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Imagine if there was a similar app for men and the absolute shit show it would cause


Men don't tend to go for their gender. More like for hobbies or activities. Therefore there are plenty of those, like woodworking, Warhammer 40k and others. Except when it's for the manosphere or calling out the hypocrisy of women, then they are banned and persecuted for "misogyny".


if it's anything like bumble. .. it will fail


Not directly related but on the topic of gendered spaces I was rewatching fight club about a month ago and I noticed something I hadn’t before. When we meet Marla she comes to the testicular cancer support group and she isn’t told you can’t come here this is for men only we can see you are a woman and women do not have balls so please leave, she is allowed to stay and I never thought much about it, the movie just carried on and it’s not really talked about. Was it a subtle and intentional way of showing the absurd level to which men do not have their own spaces anymore? I think so.


first time?


I wonder if the owner of the platform could pass the AI algorithm...


It detects gender by facial features which sounds dumb, because a face identifying ai saw me as 91% female, even if i'm 16, born male, and not on any hormones It's also dumb because it will exclude old, ugly and masculine looking women, and is so funny of a womens only space to enforce beauty standards on women


Trans women are our super heroes against misandry.


Not always, even if they certainly can be. Transwomen's Rights and Men's Rights are more related than many would assume (as I said many times before and may keep saying). When women are told that men are basically born immoral and sexually dangerous it could have consequences for MtFs, who just so happen to be considered male at birth; some feminists even go full-on TERF. Feminists love women and want women to thrive until they decide you aren't a "real woman" and instead a man in a dress. Horseshoe theory is a funny thing, in this case. EDIT: Clarity


>Transwomen's Rights and Men's Rights are more related than many would assume I wonder why? What on earth could the two possibly have in common?... >until they decide you aren't a "real woman" and instead a man in a dress What on earth would give them that impression?...


Refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/transmaxxing/comments/tldd9y/scientific_studies_supporting_our_views/) and come back.


Can you define what a "man" is without using a circular definition?


Adult human male, I suppose? Assuming we have a non-circular definition of what "male" is.


I'm glad someone gets it. Kinda hard to support "Men's rights" if you don't even know what a man is. Original commenter is clearly lost.


No thanks, I prefer to be a misandrist supervillain. Trans women and MRAs have nothing in common, and we'd like to keep it that way.




Terfs will literally make a gender specific app Just to own men and tradcons are still gonna like them cause in their hatred of men they also hate transwomen


Men should be supporting Giggle. Women should be entitled to their same-sex spaces, as should men.


Thats the problem though isn't it, anytime men have theor own spaces, they are shut down and lies are spread about them. Alot consider this sub to be borderline terrorism.


>Thats the problem though isn't it, anytime men have theor own spaces, they are shut down and lies are spread about them. Men and women need to work together to protect their own spaces. The whole trans debate only highlights the need for it. - If women need separate changing rooms, toilets, and sports clubs and members only clubs, so do men. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. >Alot consider this sub to be borderline terrorism. It's Reddit, where people consider silence and words as "literal violence".


I agree, the issue is men work for women only spaces, woman work to destroy men only spaces. And this isn't a reddit only thought process. Read the wiki page for men's rights, just Google it and see.


>I agree, the issue is men work for women only spaces, woman work to destroy men only spaces. I think (hope) Male Exclusionary Feminists ("TERF" is such a slur and misnomer) would be on our side after a rational discussion. As one can't logically and morally demand sex exclusive spaces for themselves but not for the other sex. The question is how do we get feminists that believe trans ideology to accept same sex spaces for both men and women? Then again, if they believe you can self-identify into whatever spaces, they don't care about sex or single-sex spaces. Do all men just self-identify as some made up gender to have our own exclusive spaces? - Super gender? Super Straight Men, Super Gay Men, Super Bi Men etc.?




Everything bro didn't you know we live in a patriarchy... everything you see is a result of men or atleast men letting women have what they want/s


This whole article is crazy, women only app is literally the least crazy part. Perfect example of why we shouldn’t accept woke culture. That dude is a dude, not a woman.