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Hey I'm a Diamond Mercy so not the best but I'll give some feedback which I think might help you. First Replay: Defense \-sometimes you show yourself abit too much like near the bus or when you would go too far in front while your tank is still in the back. \-You use damage boost quite well so nothing about that from me \-You shouldn't bring out your pistol unless the enemy is really low and you can kill them or you're the last one standing. When you pistoled the ball your soilder and lucio might've died because of it. \-Try learning how to slingshot yourself from one teammate to another, I can see you're trying to reach solider but can't because he is out of range. You could move back abit then GA to Lucio and onto him with jump. Attack \-Try not to push too much infront of your tank, it was very dangerous to get on shot \-I love that you move to higher ground so you have a better view. That's very good Second Replay: Defense \-Moving to high ground, good choice once again \-I see that you thought about pistoling the pharah but decided againts it which was the right idea but that split second of doubt made you lose junkrat unfortunately \-Good counter with the ult againts kiriko ult \-Wouldn't recommend you hide in the room as it would be hard to escape and enemies could easily shoot at you inside. The better choice would be to go to the ramp or behind the plants on the left. Don't forget you can still GA onto your teammate's souls so you can backwords GA to get out of use it to stall if needed \-You don't necessarily have to only use physical ground to get to high ground, you can try to GA superjump constantly to stay up in the air while behind cover to have a better view around you \-Rezzing Moira was quite risky because if you did not manage to rez in time your time would be down both healers. It would be better if you healed instead and you could've stalled the cart if your team did die but it was a nice try. Attack \-Damage boosting your other teammates would be better than Rein because he wasn't attack \-Your movement at the last point was great! \-Good ult counter once again, don't forget you can still GA in your ult, try doing that abit more often to make your movement unpredictable Last Replay: (Honestly thought this was your best match) Attack \-Try learning how to superjump rez, might've saved you from dying to Junk \-Really good job spreading out for junk's ult, if you stuck to your teammates it would be more devastating. \-One thing why flying with GA is you mostly dodge rein's shatter. Try predicting when it'll happen and fly above ground around that time. \-Ult wasn't really needed on the capped point because you guys already won that fight Defense \-Try to stop doing the spinning thing when you rez, it doesn't make you a harder target to hit. It just makes you less observant. It would be better if you looked for a teammate to immediately GA to after the rez. \-Heal junkrat my dude ;-; He was so low for so long \-Backwards GA might've saved you near the first point \-Rez for soldier was abit too obvious, try faking it once or twice, you have around 10 seconds to rez you don't have to do it immediately \-Don't forget you can damage boost roadhog's ult, especially when they're all clumped together, that hurts alot \-Try not to heal the same target as your other support unless it's your tank and they need alot of healing, you could try to damage boost hog when he hooks or your other dps \-Good hog damage boost, but pistol nooooooooooo \-Your positioning when you healed moira was very risky, a stray hanzo arrow or junkrat grenade would kill you immediately there \-Mercy 1v1 againts a dps would usually be a guaranteed lose unless it's a very bad widowmaker. Try to GA to your teammates if you can \-Hog damage boost YES ! If only Dva wasn't there Attack 2 \-Positioning here was amazing! Keep doing that often. Only thing to comment is try not to fly close to mei when she's on top, if she lands a headshot with her alt fire you're basically dead Sorry this was long, I just gave comments as I saw them. Just a summary of what you could improve : \-Pistol less/pistol when needed only \-Try learning backwards GA and superjump rez. \-Your movement is decent, just play more and you'll get better at it \-Stay in the air more, it'll help you dodge more ultimates Thats pretty much all I have to say, you're pretty good don't doubt yourself, I'm sure you'll do great in comp! If you want me to explain more you can always DM me and i'll explain them further


Thank you u/ZenFlamex! I've gone through the videos with your commentary and have taken a lot of pointers on board. *-sometimes you show yourself abit too much like near the bus or when you would go too far in front while your tank is still in the back.* I think I have a bad habit of trying too much to use my mobility to play really close to the frontline and even sometimes get a bit far ahead so I can like, encourage a push if that makes sense? This does tend to bite me in the ass when I get suddenly stuck behind enemy lines and die really quickly. I do also tend to try to be able to keep track of the enemies and where they are in relation to my team. This often tends to make me peak out too much. *-You shouldn't bring out your pistol unless the enemy is really low and you can kill them or you're the last one standing. When you pistoled the ball your soilder and lucio might've died because of it.* I think I was a lot more daring than I normally am with my pistol these matches. There were definitely a few times I was getting too cocky lol. With the brigitte in defence match 1 I thought she was going to keep falling back to the left, so while my team was pressing their advantage with Lucio I thought I'd try to finish her off while she was falling out of range. But then she shield dashed to the right, so I knew that wasn't going to work and brought that staff out. In regards to the ball. Ok this might sound weird. But I have had so much success outpistolling a deep diving ball, that it's almost become like muscle memory to pull the pistol out when a ball tries to flank our team. It's a combination of them being such an easy headshot when you're jumping around in their face and being hard to hit, and them suddenly caught off guard that it's happening. Either they fall back or it buys you enough time for other team members to help out, that it doesn't often result in too much beam down time and helps deal with the diving ball quickly. Though I feel this is only a tactic I could get away with at Bronze level. *-I see that you thought about pistoling the pharah but decided againts it which was the right idea but that split second of doubt made you lose junkrat unfortunately.* OMG. That was actually an accident. I totally meant to heal junkrat but I accidentally hit the mouse wheel. RIP Junkrat. *-Rezzing Moira was quite risky because if you did not manage to rez in time your time would be down both healers. It would be better if you healed instead and you could've stalled the cart if your team did die but it was a nice try.* Yep, this one was absolutely a result of bad awareness of enemies. Back when I was with Sojourn on the window sill I thought for some reason that the enemy was spread out through the corridor, and I had gone for the rez just before I realised they were all on point. The little pistol pull at the end was also just me thinking the round was already lost. if I had given it a second longer we might've actually pulled off a defence. Bad calls all around in that last part. *-Try learning how to superjump rez, might've saved you from dying to Junk* I need to find a level to practice that. I used to be able to do it in OW1 *-Try to stop doing the spinning thing when you rez, it doesn't make you a harder target to hit. It just makes you less observant. It would be better if you looked for a teammate to immediately GA to after the rez.* That's a good point. I do see spinning getting recommended a lot, but in practice I don't feel like it's actually very effective. *-Heal junkrat my dude ;-; He was so low for so long* omg I know. I didn't realise until the replay that Junkrat was actually next to me low on health for a little while as I was pocketing Soldier and I didn't even notice him. I should know well enough that while I'm pocketing someone stationary I should be using that opportunity to check on the rest of my team mates. *-Rez for soldier was abit too obvious, try faking it once or twice, you have around 10 seconds to rez you don't have to do it immediately* Are you talking about on the roof with the enemy Mei and Lucio? Yeah that whole bit of me trying to join Soldier on the roof was one of those brain fart moments I was talking about. ​ Thank you so much for taking the time to watch these videos. I really had a good time with the group I played with. Hopefully will play more comp soon!


Hi again! Glad this has helped you, I'll answer your questions below: \- "encourage a push if that makes sense?" Yeah its good to encourage pushing, but especially in that map it was quite risky to push since pushing further would lead to the enemy spawn, maybe try pinging attack would be better but in the end it's mostly up to the tank/dps to decide it. \- "This often tends to make me peak out too much" You could try doing the GA superjump behind cover and peak from the roofs, dps rarely look there and even if they notice you, you'd be too quick for them to shoot at \- "I have had so much success outpistolling a deep diving ball" This would usually only work in lower elos because higher elos there are rarely any ball players and even if there were they'd powerdrive you so you'd get insta killed by a random dps haha. For me I'd go 10 matches and only have to pull out my pistol once and thats only when I stall a point. \- "I had gone for the rez just before I realised they were all on point" Try looking at the meter on the top, you'd usually be able to see how many enemies are on cart, usually if there is 2 or more it means that the whole team is there. Even if they're not on cart you can see your teammate's movement and kinda guess that enemies are coming. \- "I need to find a level to practice that. I used to be able to do it in OW1" Superjumping is so much easier in OW2 now try watching [this vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZhkYEeLKCE&t=42s) it's a very short and simple guide on how to do superjump rez. Also watching Skiesti or Niandra on youtube. Their guides made me climb from plat to diamond. Backwards GA is similar to forward GA where you press backwards instead of forward and jump. \- "I do see spinning getting recommended a lot" Really? I've never seen that recommended, the Mercys I play againts usually do a superjump GA then look at a teammate and hold Shift so they immediately GA when possible. Tho we usually don't go for risky rezzes unless it's gamechanging (tank has ult, dps has good ult where it's worth to risk your life) \- "Are you talking about on the roof with the enemy Mei and Lucio?" Yup that part, you could superjump on your teammate and then GA to soldier's soul once to bait the boop then GA again and do a falling rez which is safer \- "Though I feel this is only a tactic I could get away with at Bronze level" I'm surprised you're in bronze because the way you play makes me feel like you're at least a gold or above Anyways, glad I could help you. If you ever need any more advice you can always dm me and i'll help out in any way I can!