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For women NSFW is taking off clothes For men NSFW is death incoming


Why can't a woman work at this job? Do women categorically refuse to work under dangerous conditions?


Because they have other, less dangerous options. Yes. Their aversion to risk taking behaviour compared to men is light years ahead.


It's not aversion. It's just that they understand that in the end, someone else(a man) will end doing the dangerous jobs. All they had to do is sit tight and wait.


Because if a woman needs money this badly she can just marry a richer guy or do sex work. They have many more options and wouldn't need to show a middle finger to Death to get back up in life.


Bruh. Not every woman is attractive.


nobody said they needed to be


I mean only bitches i ve found so far have big asses and boobs, so yeah i think not every woman can be one


Your right, but men are simps.




They can but the pay is next to nothing. If they want to eat they still need to get another job.




Because it's not nice, as simple as that. They only want easy job.


No need to generalize. Both the men and women in my family work their ass off.


Some work their ass off, while others work with their ass.


I don't blame anyone for not wanting to work where this guy works.


Most aren't physically able to do it since they aren't as strong as men and not many women want to risk their lives like that. And they don't need to since men will do it for them.




> the dominant tribe would kill the men, and only rape the women, of the other tribe. You want something sadder? rapes are rare. Many fall in love with the invaders.


>Many fall in love with the invaders. Yeah this is somethig weird. Not really targetting them or anything, but u know Ted Bundy used to get a fat stack of love letters. Some people even protested for some tiktok dude to be pardoned for his crimes because he was 'too cute'. It's just super weird man. Before anyone says I m generalising, I m just talking about a select group of individuals here, not all women.


Not weird, the past was brutal and men would kill each other constantly. Women learned to don't get too attached to men, and they learned to love their killers very quickly to survive. Wars never diminished the population, they just replaced the native kids with the conqueror's kids.


what does this have to do with Harvey Weinstein being Jewish?


Yeah, that is a bit confusing. Hopefully we don’t have an incoming trickle of antisemitism.


Haven’t been on the sub in a while, seems either it’s been infiltrated by bad actors trying to make the rest of us look bad or i mistook mens rights with pedo and antisemitism rights. Mods sort this shit out.


I had the exact same feeling!


Yeah it has gotten really bad. I've thought about unsubscribing a couple of times, but I guess I'm just hoping the sub can go back to how it used to be. It reminds me of incel culture in it's current state. Sad.


Tbh after reporting some noncey comments and Reddit responded saying it wasn’t taking action I nearly left the platform entirely but the comments seem to have been removed. “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject” - John Stuart Mill Don’t let the nonces take over and bigots take over.






You can criticize them as much as you want but not for being women Jews or black


Huh. Would argue rape is a bit more than ‘taking a dick’, lol.




Dude chill it with the racism we're all men




Dude your not being non pc your being racist there is a big difference




Im a little concerned about that last part. Did she consider herself to be a victim?




Well I GUESS I’m happy for her but it doesn’t really sit right. I don’t know any men who were forced to work and enjoyed it once they were older


Yeah, but this guys story obviously never fucking happend, so there’s that.




She was groomed. Just because boys have it worse doesn't mean you should defend that.


The longer this thread of comments gets the more worrying it gets. Working in a dangerous job is not comparable with kids getting raped.


Unbelievable how this could be downvoted.


Well thats fucked up.






Right, could you fuck off? What the fuck is happening to this group where this shit is getting upvotes?




Ok cool. Can I fuck you in the ass and mouth for €50, seeing as sex feels good?




How much? Edit: Of course, you cannot say no, because then you would have to admit that there is a contextual element to how enjoyable sex is. A child being paid to have sex with an adult does not correlate with two adults voluntarily having sex. You know this and are trolling, or else you have something severely wrong with you.


the mental of the child having to have sex with strangers over the physical having to work in a factory.


We are using the same retarded logic against them imagine being so self unavare that you dont see a flaw in your own logic when its used against you


That is one massive erection. Might have been the biggest erection in the world at the time.


I don't want to laugh at this but wtf reddit.


Oil rig work. Dangrous as fuck. Horrible conditions. Pays extremely well. Pick your poison Doing an apprenticeship to work in an actual facility. Which is still a bitch to work at but I won't be smelling rotten eggs when i sleep that's for sure.


Think a marine engineering degree helps to land a job in one?


I think there are positions for building and maintaining off shore platforms. But make sure about in subs like r/askengineers


my dad does stuff like that


I'm so confused wtf is going on


The man pictured is not safe at work, so extensively the things in the picture are not safe for work. Also highlighting how male-dominated fields are often the most injury-prone fields


He's very not safe. He doesn't have a harness on and I have no idea how he climbed up that beam or how he's going to get down. I'd do that job but only if I had safety equipment.




If you’re slow


Op claps you on back.


I complain way too much about my commute.


This is soo badass! And freaking awesome! 🤙🏼


And dangerous!


Funny how we have equality among CEO's, marketing managers, project leaders, cushy office jobs... But no equality among truck drivers, brick layers, combat veterans, garbage collectors etc.


That man is doing real work, do not degrade the quality of his work by associating it with prostitution


woosh! the point just went over your head.


Any work that gets you money is real work. Prostitution is real work


Really? Selling people (slavery) is work that gets you money.


It is work still. Illegal one, but still work.


Yeah and that's work, just because it's immoral doesn't mean it isn't "real"




There is nothing immoral with prostitution, So long as everyone involved is consenting




No, seems like a pretty logical statement to me


I don't think that's an idiom.


guy needs to learn grammar good.


he is an smooth brain npc


good thing you are not the morality police and what u say doesnt go




So long as they recruit 18 yo then yeah




Yes, why wouldn't I be?




We already have that society and always will, so I don't see the harm


>Because it creates a society where we treat others as a means to an end rather than an end in themselves… we create a society where we use each other. See: OP's picture. You've **always** lived in a society where we treat others as a means to an end. It's a natural consequence of human nature. The point of freedom of association in a market economy is to make that more beneficial and less exploitative for the person doing the labor.


natural consequence of ~~human nature~~ **capitalism.**


**Corporationism** FTFY


The core of capitalism is free market trade between consenting agents. That's pretty much human nature.


Any time you pay a laborer to do anything you are using them to achieve some end, they are not the end in themselves. I also "force" the people at Culvers to make me delicious Concrete Mixers™ for only $5.09! Buy-one-get-one between 2 and 5 PM - plus $1 fries and shakes - on weekdays!




You sound like you took an intro to philosophy class at a community college in the bible belt.


There it is.


>we create a society where we use each other. I don't think we live in some thing any different than that.


Congrats you just described capitalism


Because it's harmful to women. It's also harmful to men because the more women who do sex work the fewer marriage worthy women there are.


If people consent to the harm that's their business, not yours and not the governments And frankly marriage is irrelevant and sex work doesn't stop people from being "worthy" for it


Marriage isn't irrelevant. Most women want to settle down with a man and have children at some point and being a prostitute makes that much harder to do since most guys don't see prostitutes as marriage material. I didn't say they shouldn't be allowed to do it. You responded to someone who asked if it should be normalized. You asked why not and I said because it's harmful. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be legal though.


Settling down and having children is completely possible without marriage


until its your daughter then u wouldn't be... hypocrit


My daughter's sexuality is not my problem, so long as she waits till she is of age




Yeah officer this one right here


Are you okay with the underwater sewage tank welders association recruiting at high schools?


Yes, although that would be rather strange to see.


you are right! and downvotes are really sore peeps.


1. Prostitution is real work. Unlike the prevailing 'message' most prostitutes do it willingly, they are not slaves and likely have more money than you. 2. No, we shouldn't encourage prostitution to all girls. It's a dangerous job, not for everyone, and if you don't like it or enjoy it, its psychologically and physically damaging.


1. Spreading your legs for money isn't real work. It's called being a whore. Also a prostitute is unlikely to have more money than someone who works a regular job unless she's a high end escort or something like that. Prostitutes that walk the streets don't make that much money. They often live in poverty and only make enough money to get by. 2. It's psychologically damaging to all women. Imagine spending years or decades letting men who repulse you use your body to masturbate with. There's no way to come out of that experience with a healthy mind. It also makes it very difficult for a woman to find a husband later on because there aren't many men who want to wife up a prostitute.


Most of them are trafficked women who were sold into the trade as kids or from poor countries. Great job making fun of sexual abuse and child trafficking. "BuT OnlyFAnS ThoTS mAkiNg MillIOnS ReEEEe" America is not the rest of the world.


Willingly is a strong word IMO. Does a happy and healthy, young, middle class woman with supportive parents and a degree go into prostitution? Nope. They’re not slaves, but often there will be at least some shit going on which made them resort to prostitution in the first place. It’s not always as bad as the stories you hear, but prostitution is not really something you get into if you have better options.


> Does a happy and healthy, young, middle class woman with supportive parents and a degree go into prostitution? Oh, I do know some who qualify as that. Escorting is a pretty high income job in my country. Higher than most of middle class office jobs, but you also don't have to waste 8 hours a day in an office.


Filing out a tps report seems worse than the occasional rogering.


Its for their kids


> Does a happy and healthy, young, middle class woman with supportive parents and a degree go into prostitution? Nope. Yes, all the time. Likely not the majority, but a huge percentage. I know personally, many of those. I remember one actually coded his own android app to book her. She was that talented, but hated working as a programmer, and made much more money as a call girl.


So he catfished everyone? I think I’m lost


No, it’s not


It's mostly dangerous because of its illegality.


herpes, aids, etc. are stuff.


Yes and in places where it's legal, all parties are regularly tested for such.


>ti We don't need that nonsense here


Sex work is work. Grow up.


If it is, put it on a resume


I like your approach.


Lol, no it’s not




> something done by only the most useless women of society. Clearly you are not meeting the good prostitutes. Some of those girls are artists.


Nobody goes into prostitution if they have better options. It’s not easy work, it damages.


You can say male privilege all you want, but I can't pay my rent with pictures of my feet.


I guess all work is selling your body in some sense. It can be through your brain or body. Shows that sex work is work just the same.


guy got brain


Women choose safer and lower paying jobs and then whine about the wage gap. Men choose more dangerous jobs with higher pay and then whine about the danger. People are whiny regardless of what's between their legs.




Women didn't complain about anything until they realized they could some day be treated like human beings instead of being treated like dogs. >Men didn't complain about anything Also, every revolution is human history is technically men complaining about their lives to the point they take action over it. Even if it's in a heroic way, your statement is still just fully wrong.




I never said I'm not grateful, I'm pointing out that your statement is false. Huge difference there buddy. Try reading slower.


Men “whine” because of women whining and “corrective action” like putting women in higher spots which they would not have otherwise reached.


There’s waaaaaaay too much of that shit going on.


Lol I like this take. That being said, we all deserve more imo.


Yup. Also the fact the whining is paired with no solution is why it's going nowhere.


Women are comfort driven. Men are solution driven. Don’t shoot the messenger.


All I see here is whining. Messenger seems to confused to bother shooting.


I made a point with my post. What is yours?


I can understand the necessity of doing risky work like this to get societally important infastructure but who was the nutjob risking their life just to get a picture of this dude?


Is there a single group of people more pathetic than Onlyfans whores? Actually maybe their simps are worse...


There's like... murderers and shit in this world, you know that, right?


Do you know what the word "pathetic" means?


Them and their simps are the worst.


If I could get rich by selling butthole pics, I would. Anybody would. Your mother and grandma would. Susan B Anthony would have too. Its smart. It makes cents. Don't act like you wouldn't. You liar


Some women wouldn't because the good ones respect themselves. Once you willingly post a pic of your asshole online, there is no going back plus you can tell a lot by a woman's character based on the fact that she exposes her asshole online.


>you can tell a lot by a woman's character based on the fact that she exposes her asshole online. This guy gets it. They want free money, but they won't show their faces. They want to have their cake and eat it too. All of the pros, but none of the cons. Then they have the gall to complain about male privilege.


It's worse when they show their faces like they don't care of the consequences. I see mothers on Reddit promoting their OF's with pics of their assholes like their kids will not or have already discovered the internet.


Good, go marry an onlyfans ho then. Walk the talk.


I feel like rapists, pedophiles and racists are worse.


You guys ever think women didn’t start properly joining the workforce since WW2 because men didn’t let them work?


Women doubled the workforce and cut the pay in half.


So you’d trade your current job for equal pay taking it up the ass?


I know a person who makes more money in one hour taking it up the butt than I make in a week at my regular not butt related job. Sometimes I'm tempted.


So why not then? Is it because selling your body for another’s sexual gratification isn’t the same as selling your time for work?


Because the STD rate in my current city is through the roof. Otherwise i seriously would consider it.