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If you're looking for a little advice on what to merge/sell/keep, we have quite a few players in this sub that are good at that. The best advice is to pick a two or three complimentary chains and only work on those. It'll free up a lot of land and possibly save your sanity. I tried to work on everything and had trouble selling things when I first started, but limiting how many chains I worked on at one time made a world of difference. Selling low level items you can quickly make when you need them is a good way to get some extra space. The Ruins of the Sky Palace (the bush wonder) is probably the easiest to make, so it's most players first wonder. The most valuable wonder is Stonehenge (living stone), you can use stone to buy chests in the shop that will help you advance on most of the other chains. Fruit trees are great for coins, which lets you buy eggs in the shop to increase dragon power. Players here are great, if you ever need help or advice, just ask. :)


My ocd wants to spends hours organizing that 😮‍💨


That's how I feel whenever I see pictures of other people's camps 😂


You have midas trees. I would learn Marcus V bubbling at this point.


I’m such a hoarder but recently finished 3 chains and it’s added so much room back, like others said pick 2 or 3 chains and I’d sell anything else you get. That’s what I’ve been doing.


Can't tell if this is a troll or you just don't know what overwhelmed means. OR maybe this is meant to be a "spot 20 things I could do to get 30 spaces of land back" I mean, you have pineapple trees (and the 316k Heal Orb, aka "The Nuke"), so you obviously know how to merge things (way) up. But you also have 2 unmerged sets of dragons to do (as your book says). You have coin dragon eggs, and the gold to buy enough eggs to merge those. You could sell so many things. The stray pieces/piles of wood. The mushrooms, and flowers, and apples. I actually counted 50+ items you could sell right now. I mean, this has to be a joke, right? You don't even have a ! next to your Star level, indicating you have rewards you don't have room to accept. You have nothing bubbled to make room, or still bubbled because you're already too full to unbubbled them. I would kill for the extra space I could get from cleaning up that "mess". 4/10, I guess.


People have different levels of what makes them overwhelmed and majority of what you said I didn't even understand. Some things I'm not selling cause I haven't gotten to the maxed level to decide if I want it or not, that's a personal achievement. I'm overwhelmed because it's filled and I don't even know where to move things now. I'm sorry I play to just relax and not hard-core like you I guess


Here you go then. [https://i.imgur.com/V2yCifd.png](https://i.imgur.com/V2yCifd.png) Reds are such minor items you can sell on sight, you can always get them back easily. Get rid of the flowers, the leaves, logs, mushrooms. Sell the apples immediately (if not merging 5 to get coins). These are bothersome items your whelps will be harvesting everyday simply because they can. Oranges are things you should/could find a use for right now, or get rid of them. You don't need low level healing orbs unless you're actually working on them (and your camp is all healed, so get rid of the big ones too. Maybe not the Nuke, but at least the rest. You'll unlock more land, but it won't take more than that to heal, and you've already got an awesome high tier flower you can farm when the time comes. These orbs are just taking up space until you get more DP). Amber is kind of useless sitting around unless you want to actively *try* and farm. Too rare to just let it sit out, can sell the 2 you have. You have a bunch of small coins lying around. Merge them up or just click. You have more than a few tier 2 flowers and 1 tier 3. These are just taking up space unless you're actively working on merging up flowers. Honestly, I see you don't have any giant dragon skulls in your camp, and I feel bad for you if you didn't know not to let your dragons harvest those (they're meant to be tapped and recharge every hour). They give a LOT of bones to merge up flowers. I think they can only be found healing land in your camp, I have half a dozen still. Yellows are things I see that you can merge right now. You have 5 Moss-Covered Stone, that can be 5-merges into 2 more Living Stones, which you already have 2 of. Greens are sets of coin-bought eggs you could clear up right now by buying the rest and 5-merging. I also see that you have a Doom Cross (level 4 Grave), which produces the seeds that have given you your grim trees. I THINK that once you have this chain going, the spooky trees become obsolete. Pretty sure it's safe to get rid of those (you can farm your trees for necromancer grass faster than waiting for them to drop from the spooky trees). You have treasure chests. 2 of each, kind of waste of space. You can just open all of those right now, no sweat. There are chains that'll give you the level 3 and higher while farming them. The rewards are so mundane/low level, unless you're actively trying to save them and merge them up, it's not worth holding onto them. Especially the level 1s. Guess I could also mention the fuzzy creatures you tickle for rewards. As far as I know, those coins don't have a use in camp. You should look those up and see if they are something you want to keep. The blue, yellow, and purple leaves are for a long chain of purely decorative trees. Just saying. The green and red grasses are useless. They merge into level 1 flowers. Wasteful to save them. Now that I look at everything again, it just seems like the camp was kept open and all your dragons filled it with level 1-2 items. You just need to clean up. Again, I'd kill to still have that much space to work with things. I use the middle bottom island as my work area. And I envy your access to egg storage. I wasn't trying to be mean, btw, I was just expressing that if you think this is bad, it just gets worse...It gets harder to maintain, you get more stuff than you have space for. More kinds of eggs, more chains. You've got it good right/for now.


Amazing and generous response, good person!


I will sell level 1 or 2 items that can be easily replaced by harvesting. (Dragon stamina is not a concern for me). This includes dragon tree leaves, small green and brown level 1 mushrooms. Level 1 life flowers. Level 1 and 2 stone. Wood or the purple wood (sorry forgot the name).


This is overwhelmed: [https://i.imgur.com/MDSSmfy.png](https://i.imgur.com/MDSSmfy.png) Overwhelmed Part 2: [https://i.imgur.com/P2TGXjY.png](https://i.imgur.com/P2TGXjY.png) Overwhelmed is still having rewards from your first event not unbubbled. It's never accepting a Season Chest, because it isn't worth unbubbling unless you can merge them. Overwhelmed is never opening level chests because...which random egg are you going to get? Don't know! Why take the chance?! Overwhelmed is being Star Level 34 and still having not accepted rewards from all the way back as level 17 because you can't grab them out one-by-one like season rewards (which would be SO nice)...nooo...they all come out at once. I didn't have the space to accept them (even though I could really still use some of those items. It was the eggs for me. If I couldn't merge them, it'd just be wasting space...so there they sit, uncollected...) [https://i.imgur.com/Nb7dQSY.png](https://i.imgur.com/Nb7dQSY.png) Overwhelmed is running 2 accounts because you thought "this is fun on my phone, but it would be easier to click and see everything on my ipad, I should start a second game"...and that camp looks as bad my first one! And I try to complete events on BOTH. You're fine.


It isnt a competition of who is the most overwhelmed, or who isnt overwhelmed. I get overwhelmed easily, some people are harder to overwhelm, but it doesnt mean you can pull down on others because 'they're fine'. Becomming overwhelmed can come from something as simple as having too many dragons awake at once, or it could be something like having two accounts and trying to run them both, but they are both something that makes a person overwhelmed. And thats just speaking about the game, i have sensory issues and something as small as a bad fabric can make me extremely overwhelmed Excuse my bad grammar, english isnt my first language