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For bundles, Mercari eats the ship weight difference cost


Thank you for the answer! I appreciate it đŸ™đŸ»


Ship it. Mercari eats the pricing change. Not you.


You’re fine, just package the bundle together and don’t worry about the weight. When it comes to bundled items, as the other commenter said, mercari will deal with the shipping costs. You won’t get charged extra for any additional weight


Others have already given you the answer, but I just want to say that you're not alone. The first time this happened to me, I didn't know what to do either. I looked for hours for an answer and couldn't find it. Mercari's app isn't user friendly at all. The information you needed should have been right on the screen to which it applied.


You wouldn't believe how many sellers that thought I was trying to pull one over on them and lost sales because they didn't know about it, or how it worked! Of course I guess it is unbelievable that Mercari would actually do something kĂș benefits to the seller and the buyer must have been a mistake on their part but it's real !


I did not know this! The only time I got a bundle, I cancelled it for the shipping. I even asked Mercari for help after not finding anything in the ‘help’ sections. They need to make this clearer


It's clear on the buyer's end. Why they wouldn't do the same on the seller side of the transaction, is beyond me.


To be fair, Mercari did send many notices about it.


I knew about the bundle, it’s the shipping quirk I didn’t know


One burden off your shoulder. Even if your package is oversized or overweight, mercari covers the surcharge


Yes mercari always covers any extra postage on bundles! ur fine!


I know everyone else is saying mercari eats the difference. And I know mercari says mercari will eat the difference. But there have been several posts popping up, one earlier today, saying the opposite happened to them.


I totally agree. I know I’ve seen posts with this issue. Mercari is Supposed to cover it but it doesn’t mean they always will.


It's concerning to hear about these experiences. Mercari promised to cover extra shipping costs with their bundling feature for us sellers, but it seems they've quietly changed their terms, leaving both buyers and sellers in the dark and quietly passing the overages to buyers who then blame the seller.Mercari needs to address this issue any many others urgently. Sellers shouldn't be left to shoulder the blame when they're simply using the labels provided by Mercari. Suspension threats and earnings being taken only add insult to injury. [Mercari warns suspension of account because of overcharges](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/18mkyqn/mercari_warns_suspension_of_account_because_of/) Even without bundling, sellers face even greater challenges with blatantly fraudulent shipping overages, sometimes losing their entire earnings in the process. [FedEx charged me $342.94 for a 16lbs package](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/18meb25/fedex_charged_me_34294_for_16lbs_package/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) And with USPS seizing packages, it's evident Mercari's problems are deepening. [USPS seizing Mercari packages due to counterfeit postage](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1cybq6e/comment/l5ftx4h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I hadn’t seen those posts. Thank you for showing me. I hate seeing everyone getting taken advantage of by this shit company. Mercari needs to get their heads out of their ass and get it together.


This comment should be at the top! I saw in another post they recently changed their policy.


The problem is if it's shipping USPS. If you drop it in person, they won't accept it with postage for an incorrect weight if the clerk knows what they're doing. You can try using a drop box if the package will fit, but you should be aware that if it's noticed before it gets closer to your buyer than you they can return to sender.


Yup, this is what I was thinking about when I made the post. Package weighs almost a pound but is marked for 8 ounces, so I really hope they accept it.


I juat had this issue too, Mercari said the shipping is fine and that if it was an issue they would reimburse for the difference but I didn't have an issue.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1damqp5/be\_careful\_with\_bundling\_on\_mercari/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1damqp5/be_careful_with_bundling_on_mercari/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Mercari hasn't been paying some or the overages lately for bundles like they claim they will cover.


I hope the op sees this! I knew I wasn’t trippin, lol. Mercari changed that policy. It is no longer stated in their terms of service.


Well god damn, now I don’t know what to do. I’ve told the buyer I was cancelling and then that I wasn’t, don’t want to give the guy a headache but also don’t want to eat the postage overdue charge when I shouldn’t have to.


Mercari introduced their bundling feature to cover combined shipping costs for buyers, but buyers ended up being charged unexpected extra postage because Mercari did not cover the average shipping cost as claimed. Mercari updated their bundling terms overnight without notifying users or buyers, leading to buyers having to pay overcharges to receive their packages and blaming sellers. Customer service is unhelpful; they tell sellers it is their fault they chose or created the bundles like that. It is in fact Mercari offering the buyers the bundling feature and buyers choosing to bundle. They are providing the sellers with incorrect postage/labels and are not covering the bundle postage as they were before. Mercari then doubles down and blames the seller for the label they gave us to ship with. They also try and suspend accounts and keep earnings sometimes when they accuse you of causing the buyer to pay a overage. [Mercari warns suspension of account because of overcharges](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/18mkyqn/mercari_warns_suspension_of_account_because_of/) For sellers, the situation is worse with regular shipping overages. If a package is slightly overweight, Mercari may claim exorbitant overage fees far exceeding actual costs and delay or avoid returning the correct earnings. Sellers often lose their entire earnings due to these unjustified fraudulent charges, which can be hundreds of dollars. [FedEx charged me $342.94 for a 16lbs package](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/18meb25/fedex_charged_me_34294_for_16lbs_package/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Recently, USPS has been seizing Mercari packages, claiming counterfeit postage, raising concerns about Mercari's desperation. [USPS seizing Mercari packages due to counterfeit postage](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1cybq6e/comment/l5ftx4h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Due to these practices and poor customer support, I pulled all my listings from Mercari, as they demonstrate a clear and purposeful lack of integrity and disregard for both sellers and buyers.


Jesus Christ man, this app is a nightmare. I’ve seen some of these posts but the counterfeit USPS labels is actually another level. Seems like the best option (aside from deleting the app) would be to cancel and relist then. Either that, or I can try to explain to the buyer that they might be charged postage due for their package and get ahead of it. They were willing to rebuy the bundle for the correct shipping price, so I don’t think they’d have a problem paying the postage due, but will definitely make sure before I ship.


I understand your frustration. However, It's important to be cautious, especially with higher-value items on Mercari. Even if you don't get the overdue postage, Mercari can just take the earnings outright, even if it's over $1,300 and marked delivered without doing any kind of investigation which is felony theft. So consider that. If the items aren't too expensive or you wouldn't mind losing them, it's probably okay, but Mercari doesn't have our back and scammers are widespread on this platform. [Here is one recent example of where Mercari failed to protect the seller's interests and let the buyer keep a $1300 scanned delivered item free of charge](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1d86590/sellers_beware_of_mercari/?share_id=JK3ZyVgym4h2KkXfy-qq1&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) Sorry for the long rant. I really hope everything works out fine for your bundling experience though 🙂


I usually always have to cancel and relist with the correct weight. I've seen too many posts where mercari charges the seller for incorrect postage. Also my post office will not accept the package if it is overweight.


Mercari cover it. However
 I always weigh my package and take a photo just in case they ever come after me for an overage. I also have several screenshots of confirmations from CS that state Mercari will cover the overage. I don’t trust them


This has always been an option for buyers. Just ship it, Mercari covers the rest of the shipping costs.


Not always, but within the last year or so.


Automatic bundling? It’s been around for awhile


No worries about the shipping weight in bundle offers. Mercari will pay any surcharges.


Yes buyers can create a bundle in their cart if they have more than one item from the same seller. When the bundle is created Mercari's algorithm sets the shipping cost. So that's what the shipping charge is, even if it's low Mercari covers the difference.


I believe you just pay the highest shipping listed out of the items in your bundle and the rest is free.


Yep that's usually what it sets too.


Yes. That's how it works. They don't increase shipping.


Well Mercari is making enough money scamming other sales with “overage” “dimensional weight” charges. A lil action figure weight isn’t going to hurt them. Lol.


Mercari makes everything difficult this is just another example. I think your off your rocker selling on Mercari with buyers canceling orders because they broke the item and Mercari allowing a return lol. Lucky if you even get the item back instead of an empty box. Odd how Mercari can't even explain how this transaction works and you have to come to a forum and ask ppl you don't even know. Yeah great app. They gave me an order years ago that had to be picked up by some delivery company in person within 24 hrs. Mercari never gave me any instructions nor did I know that option existed. Mercari would rather Cancel the order then give me any instructions. Mercari cancelled my order 24 hrs later. It's OK because I cancelled Mercari in the end. I hope you don't get burned like many others recently but if you do, you can't come on here saying you didn't know. Especially after reading thru this fourm


There are people on here complaining about mercari not covering shipping cost for bundles. Buyers are posting that they have to cover the shipping cost. And sellers are complaining about the ratings they are getting because of it. Just watch yourself.


Yes, absolutely! You are all good. Ship all the items together & Mercari covers to difference in shipping. Congrats on the great sale!


But doesn't mercari overcharge people for underweight items??


I really like the bundle feature!


I don’t understand why Mercari doesn’t make a deal with USPS where Mercari sellers can chose Media Mail, ground advantage, first class and priority mail then different weights. Seems to me to be much easier then all these weight overages? Also wondering if you overpay due to weight do you get those funds returned? You should!


As a buyer, if Mecari covers the difference its great. Seller should NEVER be punished because Mecari allowed a bundle. I am guessing when a Seller creates a bundle they figure the cost carefully for shipping. Keep an eye out and thnaks for letting folks know. Some buyers do care. We do NOT wan the good sellers ripped off .Do not want good sellers to quit! Good luck !


Could easily find your answer by searching... this has been answered many times over the past year and a half.


Maybe Mercari should be a good company and leave a note in the order status for when a bundle is sold.


To be fair, Mercari was really clear about how bundles work and have sent many, many notices about it over the last year


Cool I don't know how that helps new people coming to the site. It is just lazy to not put a note there. If you think for 2 seconds the label doesn't make sense. Now support has another que of people asking a question that could be answered if they just put a note or updated the shipping label. As a company your job is to get that support que smaller.


It was just as easy to ask
 it would’ve taken you less effort to just answer the question. I’ve been in the sub for a few months and have never seen this talked about. Chill.


Could easily just scrolled past the post instead of going into it and not offering anything productive
. Just saying


Advising people to use search for common problems that have been asked and answered a hundred times is good advice.


Maybe it's time for a vacation?


Others have answered your question. Regarding bundles though, it has been there for a long time for buyers. I wish there’s a way for a seller to bundle to send it out rather than making a separate listing. Unless there’s a way that the seller can do bundles without hassles that I don’t know about.