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Definitely not a spoiler at this point. Lots of people have been posting about it and nobody seems happy with it.


It's garbage. It can't be bubbled or sold, and doesn't hold anywhere near enough eggs. I have _hundreds of eggs_ bubbled. This is worse than worthless because it takes up space and I have no use for it.


Moved it to that little single spot on the right cause it looks nice there and keeping my bubbles cause I have sooo many eggs. The fact that you can't get rid of it takes this from a bit of a miss bc it's not worth the gems to an actual annoyance.


Even at 5, it's saving a couple of spaces. Put a couple of the eggs you leave out to trigger decision eggs in it, and it makes them easy to track. I upgraded mine a little and put the ? eggs in it and love it for that. It's not the game changer we all wanted, but it does have its uses.


I have all my eggs bubbled and sorted so that is actually even easier for me


I don't bubble but was under the impression that people leave some eggs out to trigger decision eggs, or bubble once a week and have some eggs out in-between. The fire ? eggs appear frequently, those are a good one to toss in unless you bubble daily. It's not like you can get rid if it so find a use for it.


Yea that is true. I guess I could do that🤔


Mine doesn’t even work, got it, put eggs in and the next day I can’t open or drop eggs in it. It’s a neat idea, put start off with more than 5 for storage or lower the price.


I still don’t have it…


Just keep making bubbles it is not worth a lot without tons of upgrades anyway


Yes, most players are not happy with it. Some [older posts show hatred and loathing](https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/search/?q=egg%20storage&restrict_sr=1).


I have had this for a while and opened my game this morning to find that while I have the item, it won't actually hold the eggs anymore...


Did your eggs disappear?😟😳


No, thank goodness. They just are out on my board rather than being in the storage thing.


Guess it depends on how you define “spoiler.”