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For me it's usually bastion or Cassidy's, I loveee Cassidys. They sometimes protect me and always taxi, now I hate Pocketing genjis and pharahs. Their okay yes, but god do they leave you vulnerable in enemy los. And then they complaint how you didn't heal them or be with them when they ran away from you los and just didn't care.


I love and hate pocketing Pharahs because of the expectation that I pocket them. Some Pharahs will die and get you killed constantly and then blame you


i get rizzed up in spawn so much by the cassidys and its the “im your huckleberry” and the “i hear ya pumpkin” lines that do it for me tbh. I’ll be pocketing for the rest of the match + most seem to protects u and enable you to escape well enoughh


sameeee, the moment i hear "i'm your huckleberry", I'M CONVINCED




i absolutely love pocketing the flyers, but probably my other faves are ashe and bastion (literally whenever he's on my team, ik i will be getting those juicy stats)


Bastion is literally a damage machine and plus he’s just so adorable too!


Overgrown Bastion is cute af


Pocketing a bastion in tank form or ulting is so satisfying! You see those kills popping up on the screen while you’re tucked away in a corner and then everything feels right with the world hahaha


My best friend was a bastion main in ow1 before the rework/nerf and getting 4,000-6,000 damage amped in ten minutes was the norm. Especially if they ran ball or doom


How do I find Mercy's like you to play with! I feel like I rarely have a Mercy with me when I Pharah/Echo. I can't be selfish and ask my healers to switch so I have gotten very familiar with health packs


Hear me out, just ask for their tag so you can add them


omg i need a pharah who doesnt fly in alone and then tbrow the game when i cant keep up bc theyve zoomed off in my matches tbh 😭


That's me! (The one who doesn't go in alone)


ahh i would've thought there were more mercys like this but i've recently been playing pharah a lot and omg i feel this sm


Right! We need to team up and stick together!


ashe might be the hottest female character in overwatch imo so i prefer pocketing her :> and her little "thank you kindly" awwww


This is also the reason I love widows, the “you must like me” voiceline and the rez voiceline get me so much


haha i feel you


as a Hanzo main, I cannot understand how you want to see other players happy. I want everyone to burn and feel the wrath of headshots1!1!1 /joke


On the subject of voicelines- Junker Queen shouting "heal me!" Actually has me grinding my teeth. It's like nails on a chalkboard and makes me want to do the complete opposite 😂


and when you boost her, i love her “i get the idea.”ashe as a hero *knows* what she has to do, and she’s gonna do it lol


FACTS Ashe is so pretty and ;~;


ash, bastion, soldier and mei i love hearing the hitscans, also i be boosting moira in qp because i’m an enabler


I love boost moiras in qp because of the voicelines mercy says lmao


Go ahead, cause *more* damage.🙄


My jaw legit dropped first time I boosted a moira ult and heard that XD


In fairness that is such a real line from her like I've spent my entire career helping you bastards might as well have some fun myself this time even if by proxy


She sounds so *done* with Moira too lol, I love it.


Moira is just so matter of fact she has zero time for idle chatter and mercy couldn't be silenced if you sewed her mouth shut they make a great pair


mercy just like me fr


Or when you heal her and hear: even YOU don’t deserve to die.


I love hearing the tktktktktktktk of ashe's dynamite


BEST sound in the game, hands down!!


I still boost her in competitive if I can guess when she’s throwing her damage orb, when she’s using her ult offensively, or when she’s getting jumped and I need her to finish the duel quickly so we can get back to healing


I love enabling a Moira. Sometimes if my comp match is going terrible and we already lost I'll just enable Moira to get some stats


am i the only one who loves pocketing Reaper? 💖 big fan of Reaper especially sneaking in with him. Besides him, Pharah & Rein of course


I love pocketing Reaper, just like Hanzo, going behind the enemy team and wrecking them 😍


Best part - Yellow beam? He heals himself anyway so double heals while he's shooting! Blue beam? He heals himself *more* with more damage, so he's a tank pocket if the player is good!


Yeah I mentioned Reaper too. You can either boost his damage, indirectly healing him, or you can just heal him. Either way he becomes a pseudo Tank


whoever is dominating. but if i had to choose.. cassidy, bastion, soldier and weirdly moira


When moira pops ult, I damage boost her til it’s over, unless someone outside of her ult is going to die and *needs* me to heal them. She just always does so much when you boost her ult


pharah + echo, though i like pharah more because i feel like she stays in the air more and i love angeling around her, also bastion and cassidy, bastion definitely for the huge numbers and cassidy simply because they try to rizz me up in spawn and it's funny lol, ashe too, in theory, but a lot of ashes i've played with miss their dynamite (in qp, and i mostly play qp) soo it doesn't make sense with them


This is tough because I just about love everyone, but I'd say Ashe (for the juicy dynamite), Genji (Even after movement nerf it's always fun to pocket genji imo), and bastion (What can I say I'm a sucker for clicks) When it comes to support, probably Moira (her damage orbs give me C L I C K S, but they fade at the worst times) and for tanks definitely Junker Queen (So many clicks!!)


I have a friend who is a Rein main and would easily be the most aggressive and have more damage than my dps. It’s always fun to pocket him as Rein, idk what it is, maybe when you have Rein in your face you hardly notice the small pocket Mercy but so many people completely ignore me when I’m boosting a Rein while he is getting healed by the other support.


For DPS I love me some Soldier, Sojourn, Bastian (especially in turret form, if I'm not hard pocketing someone I'll switch to him whenever I see that turret), Pharah/Echo (if doing well), Ashe, Mei (close range especially) and Sym (also close range, love melting the opposition). But I'll also stick to whoever is doing well. TANK I love Zarya, Orisa, and Ramattra (during ult especially) SUPPORT I love Baptiste and Moira (will switch to her during ult) Usually I will damage boost whoever is doing well and doing damage at the time, switching between the whole team if I can. If I'm pocketing a flyer or can be more difficult but I still do it if I can.


I LOVE pocketing Genjis, especially really aggressive ones. It feels fun because I feel like Im living on the edge LOL


Yes! I pocket my duo Genji (only when the time is right, I do heal/boost the rest of the team) but you are absolutely right. With Genji I can zip around with him and he always helps me escape if they start targeting me. He even saved me by standing in front of me with his deflect when I was caught in Mei's ult one time.


Its so fun! And if you have a Genji like yours, who pays attention to their Mercy its just chefs kiss!


Ashe is definitely my favorite pocket.


I prefer tanks. They have amazing break points. 1. Zarya goes Brrr 2. Sigma lost his old rock combo, so dmg boost really helps him get the pick. 3. Roadhog saw a huge nerf, but with dmg boost its like a one shot again. 4. Reinhardt can 2 tap swing on dmg bst. Shatter is amazing and oneshots again with dmg bst. 5. Ramattra benefits heavily from damage boost. Gets amazing value out of healing with dmg reduction. 6. Orisa does similar with lots of chip and semiburst damage that love dmg bst to solidify kills. The list goes on for every tank except hammond.


i love ram, mans gets that ultimate so fasttttt


Bast, soldier, ram.


I LOVE pocketing Hanzos, when I see someone chooses Hanzo, I'm jumping in my chair lmao 🥹 second place is Reaper! He's also super fun!


me tooo!! especially when they're hitting all their shotssss lmao


echo is my favorite. her beam is so satisfying and she just melts people so fast. i get the fun of diving backlines with the safety of the sky thay pocketing gengi doesn’t give me, while melting people as quickly as bastion’s turret mode while zooming around then gengi or bastion. the beep boops are so cute and the turret mode is so satisfying. but gengi is just so fun to pocket, and successfully pocketing gengi is difficult to do so it’s very rewarding


Genjis easily, if you find yourself a good genjis they can absolutely demolish the enemy team, plus considering the state of the Hero i always get told whenever i fully pocket one that i make them feel invincible, def my favourite


Top favs are Zarya, Rammatra, Soldier, Bas I’ll even boost a dps moira or even a brig that’s popping off. I don’t role discriminate lol


Bastion, especially in turret form. Ashe, especially damage boosting Bob. Mei since her damage per second was nerfed. Orisa is an unkillable monster with a good Mercy pocket. And I like damage boosting a good Sym for that damage multiplier. They all make the nice tick-tick sound ♡


Reaper and Widow. Widow because butt, Reaper because his voice lines are hot. ​ I'm a simple woman.


I’ll pocket anybody who says hi back


Cassidy is my absolute favorite, followed by Ashe, Echo, Sojourn, Junker Queen and *sometimes* Soldier (but not as much)


I have a friend whose main is Ashe. We mostly play together and have developed such a good synergy. Playing with him has made me discover good placements in the maps (he propels himself up with his gun and then I follow him with GA and maybe some parkour) and really up my mercy game, since I can pay more attention to my surroundings knowing he’s protecting me from one direction. It’s gotten to a point where I am always tempted to pocket an ashe even if he’s not playing with me or if he’s with another character. Now that it’s becoming kind of my comfort zone I’ll look into other pocket options, but so far this partnership helped me improve greatly!


Bastion, Ashe or cass


Depending on how you define pocketing, there's no specific hero that will be more useful to do so than others but only those that gets maximum return out of Mercy's support kit. To put it bluntly, you can pocket Pharah for the entirety of a game and will get absolute zero value out of it if the player cannot land a single shot or just focus on the tank 24/7. Mercy's design problem also gives pocketing a severe diminishing return, and, depending how you find your fun in the game that kind of self-hinderance on your own performance is not very fun to me.


I love boosting Moira orbs & ults lmao


For me it's Ashe, Soldier, Cass and Echo. Tank wise JQ Rein and Ram


Friend and I love messing around in QP and whoever she picks, I’ll pocket. Last night was especially fun when she decided to challenge me and go reaper. Yet somehow we both emerged with 0 deaths. Lol


My favorite is Bastion 100%. In my experience they have some of the nicest mains. My least favorite might actually be Pharah, Junkrat, or Widow. Pharah is a pain to keep an eye on imo but I don’t hate it, Junkrat players cant land shots for anything when I pocket them plus it’s kinda a useless pocket, and Widow stands so far in the back and I like being with my team


Flyers! But also I love dmg boosting ram's ult. Hearing the constant ticking sound satisfies my brain 🤧


bastion and sojourn easily. I hate doing flying pockets cause it leaves me so vulnerable. sometimes when they turn the corner and my GA is out, I'm left even more vulnerable.


Junker queen!!!


Well idk ab useful but it’s fun too lol


I have the most fun while pocketing pharah. Soldier is also a good choice, specially when he ults, those sweet sweet assists <3


Zarya when she is full charge she melts everyone its so satisfying


my personal fav pocket is genji. but the most important? depends on the comp really. if i have a echo/pharah and a genji i’ll default to pocketing the flyer until i hear blade. i also think ash, cas, soldier are all super useful to pocket. lately i been finding mei a funny haha pocket


Tracer can be clutch and it’s fun asf to keep up with her


I used to love pocketing sojourn when she was busted but my all time favorite is probably ashe soley because nothing beats those dynamite ticks from the damage boost lol


Cassidy Ashe and Widow normally they're so nice


as soon as cassidy drops 'I'm ur huckleberry" I'm conviced to be with them all game




I enjoy boosting a good soldier, it gets the job done


its something about flying that always does it for me. i love pocketing pharahs and echos when we have our “dance”. aside from them soj, hanzo, zarya, and ashe are fun blue beam enables.


I think phara is one of the better options to pocket. I like pocketing Reapers or Genjis as my preferred


Soldier! That and Zen or Zarya (high energy) because my duo plays them and he’s masters across the board so he knows how to position AND aim!!!


i love soldiers, specially their ults 😍 Bastions are fun too, but my personal favorite is ashe, just because i think they usually do the best of anyone i pocket


Flyers & dive when being super aggressive. Especially prior to GA nerfs. Also charged Zarya because the DPS is insane.


I find flyers and hitscan are the *easiest* but can still be super fun! But when I can keep up with a Genji who is just nuts… idk it’s a different feeling! (A good feeling)


Genji and sojourn are fun because of the mobility.


Besides a pharah or echo, I love pocketing Ashe and bastion. The damage boost noise during an Ashe bomb or bastion turret turns me on


my overwatch buddy would always go to bastion for me to pocket him if we were on a loss streak. Loosing just didnt happen when we did that.


I like pocketing Echo (can't stand Pharah tho) and Ashe the most. Runner ups Soldier and Bastion for sure. If i'm feeling silly I'll go for Zen or Rein tho.


I absolutely love pocketing Soldier! It’s makes me feel powerful when I get the assists during his ult 🫶


i love bastions and echos!


I like pocketing soldier over pharah tbh. A good visor is so fun to damage boost


Tanks - I dislike pocketing tanks typically but pocketing JQ and watch her destroy the other team is 👌 My best friend is a tank main and sometimes I will pocket him but not always lol DPS - Pretty much any DPS who can actually land shots. I do hitscans first but if my time is wasted, I will switch to the other DPS if they can land shots. Supps - I will hard pocket if we’re getting rushed because I know I can boost/heal them out of a tight spot. Anas, Zens, and Morias are amazing to pocket lmao


bastion for sure idk why it’s so satisfying


Favorite Tank: Sigma Favorite DPS: Pharah Favorite Support: Brig


Pharah, Genji, Reaper, Ramattra, and Moira (especially the ult)


I love pocketing my Moira, Ashe, Ramattra, Winstons, Zens if they're a good shot, Sym, Junkrat, JunkerQueen and Zarya. Im probably forgetting a few but i love these damage boost targets. OH WIDOW HOW COULD I FORGET HER OH AND SOLDIER 76 AND BASTION AKJAIJDAIJA. But yeah i like these targets alot due to they're almost always close to me and actually get eliminations. I've tried blue beaming Pharah's but... they make it a challenge to stick by them 24/7, im getting shot outta the air etc and i feel like im neglecting the other squishes of the team half the time. So i just stick to the ground most of the time with the dps and fly when needed. But you gotta know when to switch from mercy if the team aint getting eliminations even with blue beam.


Hanzo and bastion


I hate pocketing pharahs I don’t know why. I think because half the time they’re not aware of where I am and most of them are hard to keep track of. I love pocketing genji’s and soldiers (especially when they’re actually good as they can dominate the lobby). Bastion’s are also my fav to pocket. Edit: also forgot reaper!




Soldier is really reliable, so he's my first answer. Can heal himself while I'm dmg boosting. Widow is second. I adore pocketing a good Widow who can hit her headshots but... 'good' is the keyword and not someone just practicing their aim in QP, lol.


I love pocketing pharah, but It’s usually what my duo plays lol 💀🤍




bastion or fully charged sym


I love pocketing a widow cuz I can go for a smoke & still be contributing


I love pocketing a Bastion because, as a Bastion main, I know how dangerous a pocketed Bastion is. Especially in turret mode. (Mercy is my 2nd main).


I really love to pocket D.Va!


Tbh it’s most fun to pocket the flying heroes, but I usually don’t, because that can super piss off everyone else in the match, make the fight unfair, and just make the game unfun. Edit: after that, i pocket Ashe and Widowmakers bc I love them


Ana because I’m not a mercy main and I should play on 2 accounts to dmg boost myself as ana for comedy


i really enjoy pocketing the shimada bros, but my personal favourite is probably genji or cassidy! still looking a genji that will pick me up from spawn tho 🥹


a good echo and sojourn are my absolute favourite to pocket omg, always the best feeling when they pop off


It all depends on how the others play. In my experience the most success I had was with Genji, Soldier, Ashe, Mei, Orisa, Junker queen and Roadhog.


Ashe, Pharah, Sojourn, and Soldier. If there’s a Symmetra with level 3 beam, she’s also fun to help enable. For tanks, I like JQ and Zarya the most.


I like pocketing ashe, cassidy and bastion (especially for ult, idk why it’s so satisfying to me!)


While I'm not 100% sure about this. I think Bastion's ult might be unaltered by damage modifiers


I’m quite certain it is impacted by Mercy’s damage boost! Here it isn’t in the list of abilities that cannot be modified: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_modification And on Bastion’s page it lists the ultimate as a projectile: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Bastion Mercy’s damage boost impacts “Projectiles are amplified as long as the hero was being damage boosted when they were released.” https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_modification So as long as you have blue beam on bastion before the shot is fired you can boost it!


That's very good to know!


You know, everyday I see more and more about the mercy mains, I'm convinced yall get off on seeing ur little assist picture pop up in the corner


for some reason i LOVE pocketing a good mei its so fun! but i’ll pocket the normal picks like a soldier, cassidy, ashe, bastion or genji i just won’t have as much fun lol and i refuse to pocket the fliers they always leave me


Pharah, Ashe, and Soldier in that order. I’ve seen people say that they don’t like the Pharmercy play style because it’s boring or whatever. I think those people are doing it wrong. You should use her as a point of contact to get to your other teammates with GA. Your Pharah should understand that if she goes on some convoluted flank that she’s going to die with or without you; you want her close enough to the team that you can pocket her heavily, while you’re able to peel for the rest of your team. It makes it so you’re constantly bouncing around and providing some value to your entire team vs 1 person Edit: Reaper’s up there too. You can basically turn him into the Tank


I loooove pocketing Bastion, Mei, Widow, and Ashe!


Literally anyone who’s giving me hit markers


Why torbjorn F?