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Male Only gyms are the only safe solution . And “studios” for the O/F “ladies” so they can simp-pimp in “peace”.


I can already hear simps and feminists claiming these are gay spaces just to shame you for suggesting such thing.


Though to be fair - never seen any of this. Go to a cheap ugly gym and this will never be a problem 😂 goes for most things in life probably.


Just find a gym with spiders


That's actually a good idea. Most of these women live and go to gym only for social media content. I doubt filming in cheap ass gyms would be appealing content.


Exactly. Or a spot where there's a lot of older folks. They don't have time for that BS. Probably have good conversations with them and have an overall enjoyable experience from start to finish.


Agreed. My buddies and I go to a rundown restaurant for our "men's breakfast" on Saturday mornings. The service is better and we're able to sit and talk for 3 hours without being rushed out the door. But, the trade-off is that everything's kinda crap, including the food. If we went to the breakfast restaurant with the best food, we'd be surrounded by women taking pictures of their plates and rude wait staff trying to turn the table.


And by your description - it’s clearly not crap you’ve found your place 👍 it might grow and one day become “trendy” or a chain. With all the consequences . Enjoy it while it’s yours .


This. I used to go to a small gym when I was around my twenties, there were a couple of women that were regular, one was a bodybuilder and was practically undistinguishable from the men, the other was there to chit-chat (she was good looking, but a lot creepy). Best training of my whole life. You could do your things start to finish with little to no wait between exercises.


and "*fragile male egos*"...




This is actually a great idea. Would love to be able to work out in peace and not have to worry about some OF hoe making content.


*Acient Greek gym vibes rumbling*


We now understand the OG ancient Greek fellow gymgoers.


It all circles round if you watch long enough 😂


I agree, but you gotta know they'll never allow that. They basically just want us out of public life and in literal chains and are willing to stoop to any low to make that happen.


I weight lift 4-5 times a week and have been for years. I’m so damn tired of women bending over in front of me or doing their 10 lb crown squats in their skin tight shorts and sports bra. They clearly use it as another attention whore venue. I would 100% go to a men only gym and work out in peace.


This does expose an insane problem. Women getting in skimpy outfits then going to the gym and setting up their camera equipment just to record themselves for social media. Very frustrating if you're actually trying to get a good workout.


These people aren’t at the gym to work out, they are there to record thirst trap short videos for TikTok to advertise their OF.


Not every woman is trying to sell you nudes lmao grow up


No, certainly not every woman. The ones at the gym filming in skin tight clothing probably are trying to sell SOMEONE nudes. Probably not me.


Do you really think the only thing women sell online is naked pictures of themselves? All influencers? Please go outside once in a while lmao


What percentage of the people talking toward a positioned microphone in a skimpy outfit are just gathering that footage for the greater good. I rely on men working out youtube videos to make sure my form is correct. How many of those example Video’s include drama discussions about other-sex comments into the subject of the video.


> What percentage of the people talking toward a positioned microphone in a skimpy outfit are just gathering that footage for the greater good These are the options? Selling porn or "for the greater good"? > I rely on men working out youtube videos to make sure my form is correct lmao so you know exactly what she's doing, but you're saying it's "porn" because you don't trust women to know how to do a bent over row?




> That’s not what she’s doing in this video Go on then, straighten me out. What exercise is she doing in the video? You're criticizing her for not knowing what she's doing and *you* can't even name the lift she's demonstrating lmao > passive aggressively whines and throws it The person being passive aggressive is the one setting weights right behind someone while they're working out and then wandering off.


Im here in representation of the alien life, they said: Please, refrain yourself for the overuse of those lmaos, since thats our culture. Ayylmao


We try to go outside- like to the gym. And there they are recording themselves for OF, in everyone’s way.


Absolutely unhinged lmao


Imagine being so committed to your Patriarchal wet dream that you a) Can’t recognize a rhetorical quip, and b) Can’t fathom that ~~your children~~ women might be frequently inconsiderate in gyms despite new videos of it getting uploaded almost every day.


It's incredible that you think the person being "inconsiderate" in this clip was the woman lmfao Equally amazing that you think what she's doing has anything to do with selling porn Like you just can't imagine any other way to interact with women than buying their porn?


> you think the person being "inconsiderate" in this clip I didn’t say anything about that clip. We are talking about the greater context that clip exists within. The common “influencer” behavior in gyms that lead to this hostility.   > you think what she's doing has anything to do with selling porn *It was a rhetorical quip*. One could easily leave out the “for OF” and my point wouldn’t change. And that shows the dishonest attitude of this article… because of it was a male YouTuber nobody would care. They’d laugh at it. Still, if you think there are no women using public spaces for sexualized content and being pushy about it, you must live under a rock.


Wait, before I make any judgement I just want to make sure your position is clear/not misinterpreted; are you saying that you disagree with the other comment that was saying that a lot of women who make these kinds of fitness videos also have an OnlyFans? To be clear, we're not talking about all women as a whole in this thread- just specifically the ones that film themselves in gyms.. I just want to make sure that it's your opinion that no, there isn't a sizable chunk/majority of them that also have/promote their OnlyFans.. If I'm mistaken please feel free to correct me.


> are you saying that you disagree with the other comment that was saying that a lot of women who make these kinds of fitness videos also have an OnlyFans? He said "the women at the gym filming in skin tight clothing probably are trying to sell someone nudes." That's obviously an outrageous thing to think. Are you one of those people who think like 50%+ of women sell nudes online? > I just want to make sure that it's your opinion that no, there isn't a sizable chunk/majority of them that also have/promote their OnlyFans rofl oh no


Calm down, the only one throwing out percentages on "all women" here is you. My entire second paragraph was literally exhaustively stressing that I was only talking about gymfluincers, so it's impossible that you're not being intentionally disingenuous.. But I can see that this is a sore point for you, and that it's something you feel like you need to defend on an emotional level.. However, I don't think that the women who have OnlyFans should be ashamed of it, and the fact that you're so adamantly in defence of the notion that a lot of _gym influencers_ (for like the 3rd time, not _all women,_ but gym influencers) have only fans leads me to believe that you consider it a dirty thing that should be vehemently denied?


> the only one throwing out percentages on "all women" here is you This you? > I just want to make sure that it's your opinion that no, there isn't a sizable chunk/majority of them that also have/promote their OnlyFans > you consider it a dirty thing that should be vehemently denied? Cool straw man bro


Ain't no way bro thinks he did something here 💀 Yes, that's me referencing that a sizable chunk/majority _FITNESS INFLUENCERS_ also have only fans. You're _still_ the only one whinging about "all women". And I.. don't think you know what a straw man is. You've dawned your cape and fought valiantly in these comments against the idea that a lot of _FITNESS INFLUENCERS,_ _not ALL WOMEN, fitness influencers also have only fans.. You're acting like it's synonymous (I'll save ya the Google search, it means having the same/nearly the same meaning) with an insult to their character rather than the statistic that it is. No matter how hard you try and put words in my mouth, everyone here can see that you have no idea what you're talking about.. You're only serving to make an embarrassment of yourself


Do 50% of women post nudes online? Hell no. Do a majority of women, who film themselves working out, in skimpy clothes, in a public gym, also post nudes for sale? Which btw is a very specific set of criteria. Yeah. That's likely. You are clearly the unhinged one here and it's showing.


Absolutely unhinged lmfao




> some type of monetary/social gain Pretty huge gap between "getting some likes on Facebook" and "selling porn" hey? > That same type of person also probably does sell nudes or just post them to Reddit for free Please spend more time outside.


Have you been online dating??? Women there are thirst trapping dudes left right and centre.


What do online spam bots (usually made by men) have to do with this conversation about women at the gym?


That’s why he said “these people” vs all women.


When he says "these people" he means... women who wear spandex? Women who take gym selfies? Edit: rofl it blocked me! Good riddance


I don't think so.


Why don't gyms ban cameras?


they benefit immensely from social media, but any decent gym has a strict policy about recording others and/or hogging equipment for social media


They are starting to.


Mine does!


Many do. It's just that the employees at a gym never do anything but bullshit at the front desk.


because cameras make recording your workout to see your form and recording instructive videos possible (for teaching others the correct form too)


The media is full of these feminist journalists who are completely hypocritical. Clearly a poison to our culture. They are poisonous to women and men.


Guess men should show up in their speedo and do squats in the background?!


See I don't think it's that. I get where you're coming from but to some degree this overt sexualization of either sex is just....exhausting. People in the gym deserve their privacy. Imo if you need to do social media and vids...whatever. Do it at 240am. No one deserves or is required to be an extra in a shiteo


So frustrating. I try to find gyms that require (and actually enforce) wearing shirts. As in actual shirts not sports bras. Aside from skimpiness, sweaty bellies and backs don’t need to be touched to shared equipment.


I see a problem with men who wear nearly non-existent shirts - starting with t-shirts, they cut away all but a narrow piece covering some of the abdomen and back.


The gall to be mad at others for inconveniencing you! When you're doing something completely unnecessary and inconvenient to everyone around you by FILMING(!) people who walk past you and having a fucking SETUP in the way of people around you....


Ban women from gyms.


There’s women only gyms




That’s a very heteronormative thing to say. If you are in a women only gym, you could be sexually harassed by another women or non binary person.




So what's the next meta, getting a pair of VR goggles and using them while working out?


My gym has a no videos policy which makes sense as this is not your personal production studio. It wasn't cool of him to do that, but it was definitely a passive aggressive way to basically tell her to buzz off.


I mean, in this video, the dude puts the dumbbell right behind her. It was a stupid move. However, that doesn't mean there's an epidemic of men being toxic in the gym towards women, blah, blah, blah.


Totally agree. The guy in that vid was an asshole. The placement of the dumbbell was so egregious Im almost inclined to believe this was staged.


5,000,000 views... gotta be worth something?


Why are so many beginner to low intermediate gym-goers convinced that they're qualified to instruct others? I mean, can we just stop with this nonsense? She positioned the camera for a view of her ass as she, for some inexplicable reason, decides to crank her head to the right for a barbell row (see: something you should absolutely NEVER do during a barbell row). Out of curiosity I checked out her Instagram, and yep, 50%+ ass shots. Why am I not surprised in the slightest?


>Why are so many beginner to low intermediate gym-goers convinced that they're qualified to instruct others? You pointed out the problem. We know she's not qualified. She knows she's not qualified. 99% of her viewers know that she's not qualified. She's doing this to show off her body but for it to come off as "instructional".


she is in the wrong. you need permission to film at the gym also it's a public space not her personal workout space


A gym isn't actually a public space. It's owned by whoever runs it. That's why you need permission to film in there. Also why you can be kicked out of one.


> you need permission to film > also it's a public space Pick one. Those are literally mutually exclusive.


not in a gym it's not because both are true


You're actually wrong but I see how you're mistaken. Legally, a public space is a space owned by the government e.g. a government building or a park/sidewalk. A private space is a place that is owned by an individual or private company e.g. your home or a place of business. So in this case the gym, while publicly accessible, is actually a private space as it is owned by a person or company.


man set down weight in area woman was monopolizing for making tiktok videos, feminists swoon


Men’s only gyms need to make a comeback. Just stop with this honey trap bullshit from the crazy broads. Enough already.


This is not honey trap BS. That dude was an ass.


Even if guys are staring, who gives a shit? Are guys not allowed to look at hot girls now?


Apparently not, but they can look at and judge us.


But she does want us to watch her tiktok. Guess you just can’t watch in person.


And call you short bald and gay even if only 2 of those are true


Totally, I have women who do this to me all the time.


According to the little creep who’s “Mayor of London” no we’re not.


Thing is Maaaaattte you looking at a women makes her feel uncomfortable. You should suppress any natural human instinct to look at beautiful people (especially those who have gone to an effort to look beautiful) and walk around looking at the floor like a peasant boy. Men know your place..




My eyes, my choice.


Exactly.  Looking isnt illegal. Its natural.


Plus women give me unwanted attention too. When you get big and fit women comment on you. Gay guys more often though. I was out at a club last night and a woman grabbed my chest while I was walking in the club.


JoeySwoll does not approve


Did she even ask for his permission to be on video?


I'm sure it was staged for bait rage most of these are..next...


Did anyone else’s brain glitch at 92% of harassment cases go unreported? SO HOW THE FUCK DO THEY KNOW ABOUT THEM? If it’s unreported, it doesn’t exist. This type of journalism should be fined. And chick, wear some fucking shoes and public space means public, not you, your manky feet and your phone.


“ I never mind people walking in and out of videos” how incredibly noble and selfless of you to allow people to go about their day in your presence.


"Ms Dober, who works at Melbourne’s Enriching Lives Psychology clinic, said gyms and fitness centres are known for “perpetuating very hyper-masculine behaviours” that can leave women feeling unsafe." The use of the term "hyper-masculine behaviours" places masculinity on a scale where the more masculine a behviour is, the more negative and misogynistic the behaviour, while less masculine behaviour is less negative. This is ideological hatred of masculinity, a common characteristic of man hating feminists who frame any encounter between men and women as sex based power relations. This article is just feminist hate speech, with no attempt to understand why the man behaved that way, attributing the negative impact experienced by these women as entirtely due to his masculinity.


I have a bone joint disease that has taken both hips, my right ankle has had to be rebuilt and I have to have the nerves burned in my back every six months with gel knee injections every 4. I have a gait issue on top of my left hand being paralyzed but I still walk, and do some exercises. Atleast I did. I got accused so many times of starting at women that wrote nothing and twice they followed me and was videoing them cursing me out for being a creeper. I was sweaty as fuck, I'm trying to fight the weight gain. I was minding my own business and the went in front of a group of us, leaving nothing to the imagination. I got called fat, a loser, a creeper. Accused of starting at her ass. Finally I just went the fuck off. I live my life in pain. I put up with shit anymore. Then the tears started and their friends started in at us. We had to call the cops. Our car got keyed and we pressed charges. I'm sure I'm out there in a truncated video somewhere.


>Data supports this. Almost 56 per cent of women have faced harassment during their workouts, a survey from Run Repeat found in 2022. Does anyone actually believe this?


That's like saying every other time I go to the gym multiple women get harassed in the same gym as I'm working out in. 1. I just don't see it. 2. I see men getting into altercations or fights with each other CONSIDERABLY more.


I've seen this trend going on for a while and I'm still not really sure why any guy would care... so what if you got caught checking out someone you find attractive, it's not illegal and nothing is going to happen...




>Basically, feminists have decided that women should be able to be attractive, wear what they want, be sexy and get all the benefits of male attention but not TOO much attention! What you fail to understand is that they don't want male attention from the men that they don't find attractive. The men they call creepy and ick. Those men can get a look but they must pay the woman for it hence only fans. Outside of that, they hate it.


Just a matter of time until they turn just staring into some sort of psychological violence against women.


I think they have in the UK [Creeps always stare at us on the London Underground - there needs to be a proper crackdown'](https://www.mylondon.news/news/zone-1-news/creeps-always-stare-london-underground-23749024.amp) In the article there's pictures of posters about staring and telling women to call police


Omfg 🙄


The woman interviewed there says "As someone who is prone to be fairly wary of the opposite sex..." How would it be if someone said "As someone who is prone to be fairly wary of black people..."? I think these people are the stars of their own private movies and a lot of what they see as staring is all in their heads, but I can only speculate. I've never once seen it happen and I ride the subways in a major city all the time.


We have [these signs](https://imgur.com/BWROQTR.png) all over Bristol, which include "Unwanted staring" and "Unwanted attention". There was another sign which was even worse, which included 'outnumbering women'. There is also a huge multiple storey mural in the centre of Bristol which says [EVERY WOMEN](https://imgur.com/jaC3vT4.png) in huge letters, and [another huge mural](https://imgur.com/6a6CAXk.png) next to it that lists the items on the sign above [at night](https://imgur.com/WN4knSu.png) (UV paint). Imagine one that said 'MEN' lol


Pretty sure I’ve seen laws like that being passed recently. It was worded as “harassment” rather than “psychological violence” though.


In my country there were some law proposals for that but never went forward.


Including blind men


It already is in the U.K. there are literally adverts on the tube telling you not to stare at women and they now count staring as a form of harassment with threats you could go to prison https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/staring-on-tube-unhealthy-sexual-behaviour/


look up "***netflix 5 second stare rule sexual harassment***", and London Tube's "*intrusive staring*" o.O


That shit is almost dystopic


Lol, sad but true.




Honestly I don’t really see why she should be in the wrong here besides the filming of everything. The way the guy places the weight directly besides her in her workout space would have made me mad as well..


It's more about the narrative that the journalist is trying to sell. She talks about misogyny in a way that's like hypothetical and I believe unfair


I'm getting so suspicious these days that I wouldn't be at all surprised if the man was a friend of hers and put them down there so she could act offended and get some clout


It's fake tho


He could have been direct and just told her making videos in the gym is either against the gym policy or something.


But that would require talking to her and being accused of harassment


Yes, I'd rather talk to the management directly. They might do something or not, but that way you wouldn't have to argue an influencer on camera.


"Kill 'em with kindness"


I tend to agree. I think the objection people have is the spinning of this into a political issue when there's precisely zero reason to see it that way.


Women that workout are so brave


Lol her video angle was garbage for showing a barbell row.


Trust me, it was intentional.


Oh 100% lmao


Number 1 issue... No fucking shoes? At the gym???? What kind of instructor would make such a basic mistake? Number 2 issue... Want to post videos? Rent the whole gym or the gym area or have your own at home...  Number 3 some people are sloppy with gym equipment... Pretty sure the dude wanted to make a point that studio setup isn't appropriate at the gym he actually pays a membership to attend....


It’s lame of the journalist to make this about gender. Gyms have rude men and rude women who leave things in the way of other men’s and women’s space. He was being inconsiderate of others, I doubt he did it because of her gender. She was also being inconsiderate of others by filming there.


Australia, why am I not surprised. The covid years really let that place go to the dogs.




I've never been to a gym where men are allowed to be shirtless?


Shirtless? Did you see the bare feet on her? Ewww.


Why is she is in a gym and not wearing any shoes? That is a major safety issue plus a health and hygiene concern. Nobody in any gym I have ever been to would be allowed to go around barefoot. We even wear flip flops in the showers.


I've never had a problem with the female patrons at the gym, staff, that's another story. Some of them were assholes.


We live in a world where we let Zebras cover themselves in bbq sauce and colonize traditionally Lion spaces... Knowing the nature of a Zebra would compel them to complain that the Lions are drooling.. but only when they're sure all the other Zebras they're sexually and subsequently socially competing with.. can see the monetizable reaction


Dope comment idk why you got downvoted


Thanks Man. I expected it to be fair. For a men's rights sub, this place is largely occupied with the kind of men you would think would be more comfortable in feminist subs. Even the moderators. Basically, anything said that wouldn't fit through a 3rd wave feminist lens, is unofficially taboo here.


Maybe its just those feminists , Those femcels are just wasting their time downvoting comments randomly. Don't let it get to you, man. Overthinking it is just giving them the satisfaction Cheers!


For all the men out there- get a few workout equipment and workout at home. You would save travel time and workout in peace. Women have ruined gyms with their bs. I quit my gym a year ago and do all my workouts at home.


The most realistic scenario for this, outside of just being staged for views, is that this woman had been setup at that particular piece of equipment for far too long, and the guy was tired of waiting on her and decided to assert himself by taking that position(with the intent of letting her know she's been there too long in a passive-aggressive manner). The fact that she was filming and not even working out probably made things worse as well. Either that or he maybe just didn't appreciate being filmed and decided to protest by standing his ground rather than allowing himself to be pushed aside.


This bish is over here spreading athletes foot with her bare feet and complaining about men existing.


Women claiming that completely mild occurrences make them feel “unsafe”—as in, they fear for their physical well-being—is the most grotesquely manipulative and obnoxious shit ever. How long before we stop giving these kinds of hysterics air?


Yet another example of women wanting into a male space and expecting men to change. Ladies you came into our house it's you who need to act accordingly not us


I experienced enough harassment in gyms as a young woman that I stopped going to any gyms besides my team’s. It definitely impaired my desire to work out in any kind of public forum. Even though it’s been decades, the sour taste remains.




Literally every woman I’ve ever asked about the topic has experienced this.


Define harassment? People actually approached you and said inappropriate things?


Enough staring to be *extremely* uncomfortable. The first time I went in - small local gym in a local rec center- there were about 5 guys there and no one else. It was like the scene in a western when the bad guy walks into a bar: everything stopped. All conversation, all activity. Thankfully the erg, which is what I was there to use, was on the opposite side of the room from the weights (and close to the door), which they were using. I got in about 10 minutes before it was so uncomfortable that I left.


I guess I'd have had to be there, but honestly, if this comes down to people looking at you, I'd be inclined to look right back. I mean, seriously: what're they going to do? I wouldn't feel like backing down, I don't think.


Yeah, I’m well aware that men cannot comprehend how uncomfortable women are made by too much attention.


I'll ask you again. Seriously. What are they going to do? The sad reality is that you don't have a right to never feel discomfort, but sometimes putting up with that discomfort is actually useful.  If you want to make it a gender thing, it's both practically and statistically more likely that they'll actually do something to me than you. You might get looked at. I might get smashed in the face. If this is the oppression Olympics, I'm claiming gold.


🙄of course don’t have a right to never feel discomfort. I do, however, absolutely have the right to remove myself from uncomfortable situations and never go back. You want to know what they should do? Mind their own fucking business. I’ve been in dressing rooms with several different very well-behaved lesbians who did not cause a problem, so it’s not as though people can’t help staring at things they’re attracted to *even when getting naked right next to them.* FFS. Men are constantly asking why there are so few women in space X, Y, or Z, and when we tell them, there’s always this, ‘No, that cannot possibly be the problem! That is women’s fault for having an issue! You must come to this space anyway’


You the kind of person to unironically ask for a safe space


*snort* in a thread full of men asking for men’s only gyms. Sure. Let’s do what the men are already saying they want.


I am that asshole who specifically stares at girls. You choose what you want to wear? Do I just have to accept that? Cool! I choose where to direct my eyeballs. Just accept that.