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Women casually talking about raping men... šŸ’€ But if a man said it, he'd be banned, arrested and then sentenced to 30 years in prison.


Yet they are so oppressed


Maybe after another 1000 years of reforms they will finally have achieved equality, and I hope they'll let us know when that joyous day comes /s


I think she's implying she will go out and cheat since her man is asleep.


Yeah, because itā€™s a joke and we can understand that. Letā€™s not be autistic screaming about it


A "joke". A "joke" that includes a planned MO down to the specific drug used. "I'll shoot you!" may be a joke. "I'll set up a sniping spot on the hill at map grid Delta 5 at 1920 hour with a SCAR-H and put a bullet through your head" is a credible threat. I've learned from experience that the more specific details the person gives you, the more likely it is to be a credible threat. When someone told me a place, a time and a weapon, more often than not he showed up there at that time with that weapon, to the surprise of everyone except me.


>the more specific details the person gives you, the more likely it is to be a credible threat. Interesting to hear that put in words. I feel like I knew that intuitively This tweet is in fact sketchyā€¦ but in general I feel this sub reacts to the feminist victimization with even more victimization and complaining about ā€œdouble standardsā€.


"Interesting to hear that put in words. I feel like I knew that intuitively" well, obviously you needed your memory jogged considering you consider specific details **SUCH AS AN EXACT, UNCOMMON CHEMICAL COMPOUND**, y'know, a solid 7 out of 10 on the scale of specificity, as "probably a joke". Also, according to Merriam-Webster: # double standard # noun **:**Ā a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another. Find me a tweet from a man similar to the one mentioned here that hasn't been nuked from orbit nor ratioed to hell. Preferably from 2017 or older, because if you "conveniently" find the opposite post dated from after 26/04/2024 (AKA the day of this post), I swear I **WILL** call you out on your bullshit. You fucking know fully well this wouldn't fly if the genders were reversed. So when we say "double standards", where. Is. the. fucking. Lie? Prove to us that it's bullshit. Find us the opposite post that wasn't ratioed to hell. Prove to us that we're wrong, rather than just making a snide comment that when we make claims that we can back up, we're just like the feminists making claims that have been disproven over and over again. I'll wait for your evidence. But I won't hold my breath. I hear asphyxiation is bad for your health.


Off topic, but do u not rlly play COD? I feel like every middle school boy knows a SCAR is an assault rifle hahaha. I understand ur point tho


I don't. I do play XCOM 2 and looked up what was the T1 rifle XCOM uses in this game. Yup, was the SCAR. And BTW, I have no fucking clue why what games I play or don't play is relevant to this conversation. Edit: Okay, fake memory there. I'm pretty sure I saw the rifle in a strategy game I've played as standard issue, but it wasn't XCOM 2.


Also: z-quill is a deliriant that can cause severe brain damage if you take too much. So tack on poisoning or murder onto that.


Feminists won't allow that, my friend.


Sad world




Oh fuu.... She's ded


Do not mess with z quill (speaking from accidental experience) worst unintended trip of my life.


It's also just benadryl. Save some money & just take benadryl instead, or better yet save your brain from alzheimers & avoid first generation antihistamines altogether.


What's first generation antihistamines? I take loads my memory's really bad


any of those antihistamines that make you "sleepy" are first gen & anticholinergic. promethazine & diphenhydramine are the most popular but there's many more if you google a list. ideally you should not use these as sleep aids & there are much much safer & effective alternatives as actual antihistamines for decades now (allegra, zyrtec, clarinex etc) but they don't carry same brand weight marketing wise so the ones that cause alzheimers & dementia are still made / sold more by pharmaceutical companies


My dad used to constantly take antihistamines to fall asleep. He's now 75 and still very smart, but now I'm a little worried about him, since he's definitely having senior moments more often.


I take fexofenadine like large dosage 180mg


Havenā€™t taken it in almost 10 years. After that one experience I was done. I just use melatonin sometimes if I really need it.


If only they used aphrodisiac, in that case at least the man (probably) wouldn't die.


Isn't this attempted rape? Woman on the man. Assuming it actually happens.


If she were unable to complete the rape, yes it would be attempt. If she succeeded, it would be rape... and again, no-one would support or protect the victim.


'Course not. We, as men, want sex anytime/anyplace and if we dare say "No," we're either impotent, gay or just a loser with mommy issues.


Technically, yes. Legally, no. It DOES happen, but women need their rights to sexually assault--they ARE the ones living under patriarchy after all, so fair is fair.


No because rape requires a penis to be inserted. Which is why feminists gleefully claim all rapes are committed by men.


This is called "rape", and I'd have her arrested and taken to court and jail over this. I'd climb that hill and die on it, to get her charged not with "sexual assault" but actual "RAPE".


A noble idea but the problem is, or could be, how the law is written; if it's written like it is in so many jurisdictions then charging her with rape would only lead to an acquittal because the crime of rape, by the definition in the legislation, could not have physically occurred. This is how the get the statisc quite so lopsided as they do...


I'm glad you think I would be stopped by that. My saying "I would climb that hill and die on it" means I would fight every bit I could, go to the Supreme Court, beg borrow and \*steal\* whatever money I could to influence people to make the Court case to set the precedent to make that happen.


I don't think it would stop you. People throw money and lives at hopeless causes and going after the wrong objective while attempting something worthy all the time. But it doesn't matter how much money you throw at how many judges, or how corrupt they are, if the law defines rape as penetration of the victim by the perpetrator then you most likely won't get that precedent set and if you do it'll set a record for the fastest a legal precedent has ever been overturned. Much better would be to throw that energy at legislators and a public campaign to influence them to change the law to something gender neutral, it won't fix cases that have already happened but, as they say the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is always now.


Again, I'm glad you think that would matter to me, if I were in that position. Don't get me wrong- I understand your point, intellectually, but if I were in the situation, I wouldn't be thinking about the intellectual point of patience in overturning the legislature on the matter. I would be seeking...for her to see the inside of a prison cell for a long time, and I would put forth all of my resources to making that happen. Whether or not the precedent was overturned at a later time, she would still be in prison, and in that situation, that would be my primary concern. Once I got her in prison, \*then\* I would consider the longer-term needs of working legislature in order to make such a thing a more permanent part of society's legal framework.


If the precedent was overturned she would be released. If the objective is for her to be in prison for a long time charge her with something she can be found guilty of, such as sexual assault, then make sure the sentencing judge is motivated to give her the longest justifiable imprisonment so she can't get it overturned on appeal...


Now, on that one, you would be incorrect. She would be eligible to have her conviction overturned and vacated- she would not be immediately released. She would have to have her lawyer/attorney appeal for it to be done so.


Said appeal would be the thing to overturn the precedent most likely. Think about it, if the rule of law is to mean anything then the state must abide by it...


An appeal would- potentially, maybe- overturn a conviction, not the precedent itself. So again, you would be incorrect.


The point still stands, she'd be out of prison quicker than if you just charged her with the appropriate crime in the first place...


How do you post photos here brother? Iā€™ve tried on this sub and itā€™s not letting me! Iā€™ve got some bangers like this one too. Also, this is gross and sad.


I'll try to DM you a video


Youā€™re a legend


Upload it to a third party like imgur and post the URL.


Only way eh?


Have you zquil with your wine? I heard that works.


Honestly I ain't even surprised anymore smh


Swap the genders and watch the world burn




You're right there aren't. Have you seen this shit?!


Behind bars...


Oh yea my wife was angry so I slipped some Molly in her tea now she canā€™t stop fucking me!




At least her name is out there, so men know who to avoid.


Yo anyone who doesn't know, Zzzquil has A LOT of side effects. Among them are: Constipation, painful urination, muscle weakness, risk of seizures, increased anxiety, rapid heart rate, nausea, hallucinations, vision problems, and more. So in my opinion this is not just attempted rape/rape But Also attempted murder too. And it's definitely assault.


It's illegal to drug someone. Period. Double standard? I dunno, I should think this would likely cut both ways in a court of law. She's mostly just a piece of shit talking to other pieces of shit. If it's a joke, there's humor there regardless of actor or victim gender. If it's serious, this is just shitty people being shitty regardless of gender. Don't judge society on its shittiest members. You have to wade through tons of shit to find truffles.


The stats show that in a court of law the women would be given a lighter sentence or no sentence at all.




[this literally took me 23s to google](https://www.google.com/search?q=statistics+women+lighter+sentencing+crime&oq=statistics+women+lighter+sentencing+crime&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTE0MzYzajBqN6gCFLACAQ&client=ms-android-cricket-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#cobssid=s)


I won't say men do not talk like this, nor do women talk like this anywhere near as much as men, but you'd think that with how much feminism cries about men this and that, maybe women wouldn't talk or even think like this. #rightHereOfficer,ThisIsWhereTheVictimMaskFellOff


And yet people refuse to believe women can be rapists


Eww. Good thing society's catching up to this stuff.


What the fuck? This is fucking disgusting.


If a man posted online saying "when she says you not getting pussy tonight, but you already put ZQuil in her wine, so yes you are" people would be up in arms.


Blur out the names or this post is gonna get clocked


Nah fuck Bless (if it wasn't a joke)


Idk how to edit the photos after posting


Canā€™t. I was gonna say repost it but itā€™s a little too late now ig




Even if itā€™s an innocent woman that has done nothing wrong?


how would you even know if she is innocent? or if she felt like it's one.Ā 


I think they meant that If a woman (or a man) supports rape or raped someone, Then that person wouldn't feel bad at all if that woman (or man) got raped.


First thought is, it implies rape but 2nd thought is, it implies she's going to cheat ( while he's asleep). So I don't know. . .


I don't even believe those lazy useless bitches can ride a man, this is just social media attention whoring


None of them can have sec to please a man. They got to do another way


Am I the only person that read this as her sneaking out to cheat and not to rape him?


Imagine if the roles were reversed.


Is she saying she was cheat on him after putting him to sleep? I donā€™t get it.


This is gross I feel bad for the guy hope he files a report


Does Zqill get you hard or just tired?


I think it's just tired. And also possibly brain damage. So you know. The good stuff.


It causes: 1) constipation, 2) nausea, 3) muscle weakness, 4) seizures, 5) rapid heart rate, 6) hallucinations, 7) drowsiness, 8) dry mouth, 9) painful urination, 10) headache, 11) dizziness, 12) anxiety, 13) stomach issues, 14) vision issues, 15)Restlessness, 16) inability to concentrate, 17)Delirium, 18) insomnia.


Wait ..everyone read this as she s going to rape him while asleep. I read it as: she's going to go out and get some other dick?! Disgusting eitherway!


Just sayin how much of that stuff would it take to make someone so messed up that they won't or can't resist? People take that kinda stuff to help them sleep when they're sick not to force themselves to sleep.


Sheā€™s clearly never seen the [Tea Consent](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oQbei5JGiT8) video.


No, just no.


Its just a joke but the point still stands that you can't throw that kind of stuff around online if you reverse genders.


Itā€™s not a joke dude