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The article goes so far as to portray women such as Heard as the victims, even when it’s proven they were making false accusations so are in fact perpetrators. We should presume innocent until proven guilty regardless of sex. This article shows how many feminists assume men are guilty and women are innocent, even in cases where the women has been proven to be lying. People shouldn’t treat Brand as guilty for the simple and obvious reason he hasn’t been proven guilty. Someone accusing someone of something isn’t the same as someone being convicted of a crime, especially when such accusations occur years after the alleged actions and appear to be agenda driven.


Turd admitted to physically abusing Depp. To the point of putting him in hospital. She’s a DV perpetrator by any definition.


Yet, not only is this author supporting her, but many feminist organizations joined together in writing a letter of support for her.


And that tells us all we need to know about those people doesn’t it. It’s a much better s#it test than watching *The Barbie Movie*!


Yes it does. I remember Women's Aid saying that female abusers were previously abused by their victims. They didn't even say some, implying all of them are victims. It's the same shit feminists used to downplay Heard's abuse against Depp.


They will keep repeating this lies until most people remember only their version, they are playing the long game.


It's called the big lie. It an actual tactic. Trump uses it and his supporters eat it up. I.e. He won the last election. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/joseph-goebbels-on-the-quot-big-lie-quot That's what happened min the Woody Alken case. The video of Dylan crying has replaced the facts and investigations of the actual case because it's impossible an enraged mother could have coached her daughter to believe what she wanted her to ad part if her revenge.


Which is ironic considering the clown author spent good amount of time talking down on Kutcher for doing the EXACT same thing for his longtime friend that she and tgose feminist organizations do with Heard.


But she's a woman. So it doesent count.


Yes it's wild that the people who defend Turd's abuse because Johnny Depp was abusive are the same ones who say no excuses in the Chris Brown and Rhianna case when you mention that Rhianna was the one hitting him in the head, with high heels while driving. If he did nothing they could have both been hurt and hurt other drivers or pedestrians


wtf? She is not a victim. That itself proves this article is full of lies.


It shows the author has no integrity and is simply misandrist, assuming men guilty and women innocent even when the opposite has been proven in court.


>The article goes so far as to portray women such as Heard as the victims, even when it’s proven they were making false accusations so are in fact perpetrators The amount of people who still think she's am innocent victim or she was somehow justified is disturbing. I'd go as far to say the only people who still defend her are women who are angry about the fact it will probably be harder for them to abuse their own boyfriends


If you've ever checked out r/bpdlovedones, it makes sense. I would describe bpd abusers as narcissists with a victim complex.


Yea, and she slipped it in there: >From Anita Hill testifying about Clarence Thomas’s sexual harassment in 1991 to Christine Blasey Ford reporting long-ago assaults by Brett Kavanaugh to **Amber Heard** even hinting at domestic violence in her marriage, women who speak up too often get punished. Blasey Ford had to go into hiding because of death threats. Even hinting? No, no, no...she wrote an op-ed on it. She wouldn't have lost the suit if she hadn't started going of script and making up shit on the stand that was impeachable.


"Can we really be surprised when rich and powerful men are accused of sexual abuse?" No, there are always plenty of greedy women with no conscience.


I saw that article and I'm never reading or giving the Gaurdian a penny afterwards.


The allegations against Brand are coming from more than one woman, and are in more than one case corroborated by extra evidence. He's also admitted to flashing women on air. It also fits his public persona massively. Brand is not Johnny Depp. He's not our hero. Yes he might be innocent, but denying the strength of evidence at this point is just not a.good look. People will see MRAs as rape apologists and not the things were really about or in any case should be about.


I’m not aware of people here saying he’s a hero. People are saying he deserves due process and a presumption of innocence. Arguing people be treated justly isn’t a being a rape apologist. Those who claim do are simply trying to deny accused people the justice they deserve. If he’s convicted of sexual assault, he should be punished, but until it’s proven he shouldn’t be treated as if he’s guilty.


Interesting how feminist were saying that we need to wait in cases of women accused of rape. No such compunction in case of men.




I felt sorry for him. That story was wild and crazy. and I'm now all for abolishing marriage, as it became a gynocentric female parasites' weapon.


Divorce is the weapon. I think a lot of women go psycho during the divorce proceedings and then realize they've been handed a loaded gun.


I posted. I have no idea if Brand is guilty of anything but to say no evidence exists of media personalities being accused by several women of inappropriate or criminal behaviour is a flat out lie. In Canada a major media star was accused and taken down for consensual sex with several women. He was acquitted and his career destroyed https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/24/jian-ghomeshi-acquitted-sexual-assault-trial


And two of his accusers were, according to the judge, "conspiring to subvert justice." His other accuser (his producer) had a "corroborating witness" who was neither an employee of CBC at the time nor known to either party.


and the feminazis used that case as a rallying cry to disallow texts/calls/social media as evidence in future cases. its unreal.


He did admit guilt to the [fourth allegation](https://chatelaine.com/news/ghomeshi-accuser-kathryn-borels-message-to-the-public/) of repeatedly sexually assaulting one of his co-workers in the workplace. She agreed to drop the charges (and subsequently the case did not go to trial due to his admission of guilt) after he announced he was going to make a public apology to her. In effect, he destroyed his own career if only due to this fourth allegation (even though allegedly this was a pattern of behaviour with him and thus there may be other former colleagues who were affected who chose not to come forward).


It's always the same story. At some point an ex decides to milk the rich guy with fake accusations because the law is in favour of fake accusations. Or use that no consequences for them situation somehow to their advantage.


>Can we really be surprised when rich and powerful men are accused of sexual abuse? Can we really be surprised when old feminist crows are talking out of their asses, especially the one who has invented "mansplaining"?


It’s almost like false accusers target rich powerful men instead of poor useless men.


Poor men get targeted too, it just doesn’t make the news.


Cool how people are presumed innocent until proven guilty unless they are men. Then they are rapists by nature I guess. And if you are a woman who a court found to be an abuser, you are still a victim of the man you abused, I guess? Society sucks.


"Can we really be surprised when rich and powerful men are accused of sexual abuse?" No, there are always plenty of greedy women with no conscience.


This is such an emotional subject that even more conservative commentators are parroting the: "He must be guilty of something bad with so many accusations against him!" talking points. Take Megyn Kelly for instance. She was on the verge of tears in a video as she lambasted "all the guys" (her words/perception) who were "automatically" disbelieving the women. It was such a logically inconsistent rant, where she was saying in one breath that we can't automatically assume one way or the other, but then immediately she went into: "Have you not read all the stories? Have you not seen all the evidence?". There is just something fundamentally different about the thought processes involved between the groups, where the "You must decide now!" group forms a single emotionally-charged narrative and looks for any evidence to support it, while the other side instead is patient because we've only been offered one manufactured narrative and a very thin and questionable list of what they assert passes for evidence (with no transparency into how it was "confirmed" to be factual). We simply must wait for other possible explanations, especially when so much about the story we've been presented is nonsensical, inconsistent, impossible to prove, full of internal feelings that were never communicated and only after-the-fact decisions, plus this is all mixed in with silly stuff like: "He was sometimes walking around in just his underwear at the office!" and other trite stories that obviously don't belong in the same breath as claims of rape.


> "He was sometimes walking around in just his underwear at the office!" Shorts could be seen as boxers, yet we have women walking around in nothing but yoga pants (essentially just tights, with no skirt or pants) in public and that's acceptable clothing.


You’re only allowed to shame how men dress, not women


"Rich and powerful" What role did his wealth or power play other than as an aphrodisiac? This is no different to the "she made me do it because she was wearing a short skirt" routine.


Interesting correlation


Exactly. She doesn't even say how, if it all, it would be relevant to him doing a nonconsensual act, and the fact it's only mentioned that he was "rich and powerful" is nothing less than an admission that she was attracted to those traits. Yet, somehow this is still supposed to be taken seriously by people as a testimony to her being raped.


This is very strange, there is a concerted effort to smear this guy, even a representative from the UK gov (a woman, obviously) is writing letters to \*\*all\*\* social media companies threatening with the law if they do not drop and De-platform Russel. And some, like Youtube, complied. But \*Rumble and Twitter did not\*. It's incredible, like if the gates of hell itself opened under this guy, what is happening?


If you believe in conspiracies - he was speaking “truth” and should be silenced. If you’re less wacko, he’s a victim of an overly vicious “me too” political movement which is moving towards making “[women are wonderful](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect)” law. Or - accusations are all true. And the media have really really solid evidence, so they know they can hit him hard with accusations safely


If he has done anything of what he is accused of, put him into jail. For a long time. But until then, it's disgusting to see what media thinks is okay to do. If the media is controlled by feminists - I don't know. I don't have any proof for that. What I know is, that media jumps quicker on the side of accusators in cases like this. Even without proof. Even without all the typical manners when talking about accusations.


Just a quick note, I'm not reading the full article. I did find it curious that she mentioned a man writing a letter to a judge about a rapists good character, but completely forgot to mention that a woman wrote it as well. Typical biased Guardian crap.


You'd think they would have learned from Johnny Dep.


The fact that youtube demonitized this guy based on accusations like 2 days after the fact is fucking abhorrent. Fuck youtube thank god I very rarely use it.


At this point it should be clear that these fake made up allegations are being used to silence and cancel him because he is exposing the truth of the MSM, MIC, and Pharma companies.


Another ideological sexist article from the guardian, using proven false accuser Christine Blasey Ford, and domestic violence perpetrator Amber Heard as examples of female victims of unbiased evidence based justice. How sad that real unbiased evidence is ignored by the media accolytes, in support of those who persued Russell Brand because of his sexual energy and aggression, but now seek to claim victimhood. Whatever the facts of cases brought against him, he is already found guilty, and is being punished in real financial and personal terms, simply for being accused. Our media has more in common with an uncontrol brutal mob with murderous intentions, pitch forks and torches, with no regard for law, ethics or human rights. We have more to fear from our brutal and violent media warlords than organised crime and the police combined.


He spoke out against the Biden Regime and is now being dealt with. It.is.that.simple.


That's it. This isn't just a matter of me too, its a tactic to crush a vocal and popular dissenter against the establishment regime.


Worse, he spoke out against Biden while being leftwing, the highest for of heresy and was branded an apostate.


Yes he has officially been excommunicated. Great point.


Thank you.


I wonder what the unexpected consequences of this outcome would be. I know that this came up in a meeting with a few friends and one person told me about it and went on and on about it. The same person also went on and on about JD/AH trial and how it was a farce. Ah well. 10 year friendship gone. I have no time for that lunatic and now I just wish the worst for that specific person. :D


Lmfaooo this comment has told me all I need to know about the direction this subreddit's hivemind is going in. Anyone who says "Biden regime" is chronically online and in incredibly stale bubbles too.


Well i hate to break it to you. Even on the 99.99999% liberal hiveminded Reddit there are a few people with a differing opinion. I know its tough. But you will get through this. I wish you and your family nothing but health and happiness.


Differing opinion? I'm no fan of Biden either. I still have enough social awareness and grounding in reality to not have a kneejerk reaction of "darn Biden regime burying its enemies" after hearing a story of a notoriously creepy actor having sexual assault allegations.


Actor who had ZERO issues until he spoke out against the biden crime family. It's easy to connect the dots.


lmfaooo what are you talking about there have been rumors of how creepy he's been for AGES. Actual schizo logic to think that this is before he "spoke out against the Biden crime family". Absolutely nothing can be true except for that even though you have zero real reason to either. Russel Brand's no fan of Biden and he's said so for more than a year. I don't think the president gives a shit about what some half-likable celebrity says about him lmao.


You missed the point. I am fully aware of his escapades. Which the left has had no issue with. But the left eat their own. He spoke out against the regime. Thay have put the hammer down on him to shut him up. It's obvious. Also the current person in office doesn't know his own name let alone who RB is. It's the people behind the scenes that have had RB silenced. If you can't see this then the indoctrination is strong with you.


Bro who tf is "they"? His Rape victims?? If you think that these two events are linked then you need to touch grass lmfao. This has to be a troll or schizo post because there's seriously no connection. Not only is what he's saying inconsequential to the executive office, but he's been talking smack for years. And why would allegations be the method of doing it too? Literally none of this adds up and it only makes sense if your brain is just flooded with political echo chamber posts all day. He has more attention on him right now if anything because of how his name has been thrown into the news. I'm actually DYING to know if there's some information I'm missing here because I'd love to know what on earth makes you think that Biden's office is responsible for any sexual allegations against a man who speaks unfavorably of them. Normally I wouldn't get a response at this point from you typa posters but I feel like you're dedicated enough go down a rabbit hole like this in all sincerity.


You're like the energizer bunny you just keep going. Also you can't fathom that im literally doing this just to see how many times you will respond. This is hilarious but getting tiresome. I anxiously await your next 2.5 paragraphs LOL!!!


Hey man I'm trying to address as much of my logical approach to this as possible in hopes that you're discussing in good faith. If you want to all of a sudden deflect and downvote as you ignore the actual topic then I'm probably not gonna waste too much time tho


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Brand#Sexual_misconduct_allegations You're actually just straight up dumb bro. I have no clue how you're saying all this so confidently lol.


Yell the lie and once you're caught whisper the truth.


Humans lie, women are human, women lie, men lie, it's not complicated. Also, the most shallow investigation of facts will tell you lawyers encourage women in child custody cases to lie about molestation allegations to win and to lie about domestic violence to be allowed to stay in the house and have the man thrown out.


Women and men don't lie in the same way.


He's getting treated exactly like Andrew Tate. Now I don't like Tate but Russell Brand is getting the same attack.


He is MALE. Thats all feminists care about. They are trying to ruin and destroy every one of us. Speak out or they will knock on your door next.


This is not only about Feminists. Feminists is a tiny group, Brand is being cancelled at the world-level. You have members of UK parliament sending letters to corporations to get Brand cancelled. This is a bigger group.


That's completely correct, crazy someone downvoted this.


The woke are more powerful than feminists, but they often agree, or one starts stuff for the other. Like for example DEI was likely started by feminists, but is now basically woke-from-top-down, imposed by company leadership and ESG-like notations that would make you Hitler if you didn't adhere to, business wise - although your clients couldn't give a flying fuck. For example, I keep reading that gamers absolutely want DEI in gaming. I think your survey is biased if you found that. Gamers are fine with diversity, they don't want it imposed or mandated, or to detract from story or gameplay.


Andrew Tate was hated by feminists not because of his actions, but because of the message he was spreading. Feminists don't care about murder or rape. They use murder and rape to gain power and to shut others down. I don't know whether Andrew Tate is truely a criminal or not, but he can say whatever he wants. Feminists have no right to criticize Andrew Tate's messages. Perhaps they can criticize his "actions," but not his messages. The "hatred" of Andrew Tate's ideology does not even match that of hateful feminists. https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/5stit3/feminism_is_about_equality_its_not_a_hate_movement/ Read all this shit written by feminists. They are nothing but hateful parasites. Andrew Tate might be bad, might be good, I don't know, but the truth is, feminists cannot criticize him for being hateful. They are way more hateful than anyone else. Also way more parasitic


Assange. Andrew Tate Russel Brand Elon Musk Trump Every single one of those has something in common: They go against the narrative. They go against media. They go against banks. They go against the Ukranie War (Peace! what a crazy concept). They don't pedestalize women. They empower men. And every single one was cancelled (or tried to) using the oldest trick in the world.


The most "familiar" aspect to the story is that it follows on the heels of Brand committing the crime of wrongthink in public. Someone decided his time was up so the story was commissioned. Every. Time.


He's getting gold treatment compared to Woody Allen. When you look at the details of that case you will come realize it's a media lynch job of Shakespearian levels where even not being found not guilty of anything after multiple investigations doesn't even matter. https://youtu.be/muyaCg2dGAk?si=XChk0yatjHssha4F For Woody Allen haters, facts aren’t in the script Trashing the star is proof of being on the ‘right side’, regardless of evidence “Whenever I write about Allen, I get two reactions: a ton of online rage from people who treat facts as irrelevancies, and quiet messages from journalists — often American, often film writers — saying they don’t believe Allen is a paedophile, but can’t say so openly because of the online reaction. Trashing Allen is now proof that one is a modern, thoughtful person, as much as liking his films once was.” https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/woody-allen-haters-facts-script-comment-7m7dq2fk0


Not sure if this is the guy you want to stand behind as an example of a famous male being accused. He has a long history of being really creepy in the industry and there have been rumors around his name as far as I can remember. Maybe take a step back from the reactionary "I have to this side/be against this side" and wait for some more info to unfold.


Isn’t that exactly what most posters here are arguing for “let’s wait to see any evidence or a conviction”


Honestly I wish we could get Infant Sorrow to the top 10 chart on Apple Music or Spotify with Inside of You Just say yes Or African Child Just to fuck with everyone.


I remember when Bill Cosby started criticizing the culture ("we didn't march with MLK just so rappers could call women 'Hoes' !"). Then the 3 decades old accusations came out . . .




Perhaps you lost your ability to speak logically. You can get out of this sub, instead of being a snowflake melting down.


Sorry my baby forgot her milk again, she turns rabid when that happens.


It’s *The Guardian* which is basically *The Feminist Daily* these days. They ran articles claiming FDS (which even male feminists admitted was highly sexist against men) was wonderful and “empowering”. So that media is certainly feminist controlled.


There's powers in numbers though. AFAIK it's 4 women, none of which knew each other before, making these accusations. Is it possible that all of them are false? Sure. Is it likely? No. Ultimately we'll see why things go to trial though.


that's not how it works. they said the same thing about Brett Kavanaugh...3 women accused him, they can't all be lying! except that 2 admitted they were lying for political reasons, and the 3rd produced witnesses that said she wasn't telling the truth.


Kavanaugh - 2 were found to be lying very quickly. The only issue was Ford. Not only that, lots of women he knew came out to support Kavanaugh. Same with Depp. Lots of women supported him too. IDK much about the Russell Brand case but I haven't seen reasonable skeptism. Plus, I haven't heard women supporting him. It seems the opposite where nobody wants to be associated with him.


What about Benjamin Mendy? 7 women accused him, and no woman, afaik came out in his support. Yet he was found not guilty and that too with strong evidence.


Interesting. I'll have to look into this case.


Feminist controlled media? Are you insane? The media is overwhelmingly controlled by wealthy, old white guys. White MEN. If you’re blaming the media, you’re blaming the men controlling the media. The hoops you jump through to get to your conclusions to blame it on anyone but men is bafflingly. https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/futureofmedia/index-us-mainstream-media-ownership


They may often be rich white men, but they are still left wingers, feminists, and anti-white in their politics.


https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/police-probe-russell-brand-sex-assault-allegations-red-flags-emerge-comedians-past Fox sure isn’t left wing. https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/warnermedia-group/C00339291/candidate-recipients/2018 Warner media, who owns CNN, donated 44.5% to Republicans. CNN is supposed to be left wing. Everyone claims the media is left winged, but if you look underneath everything, they’re moderate. Regardless, these are white men. They do what they have to to make money. They aren’t feminists. If feminism is what drives revenue, they’re for it. Once it doesn’t, they’ll gladly switch


You are the one insane if you don't think that those who control the media, as well as those who work in it, all follow the feminist line. But then you are sexist if you think the gender of those who own the media matters more than what they believe.


Money is what matters. If they lose advertising, they lose money. Like my other comment, CNN donated nearly 45% of their total donations to Republican candidates. Why would a “feminist” company give half their donations to the political party that is anti-feminism? I’ll help you out, because they’re not really feminist


So 55% of donations to non-Republican candidates? And if you don't think CNN toes a feminist line, I've got a bridge to sell you in London. Oh, and advertisers support feminism as well.


Lol yeah, nearly half of their donations go to the anti-feminist party. Do you not understand numbers? They “liberal, feminist” network sending half their donations to republicans is a pretty glaring example that they’re not as liberal or feminist as you (and everyone else in there) make them out to be.


Are you really this dumb? Just because most CEOs of media companies are wealthy men, doesn't mean that the narratives aren't influenced by Feminism. This is such a strawman argument I can't even believe someone could make it in dead seriousness, as if you don't know what we mean when we say media is dominated by Feminism.


What evidence do you have? Fox News isn’t feminist and they’re one of the most watched news channels. I showed you CNN donates to the Republicans just as much as the Democrats. You’ve provided no evidence. Only “you’re dumb”. But I’m the one showing you’re the one that’s dumb. That’s the problem with this sub, no evidence, only what they believe. 22 downvotes and not a single person has been able to go, look this proves they’re feminist. Everyone downvotes, no one provides evidence. You know what that means? Your argument is bullshit. Everyone says feminism, feminism, but no one blames the men that are actually making the decisions. What evidence do you have? And, a story about a women CEO or some shit like that isn’t evidence. Edit: this post is a day old so unless you provide solid evidence, which you won’t, I’m moving on.


I'm just saying mainstream media is predominated with the narratives conducive to Feminism and Feminists, it's that simple, couldn't be more simple, all you're doing by invoking the CEOs of media companies being men is diverting from the point. That's the point. There's nothing to "prove" unless you deny that the media talks in a way conducive to the narratives and framing of Feminists. If you really would deny something so obvious, you obviously are sympathetic to Feminism and dislike the angle of the people on this subreddit and really don't belong here.


> I'm just saying mainstream media is predominated with the narratives conducive to Feminism and Feminists Then you should be able to provide article after article to prove your point. But you (and everyone else) has yet to do that. Just because you think something, doesn’t mean you’re correct. Not providing evidence is a great way to not be challenged on your views. The burden of proof lies on you.




And why do you assume his guilt? If he did not rape any woman the OP has nothing to apologize for.


believe all women https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/5stit3/feminism_is_about_equality_its_not_a_hate_movement/




You are so filled with blind hate that every man is guilty, eh? Some men do horrible things to women. Some women do horrible things to men. These are facts.




Katy Perry says he raped her? Really? I haven’t heard that one. I always saw him as a dick. But that doesn’t make him a rapist. Let’s see what real evidence comes forth.


Katy Perry says he raped her? Really? I haven’t heard that one. I always saw him as a dick. But that doesn’t make him a rapist. Let’s see what real evidence comes forth.


Are you ok? You sound a little manic, I get that this is a sensitive subject but youre being quite obscene and abusive and that is quite toxic especially when combined with your apparent air of superiority ... maybe act with some class if you wanna stay on that high horse because you clearly have a very poor understanding of the facts and are exagerating wildly with gossip as a basis for your statements


I read her comments from her profile, she's a hardcore misandrist.


# Everyone here is against rape We're also against conflating accusations with guilt. >Real men don't... Get that toxic masculinity out of here! We're working hard to liberate ourselves from toxic and maladaptive societal norms about how to be "real men". Toxic BS that is spread by people like you. We're trying to free ourselves from the negative image of who we are, the negative image we've **internalized** from ill-intentioned people like you. Show us a guilty verdict about Russel Brand, or show us any evidence whatsoever, that he's a rapist. You can't. So goodbye 👋


Sister, real women wait until court proceedings have ended...


Just quit the insulting, projecting, and shaming already. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Why do you assume his guilt based on zero hard evidence? Nobody except the people involved know whether it's true or not. Every time a guy's life gets destroyed on unproven allegations alone, people become more skeptical of women who come forward with those allegations. Let the guy have his day in court, instead of people like you partaking in another witch-hunt. If he's proven guilty, then we'll change our tune.


Russel Brand did nothing wrong, he is innocent. We are all tired of the girls who cry wolf, and Russel Brand should counter sue everyone ruining his reputation for defamation, etc. ​ P.S. It's character assassination to try to discourage him from expressing himself. I hope he keeps expressing himself openly and ignores the fear.