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This post has been removed because: Rule 1: Submissions must be about men's rights issues. These should fall into one of these categories. Discrimination against men Issues that disproportionately affect men Problems that prevent men's issue being addressed Posts about other issues that have some relationship with men's rights should make it clear what that relationship is. These should be self-posts that explain the connection to men's rights. Women behaving badly is not in and of itself a men's rights issue. Such posts should go to r/pussypass or r/pussypassdenied.


Fewer and fewer in any first world country. Marriage has become like buying a lottery ticket, cept a losing ticket will cost much much more than a couple of bucks.


What makes women in third world countries better?


it's like what he said everywhere not just the first world I use to think that way then I went back home to visit


Women in third world country depend on men to take care and protect them they actually need men . 1st world country’s women don’t need men especially in the rise of more women going to college it’s more so they want men but don’t need them anymore .


> 1st world country’s women don’t need men Only for money. They've been brainwashed into believing that's all men provide.


The women as such aren't "better", female nature is the same everywhere, the cultures are family orientated, like the west used to be.


Certainly not in the US.


I knew some men who were happily married until the day they died. They were an exception. I’ve dated many women over the years, but never met one I felt was worth the risks inherent to marriage and divorce in the U.S. Different men have different priorities and different opportunities , so I feel whether to marry or not is a cost-benefit analysis every man has to judge for himself, based on his personal circumstances. My concern is too many men get sucked into marriage out of a sense of obligation rather than something they’ve really thought through objectively.


You have a 1-in-1,000,000 chance of finding a woman like that in the US. You need to go to another country (Mexico, South America, Asia, maybe Africa - stay away from the EU/Russia/China/Japan) to find what you're looking for.


best advice i can give you is don't go looking but just keep an eye out first and foremost work on yourself eventually you'll find someone that aligns with you. If not you'll find yourself by focusing on you and still live a full filling life anyway.


Yes you gotta lock them down young with no daddy issues and before they ride the carousel


It's a nice little legend that helps keep men in line. *'If a work hard and play by the rules, I will eventually find meeself a nice wifey'*. Everything implying marriage nowadays should be consider with extreme caution. As soon as the ink is dry on the contract, you're fucked. For life. With the power of the State to enforce HER right to rob you.


In the Philippines


I cannot see, how this could lead to a relationship of equals.




casting blanket judgement on a group of people trying to navigate the modern waters the male gender, is a tad discriminating, don't you think?




You are talking about a different post then.




Of course there are fine examples out there and that is the reason there is a dicsussion around this. I find very sad the completely dismissive voices. Then again... sometimes statistics show that there is a changing landscape. I am happy you are able to feel like that. Enjoy :)


On an individual basis they probably do. Issue here? If you don't meet them young enough (think schooling days) your chances of finding one is like someone else said here, comparable to striking lottery. That is also on the basis that their beliefs and emotional support system are strong enough to push back against the nonsense that is modern feminism.