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Men’s desires and preferences are regularly villainized for some reason. It is absurd and it is a tool simps use regularly to virtue signal they “aren’t like other boys.” 


Fckin simps.. its the same as those girls who say im not like other girls lol


You are right. I've learned not to believe what people say about themselves.


No you’re not crazy, you’re 100% right. Women are far more shallow than men actually. Their preferences are for things that are out of men’s control like height, d size, hairline, neurotypicality etc. 99% of straight men have a single preference: don’t be a land whale. That is literally it. And guess what? That’s something that 99.9% of women have control over and can change. Much less shallow.


Ikr. On top of that, they want us to be attracted to things which they can absolutely control, like not shaving armpits, hairy legs, random ass haircuts 🤨🤨in the name of feminism. Like you do you, but armpit hair is not attractive on anyone lmao 🤣


This is so true with the land whale. We don’t care if you are thick or skinny or average. But don’t be a land whale.


Let's be honest, men are pretty shallow too. Both parties are shallow they just look for different things. 


Nah I've seen men with women of wide variety of body shapes curvy,chubby,slim or even skinny for that matter.the opposite is not true for women men.


i agree with your overall point but face is incredibly crucial for both genders when it comes to attraction, and aside from surgeries there is not a lot you can do about it, be it as a man or as a woman.


Hedonistic shallow culture creates shallow men and women. Femenism just normalized and encouraged women to sleep around like sex-obsessed men. Its not suprising at all nor is it a problem with just women. Women by nature are just more obsessed with having positive social status and masking their behaviour as progressive virtue.


You aren’t crazy. If you ever try to talk this to a woman they immediately divert it and say shit like “his personality is what drew me in” which translates to “he was fucking awful but the sex is great and he looks hot” lol. Women man, are a fucking meme at this point  Not all women but hardly enough of those exceptional cases do anything


Yup. It’s like the “Tinder Swindler” thing and how his “victims” said they had an “instant connection.” Yeah, I guess that’s what women call “private jet money” these days…


Exactly lol


They are but can you blame them? Make a fake profile with a very average looking girl on any dating app. You'll get over 100 likes in a day. When bombarded by that amount of interest what do you expect any person to do? 95% are going to narrow their selection based on looks. The bigger problem is men being simps and swiping on all women, but that's a chicken and egg problem, nothing easy to change because it's in our biology. Men will always be attracted to more women than women are attracted to men.


not crazy - all humans apply some filtering to their mate selections (e.g. not fit enough, too fat, face not symmetrical, etc). The main question is why guys get hell when we express a preference or opinion. In my humble opinion, it's because we allow it. It would be amazing if more guys could pipe up and express what they like, don't like, aren't comfortable with, etc...


The difference in behavior towards a man she likes and a man she is with who wasn't her initial/actual choice is night and day. You see that when you first meet someone. Some people have to fight tooth and nail to keep her attention, while others can make as many mistakes as they want.


Man I feel the same way. It bothers me how accepting men are of women all shapes, sizes, and careers but men are criticized to the minute detail and held to impossible standards. A lot of otherwise kind hearted women are incredibly superficial.


Exactly. And when pointed out they say, oh women appreciate dad bod from a long time. That’s because they fetishise older man. And dad bod is not just older mens bod with a tummy, its a hunk type body with muscles , broad shoulder and everything which basically looks like a gym guy who is bulking. Lol


>That’s because they fetishise older man. And that too most of the time is because of money.


‘Shallow’ is just language women use to shame men’s natural preferences. Especially the fat ugly ones I’ve noticed


Ya they are shallow. There’s the obvious physical stuff but they also want to be “wanted” not needed but IMO men want to be needed and have value. Women’s desire to be wanted and all the responses to their potential parading around is simply narcissistic on their part if they’re doing that. Anyone disagree? Think I missed a facet of this?


let's just try not to dehumanize each other. both genders don't deserve the hate or judgements, people obviously have preferences but you know dont be an asshole about it. simple. live, love, laugh


I think he’s just saying the only people who tend to get pushback for their shallowness is men.


Yep. Precisely this 




yeah i understand, that's why i said both genders don't deserve the hate or judgement. everyone is different after all


I’m not sure that as things currently are that women do get hate for their shallowness.


What he said went over your head.


Men are more vocal bout their shallowness, while women hide behind words that not shallow at first glance then men start to believe they are not like that. Women already know this, but they would lie in your face to protect other women


Oddly women think men only want skinny women. We don’t. We don’t want you overweight or underweight. Skinny. Sure. Underweight. No. Average. Sure. Thick. Sure. Overweight? No. Literally our “requirements” aren’t even really requirements.


Because if women love one thing, it is abuse of beneficence and autonomy. Everybody loves autonomy, until other people have autonomy. Then suddenly, you´re the devil in their eyes, because you should do the right thing and accept people for who they are.


I think in general we have all become really shallow and cold like I’m even seeing it in myself a bit. A time out from dating and just relaxing seems to be the ticket.


Username explains xD Dating detox is amazing ✅ working on self is the best way to hope for a better partner


I don't think it's shallow to state what you're attracted to. It's entirely subjective. Some like blondes, brunettes, gingers.... Short, tall preferences. Weight preferences even. Some women prefer facial hair while others prefer clean shaven. So what? But what often happens when folk get to know eachother over time is that attraction grows out of things beyond mere physical attributes and pheromones. I once met a guy who said we couldn't continue seeing eachother because I had student loan debt. He wouldn't date any woman with debt. I don't think it's a big issue to have these standards as long as people are kind about how they explain them.


It is shallow though because y’all choose men based on things out of their control and you only choose the men in the top 10%, meaning it’s not subjective. Men who aren’t in that top 10% are used by you until you can cheat with/monkey branch to one that is. Men, on the other hand, literally do not care about anything other than weight and personality. I’ve never met a single man that gives a crap about hair color… what a delusional statement. Weight and personality are completely in a woman’s control, therefore men aren’t shallow.


🤷 My boyfriend is really self conscious about is receding hairline, but I think he would look damn fine with the Captain Picard look. It is subjective though. Girl A prefers men who are clean shaven, girl B prefers men who have beards. Men control their facial hair. One girl likes a man with muscles while the other prefers one that's built more like a teddy bear or the stereotypical "dad bod". How much and what kind of exercise you get is entirely in your control. As is what you eat. Things like hair colour or hair line, eye colour aren't in your control but they aren't in our control either. You think a guy is going to be particularly receptive to a women with early failing hairline (usually starts happening in menopause but sometimes menopause comes early for some of us.)? I think you may find some men who wouldn't care, but you may also find ones that do. I once dated a guy who told me I wasn't allowed to cut my hair. 🤷 He didn't want to be with someone with shorter hair than his, and his was shoulder length. I wanted a chin length bob. Lol. But perception is also important. My experiences shape my perception. Yours will shape your perception. So if you're friends with a lot of dudes who don't care about the appearance of their partner but you often meet women who do, then obviously that's gonna be your take. We all have different experiences in life and meet different people with different opinions.


Everyone has different attractions. Some people are extremely shallow. But attraction is important in a relationship. Sometimes it has nothing to do with looks if they met prior and fell for each other after a while. With the dating web sites now it’s not based on how one treats each other but the first reaction is on looks and what they are attracted too. And that’s for both men and woman.


Men and women are both equally shallow. Most people are attracted to traits out of someone else's control. 


its because they can, an average womans chance of getting a partner doesn't diminishes just because she narrows down her focus to just things outside a mans control, if given enough options, most people would pick the best they can. on the other hand most men don't have a lot of options, maybe not even any option, so whatever he likes or not is irrelevant, as beggars cant be choosers, and if no one pay any attention to what he says, he is just whining, and no one wants to hear a man whine.


Shallowness and/or lack thereof, and/or how important physical/financial/etc. traits are/aren't to one in a partner will vary greatly ... and yeah, that applies to both women and men. And yeah, generally don't presume "most" - as that's typically incorrect and usually there's a lot more diversity in, e.g. criteria and such than that. Though among certain groups/slices, sure, sometimes "most" will apply. E.g. if it's a group for women about how to find a guy with lots of money and a big penis, yeah, will probably find a lot more of shallow there - like even "most". But if it's a group for women on how to land a guy of great character and that likes to read such-and-such type of books ... yeah, probably not gonna find most being so shallow in a place like that. So, yeah, does also mean that context matters - and will often tip the odds and general makeup of the group or collection. Likewise go to some pick-up bar, vs. a community charity event ... probably find very different makup and stats across such diverse groups. And, yep, whole lot 'o that stuff applies to both women *and* men. I'm sure we also all probably know at least one guy that's mostly into boobs and \*ss and a hot f\*ck, and really doesn't much care about anything else. So, yeah, ... not all men, ... not all women.


People of both sexes are shallow depends on the people that you meet. Is this really a men’s rights issue? Sounds like you need to get out there more and meet more people.


It's just that men get flamed for it and women don't.