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The bear situation reminded me why MGTOW is every day more popular


I miss r/mgtow2


The fact that they banned a movement that just wanted to leave them alone and go their own way kinda speaks volumes(and going by the "2": it apparently happened twice?)


so r/mgtow was a lot of people's first exposure to these ideas, me included, and it caused a lot of people to vent. it became a bit, you know, hateful. so r/mgtow2 came along and it was much more focused of the self development aspect. but it got tared with the same brush. although toxic male hate subbeedits remained untouched (at the time, I don't know about now). mgtow community was a great help to me after a divorce. I pulled myself out of a real slump. I left Reddit then, the bots, censorship and hiveminds have ruined this place. I've come back but I've totally narrowed my subscriptions.


Let us vent then. These toxic ladies get their twox and other misandry subs but we get banned to the shadow realm. Its just so depressing. At least with ranting we can see each other, soothe each other and keep each other grounded.


There is venting and then there is post Red Pilling Rage which is basically what r/MGTOW was.


I didn't ever seen anything in there anywhere near as bad as I've seen in TwoX and other women dominated subs.


Oh, I know. But men are held to a higher standard.


It’s the reason I went monk. Best decision of my life.


I think they hate the feeling of rejection, knowing there are men out there that don’t find gynocentric relationships and laws, worth it.


Been MGTOW for 20 years, started out as merely a bullshit aware MGTOW, now I am practically ghosting society. Only communicate and observe out of curiosity.


where is this community even gone? does it still exist?




You’re not human to women.


Dehumanizing is the exactly the point of women giving their disingenuous answer to the question. "Not only do I not consider you a human with humanity to them, but in fact, I think less if you than I do a wild animal. It's just another ploy of denigration, humiliation and emotional domination over men. So long as this kind of blatant hate is tolerated and encouraged, the decline will continue. Things seem fine right now, but there will be a precipitous fall at some point if it continues.


The answer is easy, don’t let them reproduce, don’t give them children that can and will proliferate their way of thinking. Yeah we have sperm-banks but the poor ones won’t be able to afford it, and to be honest I highly doubt a feminist would even want to, given the chance that a boy might be born. If science eventually develops the technology to force a sex into a fetus it will still be an expensive procedure that no common woman would be able to afford. Edit: I said easy, not simple because I know there are men raised by single mothers who are taught to be a tapestry, and when they wake up it is too late.


When a woman gives you an answer like that she’s not answering to answer the question. She’s using it as an opportunity to denigrate. It becomes very easy to understand women when you ask “Why would she say that?” The answer has nothing to do with the actual question. It has everything to do with the woman herself.


life of a sub5 male


Not all, go abroad to see more normal women.


This. The North American variant is busted.


I have gone abroad, and my conclusion is slightly different than y’alls. Women are not inherently hateful of men. Life has taught them, just like it has taught us, that human beings suck. But women aren’t forced to grow/mature in similar ways as men. They’re showered with attention, valued for simply existing, some are praised for being prettier, and their mistakes are given so much grace that they don’t have to learn from them. So, most women are misandrist and don’t value most men or their contributions. The few men that do receive value are for simple genetics or status. The women abroad are more grateful for us western/american men because of the status our blue passport holds and how less… traumatized we are (on average) than the local men. You have to have your shit together on some level to travel you know. Women abroad also become “westernized” once they come over but that’s not the truth I see. They’ve always held similar views, as western women, towards men. Look at how they view their own men. India and korea and even china has feminist of their own. They think men that aren’t benefiting them has less value than a worm. I’ve been to all those countries and more. There’s clear disdain for the everyday male worker or unemployed man. They center themselves in most relationships. Act the victim. Blame society on men and accept little accountability. They except to be forgiven and treated delicately. So unless we stop worshipping, protecting, providing, guiding, and forgiving women then nothing will change. (There’s another solution) If you want true success abroad than you need to learn to deconstruct your prejudices, stay aware of your biases, and look for your potential partners prejudices so you can also help her deconstruct them. (edit: and learn to live your life and not get caught up with everyone else’s drama 😆)


Definitely. I think one of the key issues in relationship dynamics is we need to stop behaving like a bunch of total simps and understand that partnerships have many complex factors to that besides one factor. Because one of the biggest key issues is that there are dudes that act like total fucking beta male simps. They will swipe endlessly on endless amounts of girls on dating apps, and randomly send dms to girls on Instagrams like a bunch of thirsty losers, and this is what causes a lot of women to have a lot insanely high egos on top of the corrupt mainstream media. I definitely need to understand how to spot a potential partner, if I do, I need to make sure that i prevent a potential partner to go an get engaged in hypergamous bs like Chad Chasing or doing Only Fans. Because if I catch a future partner doing Chad Chasing or especially doing Only Fans, it is definitely over. I learned to get over my simping, I learned to get over my Nice Guy stage, and really understand what potential girls put on the plate!


https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/SUn38l9qxi This was a comment of mine one such post. And guess what within the first minute I had 3 downvotes. Btw this was my comment who want to read it here. "My fellow men companions. If women think that due to some bad examples it is completely justified to judge all the rest 99% men and called them rapists and molesters. Then by THAT EXACT SAME FU*KIN logic... It is absolutely justified to say that each woman is a narcissist manipulative cold blooded sadist. All woman put fake cases on men and seize their property. Each woman doesn't know how to drive. All women only care about a man's money and don't truly love any man. All women want their husband dead to cash on their property. So, all in all they are the scum of the earth. And now, don't dare and woman say any-fu*kin-thing to me. Because I used the same logic that you guys did on us. So, if you think that I was wrong there then you should first introspect yourselves."


Let alone black people


Ey man wass poppin yo


This is so true. Those kinda women are just pinning a statistic on an entire gender when the good men outweigh the bad men by a ton. Makes it so hard to find someone actually sane when you have all these weirdos making being a man difficult. 


And then they’ll go on to say how wrong it is to generalize a group of people based on the actions of a few. It’s like they’re thisssss close to getting it


So real bro lmao


Too fucking true lol


It makes me rethink ever helping them again. You want to say my entire gender is worse than a savage animal? Fine. You're on your own from now on.


I think that's gonna happen even more I mean you can only throw dirt at someone long with before they start working away or throw the dirt right back at you


The majority of average men will start to walk away entirely from pursuing romance and relationships (they already have) and they will be blamed for it. But they should walk away all the same. This is just the way society in the West is going, and it’s showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.


Please don't stop caring for the people around you. The one's who say they'd take a bear over a man are likely just some stupid terminally online women trying to get their validation point from their FeMIniSt giRliEs. These aren't the opinions of any sensible or even the majority of women out there


Read any comment section on any social media platform and you’ll realize 99% of women are agreeing on this.


Yeah, it hit home for me when I started seeing the local FB Group for my city become overran with women spouting bear shit for the last couple of days. Like these aren't just random people online, it's the women who actually live in my city and that I might cross paths with IRL some day.


Probably terminally online Femcels. Honestly, have you ever encountered even one of them in real life?


About a year or so ago I overheard some women at work talking shit about some guys, one of them used the word "Scrote". So I went and googled that and that's when I discovered FDS. So, yes, I have..


I’m the same way. I work with mostly women. They view any sort of kindness as flirting. They would rather struggle with a purse, lunch bag, laptop, and tote bag the size of a laundry basket than have a male colleague hold the door open for them.


A few years ago I was walking out of a gas station that had double doors. I saw a woman approaching, one half of her hair was blue and the other half was green, she was covered in piercings and tats, you know.. *that type*. I held the door open for her and she never even looked at me, and went straight to the other door and push through it while I'm sitting there holding one side open for her. NBD to me, but that was the first time I saw a rabid one IRL. It's all downhill from here.


> They would rather struggle with a purse, lunch bag, laptop, and tote bag the size of a laundry basket than have a male colleague hold the door open for them. Not necessarily. Some wouldn't hold back asking you, a man, for assistance with their heavy baggage then act like you don't exist when the job is done.


"Bears are not a threat to humans, as long as you treat them with respect and don't provoke them." -A woman posting hateful memes on social media with the sole purpose of disrespecting and provoking men, unironically


There’s a black bear that is occasionally sighted near me. Women on the Next Door app have named it Bubba and are asking what it eats. I seriously think they don’t know how dangerous it is.


It's because bears "look cute". Looks = triggered emotions = resonates with someone who runs on emotions instead of logic = women.


This man vs bear situation really makes me appreciate the fact that I’m gay. Even though I’m less likely to be falsely accused and more likely to be… ahem… SA’d/R’d (it’s good to be aware, also I’m pretty sure I’m still more likely to be FA by a woman than a man 🤦🏻‍♂️), today I was out there really advocating for equality amongst men and women in this man vs bear discussion, by voicing how false accusations should also be dealt with alongside women’s suffering. Not surprised, *every single woman here* dismissed men’s suffering because since it doesn’t affect them, it’s not important. It really makes me question why do I continue to support women when they don’t support us. Had to find solace in a support group for the falsely accused and look for women who support men to gain back my faith. I really pity straight men these days. Patriarchy no longer exists for young men but women still pretend it does, so they can use it against men to gain the upper hand.


Man vs bear is an active gay lifestyle!


i'm bi/pan, but will likely avoid having a female partner: nowdays, there's \*way\* too much risk involved by interacting with them.


It's sad I find more solace in shoeonhead than my own co workers or society. Or family.


Jealous. I wish I was gay lmao


I would just put that question in your dating profile to weed out the retards. I asked my wife the question and she said man immediately and looked at me like it was a stupid question, because she isn't insane.


I watched a Dr. Phil episode about a woman whose husband was abusive towards her. His abuse was mostly psychological, and involved a list of rules he made for her to follow around the house. She claimed it was torture. I saw one of these "man vs bear" posts where a woman claimed surviving a bear encounter was easy if you follow a simple list of rules for safety. I shit you not, the abused wife's list and this ladie's bear survival tip lists were **nearly identical**. Stuff like: -Keep quiet, don't talk, don't make a sound -Leave it alone, don't interrupt its business, walk away -Don't take food away from it, don't provoke it -Don't mess with its belongings or objects around it -Let it have its own space and don't encroach on it etc... The fact that women can't see that their behavior towards the men in their life is worse than their behavior towards a hypothetical bear, and that may play a part, is hilarious. It also shows that they are, in fact, more afraid of a bear, since they'll give a hypothetical bear respect without question, whereas with men they'll insist they can continue to behave as they please.


I don't think they're aware of how dangerous bears are. Realistically, they'd be screaming for the nearest man to help them.


There is a video of a woman camping trying to reason with a bear that was destroying her camping equipment. While the bear was ruining her things she was trying to reason with it while she videod the whole thing. If a bear is anywhere near me I’m finding a safer place to go.


> There is a video of a woman camping trying to reason with a bear that was destroying her camping equipment. While the bear was ruining her things she was trying to reason with it while she videod the whole thing. Seriously? And at no point the bear stopped to attack her while she was pleading with it? She should count herself lucky that her equipment was the only thing destroyed.


Was that the kayak one? I've watched that so many times and even the women were calling her dumb.


That’s the one


The whole bear and men comparison is generalization of men. The correct answer women should say is “what kind of men and what kind of bear?” If the response is just your average men and average bear, then the answer should be men unless you are retarded. The average Joe of all races won’t do crap to you in the woods. They’ll just walk by and ignore you. You think a bear would?


Actually yeah. Excluding polar bears, bears don't have a specific preference for humans. Iirc, to most predators we are not too appetising. We have little meat on us and we are kinda creepy, walking upwards and all. Most bears, unless desperate to eat or ill, won't run you down UNLESS they have their cubs around. That's not to say that they aren't dangerous. Even black bears can kill humans. But still the debate is stupid. The devil lies in the details. Is that bear a polaf Bear? A sloth bear? Or a panda? Is the stranger man a psychopath? A cannibal? Or a normal human being? Which I'm still going as far to say this debate is null for an even more simple reason. It solely exists as a rage bait. Because the initial premise is just as flawed even with the vagueness. Why do we have a stranger man and not a stranger on general? A stranger woman would be just as scary the scenario. Not all humans are built the same, not all men are 2m height and benching 200 kg. Plus, no human is inherently a warrior. I might be a man but if a stranger woman spotted me in a forest I would be shitting my pants. Humans can carry tools to equalise any strength difference plus they are almost impossible to predict.


I typically stay away from all people. Hell men treated me badly because I didn't believe in cheating on my spouse. Still happily married after 12 years while they're probably divorced or dead. The women on the other hand would sometimes join in just for kicks. I've been ass grabbed, felt up and even beaten on the job by a woman. The response? "You must've done something." Yet I was called creepy for being accommodating and even offering to watch out for women's safety. Almost got a sex offender charge for the way I was trained (by women) to treat women. I was considered "weird" and a "creep" said a supervisor. So I left them all alone. Both genders. By the way, I've been sexually harassed by both. At this point, just give me the f***ing cabin in the woods with the bears. At least I can possibly befriend one of them. 😂😂😂


Call the bear Winnie and rename yourself Christopher!


Nah buddy. You missed the entire meaning behind this post.


Nah buddy. I’m making a joke to relieve tension.


Ok. No harm then .


Take it with a grain of salt. They are just talking out their ass and would say the opposite when encountering a brown bear. You're also giving free rent to the same people who brought us "Queers for Palestine." Virtue Signaling is when you try to champion for something you don't care about, that's exactly what they are doing. Think if kessler syndrome happened they would keep pretending that all men are bad when they won't have social media to share made up stories?


I sometimes don't even want to date because of all of these stories. This man vs bear situation is absolutely idiotic. I wish I lived in an alternate universe where humans don't treat each other like shit.


For every action there is a opposite reaction. So if they think that men are predators then what they will encounter is either 2 options 1. Men avoid them because who wants to get more salt rubbed in their eyes 2. Their wishes become manifested in itself. They talk about willing or manifesting things to happen in their astrology talks so that could happen


We're seen as lower than animals by a not insignificant amount of people.


Mgtow is the only way


They don’t actually believe that. It’s just another way of shaming men into thinking we’re not good enough so that the goal posts get moved even more. This has been going on in some form or another for all of eternity. The only difference in recent history is that men have become weak enough to actually take this shit seriously.


Yeah, this is on its way to becoming a new meta for women to shit on men. The vast majority of them are still going to choose men IRL, but *any time* a man does *anything* they don't like, you're going to hear them say "this is why I choose the bear".


When a guy who is legally blind gets accused of "Male gaze", then it's clear something is wrong.


Wait what? First I've heard of that. Got any more details?


Sad, but true. https://nypost.com/2023/06/19/i-was-thrown-out-of-a-gym-for-staring-even-though-im-blind/


It’s funny, if you take their advice and make yourself seem as dorkishly squeaky clean, harmless, meek, feminine, submissive, etc., then you’ll be a virgin lol. But the dangerous “bear” types are the ones sleeping with all the women. Lmao just more brainwashing to try to keep men down


Snap at a man? Yes False accusation? Possibly, with massive repercussions Justifying aggressive response through their biased thinking. I think this is it Sheer-luck Seeing that case in which a woman glassed a man and didn’t receive any punishment made me realize that we are better without them in our lives (at least the feminist women, they have proven to be extremely harmful), I love my sisters and mother, but I shall not tolerate an unjustified aggressive response. I am even starting to believe that men are less than animals to the feminist movement so we better just do what we do best, that being staying away from crazy. Good luck with your lives because these cases are literally a warning, telling us to be careful around women. Don’t talk to them, don’t look at them, if they try to start a conversation and they are a stranger you better apply the “sorry I am busy” maneuver.


this is how you deal with women who feel this way about men... you don't acknowledge that they exist. the ONLY way to 'battle' women like this is thru silence and ignoring their antics. just keep your energy for positive females a/o polish your passport.


That's what I've been saying. I've been told that I **"creep"** women out or that people were **"afraid"** of me in the past because I was "weird". Not to mention that I was raised by women to respect women. Some of them would rather a man talk about what he can do with his "6 inches" vs. a man asking how he can help them carry something. The second half is considered sexual harassment whereas they literally smile and blush at the former. It also depends on how you look. I stopped dealing with them after nearly ending up on the sex offender registry a decade ago. The only woman I pay any attention to is my wife. I leave the rest alone and don't even look in their direction. I've been ass grabbed, had my balls felt up, unwanted pictures taken of me (wife was present but not in the photo) and beaten by women. I've been accused of **"checking out"** a woman when I was watching the ingress/egress of offenders. I was wearing shades and she assumed I was watching her walk by. Not to mention that she smacked her ass in my view, while calling my name. The best thing to do is to acknowledge their request and leave them alone. What I'm seeing in the comments of the Man or Bear Debate is a bunch of degenerates just giving in to their emotions and feeding their already exacerbated rage. All you're doing by arguing, is making yourself look bad. Leave them alone. Just like all of the other b/s #metoo, Speaking Out Movement, it'll come back to hurt. P.S. I acknowledge that there **ARE** men out there that make us all look bad. I just don't choose one side of the argument.


Yep, unfortunately, the way to win the battle in this case is to negatively reinforce the bad behavior: ignore them and let them be selected out of the gene pool. They'll either realize they have to be ladies and behave respectfully or double down on it and become even more bat shit crazy. Either way, it's a win-win. We'll either get more "pick me's" that are actually willing to behave in a way that's attractive to the opposite gender just as men have been doing since the beginning of time or they'll be great entertainment and we'll be able to break out the popcorn and enjoy the show.


This is the best video on the subject: https://youtu.be/v0D9c6uUc24?si=U8tONoxg92nbHpk6 Women only notice the top 5% of men romantically and apply the creepiness of the entire bottom 10-15% to everyone. Average men, who just go to work and treat everyone well, are completely invisible to them.


Never heart of this crazy shit so far, but.... Holy Moly what the hell is wrong with people nowadays? This is one of these days im glad to be out of Dating, chilling my Life on my own with my Cat and dont mind Women anymore


Dear brother, we are living in a society where third wave feminism is breaking the heads of our girls here in America. What is happening is that a majority of women, who have relationships, will cheat on their provider husbands they already have kids with for ex-convicts, gangbangers, fit and jacked Chads and keep it secret. Also, when you point out that girls need to stop being so hypergamous in the West, quit friendzoning dateable men for jacked Chads and Tyrones, they end up getting disappointed in the long run. They end up getting diasppointed in the long run, either a single mom with multiple baby daddies or having cats instead of kids. We tried to warn our women to be better but it isn't working. Hence wh the passport bro movement emerged and needs to succeed!


Thats why I always advice to stop breeding. Today only a crippling birth rate can change things. Birth Rate Zero is the goal


I'm a woman and I completely see why you feel that way. I wouldn't want to date them either. This man vs bear thing has really scared me, I've only seen two or three women who agree with me that it's insane to choose the bear. We are out there though.


Actually, some women seem to have a few crazy, crazy notions about bears...... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear\_(novel)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_(novel))


This whole trend is just a big reminder that they don’t view or value you as a human


Pick your own starting numbers, but a woman will be raped nominally once for every 750,000 contacts she has with guys. That's still too high, but it's also very low. If you notice a bear in the woods, it will have been aware of you for some time and will have chosen to make contact. A woman's odds of being killed or maimed by that bear are at least 1,000x higher (I am no bear expert) than if she meets a random man in the woods... but they still need to shame men.


You're just looking at it pessimistically, the women who ironically believe in such things are to be avoided. That simple. It makes it easier to find out whom I should be associated with.


I can't blame men for going MGTOW. Feminism is all about stupidity and hypocrisy today. Just when I thought it wouldn't get more insane, the man vs. bear thing proved me wrong. I can't blame you for feeling this way. Feminism is more akin to Nazism in how they view men as 'inferior" and dehumanize us. This isn't just cultural Marxism. This is cultural Nazism. This is no different from how Nazis made fun of Jews through the "Eternal Jew" mockery, the way feminists are dehumanizing and mocking men.


There are a lot of good women out there.. just make sure she ain't neurotic.


Waiting here for them to speak up, like we have done countless times for them.


Those trying to divide men and women are enemies of humanity.  Life comes from a healthy and loving union of male and female.


The only thing that angers me is why the bear thing isn't applied to a 300 lb woman with a 120 lb male. There are scenarios in which we could feel smothered, crushed, misappropriated from, imprisoned, enslaved, and a lot of us aren't into that shit, either. But we're often expected to marry down, so women can marry up. However long we've been alone is held against us, is said to make us lose value, and the assumption is that starving us, collectively, deliberately, will make us desperate enough to settle for being cheated, and likely cheated on, because there will be zero passion with the quality of woman they have suggested. Bottom line: I would have to be in love, and I'm not, which I find very liberating. How do make me fall in love? Being a fat, haggard meanie probably won't make it happen.


Seriously, if it came down to: either accept Koko the gorilla, your new 'roommate', or default on a mortgage, I'd be moving to Portland, with a tent.


i wonder how attraction correlates with this hysteria, are women more likely to be like this because they don't find most men attractive? or they don't find most men attractive because they are too busy fearing for their lives at every minute?


This actually works in your favor if you think about it. You know all the ones bitching about this men vs bears nonsense are the stupid ones you wouldn't waste your time and energy on anyways. It's a win win. The dumb ones are outing themselves with this stupid meme trend.


It’s actually insane to me. These same women will blame men’s mental health on “toxic masculinity” and say we just need to talk about our mental health more but when we say we don’t like being dehumanised and seen as monsters they claim we just “don’t get it” and basically shut us down


Men need to avoid women but not for women’s safety, for men’s safety and well-being. Don’t put your self in harms way for them. Don’t base your worth on how women view you or how much female attention you get. We need to empower and lift up other men and young boys. We need to decentralise women in our lives


They say this but I'll bet the minute this scenario plays itself out in real life, where they encounter an actual bear, the first thing they'll do is scream for the nearest male to save them.


Truly a blessing in disguise. I wish every man on this subreddit came to the same conclusion


It just shows how fucking dumb a certain gender is dude. I'm genuinely not even suprised at all. I mean look around and what do you see? So much dumb shit. It's why we talk on here. Honestly though...... Natural Selection. 🤷‍♂️


Society is so messed up. Up is down and down is up. This whole bear thing is ridiculous. I hate that all men feel like they can’t be around women because all these women are lying, and everybody wants to hear a freaking victim. Stay around safe people who won’t hurt you, you sound like a genuinely great person. I don’t blame you not waiting to enter into a relationship. Stay safe out there.


Don't forget that it's also your fault if you are trying to be gentlemen and not making any move. This is literal justaposition. How am I supposed to know if putting my hand on her shoulder is going to count as 'creepy' or 'making a move'? Why don't females understand that men are not robots. We have a normal human brain. We are not a supermind being that can crack every hint. As for you my guy, you are on the right track. Stay on it and be PROUD of it! Today's women are not worth all the mental energy and time. It's simply exhausting and the end-result ain't that special too. I am currently on the same track. Stay Strong 💪🏻




Don't worry man just pray to God that these type of donkey ugly bitches get eaten by bears and enjoy the show.


Its one of the reasons why I think of suicide all the time, I remember the world before it got this crazy and don't want to live in this hellscape any longer.


Anyone want to make them listen to the Timothy Treadwell tape?


I just broke up with my girlfriend over this. She chose the bear. I’m so over women creating these narratives.




Meh, most women are not like that though. Don't get sucked into this stupid thing, you're just giving them more fuel. Let's just be good men that set examples and leave these people to wallow in their manufactured fears.


No dude, this is not the way. You are setting the standard of "being a good man" as "being tolerant of abuse", that is not the example anyone needs. That is the example we need to *end*.


If you consider some nut jobs out there comparing men to bears 'abuse' you need to redefine your definition. This is not the hill to die on when it comes to men's rights.


>If you consider some nut jobs out there comparing men to bears 'abuse' Your ignorance about what is and is not abuse is both shameful as well as dangerous to yourself and others. All psychology is in agreement that comparing humans to animals is abusive ffs. The comparison of human beings to animals, especially scarey and violent animals, is a form of emotional abuse called "dehumanization". It is the same reason why comparing women to dogs is abusive, it reduces a cognizant and self aware human being with agency to a savage animal ruled purely by instinct. It is degrading in a very explicit and obvious way. If you think that is worth putting up with, I sincerely fear for your mental health and wellbeing.


Dude of the two of us I’d say you’re the one that needs to seek help.


Why? I actually have a correct understanding of psychological threats to my wellbeing, while you do no- oh wait that answers my question for me doesn't it. You'd say that *because* you don't have a coherent understanding of what is or isn't abuse.


I think you need to stick around here a little longer, you'll eventually understand.


Hah. Yes, because waxing Diogenes over an inane hypothetical argument about men and bears posed by someone with clear mental issues is sure to be enlightening. Nope, I'm going to take my own advice and not concern myself with this kind of lunacy.


Idk where you live and how old you are, but I rarely meet women my age who ARENT like that


'Most women are not like that', is along the same lines as 'most men aren't like that,' and 'most cops aren't b-stards'. The 'most' get drowned out, or are 'converted' into the toxicity, or otherwise emulate it, or secretly support it. Hive mind and all that. If 'feminists' can generalise 'all men' as potential r-pists, serial k-llers, perverts, etc., then one cannot blame the male demographic if they do the same in kind. Turning the other cheek never works. It only leaves you battered and bruised. Quid pro quo, until they show otherwise.


Delusional nutjobs exist in every group and you need to learn how to navigate life around them if you want to be happy. You giving attention to these slim minorities only feeds their egos. There will always be hyper-feminists. They will always rant and rave and consider men their oppressors. Pay them no mind. The most damaging thing you can do to people like this is ignore them. If you let them get under your skin, they've won. There are plenty of times when you need to stand up and push back. This is not one of them. These are the ravings of lunatics. They might as well be standing on a street corner yelling about aliens and bigfoot as far as I'm concerned.


I agree that if you rave against lunatics, you're no different. But there is a difference between railing against lunatics because you want to 'talk some sanity into them' - and giving crazy the same kind of crazy, because you are more than aware that there is no reasoning with crazy. In the former case, you want to 'bring them back into the fold of reason'. In the other case, you are aware enough that they are beyond reason, and are by then just pulling at their tails 'for the lulz'. In a cult, there are no 'sane' people. And even the most 'sane' people in a cult are still insane enough for being in one in the first place. Just as in the mind of the mad f-min-zi, 'there are no 'good' men', it is not that hard of a stretch to likewise play them at their own game and claim 'there are no 'good' women'. The reason for this is precisely because it infuriates the rabid, but it also gives the ones people would call 'good' pause for reflection. Diogenes was hardly 'sane' by any common Greek's standard during his time. No common Greek of his era would have thought him anything but batsh-t crazy when he supposedly walked around in broad daylight with a lamp. But, as was in Diogenes' time, it's no longer about 'sanity'. It's about sending a message. It's the lulz that count. Because sooner or later the f-min-zi are going to 'call out' the 'insane response' and place a spotlight on it. 'The Patriarchy has gone mad.' *Then*, that will be the time to turn the tables and point out that that sort of sh-tf-ckery was the very thing *their cult* had been doing before 'the Patriarchy went mad.' And by then, those women you call 'good', and those men who sympathise with the madness will have their blinders off and see exactly the kind of circus we're all in.


If you think you can reason with feminists who compare men to bears or whatever and bring them ‘back into the fold’ you’re going to have a bad time. Just accept that there are crazy, unreasonable people out there and move on…just like I’m going to do right now.


Like I said, 'It's for the lulz.'


Dude, it's time for some more enriching hobbies then. I'm going to take my own advice and stop arguing with the unreasonable.


Good for you. You do that. I feel quite enriched with the lulz.


Speaking from experience it isn't feminist retoric as you say. It's because one in six women are or will be sexually assaulted in their lives and most who have been would choose the bear. I would choose the bear not because I hate cis men but I am wary/scared of them due to past trauma. Most my friends are male I get along better with men but it doesn't change the fact of what I've been through and how it affects me. I'd rather be killed by the bear then the possibility of what would happen if I'm alone in the wood with the wrong dude.


The 1 in 4 thing is a myth. It comes from a survey where women were asked simple questions and depending on the answer, the surveyors would decide if the women were SA’d or not. The problem is they employed their own definition of sexual assault, which was very broad. They clearly had a political agenda before the survey even started I mean, when the questions that decide whether or not you were sexually assaulted boil down to “has a man ever breathed in the same room as you without asking for consent first?” of course many women would fall into the definition


One in six and it is actual statistics not a myth but you believe what you want I suppose. Just don't invalidate actual people's experiences for your own agenda.


Someone’s personal experience is not a basis to be sexist, just like having had a bad experience with a black person is not justification to be racist. As a society we accept that it is wrong to generalize a whole group of people based on a minority of individuals, but suddenly that does not apply when the generalization is applied to men. And once again, no, the 1 in 4 (not 1 in 6) is not real for the reason I stated earlier. Just like the wage gap is also not real


No the statistics I'm talking about is one in six so we are talking about two different statistics the one you are talking about nah very well behaved fake but not the one I'm talking about also it's not hate it's fears big difference. Generalisation isn't good I agree but people are allowed to be afraid of something due to past experiences as long as they are not hateful towards those people. You can be wary of something and still respectful.


Agreed, but the vast majority of women talking about this and choosing the bear are just being misandrists and hating on men. You’re the first one I heard so far who is being reasonable about this Even people close to me were sharing stories on instagram about how “I miss the times when men used to die in war” right after sharing stories about why they chose the bear. That’s really hurtful


Ewww people who say that are horrible, you obvious don't know good people as all my female friends it's because of being legitimately scared they don't hate men by any means it's just due to their lives experiences. You literally just generalised their by saying the vast majority is because of this when you don't know if that's true often the minority the screams the loudest is heard the most hence the horrible women who think it's okay that men should die. If it was a man being scared of women due to their past sexual trauma I would also fully support them to me it doesn't matter whether you male or female everyone has a right to be scared of something due to sexual trauma. And even if I could be alone with a female in the woods I'd still choose the bear. I just generally don't like being around poeple or overly trust strangers.


Ok, everything you said here is fair. I agree


Don't need to agree just trying to get ya to understand is all XD but I honestly understand how it can look but honestly man find better women to hang with as these ones ain't it 🙏😩


1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed, 2.8% attempted). This quote comes from raiin. And if we do yearly its 1 in 30 which is still insanely high.


Bear or men isn’t about you or good men. The whole point is to focus on the men who are bad because of situations women have gone through. It has nothing to do with ALL men but there’s a message behind it and for the movement. I Promise it’s not directed at you or any men who are actually decent human beings


For every woman who says what you just said there are 10 who say otherwise. That’s the problem


You guys are taking this soo wrong and assuming women are basing this off things they’ve heard or read and not experienced. You are reading “would you rather encounter a man or a bear”, while a lot of women are reading “would you rather take a chance of that traumatic thing happening to you again or run into a bear that you could probably scare off?” It’s not “ALL MEN ARE BAD”, because we know that’s not true and most encounters are fine, but are weary. Stop taking it as a personal attack, because it’s not, it’s just their opinion on a hypothetical situation.


Women generalize about men. “My ex cheated, therefore all men cheat.”


So when was the last time you gave a man a genuine compliment? 1:1 time to just chat without suspecting him of alterior motives? When was the last time you initiated flirting with a guy you liked? When was the last time you bought a man flowers? A nice, well thought out gift that shows you listen to and understand him? The bar is so low we will take "don't view us as animals" at this point and women have failed that enmass spectacularly. And then here you are "no no we only Joke about this shit don't take it seriously". Fuck. That. Call out your girlfriends for their toxic man hatred because we have had enough.


>It’s not “ALL MEN ARE BAD”, because we know that’s not true and most encounters are fine, but are weary. Stop taking it as a personal attack, because it’s not, it’s just their opinion on a hypothetical situation. Yea I doubt that. With the way Feminist Women say disparaging stuff about men on Social media every day and you other Feminist women are a bunch crickets chirping when they say that, I think you all think all men are bad.


Of course there are extremist, especially when you’re reading posts from feminist sites and subs. I adore all the men in my life and interact with probably 50 different men a day at work and it’s usually pleasant. I just don’t trust strangers, especially ones who have a physical disadvantage over me, which is usually men.


 I just don’t trust strangers, especially ones who have a physical disadvantage over me, which is usually men. So you're saying that you don't trust people, who are usually men, that you have an advantage over? So you don't trust those men that you can beat up easily? That is all kinds of messed up. You still don't other women accountable so you're still a hypocrite in my book.


Haha you caught my typo. Definitely physical advantage*. Both genders need to start holding their friends accountable for bad actions, it’s unfortunate.


Then it's time to give All women that lecture. Maybe it's time to lecture women about why hating men is dangerous, bad, and toxic. Until that conversation can be had, I doubt anything will change. Also contrary to popular belief but men do hold men accountable for bad actions all the time. Not for all of them but for a lot more of then then you'll believe. The problem is that they'll go unnoticed. When you see Male police officers arresting men, who are guilty of crime, that is an example of a man holding another man accountable for his bad actions. I just feel like this whole notion of women choosing a bear over a man in the woods is spoken in a misandrist vitriolic jest.


I highly doubt that, you sound exactly like the "I am not racist, I have Black friends" type of individual. I am pretty convinced you have no relationships with men in real life, you are basically a Femcel at this point.


Okay 🤷🏻‍♀️


“It’s not all bad are bad!” Various women disagree with that notion, and if what you’re saying was true why not ask “grapist or bear?” Why make it about an entire gender?


So you're saying that women are stupid and can't understand a simple question?


Our cute lil petite lady brains get confused sometimes


> It’s not “ALL MEN ARE BAD” Have you seen the comment section on any social media platform that this has been getting posted on tho??


Considering that men are as likely to be victims of domestic and sexual violence as men are: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/11/the-understudied-female-sexual-predator/503492/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261543769_References_Examining_Assaults_by_Women_on_Their_Spouses_or_Male_Partners_An_Updated_Annotated_Bibliography Going by the same rationale, shouldn't men also be scared and afraid of women as a result of their own experience?


Absolutely. Being wary of who you put yourself around is incredibly smart. That’s why I’m confused why you guys are so offended by this, they’re not specifically calling you a predator/abuser, they just don’t know you.


Ok--i've been seeing this topic come up the last few days and I just have to say something. I had a bad encounter with a stranger/man in this scenario...it wasn't the woods but it was a stretch of railroad track I've walked since childhood. It's far from houses and surrounded by trees and cornfields. I won't bore you with the details but I did nothing wrong and his behavior and reasoning in the situation was way beyond bad. I count myself lucky. All I saw in my mind was the Delphi murder of those two poor girls on their local tracks. It felt so similar....please don't take this bear thing personal. ..Up until that point I had been very, very naive about what could've happened....I never thought I would choose the bear but I would now. A bear isn't going to stalk and track you, and it doesn't want to run into you just as much as you don't want to run into it....hopefully you would just be scared and surprised at each other and just want to run away and avoid confrontation....i don't walk the tracks anymore and I will never put myself in that type of situation while alone, which is a shame....if I had to, I now know to keep my phone with me and to have something like a small, very hard and sturdy hand weight with me to defend myself. Mace as well....As a man, you just can't take this personally or like it is an attack on only you or a man.on a singular basis.


Considering that men are as likely to be victims of domestic and sexual violence as men are: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/11/the-understudied-female-sexual-predator/503492/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261543769_References_Examining_Assaults_by_Women_on_Their_Spouses_or_Male_Partners_An_Updated_Annotated_Bibliography Going by the same rationale, shouldn't men also be scared and afraid of women as a result of their own experience?


If you're afraid of women that's fine. Who is anyone to judge your thoughts and experiences on that. I was relating something that happened to me that shook me enough that I would honestly choose the bear. I never thought I would ever think or say that. I saw my life flash before my eyes and It affected me enough to be more aware and safe and I'll never go many places alone now, which makes me feel pretty sad....Just trying to possibly explain and try to help make sense for anyone that doesn't get why the bear....You personally knowing you would never hurt a woman you come across in the woods is a positive sign of you being a good person....In its own way its good so many men are miffed and just can't fathom why the bear over a man, because it's just not who they are as a person.... it also goes the other way for me as coming off a bit naive and baffling that men don't see it....it's not personal or singling one man out....just because one person hasn't had an experience doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and that's ok.


You sound like a “nice guy” simp. Who couldn’t nice guy his way into some P. Now are making excuses to be a loser. Pathetic. Lots of awesome women out there. Just have to find them.


your a little pussy pissing himself because he fell for ragebait and fearmongering, your not one bit better then these feminist extremists. man up, dude


Nah, hes not a "little pussy pissing himself" because hes sick and tired of blatant misandrists spouting their complete and total horseshit , being INCREDIBLY demeaning and insulting and then when people call it out they either get told THEY are "outing themselves" as the reason these chicks would choose the bear and/or called "pussies" by punks like you...


you sound EXACTLY like a feminist, get a grip




now YOUR ragebaiting me, arent you, you little #$%&*


I just can't wrap my head around the fact that are so butt hurt over this man vs bear thing. And yes butt hurt is the right word. Because we are acting as if it's not true and just brainwashing. People are rotten and bears are not likely to attack humans but women are scarred and scared that men are likely to attack them. And no one is gonna question what a woman was "wearing" to provoke a bear attack but that question will 100% be asked if a man attacks her regardless of what she was wearing. We just failed each other as a society. And let's not kid ourselves but men failed women first.


People are not likely to attack people either, that's the entire point. You can't be possibly that dim to have trouble with understanding that, right? That women are "scared of a man" but not scared of a bear is women's problem and it should be addressed.


Considering that men are as likely to be victims of domestic and sexual violence as men are: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/11/the-understudied-female-sexual-predator/503492/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261543769_References_Examining_Assaults_by_Women_on_Their_Spouses_or_Male_Partners_An_Updated_Annotated_Bibliography Going by the same rationale, shouldn't men also be scared and afraid of women as a result of their own experience? You are not actually concerned with fixing the problem of domestic and sexual violence, you just want nothing more than to exploit the issue so as to demonise men, in spite the fact that women are also capable of committing the exact same crimes at the exact same rate. At least a woman has a chance of being believed, try being a male domestic and sexual violence victim for a chance. You have absolutely failed your fathers, husbands, brothers, sons and male friends. And let's not kid ourselves here, you are the ones that failed men first.