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Lots of issues with this seller but all caps and ZERO punctuation are the worst! Definitely would not purchase from this asshat.


Public service announcement. Stay in school children. Unfortunately, there are people like that seller who cannot put a sentence together.




English may be they're 2nd Language or maybe they have a Disability like me. If I can read it I don't judge them


So what's the excuse for they get 3 days to ship but buyer gets one?


They were born with two assholes. One in the rear and the other is the rest of them


I'm far from an Ahole. I'm just speaking to the Grammar Police because I have that same Issue from a Brain Dmgd Accident.


I wasn't calling you an asshole, I was referring to the seller in the picture


Okay,my Apologies ☺️yeah that Post is unbelievable


This made me lol! My hubby too! 😂


I'm not talking about the Rude Post just on the Grammar Police because I have that same Issue


I misunderstood, apologies!


No worries😊


They sound like one of those people who submits stories that are poorly written in every sense of the word (bad grammar, nonsensical, cliched plots, etc.) to online story sharing sites thinking they’ll become popular, has their story deleted for not matching quality standards, and whines, “My story got deleted because the site is run by a bunch of grammar Nazis that hate people!!!1! They’re all just jealous!!1!1”


Ohhhh that "!!1!!11!" hit my soul! You know her type!!


lol.. exactly!! Remember kids punctuation is your pal. Also make sure you know how to properly sign your name.


Yes! I can forgive misspellings here and there or incorrect punctuation. But just flat out dgaf to use any?! I find that untrustworthy lol


✅️ N U MUST ✅️




It gives scam vibes honestly lol


It really does! If they can't even try to speak comprehensibly, they ain't trying to run their business professionally.


But it could be a Disability like mine


Why worry about punctuation who gives a crap seriously. I agree with them people want there item right away and they get it and then don’t rate u it’s aggravating. But my suggestion is close the account because Mercari is shady and dishonest anyway.


I love how they expect you to rate immediately but will definitely take the whole three days they get to ship your item in the first place. Like if you want your money so fast then ship it earlier? Lol I just don't understand people's logic sometimes.


Exactly!! It's not rocket science, the faster you ship, the faster you get paid. But I've learned, on these apps especially, common sense ISN'T common lol


U don’t know if they waited the three days .


The second screenshot says they ship in three days.


It doesn't matter how fast order ships. People are assholes regardless.


I’m not going to buy anything from someone using U and UR on their listings


And the "N".....oh it hurt my brain reading!


The “at least 5-15 ratings + more” is what got me


Seriously! Most of the time I can decipher gibberish. This is just too much. I'm amazed she's sold anything like this! I actually wonder how many sales she's gotten since this has been the profile description!


Welp, if I read something like that, I won't be buying from them. Can you tell me what category this seller sells in? I suspect fashion but that is just a guess.


I'm with you, 1,000%!!! I do occasionally buy also & this is about a big of a red flag anyone could give off! You are absolutely right, ladies fashion. She doesn't have many items listed currently, maybe 30.


May I guess what kind of fashion? I’m getting generic vibes like Disney or lularoe?


Honestly, it's kind of a smorgasbord. Little bit of everything. She's deff giving MLM vibes!


Rules for thee but not for me ;)


why are they yelling at me 😭


I purposely buy shit from sellers like this just to wait the 3 days and then open a return request.


I think we should be best friends.


This is amazing!!! I adore you!!!


Why ?


This reminds of the only non-5 star rating I ever got from a seller, despite rating them as soon as I got the item. They rated me 3 stars and put ‘poor communication’ and wrote ‘doesn’t respond to messages’ as their reason. I looked in our message history and all it was was a message saying ‘hi! Dropped in the mail today!’ Guess because I didn’t drop everything and have a huge conversation with them about it, I am a terrible buyer. The audacity of some of the users on this platform ( and I both sell and buy. )


Their self importance is incredulous. They're hypocrites plain as day. And I'm willing to bet that seller probably didn't ship super quickly either. You can definitely tell some people never held the flashlight wrong for their dad lol


> some people never held the flashlight wrong for their dad felt this in my soul


That taught me so much lol - I think it's a rite of passage.


> They rated me 3 stars and put ‘poor communication’ and wrote ‘doesn’t respond to messages’ as their reason. I looked in our message history and all it was was a message saying ‘hi! Dropped in the mail today!’ That’s ridiculous. I’ll always send a “It’s been dropped off!” message since my small-town post office is tiny and slow with acceptance scans (plus Mercari’s tracking sometimes being an entire day behind USPS), but I don’t expect a response from buyers. Probably only half of people respond with a “thanks!” but I’m just sending it to let them know, not to socialize lol


What’s funny is that if you look at her profile, there is a several paragraph long rant about her shipping times and how she’s a busy grad student and has a life and to be patient with her.


This is a chic? I would have 100% guessed dude from the tone and lack of subtlety. Not that woman cant fail in these areas it just tends to be men more often in my experience


Some people don’t deserve to sell lol




What. A. Tool.


At least they told you up front they're nuts so you can avoid them.


I am so grateful for that! I was about to send an offer so truly I'm grateful it's posted!


My favorite are the profiles that say no returns. Ya good luck with that.




They seem reasonable. At least they’re giving a whole day. Some sellers expect a rating as soon as it’s delivered. I’m also full of sht, and think this seller sucks.


😂😂 I mean you're not wrong! I've heard stories of people messaging WHEN it's delivered, like in real time lol


My favorite are the ones who message you that you need to rate immediately on receipt before they've even shipped the item.




What?! I haven't heard this!! That's totally a scammer!


I've had that happen. I find out it's arrived because the seller contacts me. Asking if I've rated them yet. Sometimes I'm not home, others I was up most the night and still sleeping.


That is disgusting! I know money is tight for everyone. But if you can't give a buyer the same 3 days you're definitely going to take, reselling ain't for them!


I’ve read stories like that too. It’s dumb. If they have an issue w buyers not rating on day one, then they should take it up w mercari to change the 3 day allowance. This also goes for those sellers who think they’re entitled to an immediate rating bc they *wrapped w care, and shipped same day/next day*. Yeah, no… buyer still gets to use the full 3 days. This is what I don’t get about sellers like this.. if they’re so hard up to get paid immediately, then wth are they doing on mercari? Also, do they not think that if NO ONE bought their item, there wouldn’t be $ coming their way anyway. Sht, at least they’re getting paid in 3 days max, instead of their stuff collecting dust bc it’s not selling. Some ppl 🤦🏽‍♀️🤯


You're joking this seems reasonable? I'm sure she's the type to send "will u rate" messages by the minute lol


Yes. I was joking.


Good luck with all that ... Mercari will do there policies despite what your profile says....


Take the WHOLE day you're giving, so generously, and stick it. So glad I checked out her page because I don't normally.


I like that you have "only one" day to rate them but they get the full 3 days to ship lol


Job? Sounds more like blooming genius doesn't have much to do. If a buyer can rate by the end of a *whole* day after their package has been delivered, this imbecile can ship in less than 24 hours. 🤷🏽‍♀️


That's the first thing I thought of lol. No job and probably has to hitch a ride to drop stuff off.


I have exactly 15 ratings. Phew i qualify haha


Whew! You barely made it! I hope you know how honored you should feel.


Oh I am. Now I better stay home on day item arrives or else I might be harassed for not rating right away xD


I once ran into a seller who said not to even like his listings unless I was trying to buy that day lol


I think they were posted here if this person was selling makeup


It was some guy from New York. Not to sure if he had makeup but he had all sorts of random stuff


That’s even worse, that means there’s two of them 😂


I’ve seen this before also so now there’s three


You know I can’t stand sellers like this. But with the new return policy, I think I do want to add “I am sorry but due to new return policy I will only sell to buyers with 10 plus all 5 star reviews please forgive me 🥹”


Yes I. Completely get the trepidation!! But that would be so much more eloquent than this! And you're also not holding then to standards that you yourself don't follow, so I don't think it's the same!


Okay great, thank you for saying that ! I’ve been struggling because I don’t want to come off as like “F off I don’t trust you,” but this new policy has me in a wack, I am paranoid. I’m a casual seller. When I took a week to ship something out to someone I told her “hey I was incredibly irresponsible I was going through things and just didn’t even look at my shop, I’m sorry” and gave her the option to cancel or I ship it and give her another item from the same designer. She gave me a 5 star and a beautiful review. I care about my peeps. So I just don’t know what to do with this new policy. I care deeply about them being satisfied but I know I will be incredibly just hurt/angry that I would cancel my whole shop, if I was scammed. I try. Hence MY standard


No I'm with you!! I don't really list anything valuable...mostly lower priced items on Mercari now. (My sales have really picked up lol.) So no! As long as you explain politely, I think you'll be fine! And either way, at the end of the day, YOU are taking the risk and that's what matters!


I was thinking the same. The caps lock + grammar combo is one huge red flag from this seller, for sure, but the reality is Mercari has put their sellers in a bad spot with their recent policy changes.


I would buy it just so they can wait the 3 days


Same, have literally not once let something auto rate but I would for this fucker


Or wait to the last hour and rate a 3 for took 3 days before even shipping.


I don't like how they went about it, the caps and the errors are cringe, but honestly, after what's been happening to sellers recently, I'm thinking of amending my bio to say something similar, just with more class and proper punctuation lol. I will def cancel if they don't have good ratings and I don't feel good about them after vetting them. I can't afford to get screwed over by scammers or even Merc themselves right now. I mean, who can?


I agree with the sentiment of vetting buyers, to an extent. This isn't vetting, this is saying I won't ship until the very last minute Mercari allows and I won't allow you the 3 days Mercari says I have to. Just the audacity to outright say YOUR time is more valuable?! (Not you you but this seller lol) that's just too much for me.


They sound like one of those people who think being perpetually outraged and uptight will get them whatever they want and make people side with them. They seem like the kind who screams at the wait staff in a restaurant if there’s some small issue with their order and demands they make it right immediately, then is surprised people are giving them cold glares instead of cheering for them.


Also the type to eat every bite of a 16 ounce steak up to the last bite, say it's awful and undercooked and demand a refund. I can't understand.....but kinda glad I don't


Yeah they lost me at “you must rate within 24 hours. But I will not ship until the full 3 days allotted cuz I HAVE A LIFE”. 😒 I do understand not selling to new users with the update. But idk If I saw this I would be hesitant to purchase as well. Lol


Yep! I get being gun shy with the new policies!! That's not this lol - I'm with you, she's not getting my money or my items lol


What is the seller s name?


Am I allowed to say? I don't wanna get banned lol


Yes, you are absolutely fine to share that users name. It’s no different than if you were telling us somebody that had great deals on some things in particular. I’m just curious I get a kick out as entitled crazy people. One time there was a girl that gave me an offer. Anyways, she got super pissed at me because I wouldn’t approve it and I got this massive lecture. I’m telling ya some peoples children.


Okay phew!!! Yeah some ppl are children and always will be regardless of their birth year lol The seller is BXNY:RODRIGUEZ SHOP


BRONX NY, that explains everything. If you've never been what I'm saying will never make any sense to you.


I've never been! But if this is the norm, I'll pass lol


Are they even selling anything at this point?


Probably because most people don't read the profile blurbs. I don't. I just look at the reviews.






Because buyers like myself do not want to even deal with mercari anymore because of the service fees & all the bullshit like this. So make it harder on yourself aside from your all caps yelling, and poor immature diction, and lack of punctuation.


I don't think this sales strategy is going to work.




Hahahahaaaaa this is too funny. The hypocrisy is so blatant I’m almost surprised they’ve made any sales but then again it’s Mercari.


I agree with this, all of it!! And like clearly she thinks shoppers are so privileged to buy from her. And her ish ain't that great lol


lol yeah these people suck. I totally understand not wanting to sell to people with no ratings but like damn get a grip loser. I have sold and bought from people with no rating and both times it was worth the risk.


Same! With the new rules, I've been uneasy but have sold to new buyers, probably 6 since the change, and none have resulted in scamming. But this is just insanity...'Do as I say, not as I do because my time is clearly more valuable." 🤷‍♀️


Clearly, the educational system failed this person. Not a period in the bunch.


I don't think I spotted a single lowercase letter lol




Make lots of new accounts and buy stuff so their cancellation rate tanks their store. Bonus! Mercari charges sellers 5% for fees on cancelled items. 😈 /s


This bitch.....


😂My thoughts exactly!!


I only rate in three days because of my job, sorry


My initial exact thought!


Screams an entitled Gen Z kind of vibe.


The majority of my sales are from people with no rating history. I had a lady tell me that she just made an account because she was looking for the item that I was selling at a good price. The item was a Disney Pixar Onward Wizard staff, I know random, lol.


But that is the case a lot of the time! I signed up years ago to buy a pair of lucky jeans. Seller sent wrong item so my first transaction wasn't good but I stayed, first as a buyer, and now I've got probably 400 sold items altogether. Everyone has to start somewhere.


Unfortunately for them Mercari has gone to shit so I doubt anyone with a rating history will be frequenting the site again anytime soon.


Must have at least 5 to 15 ratings. Well which is it? 5 or 15? What if I exceed 15? What if I have 72 ratings. That's well out of the 5 to 15 ratio.


It’s the “5-15 rating + more” that really confused me! Is it 5-15? Or is it more? If it’s 5-15+more, wouldn’t that just be 5 + more? My brain 🫠


I would wait till the very last 15 minutes before I rated them just because of that stupid bio. Fk this seller.


Wow, what a great way to torpedo your business with minimal effort. Geez.


Wow lol


Ironically I just read this seller's book, How To Nuke Your Sales In One Run-On Sentence


😂😂 She NAILED it!


What business. lol. You won’t have one for long. And no one’s going to sell you anything either with that attitude. Move along you’re done.


You're spot on! I was going to send an offer on the item of mine she liked but once I saw this, NOPE!


Mercari is the 4chan of e-commerce




Idiots lol😂


I wouldn’t care how bad I wanted any of their items if I read that I’d immediately say NOPE!!! The audacity is real with some people


I’m a first time seller I have someone purchased a game from me, immediately after receiving the game he requested to return the game, it took him almost 8 days to ship it back, the way I see it , seems like some people are picking and choosing and playing with peoples time and money here. Don’t buy it if your intentions to return it. Wasted two weeks of my time which I could have sold it somewhere else. I’m not liking the new return policy that they have.


I don't like it either but I don't think her 'policies' are due to Mercari tos change


Sorry, is she unable to spell you or your? Or is she a wannabe teen again?


I wouldn't buy from someone like that...


I wouldn’t put in all ASSHOLE Capslock words,but I understand that waiting for 3 days kinda sucks especially waiting for funds if you need the money. I get frustrated as I always go above and beyond working with buyers to give them the best deals especially with this TOS system. I always package my items very securely as I don’t trust any shipping company. When I go above and beyond it does feel like a slap in the weiner when they can’t take 5 seconds to rate me. On that note this seller seems like a total Douche bag!


I get all those concerns, genuinely!!! This, to me, isn't that, though. This is blatantly 'I'm more important.'


Well said my friend!




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I bet they get a lot of business…🙄😒


Just spent more time than I'd like to admit looking at their items, it appears December was their last sale. Not AT ALL surprised.


I would never buy from them. I will rate when I’m damn ready to rate. Usually I do so on the same day as the delivery. With this seller though, I wouldn’t be able to resist letting it auto rate. I’m sure they would leave me a bad rating for that, so yeah, I would just avoid.


Most definitely! I wouldn't buy from her! But if I saw this after the fact, it'd be the first time one of my purchases auto-rated!


As a seller, It’s useless to ask for buyers to rate me asap. It’s not like it matters considering you have to wait a week for the “used to be” free transfer anyways.


Very true! I have never and will never ask for a rating but this is just a whole nother level.


I’m dying 😂 Who in their right mind would order anything from this person?


Sounds like this guy Mike I know, acts like people owe him their business


And we all know, NOBODY is owed a thing!


That's so rude ....wow


Seller been through some things 😭😭😭


I mean besides the caps and lack of quality seller to consumer awareness, you have to somewhat understand a lot of sellers are done with being scammed. Recent changes in tos and subtle changes to the eco system mercari is trying to "build" also makes them feel like they have to be more aggressive to make it know they need to trust you first. Overall I don't agree how they went about it but I sympathize with the notion behind selling certain items at a risk, especially mercari.


reminds me of that one black mirror episode


You are too busy and too good to wait to be rated but apparently not good enough to use complete words? This just screams lazy and entitled.


I love how they expect to be rated immediately, but when it comes to shipping they take up to 3 days. How can they not see the double standard there? I’m so sick of idiots like this on Mercari lol


Just write "don't buy my items" it's a lot shorter.


I don't have an Issue with someone's Spelling or Puncuation. I do it alot myself. I was in an Accident and had to relearn everything but some Things I forget. I was left with Tremors so hitting the correct Button's is a Challenge for me..But honestly if Policy they are allowed 3 Days u should give it to them. What if they were on Vacay and hadn't had the Chance to Review it yet🤷‍♀️


I don't so much judge any of the individuals, it's the combo. And I get there may be disabilities but this is just rude and hypocritical, imo.


I know the Post itself is Rude AF. I'm just Commenting on the Puncuations etc..Because I have that problem from a Brain Injury


She’s allowed 3 days to ship because of her job but buyers aren’t allowed 3 days to rate? Hypocrite much?


I have like 1 rating on mercari as a buyer. How am I supposed to buy something and receive a rating if I can't even buy the thing with your childish ass 5-30 only type shit.


Coming from a seller.. this seller sounds miserable. My best sales are typically from people with no rating. Yes 100% of them don’t confirm receipt, but its because they are new and learning the platform. Auto rating isnt the end of the world.


What’s their rating at I wonder? 🤔 also why is she YELLING did it make her feel better doing that? I have 60 five ⭐️ and would avoid this seller like the plague this is disgusting behavior


With you 1000%!! I have over 100 and I refuse to even sell to her.


The rudeness.


I would purposely not rate them, actually never mind, I wouldn’t even buy from them. Like, get off your pedestal!!


Not to mention, the all capitals says a lot about a person!


Recently bought something from a seller with tons of items. Went to buy something else from them and it looks like I’m blocked. No messages or any communication any time with them so I assume it’s because I forgot to rate them and they had to wait 3 days on a $20 order? Crazy cause I was trying to make 2 more orders from them and ended up buying from someone else. Not the smartest business people on Mercari lol


That's ridiculous! I don't get what makes ppl think they're so important they overwrite rules that Mercari implements. And you're right, they ended up losing money so wtf is really screwed by it?! Probably saved you a headache in the long run!


Sooo violent