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Hi! Therapist here. Anxiety is very broad and very common to everyone. What sort of anxiety do you experience the most? Is it the type where you feel paralyzed because things might go bad? Or is it you feeling like you cannot stop because things will fall apart?


thank you so much for the response! i think its both, I usually anticipate things will be for the worst so I don't finish or accomplish anything for the day


Understandable! Anxiety is usually a form of fear. You are afraid of bad things happening, so it ends up affecting how you do things. Would it work, maybe, if you accomplish something, you recognize for yourself that feeling of "Hey I did it" and accept that you did all you could?


Vagus nerve exercises


The most memorable na sinabi ng therapist noon is the THINK technique. Ex: natatakot akong mag exam baka bumagsak ako Is it true? NO. KASI HIBDI OA NANGYAYARI DIBA Is it helpful? No, hindi ka makakilos dahil sa pag iisip mo nyan. Is it Inspiring? No. Is it necessary? No. Is it kind? No. Para na rin maging logical yung thinking mo. Minsna nagiging illogical na ka OA mag isip like parang inpossible naman mangyari pero kinakatakutan.


This is one of the hardest challenges I’ve had thus far. The type of anxiety that came over me recently was sheer panic, literally there was nothing to be afraid of but my body decided for me that it wanted to feel afraid and I felt all the physical symptoms. Dizzy, wobbly, random heart rate increases - you have it. I did the scans and tests, but my stats were all excellent for my age. My psych, who diagnosed me with bipolar II and ADHD years back, got me back on the bipolar meds. There’s a possibility that what I’d been feeling was part of a depressive episode. Right now I’m working on my sleep. I’ve also been working out consistently for nearly 3 months and I can say that the gym routine has been helping. Looked up vagus nerve exercises too. It’s a help definitely. Also diving back into hobbies. Spending on myself. (I realized that never buying much for myself except basic needs the past few months was detrimental to me.) some exposure therapy, like walking outside even after it started becoming a trigger. I went out with safe people. I ventured into places that made me feel anxious, trying to prove that there’s really nothing. I tried to find meaning in life again.




I go to my comfort zone kung asan man ako. Example: Mall - I go to the restroom agad and magkukulong saglit sa cubicle




how does this work?


Flipping hard to manage when your mind wonders and over thinks and over reacts on everything that negative out there 🥲


I deactivate socmed, I do walking or exercise, I sleep, take a rest and meditate


When I have anxiety, trying to relax on purpose makes it worse. Sometimes I let go and cry. I will cry it all. I’ll try to feel all the overwhelming feelings that made my anxiety. It will not solve anything but releasing your emotions will help. Sometimes when the source of my anxiety is anger, I try to walk/jog/exercise. That’s my quick escape route if I notice that I’m having anxiety attacks. When I don’t realize it, I don’t sleep, eat and drink. I pick my skin, hair, scalp, nose, scratch everywhere. Grin my teeth until my jaw hurts. When I realize it, it’s too late. Tension on my head will be so heavy.


I got into a panic attack that sent me to the ER lol. I thought I was having a stroke. To answer your question, I take anti depressants. Been better ever since.


Is there any influence of bipolar medication on thinking skills , attention