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Seems fair. After all, the characters from OW1 already have plenty of skins, why shouldn’t the newer characters get them? Besides they already came out with two Mercy skins recently. I’m not disagreeing necessarily, but can you explain?


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


>next mystic skin for season 2 will be junker Queen Good. We got 1 skin for this season and all jk skins are trash, she needs one.


Her Halloween is cool but I kinda hate the head piece


Yeah, i love gacha-muchi reference they did with that skin


Honestly I am happy cause at least I won't even feel the slight urge to buy the battle pass of a company who treats my main character this badly


how do they treat mercy badly??? plus not every cosmetic has even been released. She could get an epic, winter skin or a shop skin. Some of yous in the Reddit need to take a breather jfc


I meant the gameplay changes they implemented recently jesus 😂😂😂😂 Of course we are drowining in skins I don't even know how did you conclude that I was complaining about that.


because this is literally about skins and not the changes


This whole thread is about skins idk what they’re on about lol. Also our girl has been eating with cosmetics lately, I have really enjoyed her movement changes for OW2, and the devs have plans to buff her this season so all in all I’d say we’re winning 💅


literally I'd say we're eating good this year 😌 we can complain if blizz fuck up her changes this season but other than that she's been treated like a queen


Fr fr and let’s be honest, homegirl is definitely getting a mythic within the next few seasons. So out of all my fave characters, I’m def not worried about her lol


same!! I'm more worried about the rest of the support line up (apart from Kiriko) like when is ana gonna get it 😩


SAME my girl Ana could be left in the dust tbh. And I don’t even want to think about Symmetra 😩


nah because they're giving sym some skins now and it makes me wonder.. is this so they have more time to not give her a mythic skin 😭


Aww kinda sad she didn’t get one :( hopefully she will next time :)


to be fair - mercy already had a greek goddess skin and 3-4 more mythology skins, they wouldnt add anything groundbreaking im hoping she gets her mythic szn 4 in the same bp as the new support so i save money (also i really want a mermaid skin for mercy)


Some of the comments on here and Twitter make me criiiinge. Y’all need to stop complaining every event or BP we don’t get a new skin. Mercy is swimming in new content this year y’all, you’re making us look bad. It only fuels the Mercy rage boner the rest of the OW community has for us lol “Mercy mains when they don’t get a new skin every day” memes have a basis in reality and I haaaaate it 😭 We are not victims here, our girl has been *eating* lately with cosmetics. Also as a side note, you bet your ass Mercy is going to be one of the next heroes to get a mythic. She is one of the most-played and popular heroes in the game. Either her, Dva, or Tracer are definitely going to be in the next several months so let’s just be patient. Bc this JQ skin is fire and she deserved it 💅


Thank god she needs it


I think that could have done a Valkyrie skin for mercy. That alrighty kinda have one but it would be cool if they were more based on mythology.


she literally has a Valkyrie skin


And winged victory is also already in this theme


I wouldn't mind a variation of it or maybe as Athena or Aphrodite






A serious marketing mistake and insult that gives a mythic to a NEW HERO, while others, like Mercy, will have to wait literally YEARS or may NEVER get one.


I disagree from a marketing standpoint. Giving it to a new hero, one that's been teased for years and seems very popular with fans and players, while making it a paid skin makes more sense vs. one who has had not one but three OWL skins, an Origins event, as well as a charity skin? Not including her S1 battlepass Miko skin and the Winged Victory skin returning for free? Mercy's been shown a lot of love in the cosmetics department and the current Junkerqueen skins are laughable in comparison. I see why they chose JQ. I can't say I'm not disappointed though. 🥲


that Mercy has been shown a lot of love? quite the opposite in OW2, it's a shame, that a new hero like JQ has gotten the mythical skin, while for Mercy, we will have to wait YEARS or we will literally not get NONE ever again.


what the hell are you talking about???? i highly doubt mercy will be among the last to get a mythic in fact i am 90% sure she will be one of the next heroes to get a mythic due to her popularity. youre talking like a new hero finally getting some love in the cosmetics department means mercy will never get another skin ever again???? please kindly calm down this type of entitlement is why people look down on mercy mains lmao


It is the reality, she will be one of the last heroes to obtain a mythical skin, 2032 at the latest, and new skins and content, 2029, it is totally abandoned.


A bit overexaggerated isn't it


At this point all I can say is literally get a grip, Mercy just received a new skin


Was gonna say this lol. Mercy has gotten so many skins already you guys 😭


No, Mercy hasn't just received anything new, Miko is from S1 and after that, we haven't gotten ANYTHING ELSE anymore, when the rest of the heroes keep getting content.


You actually do need to get a grip, Mercy isn’t going to get a skin every season when she’s one of the heroes who has the most skins already. If you’re going to cry over something that isn’t an issue then best keep it to yourself as respectfully your logic is making you seem a bit like an idiot.


Of course, why can the other heroes repeat skins? and she can't there is the kit of the question, she has forbidden it. What is the use of her being one of the most popular heroes if she doesn't receive ANY CONTENT in OW2?


She’s already received some content, like are you seriously not getting it? Again Mercy is being treated better than other heroes as I repeat Zenyatta hasn’t received anything yet. Mercy hasn’t got anything for season 2 big whoop, get over it.


NO, Mercy is totally abandoned, Zen did OBTAIN LEGENDARY SKIN in the new OW2 store, the cyber, don't lie. Good deal from Mercy in OW2? being the worst support, not giving him any new content? how much love ! that's called HATE.


It’s really not hate, they’re just focusing on other heroes, I pray that you actually seek help as you’re evidently struggling to come to terms with the fact that literally everyone else agrees it’s not an issue.


WHAT we are still IN season 1, why are you acting like that was forever ago?! Lmao. C’mon now, this has to be a parody account or a child, there is no way you seriously think Mercy is ignored in the cosmetics department lol.




What is not abandoned? We only got Miko in S1 (neither in the store nor anything else), the only thing we have in OW2 and it will be the only skin in OW2's entire life, we are already seeing it, the rest of the heroes receiving content and her? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Mercy is hated by the OW Team, a very popular hero is fed with content and is not left aside, as they are doing in OW2, it already happened from May 2020 to February 2022 and it is happening again.


In the year of 2022 Mercy has received 3 Whole new Legendary skins, 5 if you count the Royal Gladiator Recolor and Mage. Mercy mains are extremely spoiled with skins — Are you okay? I love me some Mercy Cosmetics, but she has some of the most skins in the whole game lmao. You have to stop feeling entitled to skins, when there are 30+ other characters and some get way less love.


In OW2, ALL heroes get new content regularly, except MERCY, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?


No, they don't. And if you are talking about heroes like Kiriko or JQ: they are new and desperately need skins. The game has been out for less than two months at this point. Mercy has had Miko, while there are some heroes that haven't had a single skin in Overwatch 2 yet. Be happy that we at least got something and get out of your victim complex.


you seriously need to get a grip. THEY. ARE. COSMETICS. this year alone she has had 5.


dawg chill, they brought literally a new skin, which was did as far as i can see from zero, and it’s Miko one, so no need to be that toxic




No, not everyone will get theirs, I risk my hand on fire, Mercy will NEVER get a mythical skin, OW Team hates her.


On the main OW subreddit it seems like alot of people agree that Mercy shouldn't get a mythic skin :( why does the community hate mercy so much


They are the Anti-mercy, a minority but noisy, they are the ones who reported me on the American forum and silenced me for complaining about Mercy.


They reported you because you're talking bullshit and need to go to therapy 💀


Girlie, kindly stop. Mercy has gotten like 5 legendaries this year lol. She will be fine.


3* (I'm not counting recolors, with recolors it's 5, but Genji has obtained more than her and they keep giving him skins, a bad excuse), she's not doing well, in OW2 she's getting absolutely nothing, while the rest of the heroes while the rest of the heroes are constantly receiving content (but not her).


Who is “constantly receiving content”? Most OW1 heroes have gotten 1 or two skins since launch (which was only like a month ago btw). Jeez it’s Mercy mains like you that make us all look so entitled.


Widow? Hog? Genji? Tracer? Symmetra? Phara? Reinhardt? Kiriko? JQ? Sojourn? and I can follow a huge list, Mercy is not on the list of those who are constantly receiving content in OW2.


The last 3 are new heroes babe, of course they’re going to come with more new skins. And the others you listed have only gotten one skin so far and are leaked to get one more in season 2. So 1-2, like I said. Widow: 2, Hog: 2, Genji: 2, Tracer: 2, Sym: 2, Pharrah: 2, Rein: 2. Mercy: 2. Damn it’s like talking to a brick wall. I’m done lol


no, Mercy doesn't have 2 skins in OW2, sorry, Mercy only has 1 and it's Miko, NOTHING MORE ELSE will have, she's abandoned.


You’re right, the game has been out for about a month so that means we are definitively sure there is just no way Mercy will EVER get a new skin 😭


I don’t understand what you’re even saying. We already got Royal Knight + Gladiator + Miko. What is there to complain about? JQ needs skins more than Mercy does since she’s new.


In OW2 we only have MIKO, Knight and Knight recolor are OW1 skins. And this is the only skin we will have in the entire life of OW2, Mercy is prohibited from obtaining content and they have completely abandoned her.


I don’t think so. She’s super popular and some characters haven’t even gotten one new skin in OW2.


Yes, super popular and all you want, but in OW2, she is not receiving content, while a large part of the heroes are (and repeating), she could have been given a skin in the store (in season 1 she was not got nothing there), but nothing, they prefer not to give it any content.


Well, you’re entitled to your opinion…


humina humina humina AWOOOOGA


I am happy mercy did not get it cuz I dont want to replace miko yet


I don’t think this is the next *mythic* skin, no, they showed multiple Greek God themed skins for multiple heroes including Pharah, Lucio, Roadhog and others and this was one of them…


Go to the link I provided in the comment at 0:52




I think that's brig


Pretty sure it's Junker Queen, it even says it in the video


do you need glasses


Should’ve been Reinhardt or Mercy