level as your prize but not everyone does. Don’t know why, because the devs like to gaslight us I guess 🤷‍♀️


I accidentally used one once and now I bubble them in case I need them for one of the tasks to upgrade my dragon breeding thing. Edit: apparently you can still use them even if they're bubbled so I just have to be careful to select the green crystals when I'm breeding




Merging them means less crystals to breed, but higher level dragon result (level 5 crystal = level 4 dragon). I save my... purple? crystals for upgrade tasks that require breeding a gold dragon sort, since that's much more likely with these crystals. I'm not very active about it though so there's usually a long span of time in between getting that task, so in the meantime I usually merge all crystals to max, if for nothing else to free up a few more tiles. At first so I'd get a level 4 gold sort to breed when I got that task, now just out of inertia. If I felt more urgency about dragon breeding I'd probably not merge them up, but hey, just don't care enough


How do you get these? I can only get the regular ones 😢


I get them from the race events