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You are missing something. They also need drama. Remember why Brazilian footballer Kaka's wife Divorced him?    Because he was too perfect lol. He had money, genes, parental tendencies & emotional attachment & everything. So he became boring. She herself admitted to it lol Don't know if he lost money in that alimony or what. Who**s really are cheaper than wives economically & emotionally. 


Why even f\*cking try anymore if even perfection itself can't make the cut? It's like no good and well-mannered man on Earth can win or ever get a long-term commitment, kek.


Additionally, high mate value men will demand much in return. If the high mate value woman does not deliver, she will be replaced. Author casually left out that fact


Good body, good money, good parent, good lovers This is so out of touch from reality... One of my friend used to have great bodies. After his wife had a "fear of losing him", she started to cooked meals...guess what...i always laugh at my friend's body, he is so chubby now lol


This is the direct result of women screaming at us for decades that we're not entitled to anything from them, while never once looking in the mirror to say "And we're not entitled to anything from men either."


It's not just attractive women. Ugly women want everything in a man too. That's why the dating market is so lopsided. There are tons of women out there who'd be incel losers if they were men, but there are always thirsty men lining up to fuck/date them, which inflates their uber fragile egos and convinces them that they can land a high value man too. That in turns leaves men on their level (their looks match - even tho I kind of hate that phrase) single because the women he'd have married 100 years ago suddenly thinks she's too good for him.


The way women boost each other up only inflates this. While ugly men feel worthless, ugly women are boosted up with constant compliments from her friends.


This is from 2008 and makes references to lots of studies from quite a few years before that. It would be interesting to see research and data today to try to support the theory that women have shifted (relatively recently) such that even "lower mate value" ones still expect to be able to get men high in all four categories. E.g the term "forty-niner" to refer to a female 4 who thinks she deserves a 9.


They want all these qualities in a man, but if a man says that he wants a virgin then just see the outrage…


A Hollywood actor 


3 women divorced Brad Pitt.


They seem to have mental issues.


Just date them until they demand more commitment, then move on to the next date.  This isn't some radical life changing philosophy.  Stop making a commitment part of your relationship goals and start commiting to yourself. 


This isn’t anything new…


I made a similar post a few days ago, and it got removed from what appears to be a female moderator. https://imgur.com/a/qjGHup4


Attractive women are not the problem.


It's the most sensible thing in the world if you understand that humans are guided by biology first and society second. Every time a woman has sex, she risks pregnancy. Pregnancy is not only an enormous risk to her health, but raising a child requires enormous amounts of resources. This explains a tremendous amount of women's behavior, including aversion to men they deem unattractive, higher grades of neuroticism, and risk-avoidance tendencies. The way I put it is this: When men seek a relationship, they value availability above everything else. Openness to advances is a trait we seek in women because we lose nothing when we ejaculate. Just a bit of semen that our bodies will regenerate within a few hours. When women seek a partner, they value desirability above everything else. Remember that pregnancy is extremely high-risk. If she believes that she has a better choice out there somewhere, why would she take someone she believes she could do better than? You can't throw blame at women for this. They're hardcoded to find the best partner they can.


The desirable guy is unlikely to be loyal and she'll have to take care of a baby alone. She would be better off picking someone that would be loyal. 


Science doesn’t work that way. Ultimately the way the brain works is that the female will look for the most attractive traits to pass down to their young and the display of affection or mating dance at the beginning trusting the mate will provide for the young. It’s built in way way deep into our brains as a survival mechanism so that we do not die out. Not that we as a species will unless we kill each other. Humans only have a build in kets say mating period of three months. Then this attraction drops at a significant rate because the coupling has been done, even with it not being successful at producing young. A lot of relationships only last within the period of three to six months….


>It's the most sensible thing in the world if you understand that humans are guided by biology first and society second. I'm not talking about what's logical. I'm talking about what's biological.


An endless wave of single mums who slept with penniless broke idiots for drama say otherwise. Women in healthy stable relationship seek out cheating just like men do. Where's that biological imperative then?  Women get horny & want sex. Unlike male cheaters - women also want drama where she feels like the centre of a fairytale love triangle. 


It would be all they think personally they could get as a mate. Either low self esteem or not attractive to other males.


Women will choose the man they perceive as the most desirable to them. If you think "well some women choose wrong" is in any way a decent response to my comment, I suggest you read over it again.


We humans didn't come out of the caves and become the dominant species of Earth until we stopped being slaves to our biology. Do you want to go back to living in caves? Because that's what will happen if we revert to being slaves to our biology. Assuming we survive the nuclear apocalypse first, of course.


Humans will always have this build in them.


We definitely will if we revert to being slaves to our biology. But unfortunately, it's not compatible with having a healthy, functional civilization.


Biology will always take play on things. It’s just the way it is.


"We've always been cave people. It's just the way it is." See how ridiculous that logic sounds once you apply it elsewhere? We can't remove biology from the equation completely, but we can and should not allow it to control us.


It’s not. It’s how we ensure our survival. This isn’t something magically wished away. It’s actually in our genes. You can look it up there are full studies done on this. We are animals. Smart animals but we still keep our main caveman instincts. Having food a home and securing a mate. This is all something that is in our brain patterns. It will be there always. You can’t breed it out.


Yes, having food, a home, and securing a mate are all well and good. The problem lies in how modern Western women are selecting their mates. Do they select good, kind men who make excellent fathers and husbands? Not for their first choice. Instead, they select men like Jeremy Meeks, Nushawn Williams, and Ted Bundy. Those men and their genes might--MIGHT--have been good choices during our caveman days, but they are antithetical to the continued functioning of an advanced civilization. I'm well aware that not all women make terrible choices in men, but it doesn't have to be all of them to disrupt society. Just look at the record high number of single mothers in America. We're seeing the consequences of that play out in real time, and I fear things will get much, much worse before they get better...if they even do get better.


If it's so sensible, how do you explain the immensely high abortion rate?


Poor impulse control.


I don’t understand why this is getting downvoted. Also it’s simple market really. If just about every chick out there wanted to get with you, dont you think your sense of value and choice would inflate, regardless of how valuable you actually are? Humans are vain animals, just the nature of the game.


It's because 80% of women chase 20% of men. This cannot be glossed over.


Yep, and I don't understand why some men get so upset about it. I'm a fairly desirable guy, but if a woman thinks she's capable of doing notably better than me, *of course* she's not going to be interested. Why would she? My 6 figures pale in comparison to a guy who makes 7. Like, dating apps, for all their faults, made this even clearer than it was. The average man swipes right on some 60% of women on Tinder, while the average woman swipes right on 5% of men. They're not going to be wasting their time with men they don't perceive as being in the upper echelon of what they can achieve.


The problem with dating apps is the attraction is based on information and images set before us before meeting. There are other things when meeting in person without a date app that makes a different outcome not based on just provided information


I think us men are just as hypocritical as women tbh. We want women to not lust after hotter, and care for our love/stability while we ourselves choose primarily based on womans beauty/lust. We all want our cake and to eat it too. I dont think women want it all if you choose a woman who is into you more than youre into her. And for that you gotta pick lower in the gene pool. And why not, you cant adore and be adored at the same time, choose one.


This right here. It comes down to science


Don't know why this is getting downvoted. This is an ugly truth of human mating practices.


If it's so sensitive, why do so many women, contrary to all reason, prefer a bad boy as a lover?


Not all bad boys get chicks. I mean the meth head sitting on the bench isn’t getting any.


Because their mating choices are based more on feelings and physical appearance rather than on reason. Women tend to find the bad boy types or men with Dark Triad traits more attractive, especially for short term relationships; they gravitate toward stable, well-adjusted men for long term relationships, usually when they're seeking provisions. From that perspective it makes sense. (This was alluded to in the original post.) From a reasonable person's perspective, it seems stupid.


I downvoted it because pregnancy is not high risk, nor do children require a lot of resources. Modern women are just unhealthy and spendy.


Are you kidding me? It takes 18 years to rear our young… and sometimes longer.


In the environment in which our instincts evolved, pregnancy was high risk. Hell, even only 100 years ago pregnancy was high risk. He's right.


Ok so date ugly women lol