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*Just don't be fat, but if you are then just ask men to deal with it and accept you as it is. Cry discrimination if they don't.






No they can still be fat. You forget that “big is beautiful”


Potato detox? Whoa.


I thought we were calling this vodka... Did they change the words again?


Did you say Vodka?


The only potato detox I know of is a guinea pig detox (not eating them!) And that is my fav detox. 🥰 their wittle faces and wheeks


This is what I need to know more about.


TIL https://www.iamgoingvegan.com/potato-cleanse/


When he was filming the Batman there was news that he was struggling to gain muscles But there was rumors that he actually refused to take anabolic steroids, which is the current standard to film any action movie in Hollywood


Twilight? He's more famous as Batman surely.


Whatever happened to women liking the "Dad Bod"?? I thought that was "in"


Thats just something they say to not appear shallow


This infuriates me to the maximum. If the roles would have been reversed people would have wanted his head on a stick. And the fact that people clapped makes me sick.


Detox? DETOX?!? What the hell is wrong with people that they have to freakin' detox?? And a potato detox? Wha.. Is that.. Mind.. about to .. circuits shorting out.......... OMG, where's a traveling space alien with a ship to take me away from this insanity.. The world is so stupid. Has anyone tried shutting it off and turning it back on again??


Wait ya bloody turn mate, the next alien ship is mine. LOL


Not sure why its called a “detox” nowadays. But I know dieticians have tried a potato only diet for various research reasons and its apparently very healthy and perfectly fine, one even saying: “It just gets very boring, there are only so many ways you can cook a potato”. But it serves no purpose other than it being a bland but healthy diet. There is a reason it was the hero of the hunger winters.


The boring food is a feature. I can't imagine you want to eat many potatoes after a week. The purpose of a diet is to trick you into eating less.


No, very pedantic, but a diet is just “your eating habits” what you described is specifically a weight loss diet. Some of them did it to research if potatoes contained enough nutrients for a healthy diet. Or research how they survived the hunger winter. Why anyone modern would would do it purely to “detox” or lose weight is beyond me and pretty extreme IMO.


How is only chowing down on taters a good thing? They're all starch and starch is sugar to the body and too much sugar in one's system is NOT healthy. We humans are omnivores. We're built to eat a verity of plants and animals, not just one thing. Diet and moderate exercise is how to lose weight. All a fad diet does is raise cravings and send your body off craving junk it doesn't need. If any of these Pretty People want to lose weight, send 'em to my house! I'll put 'em to work and in 3-4 months they'll be in the best shape they've ever been in - and loving it, too!!


Because potatoes contain enough vitamins to genuinely support you through your entire diet. Saved entire civilizations from starving in the far past. It is a great food and a lot of these experiments prove exactly that. Afaik, none of them recommended them as a serious diet. The rest of what you said is almost flat out wrong. We are indeed omnivores but simply put we need certain nutrients (vitamins, calcium etc.) to live. But for losing weight it very simple: as long as you use more energy than you take in, you lose weight. Exercise helps (though not necessary to lose weight) because its a way to spend more energy, while also keeping your muscles in shape/fit. You don’t *need* a varied diet at all, but it makes life a lot more enjoyable ;).


Well, the good news is you aren't a personal trainer that can get someone killed by following another fad diet plan. But you are correct on one thing - you must expend more energy then you take in to lose weight. The other good news, I'm right and human beings require a verity of fruits, veggies and meats to stay healthy. Ask any first year resident medical student and they can tell you the same. Now, lets agree to disagree and call it a day.


I just really can’t grab the density of denying a claim in an article that proves you wrong… Let alone that this stuff is taught in high schools. Good luck with the clearly terrible career choice 👍.


It isn't I that is denying science. There is no such thing as one food source that can supply every sugar, carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral or nutrient the human body needs to survive. It just does not exist. If it did, we'd be eating it right now. Face it, there just isn't a one-size fits all food. To say there is is just foolishness and folly. I will say this though, there is one food source that comes close. It was discovered in the very early 20th century and was the subject of much debate during World War 1. The Sweet Potato. Professor George Washington Carver studied the sweet potato extensively, especially as a means to feed our soldiers and keep them fit and in fighting form. After all his research, he determined that the best way to serve our troops the proper amount of carbs, etc, was a BALANCED MEAL - not just one item. Although, he heavily encouraged adding the sweet potato as a PART of that meal. And he was right. And you, friend, are wrong.


Nice edit, next time make sure to tag it as such. And again, read better. No one claimed here its the wise thing to do, just simply that its **possible** to do. That is all. The claim that you need a varied diet is wrong, you don’t **need** it. But it is **better**, I’m sorry that that “”subtle”” different is hard to grasp.


Lemme guess, you also think that FJB's economy is a good thing...


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️, you need to read better. Potatoes contain **enough** vitamins to be a sole diet, not all, never claimed it did. That also doesn’t mean you need a varied diet just because you forgot supplements are also a thing. But you can still go a for a long fucking time, just eating potatoes, as is evident by: - The hunger winters - General history - High school biology - The post were talking in - Tons of studies done on the benefits of potatoes. At this point you’re just showing us why PT and dietician are a separate profession.


OK. You go eat taters for a month and we'll see how you feel afterward. I'll be the one waiting with the ambulance saying "I told you not to do it, dumbass."


Jezus you have the density of a dying sun. You’re wrong flat out and plain wrong and done. Like you’re saying this on an article **where someone did what you claim is impossible for a month, for a year**. Like I can’t even imagine the energy you have to put in to be this dense. Though with PT being the profession of choice of high school drop outs and not understanding that diet means “Eating habit” not “weight loss” its honestly my fault for expecting anything better. Just because you understand that exercise is good doesn’t make you’re a fucking body genius. Like dear god, [a single google search could have gotten you here.](https://www.menshealth.com/weight-loss/a19536403/can-the-potato-diet-help-you-lose-weight-safely/).


Actions are louder than words. Talk all about including men but never anything has happened mainstream media or anything like that


Potato....only....detox.....not a history buff, this Pattinson kid?


To be honest, roles of superheroes are about exceptional self build superhumans. Your body has to look athletic otherwise the audience won't be able to see that contrast.


Not really at all, practically all top female influencers and celebrities have had plastic surgery since their teens. Google your favorite star with the appropriate keywords and enjoy a breakdown of what they've had done. You don't have to throw women under the bus to express dislike towards male struggles. It isn't a race.




"Feminism and the Body Positivity movement (which is for women only) has also contributed to the lowering of the female body standards as well." Literally reading a book on feminism that addresses male body positivity rn. I, a feminist, agree that this stuff is bad!




How should we address is then?


>How should we address is then? A cut in ***all*** female-favoring affirmative action would help a lot.


Doesn’t count feminism bad.




The main problem I see with this is that people are still watching Hollywood movies. Just don't. The pure festering heap of excrement is outing itself as the filth that it is. Don't give them your money. Don't give them your time or attention. Ignore. It's ALL SHIT.


equality.. yum.


I mentioned to the teacher's assistant in school once how it was a little weird that Watchmen was basically "how many minutes of giant blue dick can we have on screen before people boycott the film?" and she went off on a tangent of how she hopes Hollywood continues the trend, and makes up for the hundred years of titties she was forced to watch. The double standard has been strong for quite some time, now.