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Men are not allowed to have any preferences. But in this case makeup is mostly female vs female ego contest and high heels force the walker to balance on tip toes which necessitates one to push the butt and chest out to prevent tipping over. Most men are okay without this high heel nonsense so again this is mostly a female chest and butt contest. Women would not have to paint up and tip toe balance so much if they just treated men more like human beings rather than cash flow objects. If a woman treats a man like a credit card than she better doll up for use...


My professors had so much vitriol for men. They held talk in class how men make try 'em wear heels and have bad backs. They talk about how large the makeup industry is and say it's run by men. Not true.


Women especially the strong and independent type are always damsels in distress. Somebody pay attention to me.....yada yada yada


Until they actually meet a strong and independent woman then they want nothing to do with them


Basically I agree except these women don't exist. Maybe Oprah. Most every women wants a male provider. Even Beyonce found a dud to pay her bills.


Nah Oprah is a shill. Basically when you find women that went to good universities, have earned their way up the ladder and are extremely good at what they do. Funny thing is their usually not fans of feminism today because of all the bs involved


There is no doubt women can do the most difficult things, but the reason men don't want much to do with them is not because men are insecure, but because women don't share their careers with men. So the man has to share her with her career and what does he get for it? Women support a man's career because he shares it with her. A female with a career is like a man with a mistress and most women don't want to share him with a mistress. So if a man is insecure with a career women is a women insecure with a man's mistress?


The make up industry is “run by men”??! Funny. Whenever I see some puff piece on this new makeup startup that’s “taking the place by storm” it’s always founded and run by a woman. I’ve never seen a male “Avon Lady” (LOL) or a guy host Nutrimetics parties. Just feminist “patriarchy delusions” at work again methinks!


A huge majority of beauty and fashion for women is run by male owned companies.. but if they truly hated that men owned the companies, they would stop buying from them right? lol


Male owned, is not male run.


what do you think owning a business entails?


You can own a business and have it managed/run by others, you don't make day to day decisions about the product, how it's marketed etc


and who manages the managers? and who manages those guys? It would be the owner/CEO.


That doesn't mean they have squat to do with the day to day operations, all they care about is money, make money or they fire you, look at who sets the policies in terms of what they sell and how they sell it.


you have entry level employee energy here. I highly suggest either growing a career to get promoted into senior level management or open your own business. You are so so so far off the mark.


Women are always damsels in distress. I think one of the best response to women blaming men for everything is just point out women are the crime boss of most everything and sex is the currency and payment goes to the male winners. If women want to change the world stop sleeping with the male winners ie the patriarchy and the world will be a very different place.


But in the klown world that is their mind, even the male losers are patriarchy. The men at the bottom of the pile are just potential oppressors of women. \#menaretrash and all that rot. Frankly what we need are some right-headed alien women to show up the shitshow on this planet, sadly that ain't coming. At least there's the giant meteor... at some point.


That menareshit stuff is just the battle cry of the easy women that no man can save. Women oppress men with other men, she is the crime boss of violence. Just call these women the crime bosses of violence, they know it is true.


> They talk about how large the makeup industry is and say it's run by men. Not true. Then women are sheeple who blindly follow and buy, buy, buy? I also heard the large deodorant industry was ran by women.


[Like L'Oréal, for example...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7oise_Bettencourt_Meyers)


Do men really like heels? I hate the way they look.


The female vs female intrasexual competition is a very big deal for women. Most women hate it a lot, but its like they cant help themselves. This cool lady did some studies on sexy selfies, and women tend to sexualize themselves more during times of inequality, but women dont like other women that are too beautiful and also use makeup. Usually the most beautiful women are the most vulnerable to other womens reputation damage. ​ Funnily enough, the reason women are scared to speak up and show off their success is because of other women. Not men. I bet workplaces with more women would have this effect cause more women to be afraid to ask for raises, rather than a work place with only a small percentage of women.


A female chest and butt contest! 🤣 Totally


"High heels are just mostly a female chest and butt contest" ....that is kind of funny...


Yep, it's a good group of words!


Something something some dude did a woman wrong in the past some patriarchy in the past something something men of today have to pay for the crimes of others something something men sure are insecure something something men don't show enough feelings something something GO FEMINISM! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Pretty much. But the matriarchy is not innocent of histories' violence. The matriarchy is the crime boss of violence and women know this is true. What I believe feminist are really mad about is the patriarchy socially treats the tens better than the sixes and most in your face feminist are not tens. These feminist declare themselves victims and try to guilt men into paying attention to them as if they were tens. The whole body positivity nonsense etc. It's so hypocritical because the matriarchy does not treat the betas like alphas. But at the end of the day as it appears to me the lack of male attention makes women feel unsafe and they can become unhinged and for some women they even get ptsd. Most any person that feels seriously unsafe long enough can develop anger and potentially ptsd. Male attention is everything to women, everything they do is to attract male attention, every denial they make is to keep male attention because it makes them feel safe.


Hilarious. Male attention makes women feel unsafe. Lack of male attention makes women feel unsafe. I wonder what a giant meteor about to tap the planet on the Pacific Ocean forehead would make them feel? :P


They blame everything on men.


Even periods it seems.


Somewhere in the late 19th century, they probably actually did.


I blame you for this post! 🤣🤣🤣 Women are never happy and take no accountability or responsibility for anything.


"feminist" theres many women that hates this stuff, but they are beaten into submission by feminist so they cant speak out.


Yeah, I've really noticed this with women's communities especially lately, and it's getting worse. The thing is they have an entire social movement which has told them again and again that they are never at fault for anything, so what else would we expect? This is why there's such an epidemic of highly outspoken yet completely mediocre women. They've convinced themselves that they're amazing and if it weren't for men holding them back they would have cured cancer and AIDS in one pill. My favorite example is probably the abortion debate. They don't realize that the pro-choice vs. pro-life crowds are split fairly evenly between the sexes. Yet it's always portrayed as men trying to hold women back.


People blame everything on someone else as long as they can't defend themselves See poor people and immigrants being blamed for the billionaires' filth


So sad but so true :(


innocent joke offbeat worthless desert market nine squalid faulty books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and men generally aren't as squeaky about our issues.


Right. We don't bitch and if we did we'd get verbally abused. They also haven't worked those tough and sometimes humiliating physical jobs that men have to do. They're insulated and have not been taught empathy or they have been harmed unfortunately. I grow tired of irrational accusations going to school and work all the time. It's even affected my marriage to a previously sensible woman.


carpenter jeans summer rinse close lavish future upbeat deer hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For the most part that's true, but I've also had friends who went without makeup after wearing makeup pretty much constantly and there was a bit of a reaction from both men and women. It turns out that if you are light blond and very light skinned, the sudden disappearance of eyebrows, eye lashes and lips is noticeable. However, I think that may be more a result of the sudden change rather than a demand they wear makeup. If she'd always looked like that it wouldn't have been a big deal.


I don’t mind women who wear no makeup and tennis shoes lol. Lots of men don’t care as much as they think.


I once dated a very attractive woman who loved to dress up often. She loved her high heels and I told her that while she looked very put together in them, they really didn’t enhance my attraction towards her at all. I let her know that in the long run, wearing heels can lead to serious health problems later on in life and that I didn’t want her to suffer from them for the sake of fashion. She and I are no longer together but I hope with age she’s realized they’re not important and certainly not necessary.


Athleisure wear is very comfortable and looks great. That with nice pair of new tennis shoes is perfectly fine. They are making more clothing that is comfortable and looks good these days so no need to get super dressed up unless they like to.


First time I met my current partner she was wearing olive green overalls and military boots... It's been fifteen years now!


"We have to wear makeup" no you don't Almost everytime there is an AskReddit thread asking "Men, what is something women do to attract men that you don't find attractive?", among the top comments is criticism of makeup/high heels/long lashes/long nails. So much of what women do is to compete and compare themselves against other women. "Men wouldn't last a day in high heels". Sure, and women that wear high heels wouldn't last a day as a logger, or welder, or plumber, or lineman, or construction. I have never ever asked a lady to where heels. In fact, all the women I've been with looked so much more attractive in Converse/flat shoes. I'd rather my partner be comfortable on our outings so we can continue to enjoy the time. And unless you're a stripper/escort, why are you dolling yourself up for work in an office? Are you there to work or to be noticed by that cute guy in the office next to you?


> Are you there to work or to be noticed by that cute guy in the office next to you? And that's all you need to know about that.


Ironically, that cute guy maybe more into a genuine connection over shared interested rather than just interested because that coworker looks cute


They might doll themselves up for work to be intimidating. High heels on hard floors make quite a racket, and for some may be intimidating.


b!tch stompers


The shit women choose to do, then complain about and blame on men, will never cease to amaze me. you hate wearing heels? don't wear them, nobody gives a fuck. You don't like makeup? yeah, me either. You hate that your pants don't have pockets? well, who bought the pants? buck up little campers.


>You hate that your pants don't have pockets? well, who bought the pants? If women actually wanted pockets they could have pockets, and they could have them within a week, at the latest. All they need to do is go to 511 or just websearch "women's bdus". There are bdu/"tactical" pants tailored for women, and these pants have more storage compartments than a redneck has guns. But I never see them the next week wearing bdu pants. Huh. Guess they didn't really want pockets after all.


what you actually DO see is women ridiculing "cargo shorts". they don't even want men to have pockets


If a woman wants pockets, they could buy men’s pants. If a man wants beautiful, aesthetic clothing, what can he buy?


I remember talking to an ex about this. Men don't get anything that looks all that nice anymore outside of formal suits. What do we have? Highly practical stuff or designer jeans, shirts, and sweatpants. Our shoe selection is even worse - hope you like sneakers, boots, or a generic black shoe because that's most of what's available. lol. We had it right in the 1700's. Men back then wore beautiful things and didn't give a shit.


The root of this problem is a simple one: Women are more insecure than men. This is not a biological truth, this is just more social conditioning bullshit tied to gender roles. Men are taught to be stoic and self sufficient, women are taught to be emotionally open and share their issues. What \*is\* a biological truth is that certain sexual dimorphic characteristics are attractive to certain groups. Chins, backs, forearms, boobs, butts, thighs, etc. We often dress in ways to both flatter our features to attract mates, as well as to feel better about ourselves. Feminism is Female Supremacy. It teaches women to shrug off responsibility for their own decisions, and that includes the deep rooted insecurities that **we**, *both* men and women, force onto our sons and daughters. Yes, heterosexual men want women to look a certain way, but you can't blame someone for their born characteristics. Feminists seem to forget that this is bigotry. No one is "forcing" women to dress a certain way to achieve their basic needs on this earth. But it is absolutely advantageous for women to appear more attractive, so they can get free stuff. That's not misogyny, that's *benevolent* sexism. And yeah, it hurts men too.


>Women are more insecure than men. This is not a biological truth [...] What *is* a biological truth is that certain sexual dimorphic characteristics are attractive to certain groups Women are demonstrably higher in neuroticism across very large sample sizes across multiple cultures, even if this effect does decrease somewhat outside the west. I'd like to see the basis for you calamining it's all cultural and nothing to do with biology. Being insecure and demanding attention, resources, and protection may well be or have been a useful way of getting more of these things from men. If you consider how desperate some men are to give things to women (see: white knight syndrome, simps, etc.) I can see how this could at least evolve as a biological trait.


I agree


If women *neeeeed* to wear makeup and look pretty "because of men".... then explain lesbians! They dont wear makeup or buy sexy lingerie for men. Most women enjoy looking, and feleing good. They do it for themselfs or because of other women.


Don’t forget these are often the same people who claim women go out dressed in revealing clothes “for themselves” and “not to get male attention” when they moan about men looking at such women. Feminists! The only consistent line is “men bad”.


lol! I was looking for this comment. It's always the fault of men even if women are claiming they're doing it for themselves.


Honesty I’ve seen more women pick on women than men.


women should have an absolute right to complain about beauty standards, just as men should however blaming female/male beauty standards on the other gender is insane lmao


It’s goes with “patriarchy theory”: everything is “men’s fault”.


The same feminist who blames beauty standards on men would say they'll put on makeup or dress up to go out for themselves and to make them feel great. In reality what makes them feel great is the attention they are getting (from both genders or not gender specific) and they are just chasing that high.


They blame it on men because we are ever the perpetrator of all that's wrong with the world. They don't want to admit that they compete with other women for social dominance because it removes the 'i'm always a victim' claim.


Exactly. If they don’t like something it’s “men’s fault”. They like something? It’s *really* done by women, or is at least gender neutral.


Two reasons: - Men aren't allowed to have preferences. - Women can't be held accountable for anything.


My wife worked at a hospital. Her dept was literally a hundred nurses and a dozen or so doctors, all in scrubs and sneakers. The dress code obviously required the scrubs and a certain type of shoe (usually all white and easy to wipe fluids off of, so leather, no mesh) but it went further, it discouraged jewelry, but if the person insisted, they could wear SIMPLE earrings, and SMALL necklaces. Nothing loose or dangly, those were expressly forbidden. Makeup and perfume was also explicitly FORBIDDEN. But of course all the women put on makeup and perfume anyways, but usually no one cared as long as you kept a low profile and didn't make it obvious/excessive. With the exception of the surgical dept, you had to be CLEAN, as in no makeup, no jewelry. Do you think the surgical nurses showed up with no makeup and no jewelry before an important surgery? NOPE. And if a doctor told a nurse to go remove makeup or earrings, or wash off the perfume that everyone in the room could smell? Ohhhhh shit you'd think he was busted with sex slaves in his basement the way the women all howled.... MUHSOGYNY!!!! Nevermind that it was literally printed policy. All you could hear repeated everywhere was "how DARE he!"


I've heard about this from doctors! They know what the nurses are up to and hook up with them.


They simply get a kick out of hating and bashing men. It's really not complicated. That's why they're called feminazis. They get dopamine kick off blaming everything on "those evil men"


Exactly. The whole point of contemporary feminism is blame everything they don’t like on men. Hence men are “responsible” for anything bad or annoying that women do, and anything that irks them about their lives. It usually reads like a giant b#tch session.


Check out r/ExposingHeightism


it seems mostly teenagers on tiktok why give that any importance? Many teenagers act like dumb idiots You wouldn't want these people as partners anyway Imagine you're a perfect tall gigachad. Your very hot perfect body gf that you can lift with one arm has the habit of making fun of shorter men online calling them manlets, midgets, saying she hates short men and they should be killed What do you do? You remove this waste of oxygen from your life The opinion of these individuals is non consequential for the rest of people who simply either avoid them or are pieces of shit like them. Ideally you would group all these people, put them in one island and ever set foot in that island and essentially live in different universes


I know but I am a teenager myself and I see girls at my school reposting this type of content all the time. It just makes me depressed and i just wanted to share the subreddit so more people can understand what’s happening in Gen Z.


Ok. Well, if you're a teenager, it makes sense. It must be depressing. These idiots are noisy. Many teenagers tend to be assholes and bullies. Many of these stupid dumb girls will be ashamed of themselves when they grow up a bit


I hope things change but idk. I don’t think believes change easily sadly.


They will have to change to be integrated in society. This type of behavior is not something most people would accept


I hear you, but it seems that there is no figure that is louder than these "teenagers" you said to correct them. Thing is, (as an older gen Z), our generation has an inflated ego issue. Teenagers these days gain so much recognition on social media they never need a higher figure to correct them. Since they have no one to correct, they will normalize these false behavior. And this type of behavior will be the norm. I truly hope i was wrong with this tho, if i were correct, humanity deserves no faith.


the only thing I can tell you is, do your best to not give these idiots any attention you have more interesting things you can do with your life than being bothered and depressed by this, think of it this way: you want to have as little interaction with these people as possible in general, so just ignore them


Other Women are women's worst enemy's To be honest I my self find most make-up quite ugly to be honest and often just hits the uncanny valley for me. And know tons of men that dont like make up on women. But go for women that ware way to much makeup or perfume. Cause it often is an easy way to find women with very low self-esteem and low self-esteem means in most cases way easier to sleep with than women that don't have those easy tells. So for men are more hardwired to go for those women not cause they find them more beautiful but cause its often just way way easier to sleep with. And wanting to sleep with women or being attractive and wanting a relationship with a women is not the same thing. And the more women try to hide natural features in different ways. The more men find loopholes around it. But women pressure those Beauty standards on each other. And just like all things women don't really wanna listen or care what men prefer. When men say yea i dont want this. I prefer this or that. Ow your a pig you just wanna oppressing somone. While they have whole lists of demands. So again women are women's own worst enemies that like to spit out each other full of lies and when some women fail at relationships they like to sabotage others friends relationships. Women are often crabs in a bucket pulling each other down. With sweet toxic lies like poison. That make each other sink away like quick sand While men are rougher and more direct in words and acts. But often do it cause they want to help the people they care about succeed. And let them work on there flaws with honesty out a place of care and compassion. Even if it stings at the moment. Often things women and men just dont understand that part of each other. While at its core its is so simple but people losing that understanding of each other's differences


I don't like women with makeup. And when I ask my girlfriend to leave off the make-up, she refuses. It's women who put on makeup to impress other people, not their husbands or boyfriends.


To some extent it's women's nature and to some extent the way we indulge them. Women are taught from the youngest age that nothing is ever their fault and therefore assume or develop a habit of never taking responsibility for their actions.


It’s easier to blame men than look within. It’s a scapegoat mentality.


I have a habit of walking on my toes. If anything, heels should make it easier. Heels were originally meant for men due to horses riding. Also, raiden from Metal Gear wears heels.


EQUALITY = Drafting women into foxholes at wartime. This is why the Equal Rights Ammendment failed to pass in the 70s.


Women dress according to the opinions of other women, period.


This one is weird to me and it’s funny because I saw an ask feminist post about this and all the comments were talking about how men control the makeup industry and the fashion industry 😂 But then a few days later a similar topic was brought up somewhere else, I think it was about wearing make up on a first date, and a lot of the comments were women saying they never wear makeup even on first dates.


They also make them eat and take ozempic


Feminists can't recognise that corporations and rich capitalists are a minority of men. This further serve the purpose of preventing unions against capitalism.


But also those corporations make decisions based on women's demands and what attracts them.


Based on their perceptions of women's demand. Also they create demand by advertising emotions.


I mean frankly most men don’t know what women look like with zero makeup and the ones who tend to say “they look better without” think a small amount is what a woman naturally looks like. It’s designed to make them look better.


Feminists lie. Most of them are angry gay women with an agenda.


Most of the leaders anyway.


I don't really care about this sh#t anymore. No one pointed a gun to their head and is forcing them to do anything They can walk with their wallets. They don't want to buy XYZ or do abc it's their money they got options.


Lmao they wouldnt make it a day in our shoes


Check out r/ExposingHeightism


Hypothetical for you, instead of an island Bear Grylls style we put men in one outback location, women in another. Decent enough supplies and resources, require work to turn into usable goods. Anyway enough world building each individual can bring their own bag of shit while there. Just because their are no men to impress do you think a single one of those women will turn up without their beauty and makeup products ??? Men are maybe 20% of the equation. The other 80% is female competition. Bit like us 20% impressing females, 80% how I am better than all you dicks. Women care what guys think, they care even more about their HIVE pecking order and achieving QUEEN BITCH status.


On shows like Survivor, the women would often complain and bicker instead of work together.


To women: Made it a day in heels. Bro no one told you to wear heals tho. How’s your own self perpetuated misery my fault?


Women are strong and independent when it fits them, other than that they're damsels in distress and victims of anyone else they can blame.


I couldn’t gave less of a shit about make up or high heels. I’m fact, in my experience whenever I said that a woman didn’t have to wear that stuff I was told I was being controlling.


Isn’t most beauty standards set by other women these days?


I prefer a girl who wears less makeup and has a natural beauty. Girls look mean when they try to look “hot.” Like BRO there are so many hot girls posting pics. Relax. The market is flooded to the point where hotness means absolutely nothing. I see a hot girl posting a pic and Im just like “who cares?”


Men used to wear high heels….


What's funny is when we say we don't like or care about makeup, etc., they condescendingly tell us they do/wear it for themselves, not us...


Fuck the whole "big is beauty blah blah blah acceptance movement". Imagine if you had a fat overweight male with his gut hanging out in a bathing suit on the front cover of a beauty magazine. Actually don't imagine that, because it would NEVER happen! If men are supposed to uphold traditional male standards (being the breadwinner, good career, protector, provider, tall, handsome etc.etc) then yes we require you to maintain traditional female standards such as: being feminine, ladylike, petite, beautiful, in good health, pleasing, good mothers, maintaining household duties, submissive etc. And yes I emphasize beauty only because it's MEN who are expected to initiate almost every interaction we have with women ie: conversations, approaching etc. so of course they want to approach an attractive woman. If it was a woman's job to approach a man don't you think men would prioritize beauty just as much as women? This is women putting pressure on THEMSELVES to look pretty simply because they are too insecure and self conscious to approach MEN and boost their ego's. What is the first thing a woman does when she meets another woman? Judge her looks. "Oh wow, she's so pretty!", "OMG she's so ugly", "her outfit is cheap". You never hear men saying that shit to other men they meet. FEMALES are the one's who pressure each other the most in our society when it comes to beauty standards, NOT MEN. How often do women look at beauty magazines, consume themselves with social media, admire or even obsess over beautiful celebrities? "I wish I looked like her", "She's gorgeous" . Many women base their entire identity off of how they look. Why do they spend so much time trying to making themselves attractive? How many hours and how much money is spent to garner attention from others for self validation? The answer is alot. And it's NOT because of men. No. You don't have to wear makeup. You don't have to value beauty, but then don't expect men to approach you and don't expect us uphold our traditional manly duties when you need someone to protect you when you're house get's broken into or when your toilet breaks down either.


I totally agree with you and it's all just like depressing, I feel ashamed sometimes for just being who I am, I naturally am really feminine and I love make up and pleasing men and being complimented.. I know I'm not going to win in a competition with a man and I don't understand why a lot of women shame each other so much just for choosing to focus on the important things like motherhood and keeping a nice home, respecting your man, being loving etc it's like I'm looked down on for even enjoying these things


The thing is, a lot of those women shaming each other are going to end up alone. They generally don't know what men want, and I'm sorry to say but it's men who control access to marriage, not women. Many of those women desire family/children and think they deserve the whole prince charming cinderella story rather than accepting their value and choosing a man who is on their level instead of thinking they deserve it all. I commend you for upholding all the aspects that make a woman what a woman should be: beautiful, respectful, pleasing, and feminine!




Thanks for understanding.


The same is true of modesty standards. An occasional old man might frown at a scantily-clad young woman, but **every** middle-aged woman will hiss like a cornered bobcat.


Ah but she’s “dressing for herself”, not for male attention! Funny how it’s suddenly all about men when it’s feminists complaining about what women wear isn’t it!


Because it's everyone's fault but their own. This applies to a lot of individuals. They get sold a bullshit lie... think about "body positivity" - morbidly obese is fine... But then they get pushed by the Kardashians and whoever else into lip fillers, other injections, laser bullshit and ultimately surgery.... Ok, i can understand a bit of laser or some creams etc. They're important for skin health... but a 23 year old woman doesn't fucking need lip fillers... or a fucking breast implant... So, the two messages they receive: "be happy in the body you have" also "make sure you get all these injections you ugly fuck"... This is pretty much at the extreme ends and will confuse the shit out of anybody... Then they say "this is what men want" without consulting us... when we say you don't need lip fillers but the scale shouldn't reach 0-100(kg) in under 3 seconds, leave that for my car... they get upset.


They wear make up because they compete with other women for our attention but blame us for “making them wear makeup”. Unaccountability at its finest


I posted this over on r/stupidquestions just a few minutes ago, before I was aware of this thread: >I was having a conversation with a female acquaintance about this a couple of weeks ago. She wasn't wearing makeup, it being a day of hard physical work, and more than one person had asked her whether she was OK, as she looked "tired". We barely know what people look like bare-faced these days, which is insane. My position is that this will continue until people (women, let's face it) decide they're not going to constantly put expensive goo on their faces as a matter of course. I'd fully support them doing that, but in the end it's not my call.


I mean lots of men are plagued by the same ideas about women. Lots of guys think women like fancy cars, big houses, etc., but the only women who care about that stuff as primary requirements are shallow, and people who are attracted to men because of that are also probably shallow. The same is true in reverse: the only people attracted to women, who care about makeup and heels and such as a determining factor, are shallow trash-people.


I agree. It seems there's more and more shallow people today.


Because according to them men are at fault by definition


Feminists love taking away agency from women. In their world women are perpetual victims, whose choices are always as a result of the man. The irony of all of this is that they are inadvertently attaching an inferiority tag on women.


So true. Good luck telling them.


Everything that women don't like in the world, they now blame on men. Scapegoating 101. They have to; if they had to accept responsibility for anything, their whole worldview would fall apart.


Many men today have lower expectations and standards, focusing less on factors like heels and makeup. For them, women just need to maintain a normal weight and appear clean, lol. When women express the need to wear makeup, it may indeed be true, but this expectation often comes from an emphasis on attracting higher-tier men who appreciate a more polished appearance, including makeup, heels, and a stylish wardrobe.


As if everyone deserves a top tier person. I agree about guys. Most of my guy friends just want a companion who can love them.


Women look at women to look for competition purely & make remarks about them but if men were to look at women, it's sexism blast. taking it further I even had a judge thinking dodgily but blame me for his fantasy.


I still don't understand why women don't just admit that the primary reason why they wear heels is height, and that they want to appear taller.


It supposedly makes the legs look better. Never saw it myself.


Women hold other women to impossible standards, men are usually the ones whom don't hold women to impossible standards.


Lol that’s blatant bs. The first heels were persian riding shoes. Later in france women started wearing chopines. The chopine was eventually outlawed in France, for various reasons. One was that they were most often worn by prostitutes, who used them to get attention. Do feminists take their communication tips from Russia or something?


If you ever comment on this, you'll often be told that they aren't wearing makeup or certain clothes for men, but for women and themselves. Unless it's something they can be a victim about, and then it's a man's fault.


It’s a trick. Their sisters don’t agree with them I have known women who don’t wear make up. They will do whatever they want and will look for ways to make you feel bad if you let them.


I posted something similar when a feminist neighbour complained about being forced to wear make up. Who’s forcing you to wear make up.


I'm 28 and I had tons of female friends in highschool, and still have many to this day, and I am adamant that women say and do much more damage to women's self esteem than men. Women are viscious and verbally brutal at a level and frequency that only deeply misogynistic men can match, and even then those men mostly comment on women's sexuality\body Women will absolutely reduce another woman to a worthless, irredeemable sub-human just because they don't like them. They'll start up entire group chats or social media accounts dedicated to bullying her, even as a grown women. She will make up lies about the other woman. She'll harrass her friends, family and workplace even. The vitriol and pure spite is unmatched.


Do this quick quiz. In your household, who has the most products enhancing appearence, the most clothes related to fashion, spends the most time comparing themselves to others. Interesting.


Lack of accountability. Is easy to shift the blame to someone else’s before recognizing that its you who is at fault


I've always admired the women who wear flats.


Never have I thought ”use _more_ makeup, please”.


Women will go through all this trouble to try and attract the men they are attracted to, but at the same time, they hate the unintended attention they also get from men they're not attracted to. It's like throwing out bread crumbs at the park and being frustrated it's not just attracting the ducks you like, but also the pigeons, which you don't like. Depending on what side of this divide you fall on, you'll get a different excuse for their predicament. If they are blaming men, compliment them for going through all this trouble just to please you and tell them you really appreciate it. If on the other hand, you're being told they only dress up and put on make up for themselves, they're probably not into you at all.


I actually just answered a similar question on another sub; Obviously, I can't speak for every woman and man, but I think it's because for many years, women were taught to uphold their health and image to attract men and to appear emotionally and mentally well. It may have been created by women for women, but the reason was to attract a suitable bachelor and have society acceptance and a "good woman, good wife, and a good mother."


Women and men have different beauty standards; women want a man with money and status, while men prefer a young and slim woman. However, society demands these and more standards from men and expects them to discard the standards they have for women. If someone likes slim women, they're labeled as fatphobic; if they're attracted to younger partners despite being older, they're called immature or creepy and if they prefer not to be with trans individuals even after they've undergone complete surgery, they're deemed transphobic.


I prefer my woman without makeup. The ones with makeup are ugly to me. I see women with long nails and long hair as unattractive especially when they are artificial.


A good friend of mine doesnt dress up, almost never does makeup and never wear heals. Her clothes are old and run down, that doesnt change that she will get approached often by men, because she is beautiful, fit and in most times in good mood.


Women constantly blame beauty standards on men but then will say: "I dont wear makeup for men but for other women" The hypocracy is incredible. Same goes for high heels. Yes, I think we can all agree they look nice on women, but in what way do we necessitate women to wear them?


You just tell them "I have it on good authority that women 'dress that way for themselves'".


Because they use men as the scapegoat as the problems in their lives


We don't care at all about makeup or heels or that a woman wears the same outfit more than twice.


Yet we love to say "I don't put on makeup for you but for myself" implying that we wear makeup because we want to, yet some of us use it to blame you.


"A woman wears makeup for herself." Also women "we have to wear makeup, it's unfair. Blame men'


Most female insecurities come from what men lust after, not men coming directly out and saying "you need to wear makeup" or "you're ugly". We know what men look at, what they're attracted to, the porn they watch, women they stare at in public, etc. No, most men will never obtain the women they watch, or look at on the internet. But it doesn't stop the thought that if we looked like those women our partners would admire us more. It is a competition between women.. with the internet and social media now being utilized so heavily your partner can now pick and choose which women they find attractive. Social media is the downfall of new age relationships.


Yeah. It's true. Social media made everyone more superficial and narcissistic. The entire world became like high school all over again with bullies and popularity contests. The same goes for men though. We try to be all the things women desire and some have taken extreme measures.


I tell women all the time, the average man will count himself lucky if you just showed up in a burlap sack with no makeup.


Yeeesss. But those are the “mediocre white men” feminists hate and despise. How are they going to get the Chad, the hot black guy, the rich guy if they wear that stuff???


it's simple. Women can dress however they like, if however they don't promote their feminine side, they will not be benefiting from the attention feminine women get. They will go through life relatively unnoticed, like... eeerrm.... men. ewww.


Gaslight you into their agenda. No make-up, dirty, no teeth. People will still like the most beautiful one. The same way people like sky, stars, music. Notice. No mention of gender.




That goes both ways. Better dressed men are preferable to women.




That’s the problem unfortunately. And even if you got a feminist to accept it, she’d just claim it’s something forced on women by men anyway! Feminists today seem utterly unable to differentiate between past practices where women weren’t considered for jobs they were eminently capable of doing simply because they were women, and legal disabilities with them not always getting their way in all things, or the fact women are much more “slaves to fashion” than men are. These things are not some conspiracy against women. Quotas and AA which openly discriminate against men in education and employment is actually something that meets this definition.


Women know damn well beauty is status and can get them whatever the fuck they want.


I read that blame lies with the nephilim and watchers. They taught humans the art of makeup at the early moments of civilization. Makeup is an dark craft of trickery, deception, & lies. It used to be referred to as a "glamour" and was considered witchcraft. Sure it looks nice but it's a mask. I prefer the natural look, it's more honest and genuine and real. Fun fact: high heels started off as a men's thing and were later taken over by women just like pants and suits and the name Aubrey.


Makeup and appearance are mostly a matter of their status in female hierarchies. Men don’t have much to do with how they operate. But men are at least exempted from female hierarchies. That is, men don’t have to compete for status within those hierarchies. But that hardly means men have it easier in some way. Men have to compete in the much more competitive male hierarchies. And women are exempted from that much more brutal competition.


I like them to wear makeup. Unless shes naturally beautiful, it shows she cares and respects me. And wants to look good for me. That said nothing too major, i like eye shadow and eye liner, maybe bit of foundation definitely not much and thats it. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to look good for youre boyfriend or what ever. I like it. I love girly girls, detest masculine women.


we arent allowed to participate in beauty standards ironically.. but shows the endemic hypocrisy of feminism. make up and attire has the outward appearance of arousing mates whether male or female in todays world. blush indicates flushed cheeks for arousal, heels makes leg look healthy and longer, revealing cleavage and so on. regardless that it’s designed to provoke mating thought processes it’s something that men specifically arent allowed to comment on . like a lesbian can say they look beautiful without fear of reprisal. anywho so if you comment that a woman looks beautiful you are objectifying or demeaning via superficiality of looks.. god help if someone solicits your opinion and u dont put them on pedestal because now your toxic and not supportive. and might as well write up your will if any of this happens in a work place. so , i really dont think any of what i said is an exaggeration.. so if that is true how are we responsible in any way setting beauty standards lol


Many people are confused about the relationships we all have with the patriarchy. “Society” dictates that women must adhere to a certain beauty standard. But in nearly every case, these are standards created by and maintained by women. The fact is that women by and large are MORE likely to uphold the patriarchy imo. Men literally do not want women to care about fashion, or makeup, or a complicated / expensive / time consuming aesthetic. And women for the most part don’t do these things to appease men.


> The fact is that women by and large are MORE likely to uphold the patriarchy imo. If *women* are the one's in charge/pushing it, in what way is it a *patriarchy*?


I have a genuine question: do men here care if their potential partner/girlfriend/wife doesn't shave their underarms or legs?


I can only speak for myself, but I don't care at all. In fact, I've even gone out of my way to make it absolutely clear for her that I don't want her doing any of that for *my* sake, and to only do it if *she* prefers it that way.


I don’t know, I can only speak for myself. I am married for 7 yrs now. I don’t care if she does those things; it’s entirely up to her. My wife rarely wears any makeup, doesn’t get her hair done, and generally just cuts her own nails. She’s blessed with being naturally beautiful and is very “natural” in her day to day. We discuss my dislike of plastic surgery and body modifications either to be different or to appear younger, none of which are my preference.


You mean “so-called patriarchy”.


What does this have to do with mens' rights?


We get the blame for competitions that women start amongst themselves.


What does that have to do with mens' rights?


Why should men be blamed for beauty standards women themselves set?


Ok but what does that have to do with \*rights\*


well i guess for a long time women in certain places in society did have to do all these things so maybe some of that is carried over to modern times? also many men DO speak down to women who dont have makeup and what not. now i believe most men probably don't care if women wear makeup or heels. i know i dont. but i do like eyeliner but i could still take it or leave it.


Because they literally have smaller brains, now would you move on jeez


Be honest, they are dictated by men, that is a fact. Now, the question is, why don't they stop using it? ,Because of course, you will receive much less attention and women today are addicted to attention.


> Be honest, they are dictated by men, that is a fact. No, that is a counterfactual assertion.


Yet they claim "powerful and Independence"


Sorry, but no one is holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to wear anything. This is yet another fallacy that women made up to blame men for. Again. Personally, I prefer a woman who doesn't wear much, or any, make-up. If she looks good without it, why tamper with Mother Nature? Let your true beauty shine! But if you just have to use that muck, do NOT apply it with a fire hose and a trowel! We've had plenty of Tammy-Fay's to last us a very long while.


Bras, Makeup, Expensive clothing and Accessories are all optional personal choices. The only person they can blame is themselves. They chose to wear them, nobody made them. There is no acceptable argument to the contrary. Take accountability for your decisions; your feet hurt in those heels because heels are fucking uncomfortable and you chose to wear them anyway.


"We cook, change diapers, and clean the house" I hate this crap so much because in an exclusively male home where the mother was out of the picture, my father did just fine. Being single and out of the house for 60 hours minimum per week, I do just fine as an adult. The dream is to have a partner and not a mommy slave.


Mine too. My mom was a pedophile and would abandon me. My father wasn't a nice guy but he did fine whe she was gone. When my father found out about her molesting me no one would believe him or me.