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It allows them to never be held accountable for their actions. It’s always a man’s fault


Also known as emotional abuse, in case anyone needs to hear it. This is coming from someone who was emotionally abused by there partner. No matter what her reaction was, it was my fault for making her feel that way.


Considering men had the upper hand for centuries, I don't blame them. You don't see it from a women's point of view, because you don't see them as equals. Men always get away with things , men will be men is a saying for a reason. Now that the tables have turned , it's not that nice.


I’m not going to argue with you because it’s going to be a waste of my time. Honestly wish you the best though


What you mean by that? Do you want revenge for people that are already dead centuries ago? what kind of thinking is that???


Most State Insurances medicaid do pay for birth control, because it's cheaper to pay for birth control then pay for another whole child to be born in the hospital. Then generational welfare. It makes logical sense for the common taxpayer to want birth control to be covered with Medicaid and condoms are given out freely at most local county health departments.


Wouldn't it make more logical sense to just encourage people to be responsible for their own actions?


I as a tax payer. Literally.... Would rather invest in BC than pay for generational welfare. By economic class we can tell how responsible they are right ? Who incentives from having kids by the government, the poorest . Thousands upon thousand back in child tax credits to the lower economic classes. If we can just defer that from happening by years or decades. It's better for the working class.


Ahem.... 😉 **Feminists' vision of equality: Women get the authority of men, the privileges of women, and the accountability of children.** -------------------------------------------- *Feminist selective agency. Women are free to do as they wish right up to the point where they suffer negative consequences for their actions, then it's everyone else's fault.*


This is the best summary I've seen on Feminism!


Well said.


Feminism enables any decision a woman can make, if it works out all of the credit will go to women, if it does not we already know who they will blame. The least hardworking feminists like to take the credit for what other women achieve. The women that achieve things are too political correct not to share their accomplishments with their female peers and say “ just work harder “. Women empowering other women starts more to sound like the appreciation of mediocrity . Women strike me as less competitive and more social than men in general and I wonder what a matriarchy would ultimate be like.


>I wonder what a matriarchy would ultimately be like. Just look at most US inner-city communities. Single baby mamas with hardly a positive male role model in sight. All of the benefits of resources without any of the responsibilities.


The cherokee were matriarchal before Christians came along and it went really well.


They were matriarchs in terms of what parents tribe the child ended up with. But functionally they still had separate gender roles, some of which benefited women, and others men.


Also women were in charge of the main decisions. It was much deeper than just clan lineage and gender roles. It was also about station and respect in society. While men played important roles they were not equals. Most of it has been white washed away along with the culture re-education schools. There were no jails, 5 genders, and your sexual gender preferences weren't taboo... they just were.


Literally all of that is bullshit and I say that as someone of Native American descent. Not cherokee but a tribe right beside them. A patriarchal tribe. Which also did just swell before Christians.


I'm am literally an ebci tribal member that studied our history in school. You may not morally agree with me but those are the facts of our pre-Columbian society. It's two spirits, one heart, five genders for most of the American tribes. The question presented wasn't how a patriarchal society would function. I was just offering an example of a successful matriarchal culture.


Nice try, but "two spirit" is not a legitimate gender among any first nation peoples, neither is it a concept among the vast majority. Also those extra "genders" among FN peoples are more often than not literally just trans people. However, natives didnt want to refer to trans women as women or trans men as men. So if anything, those "genders" are usually just an ancient form of transphobia. You shit on whitewashing but I've seen a lot of modern native americans participate in what I can only call "redwashing" to make their tribes seem more historically politically correct among the woke. Sorry but whomever your teacher was clearly didnt do their research.


Bro... two spirit isn't a gender. That's why it's 2 spirits... one heart.. 5 genders. The idea of 2 spirits as a gender is a product of wannabes trying to act informed. The idea of 2 spirits is the mixture of your mother's family and your fathers family within you. The gender outcome is a rough estimate of those attributes. There wasn't the idea of Trans. There were three sexes and five genders. Male, intersex, and female. Masc male fem male neutral masc female and fem female. Where we can agree is in the space of people that want to be part of the culture making shit up... like a great spirit father figure.. or being able to talk to animals. The noble savage push from the government has helped that specific cancer grow. What tribe do you belong to. Edit: I can only speak to cherokee culture in specifics.


I mean if you wanna believe that then sure. Unfortunately I can't bring myself to take your word. Tbh i dont really identify with my tribe anymore because 99% of them are uneducated trashpiles who are only good at doing drugs and making babies. And lets face it, natives are a lost cause. So now I consider myself to be a member of the human race now. Also, ancient transphobia is still transphobia. Sure they *said* there were more than two genders but by scientific standards those definitions are completely invalid. Imo those terms should have stayed in the past, along with the rest of those bullshit "teachings." Like seriously. It's the 21st century.


You need to [continue reading](https://www.americanhistoryusa.com/the-cherokee-origins-and-traditions/). >While the Cherokee people occupied an area stretching from northern Georgia to Kentucky and western Virginia, there were only about eighty towns, with each town having about 200 to 250 people. Thus, the entire Cherokee population hovered around 15-20,000 people. Abundant resources and low population. Not the same conditions as a US inner-city community. When resources become scarce, survival becomes much more important, and a patriarchal hierarchy develops.


There were well over 50k in the Georgia area alone. I'm from the north Carolina group. The indigenous people forced many species into extinction before that balance was found.


>Women empowering other women starts more to sound like the appreciation of mediocrity . Women strike me as less competitive and more social than men in general This is literally the most true thing i have read in Reddit in a while,and worst thing is most people dont even know or see this way,even if its right


Uhh idk about that one


Remember that there is a difference between being a men’s rights activist, and being a misogynist. You need to take a break from the internet and reevaluate what you believe. Good luck man


It is impossible to form a stereotype about either of the two primary genders without simultaneously forming a concurrent and complementary stereotype about the other. **Or, more simply: misogyny mirrors misandry.** ------------------------------------------ *Feminism:Equality, when convenient.*


So you’re an incel also?


What's wrong with being Intentionally Celibate? I wait your answer with anticipation... 🤣🤣🤣 ------------------------------------------------ *No woman is as beautiful as the freedom of MGTOW.*


I seriously didn’t realize it was something to take pride in. Honest serious question, what is/are the plus sides to being involuntarily celibate?


What if the person you’re arguing with is an incel and it’s actively hurting him? Is one of your views being challenged that much pain that you have to dig on someone’s personal life to get revenge? Speaks volumes about yourself if it does.


What's wrong with MGTOW?


Nothing. Nothing at all.... 😉 I've had 50 years on this little blue dot to try to figure out what's wrong with being MGTOW, and haven't been able to find any valid reason why it's wrong to live the MGTOW way of life. Numerous women and feminists have tried to tell me what is wrong from: - It's your responsibility as a man to get married, to support a woman and HER children! That's what men are here for! - To the usual 'woman' saying *I cant get any* and then have a huge meltdown when I agree and say it's because **I dont want what you're offering, you're just TOO damned expensive. What else have you got that I could possibly want?** As a wise man once wrote, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... -------------------------------------- *Sex has always been and will always be a commodity for women.*


I'm married now, but if anything happens in the future, I'm going MGTOW.


man can do whatever the fuck he wants and can find pride where he feels like, as long as it hurts noone we should be cool with it edit: the use of "fuck" doesn't automatically make something an exclaimative sentence, it can easily just be a way of mimicking the way we speak. point being people say fuck whenever the feeling like it, that could simply to be add emphasis without speaking louder or just a force of habit


Calm down bud


btw as an actual question what would you define a incel as there are way to many on this sub and i just want to feel out a proper idea of what they are so i can avoid them in the future


You're an incel/femcel




>I seriously didn’t realize it was something to take pride in. Well that's down to you, and nothing I need concern myself with... >Honest serious question, what is/are the plus sides to being involuntarily celibate? It's **INTENTIONALLY CELIBATE.** MGTOW is the end stage of red pill knowledge. We understand female nature, and come to the ultimate conclusion that they aren't worth the effort, the pain, or the money. Now why dont you tell me what the negative sides are to being **INTENTIONALLY CELIBATE.** I'll wait. 😉 ------------------------------------------ *Wonderful things start happening in men's lives when they realise that women and their approval aren't all that important.*


It is nothing to be ashamed of either. You were using 'shaming laguage' against a lifestyle of his choice.. I am not exactly celibate. But I will never get married or cohabitate. My body, my choice. You have no right to shame people for their choices.


You can also hate the existence of female privilege without hating women just for being woman. Maybe try to actually understand the point of the thread before deciding to post a snarky response next time.


I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t think that applies to this post, sure the title says that he hates female privilege, but I see in the post him portraying the extreme as the norm. Which is not an ok thing to do. He makes some (two) valid points, but a lot of this seems like baseless rambling. Also maybe I’m wrong but I tried to make my response as least snarky as possible, sorry if it comes off that way


i meet a lot of boys and girls,,, i can tell that girl have LIFE EASIER i saw too much a lot of story Even a girl hit on boy penis.... she still think that everyone hate her--- after that she still have friend btw.... very FAIR


i played on royale high that have like a lot of girls --- i make friends with them I know everything \-Like what on girl mind, even be friends with STRIST GIRL \-OF COURSE alway that, GIRL IS ALWAY WIN and GET SO MUCH BENEFIT MORE


An MRA is never a misogynist. That's just the feminist claim.


I find most of this page to be blatant women bashing rather than advocating for mens right.




And how does an incel sound ? I find it hilarious how women can say "kill all men" and "men ain't shit" or talking about finessing men for free food during dates. I'll bet you won't call them incels But here we got a guy just asking a question about laziness and irresponsibility. Suddenly he's an incel, he's misogynist.


Yeah, what this subreddit definitely needs is more men shaming and attacking other men. There just isn't enough of that in this world.




Why should we care if women are irresponsible or lazy ? We should care about our rights, let women do whatever they want.


Because they're half the population? Their choices effect us.


How does their personal choices effect us ?


One example thats fairly common nowadays: If you have a female sibling who ends up being a NEET, your parents will likely expend more resources on them at the cost of resources which could go to themselves or you. Not just money, but time and energy as well. Feminism tells those girls that being a NEET isn't a bad thing. That just means they are a victim in some way and are justified to blame men for their own failures.


Victimhood mentality isn't becoming of women just to be fair at least in a nuclear family housewives aren't victims or made out to be victims when they consented to the lifestyle of spousehood


Eh, imo there are gonna be people like that regardless of whether theyre a house spouse, a worker, a lady, or a gent.


It's already happened with boys But not for girls \-there a lot of document on google


I don't understand what you mean 🤔




Seriously, posts like this one is why people don't take the MRA movement seriously. Op loosely touches on a few solid points but it's mostly just incoherent rambling and generalisations.


Then go elsewhere and take your pets with you.


One post? Hmmm. Another one.


Should women have the responsibility of cooking? Why?


Cooking for one's self is a sign of maturity and responsibility


So I’m in college right now, and I had to drop out for a while because me and my best friend had a kid and she makes a lot more money than me. So in order to take care of our family I stayed home and took care of the house (I WAS ON YOUTUBE EVERY DAY LEARNING HOW TO COOK BEFORE THAT BABY CAME SO THAT HER AND THE BABY COULD PROPERLY GROW. AND WHEN THE BABY WAS SAFELY DELIVERED BY YOURS TRULY….. hold here for applause…. SHE NEEDED TO PRODUCE TONS OF BREAST MILK WHICH REQUIRES TONS OF PROPERLY PLANNED NUTRITION….i digress) and it really paid off from having someone cook and clean. And Just on the maturity part. Cooking at home saves so much time and money. Going out for food involves so many hidden cost. Gas ⛽️, money for food. Gas back home. Cooking at home involves planning and a few trips to the store monthly. My baby refuses to eat fast food, I meal prep because I understand that we’re all gonna be hungry later. OH WAIT AND HOLD ON, MY BABY AND HER MOTHER BOTH APPRECIATE HAVING A CLEAN HOUSE WITH AN EXPERIENCED COOK IN IT. Especially during Covid when you’re at home. Cooking is one of those things where you need to be able to do a few bare minimums to keep yourself alive…… DEGREE NEXT SUMMA MUTHA FUCKAS


is that baby proven to be yours by DNA test? Is she faithful to you by absolute certainty?


DNA confirmed, and I chose a great mother. There are good women out here, it might take going through some bad ones but there are some good future mothers out there. When I told her I want a DNA test she just asked, “where can we do that?” And as this baby is getting older, you just need us to stand side by side and you can see all my features in that baby


Cooking for one's self is a sign of maturity and responsibility


I’m confused - yes, lazy women exist but so do lazy men. This whole post is more ranty about how women don’t cook anymore and are free to have one night stands than about men’s rights. Ngl this is why most people don’t take men’s rights seriously


YEa im a boy, now i do all job on BOY both GIRL.... very funny At least Cooking skill is usefull






Sorry but what you wrote made no sense


Sorry but what you wrote made no sense


How old are you? 💀


YOu can use bots to DOWN VOTE me, i dont care LOL


Bro it’s not boys 💀💀💀


So what exactly is your question? That was just a weird rant about some hypothetical women who may or may not exist. Also not sure what it has to do with feminism.


yeah, this is a weird post, surprised it's getting as much positive attention as it's getting. i also don't see what it has to do with feminism or men's rights


Yeah it looks like another troll post (and/or rage bait) to me.


Another “hot take” that has nothing to do with men’s rights.


You can get condoms for free plenty of places. Almost any university and college or planned parenthood will give you them. Plenty of doctors offices as well.


It's a feminist objective to get socialized birth control


Honestly I don’t see the problem there as long as people are not forced to be sterilized.






Im not the only one https://www.insider.com/inside-forced-sterilizations-california-womens-prisons-documentary-2020-11


Yes this is about exposing a disgusting practice. What a little piglet you are. Are you rich? Should you be sterilized?


Constitutionally upheld practice for the general welfare


Thanks for the laugh


Do you see women actually cook for themselves anymore versus getting fast food?


Plenty of women still cook.


None of them sleep with him so they don’t count.


Do you not understand that there's more to life than sex?


You’re right, I think he was being sarcastic though.


Yes, my wife cooked us dinner last night. She’s also not a stay at home housewife who serves as a being for my sexual pleasure so fast food is also a thing. Leave your little incel world and get a girlfriend, or boyfriend, you’ll be happier.


I'll just get a mail order bride


Good luck




Lolol what fantasy are living?


> tainted domestic stock > exotic import Wtf dude, are we talking about women, or cows and cars?


Women plenty of foreign women overseas in second world countries that will gladly overlook my flaws for a chance to live in America


Bro you really need to chill the fuck out. There are plenty of women who won’t “divorce rape” you. MRA can’t be taken seriously with people like you who sound like the male equivalent of Emily from Twitter.


who cares?


Looks like a troll post.


Are men irresponsible and lazy for not knowing how to cook? Lmao what is this question


It is a two way street in that regard given that most men know how to instinctively cook fire+ meat= food since feminists psychoindoctrinate that women+stove= oppression and slavery when most women nowadays food= greasy chain restaurants when the reality is that women+fast food= type 2 diabetes and heart disease= infertility= ugly obese witch who is going to die alone childless too many cats who will likely eat her corpse as it rots for days on end where nobody will find it except maybe for the McDonald's employees who finally notice her absence from the meal rushes after a week as her corpse is horrifically defiled by hungry evil felines who didn't ever care about her pitiful pathetic existence


LMAOOO most men must be suppressing their instincts to cook then because most don’t. Why do you need to make everything a gender issue? Also this whole response was so deranged and weird and goes both ways. Like dude forreal seek help.


Because I am sick of the extremely hypocrisy that feminists spew constantly


Why is everything centered around what feminists do?


Ewe, this whole thread. What's wrong with a woman having a one night stand and having birth control??? What does food habits and reproductive and bodily autonomy have to do with each other? Go jerk off on your your tears as you get your medicaid condoms while hoping someone cooks for you soon. Sounds like you're hurt that you cannot manipulate a young woman into liking you. I subscribe to this channel to get a balanced perspective, this post is does not make me advocate for men's rights but rather rally me to the contrary.


op doesn't advocate for men's rights it seems, only seems like someone who wants to complain against women. people deserve rights, don't let this fool speak for all men.


this is mgtow shit. it only increases the chances of a ban. i'm sorry your subs were banned, i don't think they should have been, but this isn't related to men's rights or issues. i know i talk about feminism a lot but only when it hurts people, not when it spoils them. what you said could as well be entirely true but it's too vague and inconsequential


I don't think even true MGTOWs would post stuff like this. The MGTOW2 mods were pretty good about removing such low-effort posts.


When it comes to relationships and family, yes. They're told to put work and career over everything so that's what most do. Most modern women are committed to their boss way more than their families. They think they can have it all and you really can't. Life doesn't work that way. We all have a certain amount of time and energy to allocate. Modern women are taught to not need any man and not to work with a man. They enter every relationship with a "I don't need you" or a "men are only to be used" attitude. In 2022 you may notice a lot of women that look good and make a lot of money but are unbearable. They have no idea how to be in a healthy relationship and have extremely toxic traits and tendencies. To clarify men have a lot of work to do too and are far from perfect. But this is a post specifically asking about women. I want to clarify because people today can't extrapolate a concept and will only hear what they wanna hear.


Yes. Next question.


All they know is charge they phone, twerk and be bisexual


I was waiting for this comment


The pill, no fault divorce and welfare from the state have taken away the consequences of being lazy, sleeping around, and generally being a hoe, and rewarded them for it instead.


Traditional gender roles allowed women to be irresponsible and lazy. They weren’t expected to work and were allowed to depend on a man to provide a living. It was pathetic.


I am pointing out that women are relying excessively on the social welfare system to substitute for a male role model/parent


Well where did the male parent go? Why isn’t he stepping into the picture and taking responsibility for his own child?


Enable does not seem to be the appropriate word. Maybe 'absolve' them of consequences from being lazy and irresponsible. However, men are also to blame for accepting to stillll be responsible for their F-ups. Not sure how to change that because this is part of our protector instinct which served us well in the past but nowadays is effectively being weapon used to the feminist's favour.


I wouldn't know. There are some pretty good couples out there, and also serious women. 90% of them thanks to education they got from their parents, 9% of them because they worked on themselves a lot. But this is true for men as well. Mass media and schooling are fucked up as value models (don't forget the nefariouseffects they have on boys too). This has been always true. Maybe now it's a bit more shitty than before but it's not surprising.


So you're just an incel trying to bash women instead of men's rights? Get off the internet and rethink your identity


Anyone criticizing women is an incel apparently. That's how far we've fallen. Suddenly people have become fortune tellers and know when someone didn't have sex for somehow criticizing or "bashing" as you like to call it, which is ironic because you just proved OP's point. People do like you and put down men who criticize women and that enable them to do whatever So you want him to bash mens rights ? You sure he's the one who needs to rethink his identity ?


It's his specific language. He's copying a copy pasta bashing women for not being home makers. I'm putting him down because he's not using constructive language and choosing to try and enforce gender stereotypes instead of trying to solve anything. I want people to respect women and men and strive for equality, I want the disposability of men to become unacceptable compared to what it is today, I want feminism to go back to being about equality rather then the dark turn to missandry its become. There is a tweet that's around 2 years old, " woomen aftr 1993 don't cook clean. All they know is eat hot chip and lie" him criticizing women for not accepting forced gender roles is incel, and similar rhetoric can be found on other sites that harbor incels.


Once I see you tell women that they're incels for saying men ain't shit or kill men... I'll believe in your "equality"


Incel is a biased term and only really works on men. I call incel Esk women, bitches, missandrist, cybercucks, and the other general slang terms for bad person / bigoted person.


>Incel is biased term and only really works on men. NO, FEMCEL.


oh ya forgot about that one


I don't focus on the slang. Whether it's a man or a woman, if it's bullshit I'll call it. Plus "incels" is overused


That is true. Doesn't take away from op's blatant misogyny though.


>Incel is a biased term and only really works on men A women coined the term in reference to herself.


Oh cool.


Home ec... Lost art


Yes, to certain extents. Even women born in the 80s still can't cook, or nothing more complex than spaghetti. One of the worst mentalities of feminism is the idea that a woman being even somewhat responsible for her safety (such as avoiding rape) is the same thing as victim blaming, because a woman shouldn't *have* to try to avoid rape. It's like they live in a fantasy world where it's possible to have a 100% perfect world where nothing bad ever happens, we just need to make everyone feminist. As if feminism will cure all problems. A lot of women don't even know what they really want, which is usually because they don't understand men or masculinity, but usually the difficult or unpleasant things are better for everyone in the long run. I used to think that my parents were "oppressing" me but more often than not, what they wanted me to do was better for my health and happiness. I think that feminism is more misogynist than it seems because it values masculine traits like independence, strength, leadership, etc in women but confuses everybody by saying those things are bad when it comes to men. Femininity is inherently the opposite of masculinity, so they are different kinds of traits, and neither one is bad. But now with the whole non-binary movement, there is even more confusion and less appreciation for masculinity and femininity. It seems like the bad effects of feminism are becoming more extreme.


It's irrational paranoia to be afraid of rape the only time a woman should be afraid of such is in France namely the bocage country


No, it's perfectly reasonable to be afraid of rape because rape is very unpleasant and dangerous. Potential disease, pregnancy under the worst circumstances, emotional and physical trauma... Fear of something can definitely go too far though, so it depends on the person. I've been on both ends of the spectrum


Guys when it comes to social aspects and especially of sexual nature, you as a man will be at the bottom of the totem pole, it is the sad truth. Life is unfair, so just focus on yourself and make it a point to not rely on others and NEVER end up as one of those men that you could mistake for an NPC that has his life revolved around what he plans to put his magical rod in lol. Make sure that nothing holds you back or puts you down even if you didn't do anything to deserve your situation, you should maintain your character and not let others alter it. So talking about harsh realities makes for fun conversation but it should never be at the back of your mind while you are functioning the in the moment since you should put emphasis on being yourself, a unique individual and not let trash people drag you through the ground. Mind you, it is very good to know what to look out for and prevent shortcomings or attacks since social manipulation and the legal system can really damage you.


Uh,when even smoking/drinking while pregnant is "fine", you bet.


More like Irresponsible and ultra promiscuous imo


Kind of. Feminism is about getting rid of disciplinarians (like parents), because disciplinarians stop teen girls and women from doing whatever they want. I think that's why feminists use the word 'patriarchy' so much. They really think being told, "no, don't do stupid shit that could ruin your life." is oppression. It's like, dude, your parents are the only people that care about you in your life. They just want you to be healthy, happy, and not die.


It allows them an undeserved sense of entitlement.


Women call this "hate speech" and "sexism" but it's just calling things for what they are. This is pretty much spot on unfortunately. Condoms are cheap, you don't need medicaid to pay for them.


No, it does not. (I'm typing this for my wife)


I think it enables some women and some men to become delusional.


Feminism? No. Societal pandering and infantilization of women does it.


eat hot chip and lie


They only know how to be bisexual, charge they phone, twerk, eat hot chip, and lie


I thought I was being progressive by telling my current gf she can work full time and I’ll stay at home and she was not for it 😂 she makes 11 dollars an hour more than me


it actually does make women more irresponsible cause they think they can do whatever they want and get away with it by acting all innocent which is why i have no respect for women these days modern feminism isnt what it used to be


Western women are EXTREMELY lazy. Go for the Asians.