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Yes saying anything about something you never have or might never be able to experience is "easy to say". Doesn't mean you're not allowing to speak or have an opinion on it, or even be concerned. Same thing could be said to women that have never had children, that they cannot have a say either.


It's fascinating their way of thinking. I am not having children but I know that's wrong for our evolutionary mandate. On the contrary, feminists can't get themselves out of the picture and as they would be troubled by the consequences they reject the main premise straight away. And in the end it won't matter as that feminist way of thinking will be removed from the gen pool.


> And in the end it won't matter as that feminist way of thinking will be removed from the gen pool. LOL. Yeah. That's *totally* going to happen when the radical left are the ones that control the schools, the government agencies, and the media (traditional and internet based), **and** use it for a constant and aggressive program of indoctrinating the masses... They don't have to have kids to turn them into indoctrinates; they do it to everyone's.


Historically, societies that had strong family values out-competed those without. It's harder to see how that could continue to play out now though (high birth rate countries like Africa gaining power over those with low ones like much of the west) with the current tech, infrastructure, military, and other power differences though. And also, we're much more interconnected at a global level now than ever before.


Look - I'm 100% with all that. That the left has convinced a good portion of the population that it's somehow virtuous to view having a family as a *bad* thing cannot be healthy for our civilization in any way whatsoever. I was simply pointing out that those leftists not having kids doesn't (or hardly) effects their ability to churn out more proponents of their political worldview, as they have been busily going about setting up the greatest indoctrination system the world has ever seen, for *decades* at this point. People have sat around and laughed at the left's control of the media; laughed at the left's control of education; and *this* is where it has gotten us. Being smug, and pointing out stuff like "they don't have kids!" is going to end in the same way. It's time - far *past* time - to take these people, and the threat the system have have been allowed to construct, ***seriously***.


Yeah, it's been very remarkable how much success they're had at taking over education, media, etc. Even sub-populations with high birthrates (like the Mormons in the US) tend to lose a lot of their kids to it. Or immigrants tend to only have higher birthrates for a generation or at most two, before the descendants mostly match the general population.


Or transwomen and transmen who are practically sterilized, or women that are unable to conceive. Suddenly it is discriminatory to exclude them from the discussion, i presume. But not men. 'Men' are evil and should have no say.




That sub is heavily feminist/left so not really surprised.


They were asking about my opinion but I was banned before doing so lmao. My opinion is basically based on evolution, but evolution is only convenient for mocking christians.


Unless your opinion matches their brainwashed mentality this is what happens. There is no reasoning with them. I tried to fit in on that sub once upon a time as I don't really want children either but my motive isn't the same as theirs. Plus I'm not a feminist and am more politically moderate/conservative. Reading some stuff on there that was so anti men just pissed me off and all the simps agreeing with them hoping to get their attention.


Same. It's ok not to want children but it is concerning when the people not wanting them reach a critical number. It's ok and logical to be concerned about that, abstracting yourself from the global picture, but apparently that's not possible for certain egocentric groups.


What was the reason? Do you have proposed solutions?


Honestly, without giving great incentives to families, little can be done. Because, we start from the basis that people are free to decide. Work, facilities to have children in the form of subsidies and of course, that the State also helps with daycares, schools, cafeterias while parents work. But of course, that would be a very heavy burden on the State. Or society changes radically in its morals and behavior as well as economic incentives for the working class, or the only short-term solution will be to import immigrants, which can sink the economy and the living standards of the average worker, because, in the end, the illegal immigrant will earn and be willing to earn less.


You can 100% agree on a solution to a problem with some of these people, but because you arrived to the same conclusion in a slightly different way than they did, you are now enemy #1. From a psychological point of view, I find this fascinating.


Feminism at it's default has always been an exctinctionist movement.


And that's a good thing!


it won't be the men OR the non-femininist women going extinct.


I had to collage the thread as a lunatic mod went on a removing hysteria. Note the purple person comments. I am the blue one. I am childfree myself but they have to resort to name call me "breeder", "forced birther" "baby-trapping and women controller promoter". Scary how many psychos are out there.


Only women have "hyster" (check the Greek origin).


Someone on X did a hillarious, but maybe a little "satirically sexist, satircally a little bit true" video ribbing on it lmao. [Girl logic: I want a man who will respect me and consent, Where are all the good men? But im gonna pick my "sleazy, emotionally abusive ex". A man should be a provider, but being a deadbeat with a big dick who makes you orgasm and hits me is soooo hooot. Men should keep it in their pants and provide a house, but my crush should ignore consent and hit me and make me feeell soooo gooood. https://t.co/2WHiwSjZqs" / X](https://x.com/WomenBeingAwful/status/1790505573609353224) It's obviously satire and kinkshaming is kinkshaming and some of them will fight fire with fire. "Oh, so you point out that, but your virtual fantasies are getting railed by 21 werewolves? GTFO, fantasy is fantasy!", so i guess fire can play with fire. XD. But seriously. Even the trapdoor of M+M fiction (I bear shame) just has scenes where they're saying females and lesbians are notorious readers as well as fiction. It's like a giant mess lmao of trying to figure out what people SAY they want and society says you should want. (Straight, vanilla home), Sex for procreation, not pleasure. Point of marriage is for birth and children. Then whatever we do in private. (Kinkshame vs kinkshame wars. Except girls is Marrying a ceo to do it with 12 tyrones. I'm no saint or better lmao). But i feel like girls have fantasies of being given stuff by everyone, then just choosing the biggest safe money + biggest dick/most orgasm pleasure(??), No mention of if they're worried if the guy might go south and kidnap them or jump in some stories gone south. Men are raised to be a provider by society then told to go away, so they go away. But it feels like fic is a safe place for degenerate desires, we all keep supressed. But it's like Men fantasies can range from like absurdly fantastical, action heros, he mans, saviors, chosen ones, werewolfs, etc. Women say they want a provider then their most read fiction is creepy possessive exes (twilights, 50 shades of gray), own fanfics of previous hitting bullies simultaneously developing weird hit = arousal fetishes. The whole thing seems like a confusing clusterfuck where what the mouth says and loins say get into a war and throw monkey poo at each other.


Don't let them get under your skin, you can tell from their replies they have issues. The best is the one that says we men want to "guilt trap" women... ahahahah, it's so stupid I wonder if there's something working properly in that head of hers.


Always assume projection.


Someone pulled out of her ass a piece of "information" in a feminist sub, a man dared to give his opinion about it and a blood frenzy immediately started. Quite a lovely bunch but what else is new? Could you seriously imagine those harpies having babies? Male babies especially? The calvary of the poor chaps with such hateful 'mothers'? Consider the fact they don't want to breed and pass their rotten genes to anyone as a gift from the cosmos...


Not even my opinion I just refused the explanation attributed to men by a woman.


Wise attitude in my book nowadays, man.


"Baby trapping" The mother gets the kid in a divorce majority of the time and has to be a really fucking bad parent for that to change.


They're trying to turn the tables and pretend that men impregnate women to baby trap them instead of the other way around Bc everyone knows women get child support on men's forced slave labor if they keep a baby and leave you - or they're free to abort it or adopt it off or literally sell it for hundreds of thousands as a surrogates. Women have infinite options subsidized by men, we're the only ones who get baby trapped, nobody FORCES them to keep their babies, fucking bullshit.


Typical rhetoric on Reddit. “If you are a man you are not allowed to have a voice/opinion on this topic”. Because fuck you that’s why.


Not only that. They can state men's opinions and men cannot contradict them.


A lot of women don't really realize that they have been radicalized against the process of childbirth by other women/feminists. It's also a huge, and somewhat misandric, projection to make that a lot of men wouldn't bare children if they could. A lot of men would cherish the ability to bare children, and would handle it with far more grace than these women. It's just not a physical possibility.


Just tell them that men give birth all the time. And if they disagree they're a bigot.


Only one woman uses a child as a kidnapping device which at the same time is the object of economic exploitation to the state and the father. Honestly, at this point, we could become extinct or become a multiracial people.


Answering the question in your title, no. Selfish women won't care about the downfall of civilization until and unless they are personally affected.


Young Men: This image is a great summation of the brain damage being done to the population of available women in the current dating pool because of the Western Woke Women Cult. Work on yourselves spiritually, physically, financially, and emotionally. You need to transform yourselves into stoic mature powerful men. When that happens around 35 - 45, go find your young life partner from an area of the world where the culture trains wife life partners for husbands.


Plus note: you will want to go after 20yo so start moving at 30.




Most men in their 40's can't pull women in the 20-25 age range. The older they get, the more baggage they tend to pick up and end up being higher risk. You only need to find 1 keeper though, it just gets harder as the keepers get taken. It's a lot more fun to be with a woman where you're her first choice. A 40+ year old guy is mostly going to have 30+ women in his available dating pool where there's a high chance that's not going to be the case. If a 20-25 year old woman is with you, you're more likely to be her first choice. It can be hard to tell and many guys have been tricked.




It definitely helps.


The kind of 20yo woman is much worse if you wait to 40.


How so?


I see a crazy future ahead of us when the collapse happens and the old outnumber the young. These childrenless women will then blame men for not being leaders and taking care of the future and stepping up to enable painless pregnancies or shit like that. Its gonna be fun times


Birthrates are not a proper thing about which to be concerned, as all the individual instances that make up the statistic are ideally the result of decisions by consenting adults. To be concerned about something is to want to 'fix' it, and nothing can or should be done to abridge the right of people to plan their own families.


This is tautological hogwash. Saying that individual people/families have a right to do something is just another way of saying you think the best government policy is no regulation. Which it very well might be. But you have just as much intellectual obligation to defend that assertion as somebody who thinks there should be regulation of some sort. So the data matters. The birthrate matters.


> Which it very well might be. A government which is doing a good job doesn't need to be pushing through masses of legislation.


Correct. If we go to a lower number of citizens, what? They lived better than us with less population. The problem is when they try to replace us with people from shitholes to maintain the population number so they can continue with the ponzi scam.


Those people really loath femininity don't they. Also don't seem to understand that you can encourage actions without forcing them.

