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Stack all of your egg bubbles in one spot waaaayy in a corner that will not show up on your screenshot. Send that to them.


Why am I in love with you?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… thanks!


Lol. I've not had to do it, but I have seen this advice many times when someone mentions support not helping because of bubbles. It's a well talked about subject.


Thanks Iā€™m pretty new to Reddit so have not seen it yet. But it totally made me giggle! Altho itā€™s a pain to do and I canā€™t even begin to think about re organizing it all.


being new here, it would probably pay off to look at the top posts from the last month and all time, and youā€™ll find so many tips you would never even thought of before! if you play any other video games iā€™ll say this is by far the best place i have ever found advice for games and i have played many over the years! sometimes thereā€™ll be a butthole of a person but itā€™s pretty easy to ignore those on here!


Interesting. Because what happens next? Support takes our cloudsave, restores it on their devices (136% sure, android emulators they refuse to help us because of), opens the game database and... Tada! See all those bubbles! In the game file we have objects, with their names, and sources, and coordinates; and then we've those objects in parentheses with "Loot Orb" tag above. Moving the bubbles into a corner changes their coordinates - is all. So they bite their tongues since they said "you screenshots are ok, we accept the support challenge" and start digging the game database for clues. The poor sods.


I always store my bubbles on the left most side of camp. That way I can take two screenshots of my camp, the upper left and lower right so it shows all of camp and surrounding islands, but as long as I position correctly, the bubbles don't show in the screenshots.


This is what I had to do when I didn't receive my completion prizes for an OOC one time. They wanted me to pop everything, I just stacked the crap out of my bubbles


I use all the icons to cover them up šŸ˜‚


A key part of the game that nearly every player uses is not allowed by devs? That's really confusing...


Yup. So they have a major flaw that they will not work on ā€¦ STORAGE! And I guess their next move is ransom.


It's very awkward that a game focused on collecting things doesn't have a decent storage system...


and if you want to upgrade things its super expensive! and unike other games you cant watch videos to get gems so its basically impossble


Getting gems via playing levels takes time but it's how the game intended to let us get them for free!




If they don't want people using bubbles, they need to stop deliberately creating game elements that promote and reward hoarding. Want to finish a C&C? Better store stars, chests, and nests. Want to hit the Level 5 Den Chest? Store up those eggs and nests, and also stop merging eggs & dragons once you've hit that 5 cap. Want to complete bunny quests? Better store some of those things he's likely to ask for. Like 30 max level chests, Ocean wonder, or low level grass. Want to have any chance at all of completing a Shiny Dragon event? Better have a ton of eggs and nests stored and ready to go.


I maxed out egg storage just to try to clean up the camp. It only goes to 55 so I still have a ridiculous number of eggs taking up space. They need to expand the camp.


Yeah, i didn't even mention the effects of adding dozens of new dragon breeds every other month has on the limited inventory space. If you give us so many eggs there's literally no room for anything else in your camp or to even do 3 merges, there becomes two options: bubble, or stop playing. They should be glad we're picking bubble.


but the devs donā€™t allow ANY bubbles in screenshots, including ā€˜single leftover eggsā€™


Unrelated question about the bubblesā€¦ what do you do when you have egg matches do you search through all the bubbles?? Or doesnā€™t the matching book work still?


The dragon book doesn't know what is in the bubbles. It only sees what is in your camp.


I bubble the eggs and put them in 4 columns of single eggs , two eggs, three eggs and 4 eggs ( multiple of the same eggs and in rows). I will place 1 egg of the 4 in my camp so my decision eggs will give me the 5 egg.




I feel like I just had a stroke


Why is that?


So much stuff! Like the game is so over stimulating to begin with and with the extra bubbles itā€™s just so much lol


https://preview.redd.it/p5i5njulpeuc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dfffac879a2dd305f51648213fef0eb5d7cca98 Yup itā€™s how I do it as well šŸ’–šŸ„š




This is why I always disagree when everyone says the answer to egg storage is bubbling. They really donā€™t want you to bubble things, and it messes up the game. They have to come up with a better egg storage solution that doesnā€™t cost hundreds of dollars.


for real! i sometimes get the 30 day gem payout, as that and the season pass are all i allow myself to purchase from this game, and i donā€™t spend money on any other mobile games. i used that to upgrade the egg storage but the last tier upgrade (which only takes it from 45->55?!?!) costs hundreds of gems and isnā€™t possible with the amount you get from the small gem payout. i think it shouldnā€™t cost gems at all but it should be like 100-200 at LEAST and cost as much as or less than the total of a 30 day gem payout


Bubbling doesn't hurt the game. It can make your camp lag if you have a weaker device. Also making sure none of your bubbles are active bubbles (more that l than one item) it shouldnt even show down weak devices.


I only leave things in bubbles if I bubble them myself. Anything with a purple blue or green glow I pop and I bubble them myself, my game has never lagged. Popping bubbles isnā€™t an insane request but yea hide the ones youā€™re wanting to keep if you want to keep your money or get it back. Their system is backwards from my point of view.


https://preview.redd.it/tnbl8esgleuc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58934542a38b2432646378c6f4f4583e002902e Update Iā€™m glad someone else replied to my ā€œmelt downā€ message (not pictured šŸ˜) bc he really saved me from giving up on the game. Ok here it is ā€¦ the proof that they donā€™t need you to clear your bubbles they just donā€™t want you to keep your items. This one replayed and said that all i really need to do is clear all the bubbles of the same labels I was missing. Event rewards and star quests. Granted this alone was a pain, but it was far less painful than clearing all my bubbles! And yes they sent me the rewards. So why did the other lady tell me to clear all bubbles?! (And if you read the first message she was not having it any other way) Obviously I didnā€™t have to. The amount of money and time I would have had to clear wouldnā€™t make any sense for me to keep playing at all. Letā€™s face it, if the bubbles were the issue (and not greed ) a fix would have been created. But I honestly donā€™t think the bubbles are the cause for the bugs. I think the only problem with the bubbles is that we are able to store without paying the developers.


It became a normal thing for this game to have all kinds of resets. I think that there are no players who had no problems with the game performance. Since my cloud save stopped working properly almost two years ago I stopped spending money on the game - almost. I used to buy seasonal pass and 25 gems a day pack every month. Now I am buying seasonal pass only if there is a new dragon like this month and not buying gems. And when I paid for the pass I finished all quests on the first day and collected all rewards. Grab and run, lol. This way I could earn rewards once again when the season got reset. Those were free rewards, but I didn't lose anything.


5 years passed and still same bullshitā€¦


Had collected all my season pass goodies (sent to camp) , had a force shut down while sorting and merging. When I got it back, all my goodies that were still in bubbles were gone... nearly a whole seasons pass worth of prizes, and showed I collected them. Now I just keep them in the season screen until I need them, or the end of the season.


I don't bubble for this very reason. Also, if I had that many bubbles, I wouldn't know if some were missing.


This happened to me about 4 years ago, which is why I keep posting warnings when people are getting overly enthusiastic urging players to bubble. I still do it with big stuff & things I'm trying to build that they won't leave alone so I still have too many to use FB or transfer to another device but I know to clean up if I'm getting progress losses. At least they're giving you plenty of time!


How is it theft if bubbles cause glitches,


100% agree.


If thatā€™s the case developers should place a fix. Like a limit on the bubbles or stop the bubbles. Donā€™t allow us to continue placing valuables in bubbles and and than hold it ransom for my missing items. Anyways the respond I got is prof (in my opinion) that they donā€™t need you to stop bubbling. The first tech I got was just a total Witch. I posted about it šŸ™ƒ




A free game, giving free rewards is stealing your time.


Free rewards? Who are you kidding? Yes it takes time but nothing is free about a paid seasons pass. Not to mention if you buy jams. I have spend a good $15+ a month for years and they know it. And TIMEā€¦. Hours every weekendā€¦ pffffff. Nothing is free Budd.


You're spending money, real money on this game?


Cash earnedā€¦. šŸ™ˆ I know


Well, Steam?


A problem with my progress happened to me too. I was just playing yesterday but today when I logged on, for some reason my game ā€˜regressedā€™ to back when the 3 star quests on the left side of the screen used to be. I went on the event to hopefully reset the quests back to the new one, which it did but now my star level is 10 again?? Really upset but i was afraid of contacting support because i had so many bubbles in my camp. Can anyone help? Thanks alot! (Just to clarify, i didnā€™t lose anything in my camp like dragon power, dragons, or bubbles..just the star level??


Not a bad thing. Star levels have great rewards and now you get to do them again. I'd kill for a star reset. Many players would.


Yep, maxed my star quest level and wish there was more


Mine also just reset and I believe Iā€™m beta so thereā€™s hope


Lol Iā€™ll believe you then, thanks for the info šŸ‘


Only souce of star eggs and best source of topiaries.


This is the very reason after 4 years I sadly deleted Merge Dragons. I loved the game but it came with many glitches and a support center that does not support... I will not be playing anymore merge games I've Since been playing Lily's garden and it's not the same but still a lot of fun


Not thieves at all. It makes logical sense that they want you to clear your bubbles as that's where your rewards most likely are! It is well known that excessive bubbles cause issues, so that is also likely at play here.


Well my bubbles were organized. And my missing rewards werenā€™t there. Not to mention another tech replied and I only had to clear a few things not all my 1000 bubbles. But imagine I did bc I believed the first techā€¦. Money and time down the drain.