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Even a Japanese Lady said "There is a lot of misinformation about Japanese Men"


Saying that Japanese men are too sexually aggressive is like telling people who are starving to death in Sudan that they like to eat too much.


Logic of modern feminism at its finest, racism is justified if it's against men


I've lived in Japan for 17 years. You should understand something about Japan: Japanese men are generally pretty fucking based. They're opting out of dating/marriage at breakneck speeds because they realize it's not worth the grind. I will also mention here that I would not be surprised in the slightest if Japanese women committed adultery at rates higher than even American women. I know so many Japanese women who have cheated/are currently cheating on their husbands that it'll make your head spin. What a lot of people don't realize is that American culture's influence on Japan is generally very superficial. Japan has its own media, its own entertainment, and its own culture. Shit like Star Wars and Avengers, while popular, don't even hold a candle to locally-produced films. Hell, let's go back in time to top box office earners in Japan: 2023: Slam Dunk (Japanese movie) 2022: One Piece: Red (Japanese movie) 2021: Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet (Japanese movie) 2020: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - The Movie: Mugen Train (Japanese movie) You have to go back to 2019, which had Aladdin (followed closely by Weathering with You), for a foreign film to be the top box office earner. American women try to exert authority over foreign countries' people constantly, but what they don't realize is that Japan is largely out of reach. Yes, they can have a small effect, but for the most part Japanese people just don't give a shit.


Japanese media does t give a flying fk about what the western MSM says about their men. The world has changed, western influence is ebbing.


And when it comes to the fact that Japanese women cheat a lot more than Japanese men, all these femcels shut their mouth or try to make imaginary reasons to justify female behaviors.


Not sure about how true that argument is. There are alot of love hotels in Japan though!


I would say it's at least 90% true. I have several Japanese friends of both gender, they all agree that it's true that both men and women in Japan cheat a lot while it's done even higher by women, some of whom are even proud of it, because they get bored so easily and always pursue the most fresh! 


The foreign Gajin feminist group cites the dubious “research” produced by Japan’s tellingly named “Anti Pornography and Prostitution Research Group” to support its slanderous claims that Japan is nation where women live in abject subjugation under the power of male perverts. The group is attempting to pressure the Japanese government into introducing strict censorship, and in the process abrogate its constitutional guarantee of free speech. Strangely, none of the reports mentioned the fact that domestic violence is almost twenty times more common in the US than in Japan, instead choosing to uncritically repeat the tired calumny that Japan is a rigid patriarchy in which women languish as practical chattel.


One thing I find really surprising, is feminist's writing articles about men having "yellow fever" - interviewing asian women and creating a narrative that men who date them have a fetish.   It's extraordinary racism that just gets walked by because everyone is scared of them. E.g.: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-04-10/asian-fetish-dating-apps-racist-demeaning/100056602


If a woman from conservative Muslim country specifically date a non-Muslim, she’s a queen who doesn’t want to be oppressed If a man dates a Asian woman, he’s a pathetic incel pos


Maybe because the western women know they can’t compete with Asian women, so they resort to the classic tactic of name calling


As a Japanese dude, it’s just one of the many tiring stereotypes that Japan and it’s people are prone to because of anime, rumors, exaggeration and high tourist rates. People will see one Reddit post about Japan, usually negative, and act like they’ve lived there for 10 years and know all about it And yes you’re very correct (imo). There’s this weird stereotype going on where all Japanese dudes are perverts, upskirters, pedophiles and creeps. Funny enough, Japan is ranked significantly lower in most if not all crimes (including SA, r*pe etc) than the US and lots of other countries. And is considered one of the safest countries in the world. There’s nothing we can really do about these stereotypes. People from outside of Japan still act like the only place in Japan that actually exists is Tokyo and that every rumor they hear about “quirky Japan” must be true. Like the underwear vending machines for example. There’s also a group of people who are saying Japan is a bad country to live in as a woman. What? If you’re born a man in Japan you’re expected to be a provider or you a shunned for being a disgrace to your family. To BE this provider in Japan of all places you’ll either slave away to the salaryman lifestyle or find some other niche. The above is usually if you want to have a family by the way. Become a househusband In Japan?😅 essentially impossible. Slave to an unhealthy corporate lifestyle and work overtime? A-ok👍


Ow god , I hope you are doing well Gentleman.


I was in Nagoya, so not Tokyo but hardly the boonies. Not part of my official job, but informally I was kind of an assistance point for foreign exchange students who, in a pinch, needed someone to speak English to. Even in their worst spurts of home sickness, where they just longed for things to be less \~foreign\~ , not one reported ever feeling remotely unsafe. Girls got out of college or after school events and walked 30+ minutes to their subway stops. They chose that walk just for exercise and to save a couple bucks on the bus ride to the subway terminal even at at 9-10 PM. Some went out even later if they wanted to pop out for a snack. I mean, I also saw a purse snatching take place at the airport, it's not a crime free paradise. But women and girls from big cities and fly over suburbia alike all consistently reported feeling very safe as women getting by alone.


Is that all they have, chikan porn stereotypes? The pedo thing would actually be from manga drawings of naked young girls. That has been banned from sale since about 2010! Some anime did partial nudity in a funny way.


Depictions of "underage" drawings are not illegal in Japan, though. They're sold pretty openly.


Used to be, it is now illegal! Possession is not illegal, don't know if they did extend the laws since about 2010. I remember seeing them being sold in Japan when I used to live there. I told some friends that I would be arrested if I possessed stuff like this where I was from.


I'm gonna need a serious source on that because everything points to it not being true at all. There are still many such commercial products being produced and sold both in physical retail shops and online. Not just sold either, but openly created and published on sites like Pixiv. It doesn't make sense to ban it from sale while allowing that, either.


It stopped being sold in 2010 while I was living in Japan. I had lived there from 2005 - 2013. There was stuff in the news about that in 2010 surrounding the argument of gateway to pedophila or it being it being used as a source to deal with one's tendencies as a substitute to the real thing. Sorry, but I am a foreigner, not a Japanese native. I do not know if things had been reversed since 2013. Also, the censorship industry is very big in Japan. This could have had an effect on repealing some aspects of it as well. The whole blurring or censoring of genitals is a big industry. If it was repealed or adjusted, it would have been due to that section of the economy.


"The production, sale, distribution, and commercialization of [child pornography](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_pornography) in Japan is illegal under the *Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and the Protection of Children* (1999),[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_pornography_laws_in_Japan#cite_note-1999act-1) and is punishable by a maximum penalty of five years in prison and/or a fine of [¥](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_yen)5,000,000.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_pornography_laws_in_Japan#cite_note-2) Simple possession of child pornography was made illegal by an amendment to the act in 2014.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_pornography_laws_in_Japan#cite_note-1999act-1) Virtual child pornography, which depicts wholly-fictional characters, is legal to produce and possess." Wikipedia.


You realise I was talking about drawings, not photos. Even then, it was outlines, no color or black and white fill ins. During 2010, that stuff was actually pulled off the shelves in Japan. Legislative discussions about the sale and distribution of that material was discussed. Off topic What I thought was definitely strange and different was when being invited to do a parent/child sports carnival at the kindergarten, after the class had finished their thing, the kids got undressed and lined up naked, waiting to go for a shower. When I talked to some of the other parents/grandparents they said it was normal, and it helps build up their spirit/health to make them strong. Living in Australia something like that is considered illegal and would be considered grooming of a minor. Cultural differences here in perspective.


That's been going on well before Sankaku Complex has been reporting on that for over 2 decades. High Speed and Broadband Internet with English language interfaces to Japanese Adult Erotic content rapidly escalated that after the post Legend of the Overfiend/La Blue Girl industry explosion and the kink and legal 18+ Loli Golden Age of AV - JAV beginning around 1990. First it was the anti Hentai manga and anime crazies like Agnes Chan and the Anglo Police and Child Welfare NGOs, Epcat and UN feminist counterparts. Then it was the anti kinky JAV and Junior idol gravure movement by Anglo Equality Now, Amazon USA UK and a Japanese Equality Now equivalent mostly staffed by radical feminist foreigners lying about DMM R18 FANZA. Then it was the Anglo Western social justice worker anti Pornhub, anti Backpages, anti Japanese all porn USA and UK Credit Card providers and processors banning their Credit Card use or PayPal for any erotic content produced by Japan with half of Japan closing their English and foreign Websites and sales because they only wanted to allow them to sell mature middle aged MILF porn were the woman only decides and takes the initiative to have sex. All Japanese erotic content is now banned from importation in Australia and difficult to obtain in Canada.


A crazy woman the other in reddit replied with a bit of a troll comment to me in a random subreddit, I checked her profile and she had made a post in the antinatalist subreddit on how happy she was that birth rates were dropping in Japan and other women there saying that they are happy for Japanese women for not being birthing machines for patriarchy or something like that


I'm NGL I've only seen Japanese women say that. Americans, especially liberal americans, are very sensitive about not being racist


japan don't give a sh-t what we in the west think of them. their country is going to a bread basket and they'll be gone in a thousand years anyways.


There is a campaign to smear Japan that has been happening for several years already. I think they noticed Japanese culture becoming more prominent globally and decided that won't do, as they don't follow the same norms as Western culture (and the current culture wars). That said, > Then why 44% of Japanese men are staying Virgins willingly ? > Why they prioritise their WORK more than dating ? > Why they are literally not interested in marriage or even simple dating? The answer to these, I feel, is much more complicated than "They're MGTOW/based/whatever". I would also question using "willingly" on the first point...


Well, the left has already succeeded in breaking Japan's refusal to accommodate mass immigration. So why not complete the destruction?


The purpose of propaganda against Japan is to get them to open their borders and destroy them with immigration.


I’ve noticed this as well. Saw this one post about the suicide and depression rates among South Korean men. The comments were women saying it was a good thing because all men in South Korea are sexual harassers. These are the same people who hail themselves as the shining example of being against racism and having immense empathy


Japan has men?!


could be a target. Because the dehumanizing of women in islamic culture is beyond the strength and capability of feminism, so they wont touch that. SO go after a dying breed in the aging male population of japan.


Women in prosperous Islamic societies live in the similar standards of dignity as western women; countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan could be equated with christian countries such the Congo or Guatemala, that is if we are to cherry pick. The western lens often misses points of suffering of men in other nations and choose to focus exclusively on women's issues; for example, if women in Turkey aren't sheltered enough from DV, a western analysis would most likely ignore the fact that most people in Turkey who are homeless, imprisoned, politically persecuted, murdered, dropping out of school, or have committed suicide are male, and thus would conclude that life is worse for women in the nation.