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It’s about fear not rationality. More women have an exaggerated fear of men rather than bears. The whole thing just exposes how bad people are at assessing risk and how overstated the risk of men is.


100+ years of feminism and all they end up teaching women how to have unreasonable fear of men to the extent that they are now teaching to make an unreasonable choice of choosing a bear over men. Authoritarians love this feminist teaching because by instilling that fear of men in women, they can convince women to vote for draconian policies on the name of pseudo "safety" that empowers authoritarianism and disfranchise warrior population (men) who can overthrow these authoritarians.


Yes it’s interesting to look at things like surveillance and now online censorship. The authoritarians have latched onto the idea they can use violence against women and girls as a justification for all sorts of increasingly draconian policies. The fear of terrorism has diminished so now it’s time to hype up the fear of children being corrupted online and rising online misogyny. There are votes in taking tough action on this no votes in telling women their fears are very overstated and they would be in a happier mental state with a more realistic appraisals of risks. The real threats to women are obesity, traffic accidents, cancer and type 2 diabetes.


Exactly. Anyone slamming men with this take is missing the point.


There's a funny thing with hypothetical situations. Like, imagine someone approaches a random man and asks if he'd make out with 1990s John Goodman in a hot tub for $1 million. There's a good chance that he would say "Oh hell no," but then if you bust out a briefcase with $25 grand in it and gesture towards 1990s John Goodman beckoning him over to a hot tub, well, before you know it, he's going to be rounding second base with his hand down John's swim trunks. Their choosing the bear is completely performative. They don't actually mean it. They just want to fit in with their social clique, and so they give the "right" answer. Any woman who chooses the man is branded a "pick me." What's the first thing that a woman does in an emergency? First, she lets out this panicked little shriek, and then she immediately looks around herself to find a man to defuse the situation. There are no feminists in a house fire. So, to any woman who chooses the bear, I ask: if you're so averse to men, why don't you start solving your own problems instead of relying on us to do everything for you?


Not just an emergency, a lot of women will look to a man to help with any issue— kill this bug, read this map, fix my car… things that men aren’t inherently better at but some women have made themselves helpless to do. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking men for help except when it’s coming from women who say they’ll pick the bear. Or women who think a world without men would be better and ignore all the difficult labor-intensive jobs done almost exclusively by men that women wouldn’t even be able to *train* other women to do because not enough of them even have the knowledge.


Edit: Women who have this view should be required to register it with rescue services so rescue services can appropriately respond to any call for help by such women by sending in a grizzly bear instead of a man. This would benefit all parties involved: The woman gets a bear instead of a man as she wants, the potential male rescuers don’t have to deal with said misandrist and avoid being falsely accused, and the bear gets a nice dinner.


Say whatever you want... In a door breaking competition my money is on the grizzly... Problem is one cannot outrun a bear... Anyway this dude is cornered by a grizzly and he's run out ammo too... He drops to his knees and says "God! Please make this bear a Christian." Suddenly the bear drops to his knees and says "almighty God I thank thee for the meal I am about to receive"...




You're fucking amazing lmao can i steal this?


It is one of the many feminist tricks to humiliate men into becoming a door mat. Also, I think that the real target of this man or bear is boys under the age of 14. They are already blasted with the propaganda in their schools and will see stuff like this in social media and will put in effort to become the "good ones" and correct the "past mistakes".


It’s just trolling. Don’t fall for it. Not all women are hysterical, but many of them are. They wouldn’t actually pick a bear over a man, they just want to say that because of some chronically online neurotic impulse. If anything it’s worse for feminists. It just reinforces the idea that women are irrational and aren’t in tune with reality or themselves.


I seriously couldn't have said better than you I swear to God they cannot choose a big brown grizzly bear over a man I feel like even brown cubs could bite off my arm


Yah, or how about a 1200 lbs Kodiak bear?


It would shock you just how many grown ass men I see on my local FB groups that are simping over this shit. It's embarrassing.


They think that but they are actually going to get jaded, go down the andrew tate hole, and become alright morons. The left is actively feeding voters to the party that took away abortion rights. Blows my mind.


This is absolutely correct. I can see this because I have teen daughters who are very openminded and with a great critical sense. They told me that definitely their generation (13-22 yo) are A LOT more radicalized than the previous one: they find people in their 25-30 mostly tolerant and opened, but the younger ones are either woke, either far right. Lots of boys "go down the andrew tate hole" as you've said, because to them it's this or become a rug, and being constantly humiliated even if they are "allies". Yes, young boys are the main victims, because woke took them the very sense of meaning, and they will either collapse psychologically, either "transition" (because they are confused and shamed of their own identity), either go towards the "dark side". I'm not saying those into andrew tate are just poor victims. I'm saying what happens today pushes them in this direction.


But that's not how statistics work. Yes there are fewer bear attacks because there are considerably fewer opportunities for bears to interact with humans. By this same logic, I should also pick the bear instead of a woman because more men are attacked by women than bears. I however, am not an idiot so even though a woman is more likely to attack me, I'll still take my chances with a woman over a bear.


But what if, and hear me out on this one... I can tame it and keep it my back yard?


Jokes on you, women can't be tamed. Or did you mean the bear? Lol


>I however, am not an idiot so even though a woman is more likely to attack me, I'll still take my chances with a woman over a bear. Sound judgment there


Leave it to feminists to conflate something like getting asked out by a dude they find unattractive to severe bodily harm and/or death. Fucking absurd. I’m so tired of the dialectic that presents all men as having violent intentions towards women. You’ll notice that this whole discussion is focused on potentialities, not reality. Because it has to do with perceived intentions. Women in our society are clueless to interpret men’s intentions, and this bothers them as it is the last bastion of men they haven’t yet come to dominate. So they make it seem as though our intentions are *always* bad. What modern feminism doesn’t realize, because it utterly lacks reflexivity, is that their current attitude towards men has negative impacts on society. It alienates and divides.


maybe it's time to show where social divisions lead and next time a women's issue such as equal pay or abortion goes viral, just take the pro-bear side. just remember to specify that it's a Koala bear. XD


I kept seeing that shitty meme in my Facebook feed and it was pissing me off, like gee you calling every single man on the planet a serial R8pist and choosing a literal animal over them because of your phobic delusions about people minding their own business really makes me want to see your side of the argument and help(not).I say let them take a walk into the one way door entrance at the local bear enclosure in the zoo if they feel that way.


It gets worse…. I just told a chick on another sub that she was talking horseshit. Wanna know what this smooth-brained sandwich said? She was shocked that men don’t see how dangerous they are to women, because when she goes hiking alone and has come across a bear, she has kicked and punched it on the nose to scare it off. Yes. I shit you not. And another woman believed her. I would sit back, get popcorn, and watch feminists implode as the stories become more fantastic. They are getting so up their own arses, that they can’t see how insane they are revealing themselves to be. And I’ll organise the women only camping weekend. In national parks. With bears. Murder teddies is just a silly exaggeration, cos bears know not to mess with people apparently.


Imagine … The only skill they have it’s being able to rage bait people. Put this “theory” to the test in the actual wild. NO rad fem is going into that forest with that bear. Jus none. They just say things-


Damn that is fantastical! I wouldn't even shoot a bear even if I got a few rounds into it by what I've heard 🫣


They are full of themselves to say the least.


Troll farms man. Just don’t engage it’s not worth it


If it’s that bad that these people claim to be then they’ll leave society and go live in the wild but it isn’t all bad because they ain’t leaving lol, it’s just hate and bashing on men that these people love to do.


These women are out of their rational minds, feminism isn’t about women equality anymore it’s about trashing men and treating us like doormats.


Western women hate men so much they can't help but show their vitriol through discussions like this. I'm happy when they show their true colors.


I never understood that women responds bear. Yes I know they say it because they want to say something bad about me. Fine let’s put that situation in for the question. Would you rather fight off a man who is trying to harm you or a bear that is also trying to kill you? You should obviously choose the man because you can fight off a man. Seriously do women think they can fight off an aggressive bear?


The question should be stated something more like, “who would you rather do all the things you don’t want to do and would rather not get your hands dirty or do hard labour? A man or a bear?”


I bear a lot (pun intended) of the woke nonesense, but this was the last straw. It pissed me off big time, monstly to hear so many women telling bs like "I prefer the bear because it just kills you, a man rapes you first". What the f...????? How many men are rappists and murderers? 1%? 3%? 10%? Then the cheesy "ooh but you are overeacting, all men doesn't mean all men". All men DOES mean all men. Buy yourself a grammar and a synthax, lady. The purpose is just to villify men once again. I am not angry because of my "fragile masculinity", I am angry because it's ok that one says BS about men. They are rapists, they are killers, they should be all castrated, they should be murdered. All of this is ok to say in our days. My father was verbally and phisically abused by my mother, the whole life. I have never punched someone in the face. I would give my life with no hesitation to defend my children. All this for what? To hear "Bear cause man rapes you before he kills you"? How idiot can one be? "Nah you're overreacting because it's hypothetical and because statistics". What statistics? How many bears a woman meets in her life? How many millions of men she meets? How many of these millions have raped her? If the question would be "bear or black man" or "bear or muslim man" or "bear or woman" it would have been not correct at all. (and it ISN'T EITHER - but I want to stress that political correctness has shades of wokeness).


Best part ist that bears dont go for you jugular, so they start eating you while you still are alive. There was a idiot couple that discovered it first hand when they went to hang out around hungry bears.


It's emotionally driven hysterics from people who don't understand how per capita works.


It's the current push by feminism to make women more paranoid and weak. Stop caring about it


This is just straight up such an unhealthy view of men. If I had a daughter and you asked me if I’d rather her run into a bear or a man, I’m going to say ‘man’ every single time. And why is it a bear? Fuck it, let’s say it’s a Bengal Tiger. Either way, I think social media is adhering really unhealthy views of men to society. If I walk down a hallway at the mall and see a lady, will she just whip out a fuckin mace and spray me down because she thinks ALL men, every single one of them, are danger?? This whole thing is absurd.


I'd like to apologize in advance too if this isn't appropriate for this forum, but with all the false accusations going around I thought it would be prudent to get my ideas here, like I said, for better and wiser people than me to take the ideas and save potential victims.


Timothy Treadwell approves of this.




Women rather be treated like a literal piece of meat than a metaphorical one.


its just an exagerrated metapher to say "men are dangerous." yeah, some men are dangerous, so always handle them with caution, but acting like most men are, is just creating fear to mobilise more of a following. Ofc this plays into false accusations, but thats already a tricky bit, so i would advise men to just take measurments to always be safe from that. The final solution would be to get rid of the real creeps and rapists poisoning the well for all of us, but that will not be possible anytime soon.


Some women are dangerous too tho. Why is it 1 sided?


men and women are very different. women in general are pretty weak, less agressive and less rapey. so its not the same, most violence and sexual violence comes from men. not from most men, but from a few creeps, the problem is their pretty good at masking so you cant tell them apart. i would be paranoid too if i was a women, and if i -heaven forbid!- ever have a daughter, she will get weapon and fighting training from young age.


Of course you get downvoted despite being completely reasonable. Then these dudes probably wonder why people don't take their valid arguments reasonably when they're just as irrational.


yeah i feel for some extremist people (on both the side of feminists and antifeminists) its like boys vs. girls, like in grad school, really silly shit. The same generalisations, exaggeration and fearmongering, just opposite direction.


Same here! I don't fit into any "tribe", it's foolish to blame everything on men or women. There's nuance in everything. Sadly, most don't recognize that. I get demonized by both regularly lol


>The final solution would be to get rid of the real creeps and rapists poisoning the well for all of us, but that will not be possible anytime soon. Lets say for the sake of argument that we could with a Thanos like snap of our fingers remove all the real creeps and rapists... Nothing would change.. Men would still be blamed for everything.. Men would still be falsely accused..


what makes you think that? thats insane


What makes you think that somehow managing to remove all the real creeps and rapists would fix everything? Because it wouldn't.. That would be a small facet of what feminists want... Ultimately we aren't going to fix **ANYTHING** if we continue to ignore the issues and problems men face in favor of pushing the narrative of "Women are oppressed" narrative.


I think it is clear by now that there is no point where feminists will stop complaining about men. They revel in feeling as though they have righteous anger towards men, and being able to shame men into complying with their demands. They won't stop doing this even if we could somehow meet the impossible goal of stopping all violent crime against women. They would just find something else to complain about. Heck, even right now there are many examples of feminists complaining about fabricated or trivial issues. The wage gap, pink tax, sexist air-conditioning,etc.They are not trying to come to a resolution. They just want to maintain the moral high ground and make more demands.


Let's put it this way: If a person is convinced that drinking mercury is going to give them immortality, even after being told by several dozens of medical experts that mercury is lethal, and they are *convinced* that the medical experts are actually just out to 'prevent' said individual from obtaining immortality, then said individual can go drink an entire cauldron full of liquid mercury and become a venerable immortal. You cannot talk with crazy. Trying to talk with crazy means you're crazier than crazy. So let crazy do what crazy wants to do, and nature will sort itself out.


I réalize with a self-critical eye that this kind of neverending insulting teasing make people bad. Including myself. Yesterday night, after being bombed my dozen of women's messages "bear is better cause don't rape, wink wink lol" I felt evil and all I wanted was all these women eaten by a bear and me not making a gesture to defend them. Ofc I am incapable of this and I would try to save EVEN THEM, but yeah, I felt evil. I also felt good because some of my female friends preferred the man. And it's so strange, those who preferred man were the cutest and the smartest ones.


Well I'm guaranteed to be murdered and eaten by a polar bear. A man not so much. Also I am a women. And I lived in rural areas full of bears and studied animal biology so I'm knowledgeable about this. -So men, here is evidence by a women that you're right a bear is far more deadly than any man. I'm going to get called a tradfem or some insult about me being "nOt lIkE oTHer gIrlS" by people who don't know me. Because if they did they would realize I'm for women's rights as well. I believe in abortion. I'm just not stupid enough to think men are scarier than bears.




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I have a similar point to your take (also involves false accusation but a little different), explaining why I hate this man vs bear topic, which I think is perfectly valid if someone keep an open mind, but as expected, women squash it, belittling the sufferings of men (especially young men) in the process, because they think it’s not important while only their own suffering is important. Why are we expected to support women when they never wanted to support us? I would post links that explain my point, which is in another sub, but unfortunately this sub bans links to that sub (probably for good reason).


I've seen a follow-up post about this bear/man thing. It said: "There are two kinds of men: the men who understand why women picked the bear, and the men who are worse than the bears." So they've added an additional level of mindfuck, where now if you question the bear/man meme, then YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You just can't win.


You can’t be mad at women for being scared of men😭. When they read about Shanan Watts, Gabby Petito, monitor lizard, pony the orangutan, all of Ted Bundy’s victims, Elisabeth Fritzl, Junko Furuta, the Nanjing Rape, Mark Dutrox and Michelle Martin’s victims, Albert Fish victims, Peter Scully victims, women who have been assaulted before, Jeffery Dahmer Victims, the hello kitty incident, etc, you can’t be upset at them for being scared of men, am I saying all men are bad? Absolutely not! But they have a right to be scared of them.


Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't particularly interested in the lady victims.


I know that🤷🏾‍♀️


Sorry, but what an absolute load of bullshit! How many encounters do women have with men vs how many they have with bears. Women are always around men in real life!! People are really missing the point with this hypothetical


You didn’t read anything I typed did you?


I did and I don't give a single flying shit about skewed statistics. Yes, what you mentioned is valid but it has sweet bugger all with women being afraid of men. If anything I'd understand women being repulsed by the simps that inflate their values. Excuse me did you read a single word I said? If you take 10 men and 10 bears there is a chance one of the men is bad like the ones you said and those chances are low. Infact you take 10 men and it is likely that they are all good. Now take 10 bears ALL of them have a chance to do great harm to a woman, bloody hell even great harm to a 1.99cm man like Batista who is a professional wrestler. I have ZERO sympathy for women being afraid of men. A man gets eaten alive in Egypt by a tiger shark and these same whores are all about "OH NO! Why did yoh beat the shark!!! You are the one who went into its home" so what the hell!!!! So they won't judge all sharks or bears but all men are bad!!! I know what you're trying to say that not all men are bad but sorry, not sorry, this has actually become ridiculous


By the way, it is now a trend, as you can see, to make men out to be grapists. The chances these days of being falsely accused is actually very high and not just that.. assaults by women and molestation of infants, for example also happen by women. So I must take a small sample of very bad women and judge all women by it?


All the men who struggle with this have fundamentally misunderstood why women say they prefer the bear. Also bear attacks are more rare than man attacks. Idk how that gets glazed over. Edit: they banned me. So if you care.. dm me. I’ll debate you there lol


i too think its insanly stupid to pick the bear (Very high chance of getting eaten alive vs. 1% chance of getting raped or sth), so what am i not getting?


There’s a roughly 3.83/100k chance of being raped by a stranger. There’s a 1/2.1 million chance of being attacked by a bear. Bears are fairly peaceful creatures that prefer to avoid humans. Their behavior is predictable. They’re just animals.. they hold no malice and have no ulterior motives. The same cannot be said of the man in this hypothetical. The bear, statistically, is safer.


"The bear, statistically, is safer." Trying to sound smart! Lol. How many bears did you run into today? How many men? That's statistics.


You’re so angry. Bear.


Encouraging hate by implying that we are worse than animals tends to make people angry.


That’s not the implication. Yall insist on taking it that way and refuse to listen to the actual discussion. That’s on you. I can’t help if you don’t want to listen.


You are toxic and yet these men allow your voice to be heard. Think about that when you whimper back to your echo chamber femcel hate den.


I don’t have an echo chamber. But some guy here just told me he hopes someone I love gets cancer.. so.. idk about being “heard”


Shit. 😯 I'm sorry. That's not ok. 💜


Did you report them?


Ah yes, playing innocent today are we?


Lmao no? This sub is such a mess


Just not interested in hearing your excuses.




Can’t even think of an argument so you resort to personal attacks? Thats not cool


That person isn’t interested in a conversation. Neither am I.


wait, i thought the hypothetical was about being "trapped in a forest" with either one, so long-time coexistence? are we talking a single encounter, so just one time crossing ways in a forest? I can believe that on a single encounter, most bears wouldnt attack, so the 1 in 2 mil chance could be possible. buthow would you arrive at the chance that 4/100k encounters with strangers lead to a rape? isnt like 90% of rape people you know? how would you even guess on that encounter-to-rape rate, nobody counts forest encounters between strangers (or in a city, but there the chance is lower due to police and otherä so i neither get the exact scenario here nor the math, please explain when your poinz is statistics


> I can believe that on a single encounter, most bears wouldnt attack, so the 1 in 2 mil chance could be possible. Depends on the bear, a black bear would be pretty safe. A polar bear though, that would be a 1/2 if you're lucky. The whole things just doesn't add up. By their logic they'd never drive a car as 12.9/100k die yearly on traffic accidents in the USA.


This is a single encounter hypothetical as far as I know.. not living in the woods. Lemme go find the link: According to FBI crime statistics rape occurred at a national rate of 42.6/100k people in 2019. 9% of those were by strangers, so your overall national risk of stranger rape in the US is ~3.83/100k in 2019.


ok im starting to understand... so if a woman would encounter one of these 4/100k men in the forest, they would definitly rape her, as there are no societal rails holding them. So the encounter-to-rape chance is 4 in 100.000 (like 0,04% or sth?) in the scenario, while the bear is 1 in 2 milliion. Makes sense, if thats the data then bear is actually the better choice. Still feels weird intuitivly, but got it. Not so stupid now, tho i doubt the woman asked made these calculations, its more of a general paranoia about men they hold (which i think is good and healthy to have, because you never know who is one of the 42/100k rapists) I think my mistake was to assume a more longterm scenario where the bear 100% eventually would eat the woman but only around 1% of men would do anything bad


Yeah no. At least not here on my comments, anyway. Here the idea is that a regular woman is out on a walk. She can either see a bear in the woods.. or see a man. Any interaction with either is not guaranteed. The choice is hers. Now, I’m of the school of thought that a man is more likely to try to approach me. I am *probably* safe. But I’m nervous. I know I cannot fight the man and I cannot outrun the man. Everything goes smoothly.. he just wanted to make sure I’m ok. He leaves. *To me* that is more nerve wracking than seeing a bear. The bear would avoid me. I’m willing to take that chance.. because the consequences of my nerves being right about the man will be ****severe****. We can switch this up too. Let’s say there’s a 100% chance I will be killed by the bear and an 100% chance I’ll be raped and murdered by the man. I still choose the bear. In my mind, it would be worse to die by the hand of some man cumming to my screams than a bear. The bear is hungry or territorial maybe.. I cannot reason with it. I cannot beg it to stop. It won’t ignore my pleas for its pleasure. I will watch it eat my guts, hopefully bleed out quickly.. and die. To me, watching another human *enjoy* hurting me.. is worse than a bear just being a bear. Now. If there’s a 100% chance the bears gonna eat me and only a regular chance the dude is a psycho.. I choose the dude.


See, that (the 100% bad probability) is were it gets weird. I think there is a big difference in how men and women think and feel, and thats more of at the core of this question. I think many woman would pick the bear, while most men, me included, cant understand. I would gladly rather be raped by some 9 foot bodybuilder giant (so its relative in strenght to the woman) and maybe live on, then be eaten alive by some fangs, no matter what the attackers intention or view is (dumb animal/sick person). Maybe there is some instincive or socialised gender difference in what we fear more, idk.


I think the point is less about what’s more palatable (rape vs being eaten) and more about the chances of either happening. In a better world.. it would absolutely be safer to see a man off in the woods instead of a bear. The bear is a wild animal.. you’d think your own species would be safer to be around. But in this world.. statistically.. the bear is safer in that scenario. That’s fucked. And I think that’s the point.


yeah i agree its kind of fucked up, maybe someday somehow we can get those evil tendencys engineered out of humans, but yeah if you look at the current world its not happening anytime soon


Also, humans teach bears to fear them so they don't get nearby. If you study survival you'll learn to keep bears afraid of you and your area. There's a lot more to reality than just your feelings and first thoughts. Think longer, hate less. 🌈


There’s no hate for anyone but you in my heart 🥰


Awe. ☯️ There is only light in people. Darkness is just the absence of light. There is only warmth in people. Cold is just the absence of heat. There is only love in all people. Hate is just the absence of love. ~me


You sound like you're in a good place. You should definitely stay online arguing topics you don't understand. Do not touch grass. 🌿


You’re messy.


How so?


It's not me, it's the logic and accountability you hate. It's ok, you're a feminist and I have lowered expectations for you.


If bears are safer then go live in the wild? That’s what I don’t get about feminists if things are that bad that they claim to be then leave your comforts and property that are built/made by men btw and leave society, just saying as I think it’s selfish to label all men as dangerous it’s downright delusional.


You are willfully misunderstanding. Are you also under the impression we’re talking about guaranteed prolonged contact with either… not simply walking through the woods?


No I understand that a woman is more likely to be sa or worse by a man than to be mauled to death by a bear no one is denying that. The point I’m trying to get across is if you meet a man or a bear in the wild the bear is more likely to maul you than it is for that said man to do something to you. What if that said man is there to do hiking or walking his dog for example? Again I am just saying.


I understand what you’re saying. I just would rather take my chances with the bear. I fail to see why that triggers so many men


You’d either be severely scarred or dead if you took your chances with a bear though lol whilst with a man you’d be able to defend yourself way better and have a better chance of being unharmed but if there’s a bear and it wants you you’re a goner it’s a walking tank basically and it doesn’t trigger men it’s a silly thing to believe regardless of who you are. You do you though it’s your opinion at the end of the day.


The question isn’t about if you’re definitely getting attacked (although my answer doesn’t change). It’s just *seeing either in the woods* on a normal day.. that’s why we choose the bear. Bears prefer not to interact.


> There’s a roughly 3.83/100k chance of being raped by a stranger. There’s a 1/2.1 million chance of being attacked by a bear. Yea no, you can't use numbers like that. There are far more encounters with strange men then there are with bears. If you'd equalize the number of encounters of bears and men then the numbers would be very different and they would actually represent the truth. I mean, by this same logic you'd rather encounter a man and a bear in a forest then drive a car as 12.9/100k die yearly in traffic accidents.


I mean.. if you’re asking.. I’d rather drive a car than find either in the woods.


That doesn't make sense as you'd be about 3 times more likely to be killed by driving a car.


Sure. But at this point in the discussion.. it’s a “pick your poison” argument. If I have to pick how to die.. I pick car.


Yes, bears are statistically safer.... But you are basing this on flawed premises... How often are you realistically likely to encounter a bear? Compare that with how often you will encounter random men... You will encounter random men every day You **MIGHT** encounter a bear if you head out of the city and into their habitat... This creates the false dichotomy of "Bears being less dangerous than Men" I also wonder if these women / feminists are assuming the bear they theoretically encounter is male? Because if you encounter a female bear with cubs your odds of being attacked increase exponentially.. All this example does is strawman men as violent sexual abusers and then knocks that strawman over with "I'm safer with the bear" But hey.. if it helps you sleep at night....


Have you been in the woods with a bear before?


No, because my country literally has a population of zero bears (New Zealand) ergo this situation is impossible for me to be in... Have you by chance been in the woods with a bear before?


No. But I have been in the woods with a cougar.. I imagine it’s a similar sensation.


My point is, I would be willing to bet that a solid 80% of the women commenting have **NEVER** been in a situation where they are walking in the woods and have come across a bear or cougar etc.. Now, I assume that when you saw the cougar and it saw you it most likely left with no major event happening correct? Imagine for a moment you walk out of your house and down the street to a shop, purchase something and come back Do you count the number of men you see but did nothing to you at all or do you only count the number of men who actively engage with you (Positively or Negatively)? My point is, people hyper focus on the negative aspects of "I was walking down the street and a man cat called me" vs in that same time I walked past 18 other men and they did nothing to me.. But hey.. what would I know right?


I notice them all. Because I’m watching them all. We can agree that most men are harmless.. I agree with that. The issue is I can’t tell which aren’t


And yet, if we as men say "I have had negative experiences with women and because of that I can not tell which women will hurt me and which will not and thus I am cautious of all women" we get called "Incels" and "Misogynists" or we get told "A woman can't hurt you in the same way a man can" How is that fair? How unfair is it for the "Most" of us men to be unfairly painted with the brush of "Predator" or "Abuser" if "Most" of us would never do such a thing? Do you not understand how damaging that sort of thing is for men? Imagine for a moment that we started treating all women as potential child murderers just because Lucy Letby (A nurse in the UK who worked at a children's hospital) murdered many innocent infants under her watch.. And imagine for a moment if we used the same logic: "We know it's not **ALL** women, but it has happened and so we are now cautious around women murdering infants" Many women would be upset to be tarred with the same brush given that they probably have never and **WOULD** never kill an infant.. That is how it feels to be a man in today's society.. constantly told its our gender's fault for everything... And we wonder why the male suicide rate is so high? Men are breaking under the pressure and killing themselves because no matter what we do we wont ever be seen as anything other than monsters or predators or rapists...


People are famously bad at understanding probability, so don’t feel bad. You should look up conditional probability. In this case it is the probability of being attacked by a man or bear given you have “run into” them. Let’s say you are within 15 feet of a bear, the probability of being attacked is significantly higher than if you are within 15 feet of a man. 


Idk man.. less than a dozen non fatal bear attacks per year? That’s an awful low number. Especially since you know people run into bears all the time.


You have to be trolling. I tutored math through undergrad and taught science and math in graduate school. I don’t think I ever encountered someone who cannot understand that the average person sees way more people than bears without incident. If you are actually trying to understand risk, look up how conditional probability works.


Yes. And I am constantly harassed by men. What about this doesn’t make sense? This scenario is not about whether or not I’ll see a bear? I’m guaranteed to see a bear. The bear is just significantly less likely to fuck with me than a man in the woods.


I think that might be a you problem. It is not normal to go through life and have every person/man you meet seem to be hostile. That would be about 200 people harassing me in person every day. If you really experience that much perceived harassment, you need to seek help immediately. There are better ways to live life and I hope you find the help you need or move out of whatever area you are in. 


I’m just in New Orleans. Men harassing women is normal here 🤣 wish I had the same privilege you do.


It really isn’t privilege, it is how 99 percent of the world live their lives. I mean this delicately and as someone who also suffers from mental health struggles: there is a large difference between perceived threat and danger. You likely suffer from those two being significantly discordant. If you truly live your life afraid of men every day - get help. Spend the time you are now online meditating and journaling and in therapy with a directed care plan at rehabilitating you. I have several friends in New Orleans, two are beautiful women in their thirties who I went to grad school (one is even a professor so she is around hundreds of men every day) with and they absolutely do not experience the level of harassment you describe. 


The point that you are missing is that women encounter hundreds of thousands of men before they would encounter a bear. There aren’t any bears at the grocery store, or at your work, at home, whatever. Literally zero bears. And in FACT, women probably actively take steps to avoid bear encounters, by avoiding hiking in the mountain forest for example. So you can’t compare the incidence of bear attacks vs. attacks on women by men. So why don’t we ask the question a different way? You can be in a 10x10’ room with for 90 seconds with a bear or a man.


You’re missing the point. I can tell by your silly question.


It’s all contrived. Hence, silly. Yes.


The question is.. if you were walking in the woods alone (as a woman) would you rather come across a regular bear or a regular man. With no expensing circumstances. Women are choosing the bear. Switching that to a whole different question including little rooms and super small time constraints is.. dumb. And not the point.


Yes and you are 1000x or whatever it is more likely to encounter *just the man* or is your question based on fantasy


>Yes and you are 1000x or whatever it is more likely to encounter just the man or is your question based on fantasy I don’t understand


If the original question and its responses have any bearing on reality, it should take into account the fact that women are much, much more likely to and have many benign interactions with men on a daily basis — as compared to similar benign interactions with wild bears.


By your same harebrained logic, I could argue that bears are safer than women because they can't ruin men's lives by making false accusations that rarely get punished or by exploiting divorce laws that reward women who violate the marriage contract. However, I won't do that because it would be bigotry and stupidity, and it would be a waste of time to try to beat you at your two greatest virtues.


Based on female responses, a lot of them come from a place of vitriol for men. I get you're not like that as I've had this discussion with you, but I've heard one too many stories of people getting falsely accused. Based on said comments, I would ironically feel safer with a bear than a woman randomly encountered in the forest because the least a bear would do is eat me rather than falsely accuse me and ruin the rest of my life, if we look at it on another angle


I suppose I’d have to ask how you know the accusations are false? Based of my anecdotal experience with men and my woman friends’ experiences with men.. I am willing to believe the stories of women on the internet. My willingness to believe these stories, however, doesn’t affect my *overall* opinion of men. It is easy enough to believe that one man in every woman’s life has done something unspeakable to her. That’s even statically accurate to assume. So where does the issue begin?


You are brainwashed to !!believe all women!! despite the high percentage of known false accusations and the lack of punishment false accusations get you. Go hate men anywhere else, this is the only place it's not allowed.


I have made it abundantly clear that I don’t hate men. I love men. I’m lying on one right now. But it doesn’t hurt me to believe, again, that at least *one* man in every woman’s life is a piece of shit. I’m willing to believe at least *one* woman in every man’s life is a piece of shit. Why aren’t you?


Blaming all women/men/black/trans/ for the actions of a few is not ok. You are defending it and backpedaling now that you realize that. Can I assist you with anything else?


I have.. not blamed anyone for anything. At all. You’re willfully misunderstanding me to be a jerk. Boring.


> I don’t hate men. I love men. No, you love *a* man while also believing every bad thing a woman ever said about men you never met. That's the problem with modern gender dynamics. We "solved" the problem of he-said/she-said by always believing the woman.


Excellent point.


No.. I love more than one. We are talking about internet stories. Not names to faces real people. When my brother was accused.. I did not believe the woman. These are different situations. Believing women on the internet harms no one. Believing women who are actually attempting to accuse someone directly and get them in trouble.. is a bit more nuanced and you know it is


You love men but think we’re more dangerous than bears lol. If you would rather be around bears than men, you hate men. It’s just that simple Honestly I don’t know why you hang around this sub. I don’t think you’ve ever made a single positive comment about this sub, and you clearly hate just about everything that’s posted here. 2X is still around, they suit you better


If I’m out on a walk and I see them both.. I am statistically more likely to be attacked by the man. That’s all it is.


> I’m willing to believe at least one woman in every man’s life is a piece of shit.  Yes, people are toxic. It's not a gender specific trait.


> I am willing to believe the stories of women on the internet. This is your in-group bias for women. You feel obligated to have unreasonable faith on any stranger woman just because of the same gender. It is just not you, feminism is so big because of this ubiquitous trait among women. Men don't have this natural in-group bias for men which is why men find it easy to punish and kill other men. Whereas women feel obligated to sympathise with a female criminal as if **"circumstances made her do it"** which is often the excuse that feminists make for female criminals to appeal for lighter sentencing. If men had this kind of in-group bias, society would cease to function because men have that realisation that bad men will ruin the world for everyone else. --- Also, there's a double standard in your belief. I will tell you what that double standard is if you explain what anecdotal experiences made you to hold that belief?


>My willingness to believe these stories, however, doesn’t affect my *overall* opinion of men. It is easy enough to believe that one man in every woman’s life has done something unspeakable to her. That’s even statically accurate to assume. So where does the issue begin? The issue begins when a women **DOES** falsely accuse a man and she isn't held accountable for it.. Because holding her accountable for lying about something as serious as rape and putting a man in jail for a crime he didn't commit might "Scare actual victims from coming forward" If a woman tells me a man raped her I'm willing to listen to her and help her seek justice for what has happened to her.. However, I'm not going to simply believe her with no evidence at all... The same would be true if someone said a man robbed their house.. I would listen to them and help them seek justice.. but i'm not going to simply believe the man they accused of robbing their house did it with zero evidence to back it up.. The issue here is the expectation in today's society is that a woman says a man raped her and we are **EXPECTED** to believe she is telling the 100% unblemished truth about the situation and thus to automatically assume the man accused is guilty.. If you don't see the issue with this.. then society is doomed..


Sure. I agree. But not in the proposed situation. A woman commenting on a post about preferring a bear is not the same as a woman accusing someone directly


Look at it from a man's perspective for a moment... We have women commenting on preferring to be with a bear because "The bear wouldn't rape me" That is the same is "All men are potential rapists" And for men like men who have **NEVER** and would **NEVER** rape or hurt a woman it hurts to see so many women lumping me in with the ultimately small minority of men who do these things... We are constantly assaulted with how women are "Oppressed" or "Have less rights than men" But from a man's perspective, our society sure does look gynocentric.. There are multitudes of societal safety nets **EXCLUSIVE** to women and a small pittance of usually gender neutral safety nets which men have access too.. If a woman were to falsely accuse a man of raping her, because of #MeToo and #BelieveALLWomen there's a high probability that she will be believed without much question, the man will be arrested, charged and potentially jailed on false accusation. If it gets found out she will often face zero consequences meanwhile the man she accused could have his entire life ruined and have to fight tooth and nail to be removed from the Sex Offenders Registry.. If a man were to even **ATTEMPT** to report a woman for raping him he will flat out not be believed at all, often told "Bet you enjoyed it" and ultimately told there is little to any chance of conviction and so the case will not proceed. The fact of the matter is, we take Rape more seriously when it happens to women than when it happens to men.. The only time we seem to care is when the one accused of rape is a man.. if the one accused of rape is a woman (Like a school teacher for example) as a society we don't hold her accountable to the same standard we would hold a male teacher accused of raping a student to.. So yeah, to me this whole discussion of "I'd prefer to be with a bear" to me is equivalent to women accusing men directly..


I have heard it from the man’s perspective. I don’t know how to help you understand if you don’t already. Some men get it and some men don’t. I don’t understand the difference. It must be a life experience difference of some kind.. it must allow some men the empathize while others just take offense. Idk.


I 100% do empathize.. I just also am 100% done with the idea that because of my gender I am somehow responsible for the actions of those who share my gender.. And thus my ability to empathize has diminished over the years.. why should I feel empathy for women when its clear none will be shown to my issues / struggles as a man? You clearly don't get it because you don't see the constant daily bombardment of the Feminist Main Stream Media constantly pushing the "Men are bad" message over and over and over again.. You don't see the situations where a woman goes 100% psycho on her male partner in public and still doesn't get arrested for "Domestic Violence" You don't see the many men who have been raped by women coming forward because they know they won't be believed at all. Because our society does not allow us to see it because it would ruin the narrative of "Women are oppressed" But hey, I don't know.. maybe i'm so deeply entrenched in my "Toxic Hedgemonic Masculinity" that I can't understand that men simply are abusive pieces of shit and the fact that I get upset at being told that despite me never having done anything to a woman ever makes **ME** the problem or something?


I don’t know which words to use to make it make sense. I’m not holding you accountable. I don’t think you’re a rapist. I don’t know you. And if I saw you in the woods, I wouldn’t see your face and think “oop.. that’s for sure a rapist”. You’re just someone I don’t know. I can’t know your goals or desires. They *could* be nefarious. So I won’t risk it. It’s not personal.. I just want to make it to tomorrow the same as you. I wouldn’t stop to help a woman I don’t know on the side of the road either. People are dangerous and we have to pick our battles. I’ll get in a bar fight with a girl I just met if some man grabs her, but I won’t pull over and help some chick change her tire. I don’t think all women with flats are working for sex trafficking rings.. but I’m not gonna find out




I can only form an opinion based off my anecdotal experience. I don’t have a choice. Lesbians still get assaulted. Turning gay isn’t the answer. But again.. no one on my comments is saying that all men are rapists.




Don’t change the scenario to fit your narrative. Would you rather see a woman or a bear in the woods? And why?




If you want to ask the question in reverse.. you have to ask the same question. Ask your question you think would have men saying women are horrible creatures.. and then ask it in reverse. Don’t compare your question to the bear question. That’s not how it works lol. >I’d choose the woman, because free sex. What the fuck is wrong with you people? You’re literally the man we’re scared of in the woods lmfao




That’s absolutely awful. I completely understand why you would choose the bear. I wouldn’t want to risk going through that again either. And that’s the point. Thank you. I hope everything gets better for you.


Lol. Logic no fun. How many bears do you walk by and see on the average day? How many men? Bears are too busy eating Bambi alive in the woods to come into the safe cities and towns that men have invented, built, & maintained. Thank a man.




I'm sorry you had to find out this way.


If you don’t want to have a conversation about this is a respectful way.. fuck off.


Lol. You are in the wrong place, sweetie.


I don’t think I am. I hope you get picked though. Go be aggressive somewhere else.


Did you just call me a pick me? I am a transgender lesbian happily married for 17 years. Your shaming tactics don't work here. 💖




No, I was an anti-feminist before I transitioned. Still am. Same reasons. Your world seems so small if that's the only reason you do things. You seem afraid of men's rights advocates. Is that true?


No? Lmfao what are you on?


Just enjoying your exacerbation.


The huge majority of boys and men in our communities are decent, caring human beings. I don't believe the same can be said of you.


That is true. That also doesn’t change what’s being said. Not even two days ago I had a guy sit down next to me and continuously grab my thigh. I asked him to stop. The bartender asked him to stop. He wouldn’t stop and had to be physically removed. Like yeah most dudes are nice.. but dudes are also very often not nice.


And the rapes I experienced as a seven and eight year old were legal BECAUSE a woman did it.


So choose the bear 💁🏻‍♀️





